"As for Cao Ya's proposal, I have already agreed. This time I go back to convince others.\\nCOM" Angers said.

Professor Guderian finally couldn't help but speak:

"Why bother? Cassel College has such a long history and has had so many glories... He can really go..."

Angers interrupted:

"He will go! If I don't agree, Cao Ya, he will really break through Cassel Academy, and everything he sees will be taken away by him."

After a pause, Youyou said:

"Cao Ya, he is not a joking person. He will definitely do what he says when he says he wants to take advantage of Cassel Academy. And who can stop him?"

Angers didn't want Kassel College to be merged into a school where Cao Yana's shadow was not visible, but what could he do?

We are not as strong as others, and sometimes we are so helpless.

Just like when he conquered the Japanese branch with force.

Moreover, Cao Ya was far more ruthless than him, and he could feel this. In order to slay the dragon, he could allow appropriate sacrifices, but obviously, Cao Ya would only fight all the way, and either surrender or die.

Of course, if one of them has stronger power and can press Cao Ya in turn, everything will be fine.

But is there?

Angers didn't think such people existed in the world.

Cao Ya's power is like a walking dragon king in human form.

Ye Sheng worriedly said:

“Will the school trustees agree?”

The directors of Kassel College even want to suppress Angers. How can a foreign Cao Ya conquer these big families and big capital?

Shutoku Aki is also worried:

"Students, and teachers, would you like to join a new school that has not yet been established?"

Nuonuo pondered. She felt that with the characteristics of Kassel College, as long as Principal Ange agreed and Cao Ya showed enough power to crush everything, there shouldn't be much opposition.

Of course, only within campus.

She could guess what those school directors thought.

Absolutely few agree!

Angers laughed:

"Let Cao Ya handle this. If he wants to merge Kassel College, he can't just sit back and watch. Moreover, Cao Ya's character will probably push him over the top, and beat him to death if he doesn't accept it."

Professor Guderian muttered, now, those school directors can no longer be arrogant.

Suddenly he seemed to remember something and said anxiously:

"Principal, that Lu Mingfei..."

Professor Guderian has been thinking of accepting Lu Mingfei, an S-level student, so that his professor title can be further improved and more stable.

"Don't worry, the college will be merged into Cao Ya's school. Then you will be teaching Lu Mingfei, and the rules of the new school may be different from ours." Angers said.

"Okay." Professor Guderian was helpless and had no choice.

Nuonuo frowned and said:

"Did Cao Ya's power come from the spirit of speech, or...from his training?"

Her profiling ability was very strong, and although it was of no use when facing Cao Ya, she also gained something when Cao Ya didn't hide it.

Cao Ya, doesn’t seem to understand the spirit of speech?

But how is this possible? The strong man who can defeat Principal Ange must have a very high bloodline, and the word spirit is definitely a high-risk word spirit!

Ange laughed and said:

"I think Cao Ya is not lying about this. His strength is completely acquired through training, so he wants to build a university and promote it in an all-round way."

A fiery look flashed across his eyes. Angre longed for Cao Ya's cultivation method, and he did not deny this.

If he has the power of Cao Ya through practice, coupled with his own strength, Anger is confident that he can face the Dragon King head-on!

He considers himself no weaker than others.

This was one of the reasons why he agreed to Cao Ya's proposal.

Nuonuo, Jiude Aki, and Ye Sheng gasped.

That kind of power is just exercise and does not rely on any trace of dragon blood? !

This is a bit beyond their cognitive boundaries.

As for Cao Ya, a senior high school student, where did this kind of cultivation method come from? When did it produce results? No matter how confused you are, you can only hide it in your heart and question Cao Ya? To die?



After seeing off the Kassel College group, Cao Ya arranged his work and went home.

He also knew that the directors of Kassel College would not easily agree to the merger.

But he had no intention of convincing those guys.


Defeat them all!

Of course, he will still not lack the compensation that should be given before this.

Officials support him on this.

After defeating Angers, the officials became more aware of the terror of Cao Ya's power.

Since you are willing to stand on this side, why go against his will and push him to the enemy?

However, after deliberation, the official thought that it would be better to take things slowly and expose Cao Ya's idea completely at once, which may cause social unrest. They should give them time and spend a year or two to lay the groundwork. People have roughly guessed it. If we announce it when the time comes, there won't be any big trouble.

Cao Ya thought about it and had to admit that what the official said made sense, but he was still a little negligent.

Therefore, he agreed to the official request to postpone the announcement and full enrollment.

Moreover, according to his request, the official side urgently dispatched various units to design and construct a school that covers an extremely large area.

The construction time is not short.

Seeing that it would not be able to open in the short term, Cao Ya simply set his sights on Kassel College.

Since Kassel College is going to be merged into my own school, in the past two years, I will focus on Kassel College first, just to try out teaching, and make adjustments later if problems arise.

Furthermore, in the dragon-slaying industry, even if his school opens, it will take at least several years before there are students who can participate in the dragon-slaying battlefield. The power of Kassel College cannot be ignored.

So he called Angers and told him that he was going to Kassel College to stay for a while. Lu Ming, who was not a student like this, had better enter Kassel College first.

Angers did not hide the relevant matters.

Angers smiled, agreed, and said that Kassel College welcomes the new president. He is now only the president of Kassel College, second to the president Cao Ya.

He also asked Cao Ya what the name of his university was, and Cao Ya replied that it was the First Martial Arts University.

Angers said it was a good name, blew it casually, and then hung up the phone.

Soon Cao Ya dialed Angers phone number again.

Angers was quite surprised and asked what happened.

Cao Ya only said that there is a lair of the King of Bronze and Fire in the Three Gorges. Don’t rush in. Surround him first. Wait until he goes to the United States to get some things, and then come back and destroy the lair of the King of Bronze and Fire.

Ange asked why such an arrangement was necessary. Cao Ya did not answer, but just smiled and said that he would know when the time comes.

Then hung up the phone.

Cao Ya's plan is very simple. Sitting on the throne are twins, two of the Bronze and Fire Kings. One has already come out. He is Lu Mingfei's good friend, the Chinese Old Tang. He is not a bad person.

So, why let Norton's will revive and kill someone?

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