I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 847

Rorschach found that the robots that he could bring to the box court at one time were limited.

After all, his Kingdom of God can only hold so much, so it is shipped in batches.

But luckily, he suddenly-patted his forehead and cursed himself as an idiot.

Ever since, he began to upload the robot created by the Star Cup to the system for uploading. First, he stored it as a commodity.

Then waited until the box court,-released it all at once.

In this way, the transfer of the mechanical army is finally completed.

The number of them can make all the communities in Hakata despair together.

Of course, it doesn't have much effect on the top battlefield.

After all, the three digits of the box court went up, and the strength of the gods and star spirits began to pervert.

After finishing the mechanical army, Rorschach went to Altaïr to take a look.

Altaïr was still absorbing the recognition force frantically, and could not go to the box court for the time being.

Rorschach didn't urge her either. Anyway, Kuangsan hadn't completed the transformation yet, there was still time, so there was no need to rush for it.

Ever since, he went back and forth between Altaïr and Ilia, occasionally helping Altaïr accelerate and become stronger, and occasionally make a shock

More and more heroes gathered in Fuyuki City.

I also took the time to sign a temporary master contract with Ilya, Anna and others.

After the war starts, the magic power of the heroes will be provided by Ilia.

On the other side, Rin Tosaka lived in Hakoi alone.

Having become the second method, she seems to have acquired the habit of traveling and playing.

She wants to go to the box garden before the end of the war begins.

After all, it is a world with a surface area of ​​stars. History has accumulated for so many years, and life species are so rich that it is unimaginable... This kind of world is indeed much more interesting than the simple earth. In the meantime, Xiao Mi Homura also Chatted with Rorschach privately several times.

Miss Devil has a tendency to become a little devil, and her own power is too omnipotent. Basically, except for Madoka, there is nothing to deal with.

v This kind of her. If there is no fresh fun, it will be easy to get bored,... This is the unilateral rhetoric of Xiao Miyan.

Rorschach didn't know if she was lying, anyway, he felt that he had become the object of the other party's depressing.

Xiao Meiyan made him play with him.

Even let him adjust his age, pretend to be a student, go to school to tease Madoka.

Because it was interesting and fun, Rorschach did not refuse.

Of course. Miss Devil's nature has not changed, and she will be used to tease and tease from time to time.

Maybe it was really just for fun at first, wanting to see his embarrassment...or funny reaction.

But over time, Miss Elong gradually formed a habit.

As soon as I saw him, I wanted to go up and get it.

Rorschach suspected that this guy had a mental illness specifically targeted at him.

In short, Xiao Meiyan's provocative behavior is getting more and more off the line.

Rorschach didn't suffer. Several times, she took advantage of the situation and wiped out Miss Devil a lot of oil and took a lot of advantage.

Sometimes when they didn't control it, the two even experienced foreplay between the lovers.

With such a ridiculous interaction, the relationship has become closer.

Not long after, Rorschach received a sudden reminder from the system that Meiyan was friendly...

It was up to the standard! Xiao Meiyan, the friendliness was up to the standard! Rorschach was in surprise. For several days, she looked at Miss Devil with strange eyes.

If it is someone else, he can be sure that the system's prompts represent that the other person's favorability is overwhelming.

But Xiaomei...he just

I'm a little confused.

Maybe it's pure friendliness.

Maybe.. But soon. He adjusted his mood and stopped struggling with Miss Devil's mentality.

It takes a long time. The puzzle will definitely be solved.

Rorxia calmed down and began to study the Super Power Yi Yin Court from Xiao Mei Yan.

To his surprise, this is the ability to manipulate attributes in space.

Let him use his own will to turn the surrounding space into his own territory. Intervene at will.

Space transfer is naturally also included.

It's not a special life of surprise and interference space, after all, this kind of thing can be done with divine power.

What he was really pleasantly surprised about was that... he had all the abilities he planned to expand.

Pw is the element that constitutes the "world"-matter and energy

, Time, space.

Plus the spirit of the combination of them.

Although his idea of ​​the priesthood of the "world" is just a guess.

However, intuitively he thinks the direction from 2 guesses is right.

When Rorschach was about to study the combination problem in depth, it was a coincidence that the work of Altaïr and Ilia was completed.

He could only stop the work at hand and sent the two to the box court to familiarize themselves with the environment in advance.

When he returned again, he met a smiling Kuang San in the villa.

Two months later, Kuang San finally completed exponentially explosive power accumulation.

Rorschach knew. Faith plundering plan had to begin.

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