I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 848

554 We Must Get the Halloween Queen First

The fifth floor of the box court is the headquarters of Arcadia.

Since Acadia rose to a five-figure community, it moved its headquarters to the fifth floor.

This is

An imperceptible rule. If you are qualified for a few digits, you must set up a base area outside a few digits.

At the moment. Inside the station.

In a relatively small conference room, a very private meeting is going on.

Participants Li-Fang is the early backbone member of Arcadia, including the trio of problem children, rabbits, canaries, Leticia, Calgi, Pest and others.

On the other side is Rorschach and other group members who have arrived from another world.

There are Rorschach, Xiao Mi Yan, Kuang San, Kies Xiu Shi, Altaïr Tosaka Rin, Ilia, Jibril, and Ai Lei.

The members of the group with relatively high combat effectiveness are all gathered.

Canary cast a suspicious look at Rorschach. "What the hell is going on? Everyone is here, can I announce it?"

What's the hurry? It's still short."Rorschach replied.

Canary said helplessly: "Please, I have been very busy during this time, and my daily workload is piled up like a mountain, okay!" "Wait a minute." Rorschach continued to reveal the system phone.

After contacting Bai Yacha, about half a minute later, the opposite party finally responded.

Great Bodhisattva Bai Yacha: "Sorry, sorry. I was delayed by the things on hand, now we are done. Let's come right away." v Rorschach: "You are a bit too late to come here, let's start a video chat Your projection materializes.

Rorschach did as soon as he finished speaking. Started a video chat.

The projection of Bai Yasha quickly appeared next to him.

Under the interference of his supernatural power, only group members participating in the video chat can watch

The projection I saw was immediately picked up by everyone in the room.

"Deception? Even Master Bai Yacha is here?" Hei Tu-stunned, "What the hell is going on this time? People...People always have a different premonition.

"No, no, rabbit, I think it's funny!" Sixteen night's eyes lit up, "Super expectant!" "It's really exciting," Feiwu was also in high spirits."Kasugabe immediately agreed.

"The three of you really have a tacit understanding.

Don't worry, this time I promise you will be satisfied.

"Since Bai Yasha has also come, let's go to the main topic. The plan to fight against the gods of the box court and seize the world is now officially opened!" "No problem, big brother!" Illiya was the first to agree: "The heroic army is standing by outside the box garden city, Illya-ordered, they can organize an attack immediately.

"Master, the iron bumps that you gave me to control are also outside the box garden city." Jibril took the opportunity to express: "If you want to fight or fight quickly

Well, with so much scrap iron, the risk of being discovered is still quite high.

Altaïr-slapped the table: "It's time to go through the box court!" "Ah La Li, I'm really passionate." Kuang San pursed his lips and smiled.

v Xiao Meiyan glanced at Luo

Xia nodded casually.

Tosaka Rin and Ai Lei were also about to speak in agreement, but by coincidence, they happened to be sitting face to face.

The two-looked up and immediately saw each other, the corners of each other's lips moved, and they swallowed back.

Especially Rin, Wei

He glanced at Ai Lei's chest imperceptibly, feeling unable to speak well.

"Since everyone is okay," Rorschach said: "Then I started to divide the work. The more I procrastinated, the more likely it was to go wrong, so we acted today.

"Wait! Wait for me-next

!" Canary immediately interrupted him, and a question mark seemed to float slowly on his head.

Fighting against the gods, taking the world, going through the box court...what the hell is this? How come these people look like insiders? Especially Shirayasha and Letisy

Ya. His expression was calm and calm, obviously he knew it a long time ago.

The same goes for Pest and Calgi,-not surprisingly.

w Only she and the trio of problem children, as well as Hei Mi, showed a rather dazed expression.

Don’t they know?"

Resisting the gods...what does it mean?" Canary asked.

"Mr. Rorschach is really true, don't suddenly say something that will make people weaken their legs." The black rabbit patted his plump breasts, "By the way, people ask... just now is a joke.

Right? "Huh?" Bai Yacha-stunned, "Boy. You haven't told them yet?' She pointed in the direction of Canary, Ikuyo and others.

"This is no way, because... Rorschach shrugged, "I am too lazy to accept the rebuttal.

white night

"I admit... You scared me a bit, Rorschach." Canary said in a serious tone: "Since you know I will refute, why do you want to present it to me now? You don't think , I will accept it now, right? Accept this... ridiculous plan! "This time is not the other time," Rorschach said with a pretty confident smile, saying that my general situation has been paved, and the general situation is rolling here. Under crushing pressure, your resistance is insignificant.

If you don’t choose to cooperate, then you

Can only be matched.

Understand?" She half-squinted her eyes, obviously not convinced.

Rorschach didn’t care, she turned her gaze on Leticia and said, "Leticia. You will explain my plan." Then he looked again.

Xiang Bai Yasha, "White Yasha, tell me about the scale of our combat power.

Ying Tisia immediately enjoyed the solemn gaze of the Canary and the Black Rabbit, showing helplessness.

After that, she quickly adjusted her mood. She said the plan.

Bai Ye followed her again, using slightly exaggerated rhetoric to introduce the fighting power of the group of friends this time.

She likes this kind of scenes of saying a few words casually, but shocking others.

No wonder so many people like to pretend.

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