I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 865

These three priesthoods have completely covered matter, energy, time, and space.

Rorschach regards these four as the four major requirements that constitute the world and begins to merge.

v The result is very

It’s almost impossible to come out! "Huh? Is it because I took it for granted?" The speed of light hit Rorschach for a moment, as if stacking up three unrelated dead objects. They don’t know how to cooperate, Fit and fusion.

Forcibly piecing them together, you can only get four different images.

"Also.... I can't force them together. Let them run together slowly and instinctively.

Rorschach had a speculation in her heart, but the priesthood was unconscious.

"Ability" will automatically

If you try to help the master fight. That's not perfect? ​​Rorschach thought about it, but felt that he still couldn't take the usual path.

Soon his thinking moved quickly, and he fell into the state of finding loopholes in the system.

Nope, he came up with a ghost idea.

See him using "spiritual priesthood" to connect matter, time, and silver court from a conceptual level.

Then, he divided a part of his consciousness into three parts, and reorganized the three parts of consciousness, and infused them with crazy love for each other.

Love. Then he slowly attached the three consciousnesses to the three priesthoods. Although this operation was very abstract, it was not impossible to complete.

Soon, his experiment was successful! The three priests, under the lead of the spirit, love each other to die and live, began to slowly merge.

How long

, The "world" became.

But Rorschach did not get too strong feedback.

For example, concepts that have not been mastered in the past are accompanied by the formation of the "world". It seems that they are born automatically, and become freely manipulated by him.

But it always feels...

But something else.

"Sure enough, I only pieced together a foundation," Rorschach sighed: "The world is probably not such a simple thing.

He was somewhat prepared for this, so he was not too discouraged.

The three gods that follow


Isn't it just for the present? He doesn't know how to construct the world, so he can only follow the existing ones.

Ever since, he also incorporated the "sabotage priesthood" of the "Guardian Sword" after Jin Dynasty.

Pw was born like this, Chi Zeng.

Followed by

Life, death.

After the fusion of the concept of a pair, the concept of reincarnation was derived.

At this point, the world has a living system.

The fusion of the seven priests created a wonderful chemical reaction, which gave rise to more concepts.

One plus one is greater than two


It's completely beyond Rorschach's prediction.

I don't know how long it has been until he recovers from the constant immersion...the "world" is perfected.

The priesthood of the world was finally merged.

Although the various priesthoods in the past were powerful, they always gave him a sense of partial discipline.

Now, it is unparalleled mellow.

It seems that everything can be grasped and controlled by a gesture.

What followed was a massive influx of source force.

Rorschach's face ends

Yu showed a smile of joy, Yuan Li was really absorbed by his mind and transformed into the kingdom of God.

And he didn't have to pay anything.

It seems to be transformed into a beloved son in the world.

Give whatever world you want. At the same time, a lot of source power is transformed into divine power and absorbed by the godhead.

In the light, Rorschach felt that she had touched a new level.

The godhead is sublimated.

The barrier of powerful divine power was broken. He officially entered the category of great divine power.

This surprised him severely.

Because of the promotion conditions of great divine power, there is a priesthood that must be promoted to "li".

Could it be that "world priesthood" is already equivalent to reason in scale? Rorschach thoughtfully.

Then, he was decayed by himself.

After the Kingdom of God was frightened and promoted to a powerful divine power, his Kingdom of God had the size of a star system.

Now that it has been sublimated into a great divine power, after experiencing the transformation from "divine position" to "reason", the transformation of the kingdom of God is even more exaggerated and boundless! Rorschach felt that this was probably already transformed into an observable universe.

Of course, with the exception of the central planet, other places are illusory and unrealistic.

This is his classification of Hakata's cosmic truth positioning.

When the Kingdom of God is fully realized, I am afraid it will have the strength of a single body.

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