I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 866

w Of course, do this

Points require a lot of supernatural power.

What Rorschach lacks most now is divine power.

So he almost immediately began to implement the work of realizing the kingdom of God.

At the same time, he continued to invest his divine power to pour out the world's priesthood, and to promote it to the scale of "reason".


The work started again.

Infinite beliefs gave Rorschach unlimited opportunities to become stronger.

He keeps verifying his conjectures and keeps improving.


The promotion is for great divine power, and the scale of divine power that can be adjusted at one time has become extremely large.

It took him how long it took him to pour the "world priesthood" as "the truth of the world".

At the moment of promotion, Rorschach found that she was really in control.

World...well. Still have to add a limited range of a box court.

Hakata-yi's third observation of the universe, from Hakata-city to the endless starry sky, everything is under his influence.

Of course, the biggest change is the scale of the one-time absorption source power.

In the past, he absorbed the source power very slowly, so the speed at which the source power was transformed into divine power was not as fast as belief.

Now it was the other way around. His "World Law" was constantly and Hakatashi, which allowed him to absorb the source power enough to create a universe of words almost every moment.

These source powers will be transformed into divine powers in the next instant, which will be used to strengthen himself. So his strength has entered an explosive bulge.

Defined by his destructive power algorithm, it is probably every kitchen, his

The volume will increase by the level of the universe.

This made him fall into distress instead.

"Sure enough, what I was worried about happened, Rorschach couldn't help but frowned deeply, very dissatisfied.

He thought before that the absorption of faith becomes stronger, no matter how strong it becomes, there will be a limit.

This limit is that "chasing infinity" can only accumulate and approach, but never reach the end.

v Infinitely becomes stronger, but time is infinite, always on the way to become stronger, there is no infinite end.

Unexpectedly, this kind of problem really occurred! Rorschach felt that it would be no problem for him to deal with those plenipotentiaries.

However, his ultimate goal is to help Yan rescue Madoka.

w Let Kamenen transcend the bondage of the principle of the circle,

It becomes possible to move freely in the material world.

Let him now fight against the principle of the circle...just kidding, he must not be able to get it! As the "reason" of the multi-evolutionary hierarchy, the power of Yuanshen is naturally unlimited.

No matter how swelling he is now, it is estimated that he will not be able to solve the other party's problem.

At first, Homura was able to tear the Kamen circle off because of deception in exchange for an excellent opportunity.

After Rorschach pondered for a while, she threw the problem to the system.

To his relief, the system answered this question.

[Great divine power is not the end, the godhead can be promoted indefinitely] [The host is now at level 22, after reaching level 25, as long as the learning control of Li' is higher--level, you can meet the conditions and advance to the next divine power Order

Section.... Under the slow elaboration of the system, Rorschach understood the follow-up promotion mechanism.

At the beginning, the system said that the Godhead can be upgraded indefinitely. It is true that he is not deceived! How to say, "li" is also divided into strong and weak.

From the double-digit cosmic structure of the box garden to the multi-universe of Lumeyuan, and even above, they all fall within the category of "reason".

This seems to be a road of promotion with no end in sight.

Whenever the understanding of "li" is deepened, one can advance to the next stage of supernatural power.

Great power

After that, there is infinite divine power. After infinite divine power, there is infinite X infinite divine power.

Don't ask him what the "infinite X infinite" is, the question is the difference between a three-dimensional infinite surface and a three-dimensional infinite cube.

The system is called that anyway.

Further up, there is "Infinite X

"Infinite X Infinite Divine Power", "Infinite X Infinite X Infinite X Infinite God. Power.... Hearing Rorschach almost vomited blood.

Isn't this the endless stacking of boxes? You can't see where the end point is.

And I don’t know how much time it will take.

"The Godhead is a good God

Grid,.... Too fucking, but you can’t keep going like this.

Rorschach pondered for a long time before he made a decision to gamble! Now he can absorb the source of the creation of a universe in every moment.

The infinite belief brought by the sovereignty of the sun is already a rib for him.

He simply broke the connection with human history and changed the names of the gods back.

Of course, the war will not stop because of this.

Rorschach didn't care about the characteristics of "the law of the world", so he caught a loophole.

567 Rorschach: All who do me immortal will make me stronger

The worldview is the basis of everything. With it, the material world can be born because the worldview sets the spiritual figure, which can be derived from the report.

Speculation about the structure of the world.

Metaphysical nature decides to look at the form w, and cannot go to another book on its own. Therefore, the different worlds are absolutely separated.

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