I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 105: Chen Yuan's real purpose? (If the results are broken, please subscribe

  Chapter 105 Chen Yuan's real purpose? (The results are broken, please subscribe)

   Uncle Yun remained silent. In the final analysis, he was just a domestic servant. How could he do what the Patriarch wanted?

   Besides, what the head of the family said is not unreasonable. If he leaves, not only will the century-old foundation of the Liu family be wiped out, but those people will also kill them!

  Both he and Liu Shuanghe thought about whether the Liu family had offended someone, otherwise why didn't they leave them a way out?

  However, after thinking about it, I can't figure it out.

  In the end, it can only be attributed to the catastrophe of the Liu family.

  Liu Shuanghe took a deep breath and said coldly:

   "My son is in the sky, and has the talent to understand the mystery!"

   "He is the most talented heir of my Liu family for a hundred years, but he may be dead. The rise of the Liu family has been interrupted. How can I survive as a father?"

   "Now I even suspect that Kong'er's death is related to these guys. If I survive this time, I will investigate the matter anonymously.

  Uncle Yun, you will never come back with Feng’er in this life, and leave the last trace of blood for the Liu family.”

  Uncle Yun had firm eyes, and said in a low voice:

   "Master, don't worry, even if I risk my life, I will bring Master Changfeng out of Qingzhou safely. From then on, I will do my best to assist you."

   "Well, you."

  Before Liu Shuanghe finished speaking, a beautiful woman in green clothes rushed in, her face was covered with tears, and her **** shook a little.

   "Master, Qinger Qinger, did something happen to her?"

  The woman choked and lay in Liu Shuanghe's arms.

"How did you know?"

  Liu Shuanghe didn't comfort him, but frowned.

  Even he just learned the news, but she, a woman, can find out so quickly. There is a problem

   "The concubine heard the discussion from the servants at home. They...they said that Qing'er was dead!" The woman raised her head, hoping to hear the rumor from Liu Shuanghe.

  However, Liu Shuanghe was silent. He and Uncle Yun looked at each other and conveyed a message, that is, there are probably many people in the Liu family who are now secretly dating outsiders.

  This news can only spread throughout the Liu family.

"Is it real?"


  Liu Shuanghe nodded solemnly.

   "Who, who did it? I want his life!" A flash of hatred flashed across the woman's face.

   "You are just a woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, how can you avenge Qing'er and Zhi'er?" Liu Shuanghe stared at her.


  The woman lay powerlessly in Liu Shuanghe's arms, crying and saying:

   "Master, Qing'er is your own daughter, how can you let her die like this for nothing? How old is she?"

   "I understand all these, you go back first, I will avenge their revenge."

  Liu Shuanghe patted the woman on the back and comforted her.

  Uncle Yun stared at the ground without squinting, didn't dare to overstep, and quietly listened to Liu Shuanghe's words of comfort. Suddenly, Uncle Yun and Liu Shuanghe stared at the roof at the same time.

  From far to near, there was a burst of very light footsteps walking on the roof.

   "That friend is visiting late at night, why don't you show up and see?"

   Liu Shuanghe said in a deep voice, and slowly put his palm on the hilt of the sword beside him.

   Uncle Yun's legs were also tense, as if he was about to strike at the next moment.

  The woman in Liu Shuanghe's arms hurriedly stood up, and looked around in a panic, as if to see which direction Liu Shuanghe was speaking in.

   "My status is inconvenient to meet people. If Patriarch Liu wants to see him, he will let the people around him leave. In this way, it is the best for you and me."

  A somewhat hoarse voice came from the roof, resounding in everyone's ears.

  Liu Shuanghe's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, he was silent for a moment, and said to the woman beside him:

   "Go back and rest first."

  The woman nodded in panic, knowing that this is not the time for her to lose her temper, she turned around and left the room, leaving him and Uncle Yun alone.

   "Master, I" Uncle Yun wants to resign.

  Liu Shuanghe raised his hand and said to the outside:

   "Uncle Yun is one of his own, so your Excellency will show up, and no news will be leaked."

   "Well, since Patriarch Liu said so, let me just believe it."

   After saying that, the bricks and tiles above moved lightly, and a black figure jumped from the roof to the door, stepped into the room, and closed the door very carefully.

  Looking at the man in front of him who wrapped himself up tightly, leaving only one pair of eyes, Liu Shuanghe frowned:

   "Why don't you show your true colors?"

   "Since Patriarch Liu wants to see it, there is nothing to hide." After finishing speaking, Chen Yuan tore off the black robe wrapped around his body, revealing his true colors.

"It's you!"

   "How dare you come to Liu's house alone!"

   Liu Shuanghe and Uncle Yun exclaimed at the same time.

  The person in front of them is an existence they never imagined, the chief culprit for the death of Chen Yuan and Liu Shuanghe's sons and daughters!

   Subconsciously, Uncle Yun wanted to make a move, but Liu Shuanghe raised his hand to stop him. He looked at Chen Yuan vigilantly, as if he wanted to see what he said next.

  Dare to come to the Liu family at this time, then there must be something to rely on, or something to say.

  Chen Yuan smiled, and asked: "The Liu family is not a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, why can't Chen come?"

   "The Liu family is indeed not a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but to you, the murderer who killed my two sons and daughters, it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Chen Yuan, tell me a reason why I won't kill you.

   Otherwise, today, you will leave your life here! "

  Liu Shuanghe's eyes turned cold, and he said in a cold voice, a murderous intent that seemed to exist and not exist condensed around him.

   But Chen Yuan didn't seem to feel it. He walked aside very calmly, sat down slowly, and looked at Liu Shuanghe:

   "Patriarch Liu also believes that Chen killed Liu Ruoqing and Liu Changzhi?"

   "I thought Patriarch Liu was a smart man, but I didn't expect him to be an idiot too. It's a pity, it's a pity"

  Liu Shuanghe was indifferent to Chen Yuan's ridicule, and said in a low voice:

   "Is this important?"

   "It's not important to Patriarch Liu, but it is very important to me, so I came tonight and exhausted two horses, so I took the trail to meet Patriarch Liu in such a short time!"

  Chen Yuan smiled.

   Staring at Chen Yuan for a long time, Liu Shuanghe said, "Chen Butou is really a brave man with high skills."

   Shaking his head, Chen Yuan said:

   "Patriarch Liu has won the award, and Chen is only stronger than ordinary people in front of Patriarch Liu. How can he be worthy of the word of high art?"

   "Tell me, what is your purpose."

  Liu Shuanghe's gaze was very calm.

   "It's not that Chen has any purpose, but what is Patriarch Liu's purpose?"

   "Liu Changzhi and Liu Ruoqing died. Now, there are only three ways in front of the Liu family. One is to avenge them and blatantly attack the imperial officials. However, the end is that the Liu family will be wanted and the family will be wiped out."

   "The second is to pretend to be forbearing, pretending that this matter has never happened, but it won't be long before the Liu family will be tempted again and again, cutting off a little profit today, and giving up a life tomorrow.

   In the end, he was bitten and devoured by hyenas swarming up. Since then, Cao County has never had the name of the Liu family. "

  Chen Yuan smiled and explained the current situation of the Liu family.

  Liu Shuanghe didn't change his face. Although he was a little shocked in his heart, he still showed a calm expression on the surface, as if the Liu family that Chen Yuan said had nothing to do with him.

   "What about the third way?"

   "The third is simpler. The Liu family abandoned their family business, escaped in embarrassment, was intercepted and killed on the road, and finally destroyed. Of course, if you are lucky, you may escape with one or two bloodlines."

   "These three roads are actually one road, and the Liu family is now facing a desperate situation!"

   Uncle Yun on the side was horrified. If they were not aware of Chen Yuan's strength, they might have suspected that Chen Yuan had been eavesdropping on them before.

   Except for some discrepancies in the sentences, the others are almost the same.

   "Big words!" Liu Shuanghe snorted coldly.

   "Whether it is brazen or not, Patriarch Liu has his own mind, so Chen will not say more."

  Chen Yuan's tone was very calm, as if he was very determined.

   "So you came here this time to ridicule the Liu family? Are you not afraid that Liu will leave you here under the wrath?" Liu Shuanghe's tone was very sharp.

   It seems that the next moment will be done.

   "Of course not, what good will it do me to ridicule the Liu family? On the contrary, I came this time to form an alliance with the Liu family." Chen Yuan shook his head and directly stated his purpose.

  With his strength, he might not be able to kill Li Mingqi, but with Liu Shuanghe, it might be different.

   "Is it up to you to form an alliance?"

  Liu Shuanghe and Uncle Yun stared at Chen Yuan closely and said.

   There was a bit of sarcasm in his tone, as if he thought how could Chen Yuan form an alliance with their Liu family with his mere bone refining skills?

   "Yes, it's up to me. Besides me, who else will help the Liu family? Are you counting on the Qingyun Sword Sect? Hehe, if the Qingyun Sword Sect really helps the Liu family, those people probably won't dare to mess around."

  Chen Yuan said with a smile, not caring about the sarcasm in Liu Shuanghe's tone.

   On the contrary, he is very confident.

   "You know a lot."

  Hearing the name Qingyun Sword Sect from Chen Yuan, Liu Shuanghe was a little surprised.

   "I don't understand anything, how dare I come?"

   "You form an alliance with the Liu family, what do you want? You don't know the current situation of the Liu family, do you?"

  Liu Shuanghe is not interested in playing tricks with Chen Yuan. The most important thing now is to preserve the blood of the Liu family. Who knows if Chen Yuan was assigned by them to attack the Liu family?

   "I have already mentioned the three paths of the Liu family just now, so I understand the current situation of the Liu family very well. It is not too much to say that the Liu family is surrounded by enemies?"

  Liu Shuanghe remained silent, now the Liu family is indeed 'surrounded by enemies' as Chen Yuan said.

   "And this time, I'm actually sending charcoal in a timely manner."

"what is your purpose?"

   Uncle Yun asked.

  Going forward to form an alliance, if there is no purpose, then it is completely treating them as fools.

   "I came to form an alliance this time for two reasons. One is to turn the fight with the Liu family into friendship and eliminate grievances. Presumably many people outside will blame me for the deaths of Liu Ruoqing and Liu Changzhi.

   But as I said before, I don’t want to make enemies with the Liu family, but they still died, and they died in the place under my jurisdiction. "

   "May I ask if I really want to kill them, will I do it? No one is a fool. Presumably Patriarch Liu can think of this, right?"

  Chen Yuan smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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