I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 106: I will eat this secret forever! (seeking subscription)

  Chapter 106 I will eat this secret for the rest of my life! (seeking subscription)

  He didn't tell the truth. The Liu family brothers and sisters really offended him at that time. He actually wanted to kill them a long time ago, but at that time, Chen Yuanteng couldn't do it because of the fact that the Ci'en Temple had no life to teach demons.

   "What about the second point?"

  Liu Shuanghe didn't believe Chen Yuan's nonsense, it didn't matter whether he wanted to be an enemy of the Liu family, the important thing was that Changzhi and Ruoqing were dead.

   "The second point is that I want revenge!"

  Chen Yuan's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

   "Revenge who?" Liu Shuanghe and Yun Bo looked at each other, frowning slightly.

   "Li Mingqi!"

  Chen Yuan said word by word.


  Liu Shuanghe's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

  According to the information he got, Chen Yuan was promoted by Li Mingqi, but now he said that he wanted to take revenge on Li Mingqi, which made him doubt Chen Yuan's purpose.

   Could it be that Li Mingqi ordered Chen Yuan to approach the Liu family behind his back?

  Uncle Yun beside him was also inexplicably horrified.

  Chen Yuan nodded: "Patriarch Liu heard correctly, he is the county captain of Ping'an County, Li Mingqi!"


  If Chen Yuan doesn't give him a good explanation, Liu Shuanghe may really want to do it.

   "Why. Of course it's because he betrayed me first, transferred the Liu family's hatred to me in the arrest room, and exchanged my life for your Liu family's criminal evidence.

   Let me ask, who can deal with it calmly? "

   "I worked my life for Li Mingqi, but I also got a lot of benefits for him, but he regarded me as a **** that can be discarded at will, so if I want to take revenge on him, I must use his life to repay it."

  Chen Yuan's eyes were extremely cold.

   "Do you want to cooperate with me to kill Li Mingqi?"



   Isn't Chen Yuan just using the Liu family as a swordsman?

  Liu Shuanghe is not stupid, how could he be fooled so easily?

   "Because I can save the Liu family, it's that simple." Chen Yuan said softly.

   "Chen Butou is joking with me?"

  A martial artist at the level of bone refining, what qualifications does he have to save their Liu family?

  If the Liu family would be fine if it was that simple, he, Liu Shuanghe, would not let Uncle Yun save the last trace of his blood.

   "Does Master Liu think I'm joking with you?"

  Chen Yuan said confidently.

   "Okay, let Catcher Chen talk about it, and Liu will listen carefully."

   Liu Shuanghe said in a low voice.

   "The situation the Liu family is facing now requires a strategy to break the situation, instead of being caught without a fight. It is necessary to let other forces know that the Liu family will really die. Whoever dares to come up first will have to pay the blood price."

  Liu Shuanghe frowned slightly, feeling that what Chen Yuan said was not one of the several paths mentioned before? Although he was unhappy in his heart, he prepared to continue listening calmly.

   "These people seem to be extremely vicious, but in fact they are just paper tigers. They run faster than anyone else if they have benefits, and they will all retreat when they are in danger. You can see that they were afraid of the Qingyun Sword Sect before.

   Therefore, iron and blood methods must be used! "

   "Killing Li Mingqi is the best way to frighten them."

"First of all, Li Mingqi is a very important person who covets the foundation of the Liu family. Even before the sons and daughters of the Liu family had a conflict with Chen in Ping'an County, it was Li Mingqi's order. Otherwise, how could I directly detain them in the cell? ?”

  Liu Shuanghe's heart flashed with the emotion of "as expected".

  From the time he visited Li Mingqi before, he had doubts when Li Mingqi ordered Chen Yuan to do something to Ruoqing and Chang Zhi behind his back. Now that Chen Yuan admits it in person, this is undoubtedly confirmed!

  Chen Yuan continued to narrate, and in a few words, he pushed all the reasons for the previous conflict to Li Mingqi.

   And himself, he became the same victim as the Liu family.

   "Secondly, Li Mingqi is a county magistrate with considerable power, so his death will cause them to panic."

   "If you kill the court officials without authorization, the Liu family will only die faster!"

  Yun Bo on the side agreed.

   "Who said it was the Liu family who killed Li Mingqi? The branch of the Wusheng Sect has just been eliminated, and it is obviously their revenge. Of course, we must declare this to the outside world, but we must also disclose some appropriately to those people."

   "Whoever dares to touch the Liu family will be the next Li Mingqi!"

  Chen Yuan said coldly.

  Liu Shuanghe's eyes flickered, and he hesitated.

   "Of course, even this method will not make the Liu family safe, but it is indeed the best method for the Liu family at present, and I am about to leave Ping'an County and enter the Sky Survey Division."

   "There is an adult who appreciates me very much. With me in it for the Liu family, the Liu family may be able to survive."

   At the right time, Chen Yuan threw out another big news.

   "Sky Survey Division?"

  Liu Shuanghe looked at Chen Yuan with some hesitation.

   "When the Wusheng Sect was suppressed before, the patrolling angel, Mr. Zhang, invited me, and I also agreed. I will leave Ping'an County and enter Fucheng in a short time."

   "How about it, Patriarch Liu, do you want to take a gamble!"

  Chen Yuan stared at Liu Shuanghe closely.

  "Sky Surveyor Zhang Xuan" Liu Shuanghe was thinking. He had heard about the reputation of this Master Zhang during this period of time, and knew that his strength was extraordinary. If he had spoken, the crisis of the Liu family would have basically been eliminated.

  Chen Yuan remained silent, quietly waiting for Liu Shuanghe's answer.

   "When is Master Chen going to do it?"

   After a long time, Liu Shuanghe asked.

  After listening to Chen Yuan's narration, he also had to say, now he must either listen to Chen Yuan's fight, or there are only three options, and the Liu family has no way out.

   "Of course, the sooner the better, this is in line with Wushengjiao's habit of revenge, and no one will be able to obtain evidence. Those people are probably thinking about how to encroach on the Liu family, but they don't expect us to attack suddenly."

   "Li Mingqi's strength."

  Liu Shuanghe frowned. He was promoted to Ninggang in just over a year, but Li Mingqi had broken through for several years. With his strength, he might not be able to catch up.

   And if the means of siege is used, it is even more impossible.

  Not to mention Li Mingqi's subordinates, once there are too many people and accidentally spread the news, the Liu family will undoubtedly die.

   "Brother Liu, don't worry, in the battle of Ci'en Temple, Li Mingqi suffered serious injuries, his left shoulder was shattered, and his strength is at most only seven or eight of his heyday.

   It is not difficult to take down Li Mingqi! "

   "The really difficult thing is the follow-up fermentation, but at that time, it will be Chen's business. Brother Liu just needs to wait for Liu's family to be safe."

   There was a harmless smile on Chen Yuan's face.

  Suddenly, Liu Shuanghe narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Yuan with great interest: "Master Chen, Liu wants to know that Li Mingqi's death will benefit you. I'm afraid it's not just hatred?"

  In this world, what really matters is profit!

  Liu Shuanghe didn't think that just hatred could make Chen Yuan want to kill Li Mingqi so hard.

  Chen Yuan smiled: "Naturally, Li Mingqi's death is indeed beneficial to me, not to mention other things, just the money that Li Mingqi is greedy for ink makes me very coveted."

  Of course, there is still a word in Chen Yuan's heart that he hasn't said, that is.

  His goal is not only Li Mingqi, but also Liu Shuanghe!

  Chen Yuan's practice at the level of bone refining is almost the same now, and it's time to prepare for the next step of absorbing energy and condensing the gang.

  Chen Yuan doesn't lack anything else, what he lacks is a superior Naqigong technique.

  One step at a time, step by step, Chen Yuan wants to go further on the road of martial arts, in addition to a body training magical skill, he also needs a Naqigong method that suits him very well.

  Chen Yuan can be considered to have figured out the laws of the Altar of Luck.

  That is to tailor the opportunity for him, and it has been like this since the beginning of the Vajra Glass Body.

  At that time, Chen Yuan had just crossed over not long ago, and he was still practicing the most common physical exercise in the yamen, and the upper limit was very low.

  So the first opportunity for the altar of luck is the body training method.

  Later, Chen Yuan stepped into the level of blood refining, and he needed to swallow a large amount of pills if he wanted to quickly complete nine times of blood refining, so the opportunity for the second guidance was to wash the marrow.

   There is also the strange blood sword, which is considered to be an extra card in Chen Yuan's hand.

   Now, Chen Yuan's bone-refining practice, the next step to consider is to receive qi. If there is still a chance to guide him, Chen Yuan thinks it should be the method of receiving qi.

  He is looking forward to it!

  Liu Shuanghe's eyes flickered, but he didn't fully believe it in his heart.

   Exhausted to kill Li Mingqi, just for a little silver?


  Liu Shuanghe suspected that Chen Yuan might still be dealing with other people, could it be the county captain of Ping'an County?

  How is Chen Yuan qualified?

   Could it be that Zhang Xuan, the patrol angel he mentioned, is plotting behind the scenes?

  Liu Shuanghe spread out his thoughts and made up a lot of things in his brain.

  He never imagined that Chen Yuan's goal was actually him!

   After discussing some specific matters, Chen Yuan offered to leave, and the two agreed that Liu Shuanghe would go to hide in Ping'an County for the next few days, waiting for news from Chen Yuan.

   Whenever the time comes, get rid of Li Mingqi.

  After Chen Yuan left for a quarter of an hour, Yun Bo said in a low voice:

   "Patriarch, I'm afraid that Chen Yuan's words cannot be trusted. He clearly treats my Liu family as a knife in his hand to get rid of Li Mingqi for him."

   "Of course I know this, but he is right about one thing. The Liu family has no choice now, they can only try their best."

   Liu Shuanghe said in a concentrated voice.

  “Homeowners should be careful”

"Uncle Yun, I will try my best to kill Li Mingqi, and then see if I can keep the Liu family's foundation. As for you, you should follow what I said before and leave with the wind. After three months, if the Liu family is still alive Come back, or never come back."

   "My father created the Liu family's huge foundation, even if it is destroyed, they will have to lose their teeth."

   "As for this Chen Yuan, hehe, he wants to treat me like a knife, so why won't he become a knife in my hand?"

   "Assaulting and killing the county captain is a serious crime against the imperial court. As long as Li Mingqi is dead, his guilt is no less than mine. In the future, maybe he can be blackmailed through this matter."

  The corner of Liu Shuanghe's mouth curled into a sneer:

   "His secret, I will eat it forever!"


  Let’s talk about it, the results are very disappointing, not even comparable to the previous book, the collection of 20,000 is too watery.

   It's twelve o'clock and there's not even five hundred... It's very frustrating.

  I hope that everyone can support it as much as possible, and the author can write better.

   Also, try not to keep books, thank you for your support!

   Thanks to the book friend Li Xingwen for the reward of 10,000 dots, thanks to Meng Mo for the reward of 1,000 dots, and thanks to the book friend Xiangshui Farm for the reward and support!

   Thanks for the reward of 10,000 dots from Phantom Bingxin book friend!

   Thank you for the second reward of 10,000 coins from Li Shangruoxie, and thank you Fengxue Setting Sun book friend for your reward and support!



  (end of this chapter)

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