I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 820: I am your robbery!

  Chapter 820 I am your robbery!

  Among the souls of those Dongying warriors, Chen Yuan also understood what the so-called Dongying holy mountain is, which is the highest mountain in the huge four states of Dongying.

  It is more than a thousand feet high, towering into the clouds, and it is more than 3,000 meters. It is unparalleled in the country surrounded by the sea area of ​​Dongpu.

  The most surprising thing is that the foot of this sacred mountain is different from the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all day long, and the wind howls, while the foot of the mountain turns back and forth according to the cycle of the four seasons.

  This place can even be called a forbidden area of ​​Japan. It is firmly guarded by the three major families, and a large formation is engraved. No one is allowed to go up the mountain, no matter who they are or what they do.

   As for the reason, it was Chen Yuan who searched the soul of several Huayang masters from the three major families to understand.

It turns out that there is a huge active volcano in the holy mountain, and it has become more and more active in the past few hundred years, and it may erupt at any time. However, once a volcano with a height of thousands of feet and an unknown depth erupts, the vibration caused by it will be too great. big.

   Destroying the entire Dongpu is a bit too exaggerated, but it is still very possible to cover one-sixth of the area. Besides, there are all kinds of extremely precious spiritual mines around the holy mountain.

  If it is covered, it will greatly damage the interests of the three major families.

  Thus, the three major families banned the holy mountain, and the formation master carved the great cold formation on it, so that the ice peaks and snow will be condensed all day long, just to reduce the temperature of the volcano under the holy mountain.

   It's a pity that it's better than nothing, and it's not very useful.

  As for the name of this so-called sacred mountain, many people in the Central Plains have heard of it. It is called Tianshan, also known as Fushan.

   According to legend, it is the birthplace of Dongying. According to records, it can even be traced back to thousands of years ago, which is about the same time as when Emperor Wu ruled the world and established a dynasty.

   It is precisely because of this that many people in Dongying think that Dongying has a long heritage, no less than the Central Plains, and the ancestors are equal friends with the Emperor Wu. Of course, such rhetoric will naturally not be recognized by the Central Plains.

   On the contrary, they despise Dongying's self-promotion, dare to compare the inheritance with the land of the Central Plains, a mere overseas island, how can the self-confidence come from the Japanese slaves who drink blood?

  Because of the heavy pressure from the Immortal Territory, after Chen Yuan arrived in Dongpu, there was no extra delay, and he galloped all the way in the direction of the holy mountain Tianshan, and he arrived at his destination in just one day.

  Under the Tianshan Mountains, there is an extremely bustling city, and it is also the location of the capital of Dongying Kingdom. It can be called the most prosperous area in Dongying.

   However, it is only the best in Dongpu. Compared with the Central Plains, it is still a bit too far away. Not to mention the number one city in the world, Emperor Wu City, even the Imperial City of Zhongzhou is far behind.

  It is a little better than the state capital of the thirteen states in the Central Plains.

  Stepping into the capital of Dongying, Chen Yuan's clothes from the Central Plains are particularly eye-catching, and there are vicious eyes everywhere. Putting it in front of him, it is naturally nothing, and Dongying warriors will even make friends.

   But now... no.

  Because under the mobilization led by the three major families, the entire strength of Dongpu can be said to go out to attack the Central Plains. This is now clear to everyone in Dongpu.

  They understand that one day in the future, Japan is likely to encounter a catastrophe. Only by occupying the territory of the Central Plains can they survive, coupled with the current state of hostility.

   It can be said that from the day Japan started the war, the entire Japan has been frantically strangling all the people in the Central Plains, threatening to destroy the Central Plains and turn the Central Plains into a land of slaves.

   That's why Chen Yuan was so eye-catching when he entered the capital.

   What makes Chen Yuan feel funny is that these crazy Dongying warriors today, if they know that the people who attacked the Central Plains have been defeated, and they will either die or surrender, what kind of expression should they have?

  As for why Chen Yuan didn’t go to the holy mountain Tianshan immediately, but came to Kyoto first, of course it’s not that he has nothing to do, but that he has made some preparations in advance.

  From the memory of the spirits and souls of those strong men from Japan, he can know that the entire holy mountain Tianshan has been engraved with formations. No one can tell whether there is any desperate self-destruct formation in it.

  If Chen Yuanmao rushed in hastily, if the formation was disturbed and the volcano erupted, the consequences would be too great, not because he was worried about his own danger.

  Based on his extremely terrifying physical body, even if he goes deep into the depths of the magma, there is no problem at all, and he can't be hurt at all, but the original dzi beads can't do it

  Although this thing is not fragile, it is not as tough as imagined.

  If it is ruined, then Chen Yuan's trip will be in vain.

   Therefore, he must go to the three major families, and learn about the formation of the distance, so that he can safely go to get the original dzi.

   It is about Valkyrie, he will not be careless about anything.

  Besides, who can be his opponent among the warriors currently staying behind in Dongpu?

Perhaps Chen Yuan's aura was too strong, which brought great oppression to the Dongpu warriors. In short, since he entered the city, even though the surrounding people had surrounded hundreds of Dongpu warriors, no one dared to step forward to make a move. of.


   Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people, Chen Yuan seemed to be strolling in a courtyard, not caring about the surrounding situation at all.

   Today is different from the past. For Chen Yuan, a half-step martial **** with a six-level physical body, the surrounding warriors under Huayang are really no different from ants.

  Who cares about a group of ants?

  Of course, if they seek death themselves, then no one is to blame.

Chen Yuan stepped out step by step, while the people around drew their swords and retreated, their eyes became more and more dignified. Finally, it seemed that at a certain point, a strong man with a height of nine feet, holding a big sword that surpassed others, directly "bang" Hit the ground.

   Staring at Chen Yuan with murderous intent in his eyes, he asked loudly:

   "Central Plains warriors, stop!"

  The man spoke broken Central Plains Mandarin and stared at Chen Yuan.



  The people around seemed to have a backbone, shouted in unison, and their reputation shook the sky, attracting more and more Japanese warriors to come.

But Chen Yuan didn't care at all, he didn't care, and he was still heading in one direction. It can be said that he has drifted away, or he really didn't care. In short, what the Dongpu warrior said, he just regarded it as farting .

   "It seems that you don't know what happened to the other Central Plains people." The strong man with a heavy knife snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with Chen Yuan's attitude and felt insulted.

  The aura around him suddenly exploded, releasing the power that belonged exclusively to the alchemy master. With one step, the situation changed, and the vitality of the world gathered. He held up the heavy knife and threw it directly at Chen Yuan.


  Before the warriors from Japan cheered, they saw a layer of black ink-like flames suddenly ignited on the body of the alchemy master in the void.

   In the blink of an eye, he was burned to ashes and turned into powder, and even the powerful spirit weapon in his hand scattered with the wind and gradually disappeared.

  The surrounding atmosphere instantly fell into a deathly silence.


   Someone swallowed in horror, trembling all over, looking at Chen Yuan with a look of horror, as if he saw something incredible.

   "Kill him, I don't believe that he can kill us all by himself!"

  Suddenly, there was a loud shout from around.

   This voice directly raised the hearts of the people around.

  Yes, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person. Could it be possible that he can kill us all?

   You must know that there are several masters of alchemy realm and dozens of warriors of Tongxuan realm around them. Even if they are piled up, this Central Plains warrior can be piled up to death.

   Unless, he is the legendary Yang God powerhouse.


   There was another low shout, and then, the dark crowd around suddenly pressed on, endless sword aura, and many swords, guns, swords and sticks smashed at Chen Yuan one after another.

   What's more, directly defending the air and raiding Chen Yuan.


   is massacre.

   Every time Chen Yuan took a step, the people around him fell and turned into ashes and scattered with the wind, like a demon **** from the abyss, slaughtering everything in the world.

  In the blink of an eye, the dense crowd of thousands of people who were surrounded just now disappeared without a trace.

  The entire wide street looked extremely strange.


  Such a large-scale killing, in fact, Chen Yuan has long been unwilling to be contaminated, but coming here and massacring those unknown Dongying warriors, he only feels very comfortable in his heart.

   It can also be regarded as taking advantage of this to relieve some of the pressure brought by the fairyland.

  In a corner, a child in luxurious clothes trembled, his eyes frightened. Although he looked like he had an extraordinary background, he didn't have the slightest attitude of a child of an aristocratic family at this time.


  Chen Yuan walked forward slowly, with a warm smile on his face, gently stroked the boy's hair, and asked with a smile:

"May I have your name?"

  The young man raised his head tremblingly, looked at the warm face, felt a chill in his heart, but he dared not respond, and stammered lamely:

   "Liu Liu. Liu Shengzang."

   "Do you understand the language of the Central Plains?"

   "Know a little bit. The family. The elders said. I will go to the Central Plains in the future. I want to learn a little bit of the Central Plains"

   "Hehe, welcome to the Central Plains."


   "Come" Chen Yuan conjured a candy from between his sleeves, put it in the boy's palm, and said with a light smile:

   "This candy is your reward for taking me to your house, hehe. I have something to do with the elders of your Yagyu family."


   "Lead the way."

  Chen Yuan's words carried a meaning that could not be refuted.

"Yes Yes."

  North of Kyoto, about tens of miles away, is also a forbidden place for Japanese warriors. The palaces and palaces here are extremely luxurious, and there is a sense of extravagance everywhere.

   It is the residence of the Yagyu clan, known as the head of the three major families in Dongying.

  Chen Yuan took the young man named Liu Shengzang, guided by him, and soon came to the mountain gate of the Liu Sheng family. He didn't need to say hello, just let out a trace of breath, and the entire Liu Sheng family rioted.

   On the way here, Chen Yuan had already learned about the recent situation from Liu Shengzang, who was so frightened that he didn't know the north and south.

   What's more, it was hung at the gate of the city, which attracted the cheers of countless Dongying warriors. They seemed to feel that they had stood up, with perverted madness.

  Liu Shengzang had already recovered some emotions, he lowered his head and dared not speak, but there was an unspeakable hatred in his eyes, and he tightly held the candy in his hand.

  Among the people Chen Yuan slaughtered just now were his parents

   "Presumptuous, who dares to disturb the Qingxiu of Liu Sheng's clan!"

A mid-spirited low shout resounded, and the middle-aged man in fine clothes came step by step through the void, with some anger in his eyes. It has been many years since no one dared to behave so wildly in front of the Liusheng family. up.

   I'm looking for death!

  Accompanied by the sound of that voice, streams of light rose rapidly, and hundreds of soldiers dressed in black poured out from the Liusheng clan's garrison in an instant.

  The breath is not weak, it can be called elite.

  The middle-aged man headed by him stood with his hands behind his back, looked down at Chen Yuan and Liu Shengzang, and looked at the Central Plains-style robe on his body. A glint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

   "Central Plains people, why did you come here? Do you know where this place is?"

   "Yagyu family."

   "Since you know it, why don't you run for your life in a hurry? Could it be that you are looking for death here?"

   "Hehe." Chen Yuan smiled faintly, feeling that this kind of vulgar dialogue is really old-fashioned, what are you doing here? Of course, the one who came to exterminate the family enslaves Dongpu, but there is no need for a leading force like the Yagyu family to exist.

   "Answer my words!"

  The man let out a low cry, and used some sonic means, like a thunderstorm, and the surrounding vitality trembled accordingly, revealing the tyrannical aura of refinement on his body.

   "Presumptuous, you still don't."


  A wisp of faint flame rose out of thin air, instantly burning the middle-aged man to ashes, the surrounding was silent for a moment, and then all the men in black armor rushed forward.

   Then, the end is the same as those before.

   reduced to ashes!

  Even, Chen Yuan didn't need to take action, just a single thought, and everyone fell. This is the horror of the Six Realms.

  Under the six realms, all are ants.

   "Go, go in and have a look."

  Chen Yuan smiled, and stepped into the gate of the Yagyu family without hesitation. Liu Shengzang looked at this familiar scene, his eyes were a little dazed, and he didn't expect that he was as strong as the Yagyu family, and he couldn't stop this devil.

  He followed tremblingly, not daring to disobey his words.

   After stepping into the Liusheng family, suddenly, a large array of lights lit up, and countless sword lights emerged out of thin air, cutting towards Chen Yuan, but they automatically melted and disappeared.

  The strong men of the Liusheng family rushed towards Chen Yuan with red eyes, all kinds of mysterious supernatural powers were being displayed, and their strength was quite impressive.

  Originally, Chen Yuan thought that there were only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled left in the Liusheng family, but he didn't expect that the strength was not bad. In other words, the Liusheng family did not put much effort in attacking the Central Plains.

   Except for a few powerhouses on the bright side, the rest are consumed by the power of other forces, and then the Yagyu family will take advantage of it.

  Wherever Chen Yuan passed by, everyone was wiped out. Countless members of the Yagyu family were crying and screaming in Japanese dialect, as if they were praying to gods and Buddhas.

  In the mountain behind the Liusheng family, a figure with white beard and hair, like some corpses, moved its ears slightly, as if it heard someone crying, and suddenly opened its eyes.

  His eyes were red, full of murderous aura, and an extremely terrifying aura rose steadily all over his body. The next moment, all the black iron **** chains on his body exploded inch by inch, and he grabbed a broken knife stuck in front of him.

   turned into a streamer of light, straight into the sky.

   "Presumptuous, who dares to take action against my Liu Sheng clan!"

  Rolling thunder resounded through the void, and countless surviving members of the Liusheng clan seemed to have seen hope, and hurriedly called out the name of their ancestor, begging him to show his might and kill this Central Plains man who was massacred by the Liusheng clan.

  Yagyuzo seemed to see hope, and there was a look of hope in his eyes.

  Although he is not a direct descendant of the Liusheng clan, he has also heard about the power of this mad ancestor. When he practiced magic arts, he sacrificed many lives with blood, and the murder of the people in Kyoto changed his face.

  In the end, it was the powerful members of the Yagyu clan who came forward to imprison him in the back mountain.

   Even the elders of countless clans have become legendary figures. If they don’t eat well, that old ancestor will start killing people with a broken knife

  Liu Shengzang raised his head and looked at the Central Plains man beside him, wanting to see a trace of panic on his face, but unfortunately, not only did he not show panic, he even lacked seriousness.

   Same as before.

   "Bold people from the Central Plains, dare to slaughter our Liusheng clan, die!" The crazy old man saw everything below, and suddenly he was furious, burning

   Then he was burned to ashes

  At this moment, the Liusheng clan was silent again, and all the faces showed despair. Even the ancestors at the Yang God level were no match, who could stand in the way?

  Where is the immortal ancestor?

where! !

   In hell.

   "Wait for me here."

  Chen Yuan exhorted Liu Shengzang, and stepped into the treasure house left by the Liu Sheng family with a normal face, wanting to find out the secrets about the holy mountain Tianshan.

  Liu Shengzang looked at the dead silence around him, and when Chen Yuan entered the treasure house, he could no longer bear the fear in his heart, dropped the candy in his hand, turned around and ran away.

   After a long time.

  Chen Yuan walked out of the treasure house with a look of joy in his eyes. Obviously he found what he wanted. He reached out to pick up the candy on the ground and smiled faintly.

  Under a huge rock several miles away from the residence of the Liusheng family, Liusheng hid deeply, and he didn't dare to show his face at all. He kept thinking about the scene just now in his mind.

   Trembling all over.

   "Your sugar dropped."

  Hearing the murmur that sounded like an abyss, Liu Shengzang's expression froze suddenly, he raised his head tremblingly, and saw the young man's kind smile again.

  I saw him put the sugar in his palm, gently stroked his hair, and said:

   "Next time, remember to stay away."

   It was the day, and there was a huge earthquake in Japan.

  Kyoto was almost destroyed. Countless Dongying warriors lost their lives.

  Suddenly, all Dongying warriors who heard the news were dead silent.

  There is a strong Japanese expert who is good at calculation, who seems to have spied a glimpse of the secret, and desperately said to everyone around him:

   "The legendary catastrophe has come!"

   As the instigator, Chen Yuan has already arrived at the holy mountain Tianshan.


  Five thousand chapters, ask for a monthly pass.

   It is estimated that it can be restored!

  (end of this chapter)

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