I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 821: Start with the Divine Bead and break through the six realms!

  Chapter 821 Start with the Divine Bead, break through the six realms!

  Although it is already summer, the holy mountain Tianshan is covered with snow and the cold wind howls.

  Chen Yuan stood in the void, and with a movement of his divine sense, the large formation formed by the three major families instantly disintegrated from it and gradually dissipated.

   As he expected, after Chen Yuan wiped out the three major families, he did discover some key points of the formation from their respective classics and treasuries.

   Among them, there is self-destruct.

  If Chen Yuan really broke in hastily, the consequences would be unimaginable.

   Fortunately, there are some core formation eyes who have seen the big formation in advance. With Chen Yuan's cultivation base, not to mention breaking it with one thought, but it can't do much.

  According to the guidance of the Altar of Luck, Chen Yuan understood that the Origin Dzi Bead is in the fire slurry under the holy mountain Tianshan, but the exact location is still unpredictable without investigation.

   With a slight movement of his body, Chen Yuan turned into a beam of light and jumped directly into the crater. There was nothing unusual about entering the crater on the first day of the new year, and it was even colder.

   But when Chen Yuan sank into a distance of about a thousand feet, he felt a hot breath, gushing out instantly, but Chen Yuan was still helpless.

  A layer of transparent invisible air shrouded in front of him, directly blocking the hot flame, Chen Yuan continued to go deeper.

  Two thousand feet.

  Four thousand feet.

  Six thousand feet.

In just a short moment, Chen Yuan went deep into the fire magma, and as far as he could see, there were crimson magma surging, and what really made Chen Yuan feel dignified was that it was only a short distance of six thousand feet. , It even made him feel a little intolerable.

   This is a bit unimaginable. You must know that Chen Yuan's physical body is at the sixth level, the first in the world, and the temperature of the magma at only 6,000 feet can make the condensed regular shield in front of him somewhat unable to hold up.

   Enough to make him wary.

  At the same time, it basically announced that the limit under the six realms is about six thousand to eight thousand feet, and no matter how deep it goes, even the power of rules cannot stop it.

   However, for him, it was not enough.

  Go deeper!

  The rules of heaven and earth gushed out of the body in an instant, and once again blessed Chen Yuan with a layer of rule shield, the unbearable hot breath just now disappeared without a trace.

  At the same time, Chen Yuan's divine sense also dissipated around the magma.

  At this time, he is like a mobile radar, detecting abnormalities.

  Nine thousand feet.

   ten thousand feet

   Fifteen thousand feet

  Eighteen thousand feet

  When Chen Yuan reached a distance of nearly 20,000 feet, even his physical body felt a great pressure, and the terrifying flame temperature increased dozens of times.

   Even, Chen Yuan felt the power of rules!

   Subconsciously, he thought of Yuan Yuan Dzi.

   And 20,000 feet, according to his estimation, is basically the limit of the six realms.

  Now, he finally understands why the original dzi was not taken away by the three major families. For them, even if there are immortals, the bottom is like a moat.

   Can't go any deeper

  Heaved a sigh of relief, Chen Yuan was not discouraged, nor did he stop there. If he didn't get the Yuanyuan Dzi, he couldn't go back.

  The physical rules of the inner world continued to flow, condensed in the whole body, and the primordial rules of the outer world quickly merged with them. In an instant, the power of the rules around Chen Yuan underwent a qualitative change.


  Twenty thousand feet.

  Twenty-four thousand zhang.

  Twenty-eight thousand feet.

   Thirty thousand feet.

  Continuing to go a thousand feet deeper, the terrifying temperature of the magma has risen to a terrifying level, and the rule power that was still looming before has condensed into substance here.

   As for the original dzi, there is still no movement.

continue! !

   Chen Yuan gritted his teeth, raised his own strength to the highest level, and rushed down directly with a burst of vigor.

   Up to 36,000 feet, the surrounding temperature strangely began to dissipate, and it was even lower than before, and the divine sense released by Chen Yuanwai finally sensed a regular fluctuation.

  Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan swung a route towards the land where the divine sense discovered the miraculous, and within a short while, he arrived at the destination.

   What you can see is a strange space. The hot temperature of the magma is not integrated into it at all, but it is forcibly excluded from Baizhang.

  It was a pitch-black stone tablet without any lines on it. At a glance, it looked ordinary. If it wasn't for its ink-like color, there would be almost no difference between the gravels that could be seen along it.

   In the very center of the stele, there is a groove, and inside the groove is a transparent bead the size of a fist, which can be confirmed through the investigation of the Sky Eye Pupil Technique.

  This thing is the original dzi guided by chance!

   But even after seeing the treasure of chance, Chen Yuan still did not act rashly. Instead, his face became more and more solemn, from which several information can be deduced.

  This stele is not simple.

  It looks like the eye of a large formation, and the origin dzi bead is the core of the formation eye.

  The bottom of this magma. Could it be suppressing some kind of beast?

  Chen Yuan had a flash of inspiration, and quickly thought of this possibility.

  With many thoughts, Chen Yuan fell into a somewhat entangled situation. If he took out the origin dzi, the formation might collapse, and then...a thing might be released.

   But if he doesn't take it, not only will his trip be in vain, but it will also be difficult for him to compete against Immortal Domain in the future.

   After being silent for a long time, Chen Yuan thought for a while, and was going to go down to see what was being suppressed. It would be best if he could be suppressed, but if he couldn’t...

  Then see then.

   It's just that when Chen Yuan crossed the black stone tablet and wanted to go deeper, the terrifying temperature that burned everything came again, and his complexion suddenly changed.

  This temperature, even the current him, can't stop it!

   Simply. Horror!

   After a moment of silence, Chen Yuan made a decision, and slowly came to the black stone tablet, and reached out to take down the original dzi, but he didn't put it away, but held it in his hand.

  At the same time, a terrifying temperature swept over in an instant.

  Chen Yuan endured this weird flame rule, his eyes were solemn, if something really happened, he would put the original dzi back without hesitation.

   However, Chen Yuan waited for a full hour, but there was still no movement under the deeper magma. He moved his eyes and left quickly.

   After a quarter of an hour, it slowly appeared again.

  He didn't know whether the things below had been wiped out by the big formation, or if he had seen through his tricks and didn't make any changes at all

   "Forget it, this place is Dongpu after all, even if it releases something, it's nothing, just surrender and kill in the future." Chen Yuan let out a foul breath.

   There is no way to do this. He must step into the sixth realm of Yuanshen in the near future and become a martial god. Otherwise, he will not be able to deal with the imminent enemy Immortal Realm.

  If there is any problem, the power of Valkyrie is enough to deal with it.

  The harm of the two is the lesser

   Putting away the original dzi, Chen Yuan frowned and suddenly found that this black stone tablet seemed to be a rare treasure, and it was still not damaged at all under such a terrifying flame temperature and even regular roasting.

  Extremely extraordinary.

  Based on the principle of not wasting, Chen Yuan also directly grabbed the black stone tablet, intending to take it away, but when he picked it up, he realized that the black stone tablet was as heavy as a mountain.


  Chen Yuan exerted strength with both arms, and the rules of his body gushed out in an instant. The terrifying power that could lift mountains instantly acted on the black stone tablet, and the rumbling sound quickly began to rise.

  The stele moved.

  At the same time, a layer of skin suddenly began to peel off the black stone tablet, exposing the three golden ancient seal characters.

   Donghuang Monument!

  Chen Yuan is no stranger to the ancient seal script. It is a common font that has been handed down thousands of years ago. It is said that it can be traced back to the Emperor Wu's period three thousand years ago. It's just the Donghuang stele that really makes him a little confused.

   At least, in his cognition, he has never heard of this thing.

  ‘Go back and ask Emperor Wu Lu Chengfeng for advice. '

  Chen Yuan quickly passed this idea, and then, Chen Yuan wanted to put it into the Heavenly Book and Strange Treasure, but for some reason, he couldn't put it in, as if there was something abnormal about this thing.

  In the end, he had no choice but to hold up the black Donghuang Monument with both hands, glanced down, turned around and left the holy mountain Tianshan without looking back.

   About an hour after Chen Yuan left, within the 100,000-foot-deep magma, there was a faint sound of Fengming, causing the surrounding temperature to increase sharply again.

A crystal white bone that was as white as jade moved, and two blood-red flames ignited deep in the eye sockets. At the same time, wisps of blood were born out of thin air, and condensed on the bone in an instant, turning into a fleshy body .

  His face is ordinary and unremarkable. The only thing that is unusual is that he has no eyebrows at all, and the corners of his mouth moved. Bone said to himself:

   "The elixir of immortality that has absorbed the true blood of the fire phoenix is ​​really useful, but this seat is not dead yet Jie Jie Wuhuang, after all, you still haven't counted that this seat is still alive.

Hmph, hehehe. Hahaha. Even if your cultivation reaches the heavens and the earth, so what if you reach the level of the gods, after all, you are still a narrow-minded villain. I have served you for many years and helped you conquer the world, but you Even a leaf of the elixir of death is not willing to give it to me.

I was exiled to this barren land and stayed there for the rest of my life. As a last resort, I had to take away a piece of the elixir of immortality that belonged to me. In the end, you actually left behind and suppressed me here with the Eastern Emperor Stele. years.

  Now I, Shan Fu, are back again.

   What about you, Emperor Wu? Are you still alive? "

   "Huh? Wuhuang. No, Wuhuang is too powerful. He has walked out of an unprecedented path. No one is his opponent, and this seat is no exception. One finger can kill me.

   No. Can't seek revenge on him."



   "Who was that just now, who has such a powerful aura when he first entered the sixth realm? Could it be that he is a descendant of Emperor Wu?"

   "It shouldn't be, the Martial Emperor should have left the realm and ascended to the fairy realm of the upper realm."

   "Hey, who am I?"

   "Xu Fu?"

   "No no no, Shan Fu, yes, Shan Fu"

   "Where am I?"


  Bone's memory seems to have been confused. He tried hard to recall everything in the past, but all the memories flooded in, which made his thoughts confused all at once.

   "Why, why can't you move?"

  The man held his head in his hands and wanted to leave, but he felt a strong attraction restricting him, and he couldn't move no matter what.

   "It's the Eastern Emperor Monument. It has been suppressed for too long, and the power has not completely dissipated. How could it be. What era is it now? How long has it been?"


   "Damn Martial Emperor, my cultivation at the peak of the Earth Immortal, actually... ah. When I come out, I must kill all your descendants, kill them all!!"

  No one knows that just under the holy mountain of Tianshan, a strong man is incompetent and furious, trying his best to offset the powerful suppressive force of the Eastern Emperor's Monument for thousands of years

   Above the East China Sea, Chen Yuan, who has already left, does not know the specific situation under the Tianshan Mountain of Shengyue. Of course, even if he knows, he will not care too much.

  Because, in front of him now, the most important thing is to step the primordial spirit into the sixth realm and become a martial god.

  He left the territory of Dongying and headed towards the Central Plains.

  Chen Yuan planned to put the breakthrough site in Wudi City. The first thing is to have Lu Chengfeng take care of it, so as to prevent someone from going to make trouble, so that he can feel more at ease.

  Second, after the breakthrough, you can do it at any time without delay.

   It took a few days to go, and almost the same time to come. Soon, Chen Yuan returned to the vicinity of Emperor Wu City. As soon as he came back, Lu Chengfeng tore through the void and came to him.

   "Is it done?"

  Lu Chengfeng asked with a smile.

   "It's done."

   "What is this?"

  Looking at a stone tablet that Chen Yuan held up, Lu Chengfeng felt a little weird, and it seemed a little out of sync.

   "Senior, can you recognize this thing?"

  Chen Yuan revealed to Lu Chengfeng the words 'Eastern Emperor Stele'.

   And Lu Chengfeng shook his head, not knowing why:

   "Never seen."


  Chen Yuan nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

   "When are you going to break through?"

  Lu Chengfeng continued to ask with concern, this was the question he was most concerned about.

   "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Let's start from today."

  The time left for them is running out, and there is no room for delay.

   "Alright, come with me!"

  Lu Chengfeng nodded, and brought Chen Yuan to a small island in the sea outside Wudi City. It was about a hundred miles away from Wudi City. As long as the movement was not too loud, there would be no problem.

   "Here, what do you think?"

   Lu Chengfeng asked.

   "Okay, here it is."

   Chen Yuan nodded.

   "The old man protects the way for you, break through."


  Chen Yuan clasped his hands and cupped his fists in a salute, and then, step by step, he walked through the air and came to the small island. He found an open space everywhere, took out a futon, and sat down slowly.

   Then, he placed the Donghuang Monument not far in front of him. Such a heavy thing, even if there was some movement during the breakthrough process, it would not be able to hurt it.

  Breakthrough, of course you have to break through.

  But it can't be that easy and simple.

   It doesn’t mean that you can break through casually, you must make preparations and adjust your own state to the best, so that you can try to improve your realm.

  Because Chen Yuan's cultivation strength was not obtained through penance, many of them were tricks and borrowed opportunities, although they would not damage the foundation.

   But still be careful.

  Chen Yuan sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, and his face was calm. In just a moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything, and his soul fell into a deep sleep, which was no less than a second.

  Inside the Lingtai, a faint purple light began to dissipate.

   Except for Lu Chengfeng, no one actually knew the specifics of Chen Yuan's breakthrough, but Mo Luo and the others had guessed something and were making some preparations.

  Ye Xiangnan retreated, Jiang He, Yang Huatian, Li Suqing, Su Ziyue, including Chu Changfeng were all retreating at the same time in order to achieve a breakthrough.

   But apart from them, Chen Yuan has other subordinates.

  If you look at it from the map, you can find that from the five directions of Yangzhou, Qingzhou, Yunzhou, Liangzhou, and Youzhou, the army is gathering and starting to approach the capital.

  Shu Mountain Lingxu Zhenjun, Chongxu Zhenjun, Monk Xuyan, Taoist Tianxu, Zhao Danqing, Ju Yuan, Song Yingqiao, the head of the Seven Sons of Wudang, including the current Northern Liang King Wei Wuque, have made some preparations as much as possible.

  The general trend is rolling, and all forces are gathering to surround the Jin court.

  Beiman is not a threat and has been basically disabled. Dongying is not a threat and has been destroyed. Only the Lingshan Buddhism in the Western Regions and the Nanjiang Yaozu are left with strength.

   But unexpectedly, there was no movement in these two directions.

   It seems that they turned a blind eye to the advance of the Yan army.

  On Wudang Mountain, Mo Luo and Lao Tianshi stood on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Zhongzhou, their eyes were full of solemn expressions, now, everything is ready, only Chen Yuan made a breakthrough.

   Can't wait any longer, Chen Yuan could have continued to develop wretchedly without tearing his face, until he reached the peak state, but the countdown to the coming of the Immortal Realm has already started.

   It doesn't matter whether you move your hands or not.

   It's better to seize some advantages within a limited time, gather strength to touch it, and try the methods of the fairyland, otherwise, they can wait for the immortals to come, and they will make the first move.

  This is Chen Yuan's idea, and it is also the idea of ​​Lu Chengfeng Mo Luo and others.

  The forces entrenched in Bingzhou were put down in just a few days. In the face of the general trend, some forces are not even considered as stumbling blocks, but now the world, the world, and the rivers and lakes all have a momentum that is about to come.

  All forces are watching this final scene.

  The fall of Zhongzhou and the fall of the capital meant that the Great Jin Dynasty, which replaced Chu with Jin, had come to an end, and a rising dynasty was about to stand in the Central Plains.

   This dynasty is called Dayan!

On the small island, Chen Yuan, who had been in seclusion for several days, slowly opened his eyes, neither sad nor happy, with a calm heart, let out a breath, and took out the crystal clear original dzi from the book .

  Its brilliance is restrained, without the slightest fluctuation.

  With a thought in Chen Yuan's mind, he pointed out that the original dzi bead immediately hung above Chen Yuan's head, shedding a layer of faint brilliance.

  In an instant, he felt that the world seemed to have changed again.

   Breakthrough, start! !

  Looking down from a high place, Lu Chengfeng became more and more dignified watching this scene.

   Success or failure, in one fell swoop!

  (end of this chapter)

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