I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 899: The world is peaceful!

  Chapter 899 The world is peaceful!

  Longevity is a very big temptation, everyone wants to achieve it, but, relying on their ability, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to achieve longevity.

   There must be a price to pay.

  Among them, the most dangerous person in Shouyuan is Patriarch Su Ming of Tianmo Palace. He was a figure thousands of years ago, and he existed in the same era as Taizu Chu and Emperor Wu Lu Chengfeng.

  For so many years, I have relied on the source of God to survive, but that is not a long-term solution after all.

  Besides, it can only seal up one's own vitality. In fact, it is not longevity in the strict sense, it is more like a deep sleep, but even so, the lifespan is still passing away.

   And he has almost no hope of stepping into the realm of the earth fairy.

   It can be said that among those present, he is the one who is most eager for longevity.

  As for the others, at least in the short term, they are not so eager. Jiang He and Ye Xiangnan have just entered the Sixth Realm, and they still have thousands of years of longevity to use.

   Even if there is another breakthrough in practice in the future, the lifespan will continue to rise.

  Mo Luo Nai is an immortal at the level of the earth, with a long lifespan.

  Lu Chengfeng also has some longevity that is at least a few hundred years older. If he can step into the celestial level during this period, there will also be another qualitative change.

  The old man of Shenvine is cultivated in the realm of the demon emperor, and he is the body of the demon race. The longevity is much stronger than that of the human race, and it is actually useless for the time being. As for the old master, he still has a long time.

  After all, it has only been a matter of nearly a hundred years since he broke through the sixth realm.

  Of course, the Longevity Terrace is actually very useful. In addition to longevity, it can also continue to be reborn. As long as the source is not destroyed and the resources are abundant, the upper limit is theoretically very low.

  Now, according to what Chen Yuan said, soon there will be demons from outside the territory eroding the world. At that time, it will be a very dangerous situation. If there is a longevity platform, you can have a trump card of immortality.

  The surrounding atmosphere froze for a moment. Seeing that no one else said anything, Patriarch Su Ming gritted his teeth, stood up first, and said in a low voice:

   "Your Majesty, I am willing to enter the Changsheng Terrace."

  He is incomparable to others, there is little hope for a breakthrough in practice, and his lifespan is approaching, so it is better to seek stability.

   "Okay, wait until I completely refine the longevity platform, and give you a long life."

   "Your Majesty, can you allow Pindao to think about this matter and make a decision later?" Old Tianshi couldn't help but said.

   Chen Yuan smiled when he heard the words:

   "I haven't considered this matter. After all, it's about the future. No matter what, you can think about it. I can leave a choice for you at any time."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Everyone said in unison.

   "I have already told those immortals in the Immortal Realm before, and now I will tell you one more thing, the world is now settled, and the world is peaceful, but there are powerful enemies outside.

   You must plan ahead and prepare for the battle against demons. Therefore, I decided to set up the Heavenly Court and enshrine all of you as Immortal Gods. As for the Changsheng Terrace, it will be called the Conferred God Terrace in the future.

   Those who have made outstanding contributions can enter the Fengshentai and enjoy longevity. "

  Although this is said, everyone knows that unless Chen Yuan re-sacrifices this thing, otherwise, only the immortals of the Six Realms are eligible to enter the Conferred God Stage.

   "Minister waits to obey the order!"

   "The ministers and others obey the order."

  Chen Yuan stands on the top of the starry sky, staring into the distance:

   "Our future is not only the human world, but also the stars, the sea, the endless universe, controlled by the heavens, enjoying the luck of the heavens to protect the body, practice, and hold power. The pros and cons of it are for you to consider for yourself.

   After that, let’s get ready. "

  With the end of the battle between Chen Yuan and Taihao Immortal Venerable, and with the stagnation of the conquest between the immortals in the world and the immortals in the fairyland, the various visions and disasters affecting the human world from the starry sky have finally come to an end.

  The sea is no longer churning, sweeping the shore. Mountains no longer crumble, causing cracks in the earth. The sandstorms condensed in the desert are also gradually melting, and the avalanche on the snow field will no longer continue.

  It seems that everything has returned to the original point.

  The surging vitality vanished into nothingness, and the oppressive atmosphere gradually dissipated, but except for those people who were glad that the disaster had finally passed, many of the rest were speculating about the outcome of this battle.

  The battle is over, the winner...seems like it's time to show up.

  The capital.

  The civil and military honorables, the head teacher of the immortal sect, and the generals in charge of the army were all silent. Everyone wanted to say something, but they didn't know how to say it. After all, when the winner didn't show up.

   If you talk too much, you will make many mistakes in the future.

  Everyone has a strange atmosphere lingering around them, which makes people palpitating and disturbing, but there is nothing they can do about it.

   "What do you guys think?"

   It was Zhenjun Lingxu of Shushan who broke the deadlock first.

  They were not with the civil and military nobles below. After all, the levels were different. The two sides were not on the same level at all, but they had one thing in common.

   That is, they are not good at talking about each other.

   "What do you think?"

  Zhao Danqing, Taoist Tianxu, and Song Yingqiao looked at each other.

   "Pindao thinks that this battle should end with His Majesty's victory." Song Yingqiao said after deliberation.

   "How do you see it?"

   Taoist Tianxu asked with a smile.

  Song Yingqiao: "."

   That was of course his guess, and it was also what he expected most. After all, although Wudang Mountain was not as completely crushed as Shu Mountain, it was almost the same. Besides, there was an old celestial master in this battle.

   It is best to win, but if you lose, then the future of Wudang Mountain is hard to predict.

  Although he thought so in his heart, he couldn’t say that on the surface. He took a deep breath and said:

   "Your Majesty has accomplished martial virtues, and his achievements are outstanding in the world. He is a figure who emerges once in a thousand years. He has never been defeated since he entered martial arts. Naturally, this time will be no exception. Why does Fellow Daoist Tianxu think that His Majesty will lose?"

   Song Yingqiao asked rhetorically.

  The smile on Taoist Tianxu's face was smothered for a moment, and then disappeared again, shaking his head:

   "How is it possible? Your Majesty is invincible, so how can you lose? Pindao bet on His Majesty at the beginning because he valued His Majesty's extraordinary luck. Naturally, he will not lose this battle."

   "What does Headmaster Zhao think?"

  Zhao Danqing smiled without saying a word, did not answer, just clasped his hands and looked into the void.

   Taoist Lingxu sighed with a solemn face: "Unfortunately, our strength is low and we cannot help His Majesty. We can only pray for His Majesty and Dayan here."

   "Your Majesty, you will be fine."

  Song Yingqiao nodded.

  In Ping'an County, Wang Ping, the county lieutenant who had been busy for a long time, also let out a sigh of relief, and took off his official robe casually, sweating on his forehead. The previous turmoil really made him very busy.

   All the power of the county government was used to manage to keep the peace. A large part of it was because he was an old acquaintance of the emperor, and no one dared to stab him in front of him.

   It is conceivable what chaos other state capitals and counties will look like.

   "My lord, the external motives have calmed down." A young man dressed as a policeman quickly came to Wang Ping's side and whispered softly.

   "What about the other counties?"

   "There are varying degrees of chaos in the surrounding counties, but it shouldn't cause any big troubles. After all, His Majesty's majesty is too heavy, and we are still from Qingzhou.

  Those people were just panicked and reckless.

  Although Dayan was founded not long ago, His Majesty has implemented benevolent government, exempted taxes and taxes, and supported the people. The people are not living a good life enough. How could they really rebel? "

  The young police officer knew that Wang Ping was the emperor's former child, so he naturally said everything nicely, and didn't dare to offend him.

   But in fact, with the previous natural disasters and man-made disasters, the entire Central Plains is actually in turmoil. The people may not have any thoughts, but it is hard to say under the encouragement of caring people.

  After all, it is still the same sentence, not long after the founding of Dayan, some forces that were once punished will inevitably have remnants.

  If it is true that the world is about to perish and the world is about to be destroyed, who would not take this opportunity to indulge? Who wouldn't grab enough supplies to feed their lives?

  In the eyes of many people, if it is not Dayan who is in charge of the world today, but Qianjin, under this catastrophe sweeping the world, the world will definitely be in chaos.

   The Central Plains fell apart.

   "That's good." Wang Ping opened his eyes, looked at the beam and said casually:

   "Your Majesty Brother Yuan loves the people like a son, and is sympathetic to the people's feelings. Unlike the few dog emperors who were violently promoted, they like to suffer from the people. Your Majesty does not want to suffer from the people in everything.

  Now the calamity is over, everything is safe, and life will get better and better. "

   "It's still the county lieutenant, you know a lot, and you can see far. The villain is so admirable." The policeman had a flattering smile on his face, and praised Wang Ping.

   "Me? I'm just a lucky person. If it weren't for His Majesty's support, I would be a fast catcher for the rest of my life."

   "It can only mean that your luck is prosperous."


   "My lord, it is said that another oiran has come to Baihualou recently. The old bustard has been looking for the villain several times. What do you expect from you? Look at us."

   "Is this the kind of person I am?"


   "Besides, didn't you say before that the girls there are not selling themselves?"

   "For a villain, it's natural to be a performer but not to sell yourself, but to an adult, it's naturally to be a performer and not to sell your body. Besides, if you don't give money after you finish playing, isn't it considered a sale?"

   "You, it reminds me of my old friend."

   "Hey, I don't know who it is?"

   "Hehe. Go tomorrow, rest today."

   "Come on, the villain will go to Baihualou later and let them get ready tomorrow."

   "I have a heart." Wang Ping nodded in satisfaction.

   "Hey, I learned it all from you, my lord."

   "Study hard, the future is limitless."

   "Learning from adults, you can never finish learning in a lifetime"

   At the same time, several Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace were also constantly discussing and guessing, and they could not let go of their worries. Especially, no matter how they transmitted the sound, Jiang He never replied.

   It's hard not to think too much.

  Chu Changfeng took the lead temporarily to appease everyone, continue to act according to the previous plan, hide resources, hide strength, and wait for a comeback in the future. Of course, this is also based on the failure of Chen Yuan.

  If Chen Yuan wins, everyone will be happy.

  Yang Huatian and Li Suqing did not object.

  Princess Pingyang, mother and daughter, sister Shen Yanshu, Shangguanhong, second sister Zhang, Mrs. Xu, etc., are all looking forward to the day when the good news will arrive.

  In a small county.

  Su Ziyue slowly shook the crown prince Chen Sheng in her arms. Not long ago, Chen Sheng, who had been crying all the time, seemed to be tired from crying, and had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Looking at the little guy between his eyebrows who looked three points similar to Chen Yuan, Su Ziyue's eyes were also full of maternal love, her eyes were in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

  Jiang Xue, who was wearing a plain skirt, stood beside her, looking curiously at the infant boy, but unfortunately she was too short to see it at all, so she could only look up.

  Li Hongshuang stroked Jiang Xue's hair, and asked softly:

   "Xiao Sheng is asleep?"

   "Well, fell asleep."

   "Seeing that he is sleeping so soundly, His Majesty will be fine. The child is the most psychic, which is a good omen."


  Su Ziyue had no intention of talking, but just sighed.

   "Then I." Li Hongshuang wanted to say something more, but suddenly raised her brows, blinked a few times, thinking that she had misread, and widened her eyes again, full of surprise.

  But immediately, he tightly closed his mouth that was about to exclaim.

  Su Ziyue noticed Li Hongshuang's strangeness, and frowned slightly:

"What's wrong?"

   "It's all right"


  Su Ziyue was about to say something, when suddenly a thick arm directly wrapped around her slender waist, which made her subconsciously happy, and she realized what was happening and hurriedly looked back.

  Chen Yuan was looking at her with a smile, the corners of his mouth curled up.

  Jiang He also walked up to Li Hongshuang at this time, and put his arms around her.


  Jiang Xue exclaimed, and rushed over.

"Are you OK?"

  Su Ziyue opened her mouth, seeming to have a thousand words, but in the end they only gathered this sentence.


"That's good."

   After that, there was an eerie calm.

   "Your Majesty, I think"

  Chen Yuan understood in an instant, gave Chen Sheng a look of 'throwing it to Jiang He', and pulled Su Ziyue away directly. Jiang He was speechless, and just wanted to hug Chen Sheng for a while.

   But Li Hongshuang was also blushing and blinked.

  Jiang He heaved a sigh of relief, put Chen Sheng on the rocking cart beside him, gave Jiang Xue a few words, then left Zhu Xianjian to guard, and then took Li Hongshuang away.

   Only Jiang Xue was left with a confused face, not knowing what happened.

  Three days later, the emperor of the human race, Emperor Shengwu of Great Yan, held a court meeting, and issued three imperial edicts to appease the world, save the people, dredge the river, and clear the farmland.

   Save the losses caused by this world catastrophe.

   This is not a big deal. Although the crisis has caused a lot of losses, with the background of the Dayan Dynasty, it can still bear it.

  The appearance of Emperor Chen Yuan also completely stabilized the hearts of all the people.

  Let the common people be excited, and those who care deeply sigh secretly.

  July 19th, the world is peaceful and there is nothing wrong in the world.

   On July 20th, Chen Yuan left the safe capital, let go of state affairs again, and prepared to go to the East China Sea to find this opportunity, and wait until the opportunity is settled.

  Cultivation level increases again, it is time to start setting up the Heavenly Court and thoroughly refine the Changsheng Platform.

  He only hoped that this time, nothing else would happen.

  Now, in his eyes, there is only the last demon left.


good afternoon!

  (end of this chapter)

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