I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 900: reverse! ! !

   Taihao fell, and the fairyland was pacified.

  The whole world has also entered into stability.

   Today's Chen Yuan, at least in the realm, has no enemies. After several battles, his prestige has reached the point where people have changed his face. Now it is the heyday of the Dayan Dynasty.

  Even if there are still some remnants of evil, it is still far from shaking the Great Yan court.

   As for the fairyland.

  Chen Yuan actually had some plans in mind before he did anything, so he didn't go to kill those immortals in the fairyland, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to.

  Kill them, who will do things for themselves in the future?

   Dozens of immortals!

  If the realms are allowed to reproduce on their own, it will take at least a thousand years to accumulate enough. Unlike now, he directly controls the lives of dozens of immortals.

   Killing them is only a matter of turning the palm of your hand.

   Might as well save it for later use.

   Besides, there are dangerous alien demons.

  To make Emperor Wu smash his halberd into the sand, and to make Immortal Venerable Taihao so cautious, it is definitely an existence that he cannot resist at present.

  He broke through the Heyi Realm (Heavenly Immortal), and his combat power has reached the peak level below the seventh realm, but if he is confronted with a terrifying existence beyond the sixth realm, he still has no confidence at present.

  In his opinion, if one wants to fight against or even suppress evil spirits from outside the territory, one must have at least the strength of the seventh realm.

  How difficult is it to reach seven realms?

  One Unity Realm has trapped him for several years, and he can only rely on the guidance of the luck altar to break through successfully. What about the Seven Realms?

  That was a threshold that Emperor Wu had never crossed at the beginning.

  There is no way ahead, so I can only find it by myself.

   And this is inseparable from the help of the Altar of Luck.


   In the current world, luck seems to be lost.

   This is what makes Chen Yuan hesitate the most.

  However, he is not a character who sits and waits to die. Just like before, if he can't find luck, he will rely on himself. In short, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up.

  Of course, the current top priority is to find this opportunity.

  Under the general direction of peace in the world, even if he lets go, he won't have any problems. If he says something arrogant and arrogant, as long as he doesn't die, no one will dare to give birth to any thoughts.

  With his strength, as long as he is still there, no rebellion can threaten him, and cannot shake the Dayan court.

   Therefore, Chen Yuan was very happy to let go of his rights.

  In the past, Chen Yuan liked power very much, and liked the feeling of being aloof, decisive for life and death, and being revered by countless people, but now, he only likes power.

  As long as you have power, you can get any rights.

   Even, in the future, Chen Yuan will step down from the position of Human Emperor, release his own destiny of Human Emperor, and only use the honor of Heavenly Emperor to overwhelm the world.

  In the affairs of the court, each of the four kings with different surnames is in charge of one side, Jiang He sits at the center, assisted by several immortal sects, and based on civil and military officials, all officials are responsible for the affairs of the court. Empress Su Ziyue and imperial concubine Pingyang make the final decisions.

  If something difficult to decide happens, Su Ziyue will also consult other Taoist masters of the Taoist Palace, and contact Chen Yuan.

   This is currently her prerogative.

  Regarding Chen Yuan's current status and power, even though he himself has never expressed his opinion, Chu Changfeng and others still have a vague sense of distance from him.

   It was Jiang He and Mo Luo who ignored some of this gap.

   After all, they have the deepest relationship with Chen Yuan and have helped Chen Yuan more.

  On the endless sea area, seabirds fly at low altitude all over the sky, dive into the sea from time to time, pick up some churning fish, it looks very quiet and very comfortable.

   Above the sea area, about a hundred feet away, there is a white cloud about the size of Zhang Xu slowly moving with the wind. On top of the white cloud, a man in a blue robe sits cross-legged and breathes with his eyes closed.

  Chen Yuan has been in the sea area for more than a month since he came out of the capital.

   During this period of time, Chen Yuan went deep into the sea, looking for a place of opportunity.

  Spiritual thoughts radiated from heaven and earth, and went deep into the bottom of the sea, looking for the location of opportunity inch by inch. Right now, they have come to the last place within a hundred thousand miles nearby.

  If you still can't find it, you can only continue to look for the next one hundred thousand miles.

  Anyway, he still has plenty of time.

  As the breeze blew the tips of his hair, Chen Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and two beams of golden light scattered like two beams of light, directly penetrating the bottom of the sea, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Finally found!

  Waving his hands, the white clouds dispersed and the seabirds flew away. Chen Yuan suppressed his breath and stepped out slowly. His whole body instantly condensed into a barrier of nothingness, and he went deep into the bottom of the sea.

   This place is the deepest trench within the surrounding 100,000-mile sea area.

   It is nearly ten thousand miles deep.

   Huge pressure fell on Chen Yuan like a world overturned, but in his opinion, it was no different from scratching an itch, after all, he was a world of his own.

   But this is Chen Yuan. If it were someone else, a martial artist below the sixth realm, it would be difficult for him to bear such intense pressure.

  Ordinary warriors in the third and fourth realms are even more likely to be squeezed into powder by the pressure in the depths of thousands of miles.

   Especially the further down, the deeper the pressure.

   Even, there is a trace of huge pressure that is not there.

  The dark seabed has no end in sight. When Chen Yuan was going deep, suddenly, a huge tentacle surged towards him, causing violent tumbling waves.

  Chen Yuan frowned slightly, and the next moment, a giant palm condensed out of thin air, and directly grabbed the comer.

  It was a sea monster, about a thousand feet in size, attached to both sides of the trench. Its eyes were as big as lanterns.

   But there is no wisdom.

  Chen Yuan had discovered it long ago, but in his eyes, this thing was no different from an ant, and if he didn't come to provoke it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

  But if he is looking for death, then no one can blame him.

   Dealing with such a ferocious beast, it is difficult to say, but it is also very simple to say that it is simple. If the intelligence is not high, it only needs a sliver of divine sense to condense into a soul-breaking needle, and it can be sent on its way completely.

  Of course, if you are a martial artist in the third or fourth realm, it will be difficult.

   Its physical defense must be broken first.

  Throwing it down casually, Chen Yuan continued to go deeper, and at the same time, his divine sense was constantly peeping below.

  He has a feeling that he will gain a lot this time!

  At the bottom of the realm, where the origins of the world gather, Immortal Taihao, who is absorbing the power of devouring the origins, suddenly frowned slightly, with a trace of hidden worry between his brows.

  Just now, he suddenly felt a sense of danger.

  It seems that there is some powerful enemy coming towards this place at this moment.

   "Could it be Chen Yuan?"

  Taihao Immortal Venerable's eyes moved slightly, and his face showed a dignified look.

   After all, the only person who can threaten him in this square boundary is Chen Yuan!

  Only he can bring him this feeling.

   But how is this possible?

  Could it be possible that Chen Yuan knew that his death was actually a fake death?

  Could it be that Chen Yuan could find the original entrance inch by inch?

   It shouldn’t be.

  Of course Immortal Venerable Taihao did not die in Chen Yuan's hands. He took out the elixir of immortality, took out the longevity platform, and said those words of righteousness and willingness to die, all just to confuse Chen Yuan.

   Want him to die, how could it be so simple?

  He has always been a cautious character, leaving a way out for himself.

  If Chen Yuan died in his hands, and the mysterious altar also fell into his hands, naturally no planning was needed, all he needed was to control the altar step by step.

   Then break away from the way of heaven and break through the seventh realm.

   But who knows, in the end Chen Yuan was able to break through against the trend, and his combat power was overwhelming him. In the end, he killed his real body and chased him all the way to the realm of heaven.

  At that point, it would not be a wise choice to fight with Chen Yuan. The final result must be his death. Therefore, under calculation, he decided to feign his death.

  Give the things to Chen Yuan, and the world to Chen Yuan.

   It is up to him to resist the demons from outside the territory.

  As for him, he took advantage of this opportunity to devour the origin of the realm and step into a higher level.

  Chen Yuan killed him twice in a row, which actually helped him break free from the influence of the Dao of Heaven. Just like now, he was already fundamentally different from the Dao of Heaven.

   is an independent existence.

  As long as he devours the source of the realm, he can use this huge power to break through the seventh realm and become a truly immortal existence.

  But, now, something seems to be going wrong.

  Do you want to leave?

   Or, it was only because of his fear of Chen Yuan that he felt a little flustered?

  Taihao Immortal Venerable looked at the origin of the realm in front of him, and for the first time had the idea of ​​hesitation in his heart.

  If he leaves this place, with Chen Yuan's cultivation base and the strength of Renhuang's luck, he may be aware of his existence, which can be said to be directly in a dilemma.

  As the distance getting deeper and deeper into the ground, the feeling in Chen Yuan's heart became more and more profound, and he always felt that he might encounter something that would interest him later.

   Therefore, Chen Yuan's speed is getting faster and faster.


  Millions of feet.

  Five million feet

  Thousands of feet.

  As the depth continued, there was no sea water around, but Chen Yuan discovered an unfathomable tunnel, and at the same time, the vitality of the surrounding world began to become more and more intense.

   Can also perceive a very magnificent force.

   to the ground.

  When Chen Yuan's divine sense penetrated into the position of Taihao Immortal Venerable, both sides fell into silence. Taihao Immortal Venerable regretted not leaving earlier, but it was already too late.

  Chen Yuan frowned, and then accelerated suddenly.

   Not long after, the two met.

  Although there is a distance of thousands of feet, the two sides can still clearly see some expressions on their faces, as well as Chen Yuan's astonishment at seeing the huge source of power.

"This is."

   "The origin of this realm." Taihao Immortal Venerable took a long breath and explained calmly.


   "Actually, when we reach the realm of you and me, it is enough to discover some things, that is, this square domain is basically a world created by man, just like your inner world.

  When it grows to a certain extent, who dares to say that it cannot evolve into a real world?

  In the starry sky, I don't know if there is a natural boundary, but the boundary we live in can be determined to be the legacy of a powerful practitioner.

   And this original power is the core.

  Although it has gone through countless tens of thousands of years, supplying the world and consuming a lot of power, there is still a huge amount of power left, if it can be swallowed.

  You and I both hope to step into the seventh realm.

  Of course, as a price, when the original source is exhausted, this square domain will also begin to collapse. "

   "So, this is the secret of your fake death?" Chen Yuan asked, staring at Immortal Venerable Taihao.

  In fact, when he sensed the aura of Taihao Immortal Venerable, he had already faintly felt something in his heart, including some of his doubts and curiosity.

   are now also answered.

   No wonder the other party is willing to die.

   Still dead so simply.

  It turned out that it was all to confuse myself.

  If it weren't for the guidance of the Altar of Luck, let me find this place, and when the evil spirits from outside the territory come and fight myself in the future, it is very likely that there will be a peach-picking existence.

   But now, there is no such possibility.

  Because he will eliminate this hidden danger and threat.

   "After you kill my truth, I will no longer be your opponent. Instead of fighting to the death, it is better to leave a way for yourself to wait for the future."

   Immortal Venerable Taihao did not hide his purpose anymore.

  In this situation, at this moment, at this moment, even if he said something, Chen Yuan would not believe it.

   It would be better to give both sides a face.

   "I killed you twice, so I should have killed you completely, right?" Chen Yuan's eyes moved slightly. The reason why he was so sure was because of luck, if Immortal Taihao survived.

  How can luck flow into the altar?

   "The first real body, the second is the incarnation of heaven, and now. It is a backhand I left a long time ago. The gods and immortals are unified, immortal and immortal.

   Just like the demon emperor, the origin is immortal, and the real body is immortal. As long as you don't follow the cause and effect and kill all my trump cards, I will not die. That's why I said it back then.

  You...can't kill me. "

   "The way of cause and effect."

   "Beyond the long river of time, can grasp cause and effect, can kill the past and the present"

   "How much strength do you have now, are you qualified to fight me?"

   Chen Yuan asked.

   "Not enough." Immortal Venerable Taihao was very frank.

   "With my current strength, even if I want to hurt you, it will be difficult. After all, you haven't given me too long to devour the source. This is the best time for you to kill me now.

  If you wait decades or even a hundred years later, then I will kill you. "

   "Aren't you afraid?" Chen Yuan said.

   "Will it be useful? Will you keep it?"

   Immortal Venerable Taihao asked back.

   "You said you would kill me in a hundred years, how could I keep it?"

   "That's it. Since you have the intention to kill me, what's the use of me doing or not doing it. Since you can't live with your head down, it's better to die calmly."

  Chen Yuan smiled, then restrained his smile, and said in a deep voice:

   "Is the you now your last chance? Did you leave an avatar somewhere in the realm?"

  Taihao Immortal Venerable smiled mysteriously, and replied:

   "What do you think?"


good afternoon.

   I won’t have the same ending as Ben, thank you for your support.

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