"I still feel hungry."

Liu Haoming secretly thought.

Compared to his huge size at this time, the hundreds of bread and biscuits just eaten were not enough to stuff him between his teeth, and the wonderful taste of the food has increased his hunger, making him feel hungry. He has the urge to eat frantically.

"Why is this dream so hungry?"

Liu Haoming was puzzled, then stared up and down at the toy-like small city, and countless people worshiping him, including Chu Yao people.

However, after only two eyes, he shook his head straight.

Although he is hungry, he is still not hungry and he doesn’t want to eat. Eating bread with facial features and screaming makes him feel cruel. As for eating the real people on the ground... Dreams are also something that you absolutely can't do.

Indulgence of desire does not mean evil.

"It would be great if there were more bread and biscuits..."

The Great Sovereign murmured.



At the same time, the source of The Weird, shrouded in endless darkness.

"What! All of them have fallen!"

The emperor thunder was shocked!

In the last second, he sensed that the group of treacherous generals he sent to Low Plane to avenge the fire treacherous, all their lives were shattered and no one survived.

"How is it possible! The blue sly and the others can even sweep the Intermediate Rank plane together, what have they experienced?"

The sly king is unbelievable, after came back to his senses , He began to be violent and furious.

Yes, even if hundreds of treacherous will fall, it didn’t make the Sovereign of The Weird clan a little bit jealous. Instead, it stimulated him even more anger. He swears that no matter what the Low Plane is hidden What a huge horror, he will destroy it!

He also has the confidence to swear this oath.

The reason why their The Weird clan can become the tribulation of the heavens and the ten thousand clan is mainly due to their ancestral origin.

A long time ago, All Heavens and Myriad Realms had a mysterious spear for some reason, and that spear was too terrifying, so terrifying that the entire universe could not accommodate it, countless Star Domains The Milky Way was completely shattered by it, the heavens of the ages were also crushed by it, and even the long river was cut off by it to form an ancient fault.

Finally, that spear sinks in the endless Dark Land.

However, after tens of thousands of years, the breath of The Weird in the spear derives six Innate Lifeforms. Those six Innate Lifeforms are the six ancestors of The Weird clan, and the entire The Weird clan is the six big ones. The ancestor reproduced.

The spear is the origin of The Weird clan. Therefore, the Weird clan named the Dark Land where the spear had fallen into Race Protecting Treasure has been enshrined for generations, and by virtue of their blessed by heaven advantage, they wantonly plundered the World Source of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, enslaved countless families, and continued to grow and strengthen themselves.

During the long years of fighting in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the Weird clan has also encountered genocide crisis many times. Once the most dangerous, all the heavens and myriad races all joined forces to exterminate them, at the crucial moment The six ancestors revived from the ancestral land, took out and killed all the enemies in the world, the Supreme Divine King, and the Immortal Emperor Douluo, all scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front of that spear.

It was exactly that battle, which completely established the unshakable status of The Weird clan, and countless heavens and thousands of clan regarded them as a disaster.



"I want to see, what powerhouse exists in that Low Plane, and even the blue tricks can be eliminated!"

The King of Guilt was furious, and he mobilized the idea of ​​sending the King of Guilt to suppress it.

Even in the High Plane, the King of Deception is the pinnacle powerhouse, and the number is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

However, before dispatching the King of Guilty, the King of Guilty decided to remotely check the situation of the Low Plane. If the opponent is too weak, he can easily pinch him to death through the plane of time and space, so he does not need to mobilize the crowd. The king of trickery.

The Emperor of Guilt immediately displayed the Great Divine Ability, his eyes penetrated countless planes of time and space, and descended over Shanghai.

Then he saw a terrifying scene that made his soul tremble with fear!

A boundless huge face covered the entire sky, as if a great existence above everything else, an indescribable pressure spread from the surface of the face.

"If there are more bread and biscuits..."

The violent emperor who thundered a while ago, heard the whispering voice on his face, he shiver coldly, hugged Weak self.



When the voice fell, Liu Haoming suddenly sensed that he had eyes peeping at him.

He looked in the direction of induction, a piece of extra-large bread stood in the darkness in the distance, his face was full of horror, and it looked very sweet and delicious.

Apart from this, he also sensed that more food was hidden in the darkness, and countless bread and biscuits floated and sinked in it.

"That's a great place!"

Liu Haoming's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to catch him without saying anything, and couldn't wait to fill his stomach.

Chu Yao is the only one among countless kneeling people who dared to look directly at the great Sovereign. Her idea is simple. Internet Cafe Boss came to save Shanghai in response to her prayer. If she doesn't dare to look at Internet Cafe Boss like others, wouldn't she disrespect each other?

At this moment, a terrifying picture was reflected in her pupils.

The giant hand of covering the heavens, shielding the sun came out, and the time and space shattered and the red dust was wiped out, reaching an unknown unknown area.

"How is it possible!!"

The emperor is horrified. He is the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor Level, second only to the six ancestors. He looks down upon all living beings to reach the top, but now There was no time to react, and only a momentary effort, the world-destroying giant appeared in front of his eyes and squeezed it up.


This pinch is not only as simple as pinching the emperor, but the entire source of The Weird is crushed to pieces.

"Let go of me!"

The emperor screamed desperately, but in front of the world-destroying giant, he had no room for resistance, and was dragged away mercilessly.


Countless The Weird screamed in horror. They were all terrified by the completely unprepared disaster. The sudden appearance of a giant hand was not only squeezed. The source of The Weird they depend on for survival, and they also captured their emperor. In the past long years, even if they were exterminated by the cooperation of the heavens and ten thousand races, there has never been such a terrifying thing.

"The enemy attacked! The enemy has captured the Lord Devil!"

The powerful Devil King reacted, shouted loudly, and gave orders to countless The Weird:


"Let’s take action together and save Lord Devil King back!"

After that, the king deceived by example and played a world-destroying divine ability at the giant hand:

"The Great Desolate Fragmented Sky Finger!"

A fingerprint that penetrated Heaven and Earth shot out. From the surface of the fingerprint, you could vaguely see the collapse of the sky and the destruction of the Star River.

However, even with this level of attack, after hitting a giant hand, it just mayfly shaking a tree, and even a single hair can't be shaken.

"Three Thousand Great Sword Domain!"

Another tricky king took action and cut out a sword glow that broke Heaven and Earth.

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