"Scuffing tricks!"

"Wou Ji Tai Shang cut!"

"Nine Nether wave!"


At this moment, the broken source of The Weird exploded an unprecedented splendid firework. All The Weird were doing their best to attack the invaders, and their divine ability turned into countless brilliants. lights and vibrant colors, hiding the sky and covering the earth, blasting to the giant hand of destruction.

In the face of such a terrifying offensive, even a piece of Star Domain will be shattered, but for the world-destroying giant, it is not even a tickling, and it is completely impossible to cause damage to it.

"Who can tell me who he is!"

"Impossible, there is such a terrifying existence in the world..."

Countless The Weird is extremely desperate Now, there is no way to fight against the World Destroying Giant Hand, except for powerlessness in my heart.

A few treacherous kings have unpredictable premonitions, guessing that this world-destroying giant is Heavenly Dao Incarnation. Over the long years, the Weird clan has plundered too many planes of World Source, and finally caused Heavenly Dao dissatisfaction, so Get rid of them today.

"These foods...so interesting."

Liu Haoming was surprised.

From his perspective, the countless bread and biscuits hiding in the dark area have tore off small pieces of crumbs or biscuit crumbs from themselves at this time, and threw them desperately at them, as if I want to kill myself with these food scraps.

"They are so cute!"

Liu Haoming was amused by them, and the corners of his lips couldn't help laughing.

"How can they not taste so cute?"

For some reason, the more the food resists, the more Liu Haoming finds them attractive and delicious, and the abusiveness in his heart The pleasure became more and more exuberant, and almost no water flowed out.

So, he couldn't wait to take the lead in bringing the extra-large bread in front of him, and threw it directly into the abyss without even looking.

"Master Sovereign!"

Countless The Weird screamed.

From their point of view, after the Emperor Was caught by the palm of the world, he was thrown into an indescribable abyss.

"ka beng! ka beng!"

One piece of the abyss, the sound made countless The Weird have one's hair stand on end.

"Sir, the emperor was killed!"

"Heavens! What kind of existence is he!"

"Does the Weird family want us today? Is it destroyed?"

The Weirds were so frightened that they couldn't believe it.

Soon, Liu Haoming wiped out the extra-large bread.

He extended the hand, and once again grabbed The Weird who was screaming in terror in the dark.

Old Yuan, who passed away not long ago, once said that if you want to save food, you should pay tribute to the great man. Liu Haoming decided to wipe out all those The Weird.

"He's here again! He's here again!"

The Weird no longer dared to use the divine ability to fight against the world-destroying giants, and immediately disappeared scared witless Run away.

"Where to run."

Liu Haoming doesn't care, those The Weird to him are like monkeys in the palm of Tathagata.

The giant hand swept past, and suddenly there were several millions. Only The Weird was seized by the world-killing giant. Among them, the big one is the king of wickedness, and the smaller one is the wicked general or primary level The Weird. , In the face of catastrophe, they will all end up the same regardless of the level of the cultivation base.

"My ancestor, let's go and save us soon!"

"If we make another move, we are going to exterminate the clan!"

There is a devil king who has been caught Weeping desperately, until now, only the six great ancestors have come forward to repel the world-destroying giants, otherwise the fate that awaits them will only be perish.

The result did not disappoint them, just as they were about to be squeezed into the abyss——

"bang! !"

Suddenly a sound resounded from behind. Explosion.

Countless The Weird turned their heads excitedly, looking towards the deepest part of the darkness.

There is the ancestral land of their The Weird clan, and the resting place of the six ancestors of The Weird.

At this moment, the six great ancestors sensed that the genocide crisis had recovered. They took out Race Protecting Treasure and blasted through the ancestral land, holding together a black spear that was able to support both heaven and earth.

This black spear is the origin of their The Weird clan, the Sky Spear, and it is also the most powerful Immortal Artifact among All Heavens and Myriad Realms, none of them!

"Please stop, please!"

An ancestor of The Weird shouted loudly, with a tone of submission.

"If our clan offends the Supreme, we are willing to pay all the price to apologize to the Supreme. Please also look at the Supreme Treasure for the sake of our Supreme Treasure, if one can let people off, then spare them, don’t kill us to the last one!"

This remark can be regarded as both soft and hard. It is both soft and threatening.

The voice fell, and countless The Weird stopped screaming and struggling at the same time, staring at the World Destroying Giant Hand very nervously, not knowing how he would react.

The six ancestors showed up holding the clan treasure slaughter sky spear, which is the most powerhouse among All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Under the second only to Heavenly Dao, if even the six ancestors can't stop the destruction of the world Giant hands, no one really can save them.

"What is he doing?"

Liu Haoming startled.

He was about to enjoy the gluttonous meal in front of him, but suddenly six super-large loaves appeared from the depths of the darkness, screaming at himself, I couldn’t understand it. Their words.

The shapes of the six super breads are quite peculiar. They hold a hair together in their hands. It seems that the hair is too heavy for them to hold by themselves.

"This hair...a bit familiar."

Liu Haoming's attention turned to the hair, feeling a familiar and kind breath from the surface of the hair.



After the voice of the six ancestors fell, the giant hand of the world exterminating the several millions The Weird suddenly stopped in Midair seems to be weighing the pros and cons.

In a short while, the world-destroying giant hand finished thinking and let go of the several millions The Weird in his palm.

The six great ancestors were relaxed when they saw it, but what happened in the next second made them gasp!

After releasing The Weird, the World Exterminating Giant's hand immediately turned around and arrested the six great ancestors.

"Exalted! What do you want to do!"

The six ancestors were shocked and quickly threatened to stop him: "Although your strength is profound mystery, our Clan Protecting Supreme Treasure can kill the sky. The spear is not a display. If you don't want both sides to suffer, please stop immediately!"

For their warning, the World Exterminating Giants ignored their warnings and continued to take them forward.

The six great ancestors gritted their teeth and understood that now they had no other choice but to face them. Perhaps the other party at first was looking at the Slaughter Sky Spear, so they attacked the Weird clan.

"You forced us! If you want to court death, then make you!"

The six great ancestors roared, all six of them are The Weird contained in the Slaughter Sky Spear The Innate Lifeform derived from the aura deeply understands how terrifying the Slaughter Sky Spear is. No matter what the opponent is, it is difficult to bear the Slaughter Sky Spear head-on.

"Sky Slaughter Strike!"

Following the extremely frantic roar, the six great ancestors simultaneously poured trickery into the Slaughter Sky Spear.

"bang! !"

The Slaughter Sky Spear vibrated violently, and the surrounding space was shattered and shattered, engulfing the prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth and crashing into the giant hand.

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