"Her Highness the Princess, I will come to deliver lunch at the end."

At noon, Yuan Fang’s voice came from outside the courtyard.

For the past dynasties, only members of the Imperial Family have been able to enter the ancestral hall. Even if Yuanfang was the leader of the imperial tomb, he was not qualified to enter, so Xia Wanan was the only one in the ancestral hall.

Xia Wanan walked out of the ancestral hall and opened the door for him. Seeing that the basket in Yuanfang's hand was full of rich dishes, she smiled respectfully.

"I heard someone discussing assassin in the morning, what happened?" Xia Wanan took the basket and asked casually.

"Reporting back to Princess, according to the news from the imperial capital, an assassin of unknown origin attacked and killed His Highness the Crown Prince last night. That assassin cultivation base is profoundly mysterious, and even the Imperial Family worships the capital. It’s not her opponent. In the end, she ran away when many Imperial Family worshipped them."

Yuan Fang replied, influenced by Xia Wan’an’s extraordinary temperament, he always stood in front of Xia Wan’an. It is a great honor to feel like a spring breeze.

"It turned out to be like this."

Xia Wanan looked thoughtful and understood who the distinguished guest in the favorite building was last night, and returned to the ancestral hall with a vegetable basket.

If you knew that Xia Jiangyin was in the most huanlou last night, Xia Wanan would change from a fake assassin to a real assassin, and really kill him, it would be regarded as an interest charge from Jananfeng in advance.

Jian Nanfeng first lured Emperor Xia to abolish Su Feng’s position as the queen, and caused their mother and daughter to live alone in the Longmen Palace for more than ten years. Now they repeatedly dispatched assassin to assassinate themselves. This Qiu Xia Wanan must find her Report, so even the two children with Jananfeng are also on her Must Kill List.

When you use brutal means to knock someone into the dust, don’t expect her to stand up and be kind to you.

She was lucky to get the help of Internet Cafe Boss to stand up at a speed that no one could imagine.

And one thing is very important. Xia Jiangyin's Crown Prince status is a big obstacle to her. To pass the Internet Cafe Boss test and become an empress, she must abolish Xia Jiangyin.



Xia Wanan is not worried that Jananfeng’s minions in the imperial tomb will poison herself, because she has Hundred Venoms Immunity physique, Jing After quietly enjoying her lunch, she continued to cultivation the Dao Tianyan Jing in the ancestral hall.

Until the dusk came, Yuanfang came to pick her up and return to her residence, and her task of guarding the tomb was completed for that day.

Xia Wanan waited until she was in the tiled house, and didn’t wait for the assassin tonight. She guessed that Jia Nanfeng had eaten twice in a row and felt something wrong. She didn’t dare to touch her until she knew her details. Then send assassin to die.

So late that night, Xia Wanan left the imperial tomb again and went to Yingdu County to sign in.

Although, due to her uproar last night, Yingdu County’s defensive force is more stringent than before, with three or four times more guards, but Xia Wanan still cannot be stopped, her cultivation The base has been transformed into a realm, and it can easily jump over the city gate as if entering a no-man's realm.

【Dali Temple sign in successfully, reward players for 60 years of cultivation base. 】

【Prince Prince Gong’s sign-in is successful, reward players for 11 years of cultivation base. 】

【Successful sign-in of the ceremony department, reward the player for a Yongle ceremony. 】


Having the sign-in experience last night, Xia Wanan is no longer unfamiliar with the topography of Yingdu County. She flew between the mansions and pavilions, and quickly sign-in was enhanced. Strength, no one noticed it again during the period.

Two hours later, except for the Imperial Palace and some Fengyue places, Xia Wan'an, a place worth checking in in Yingdu County, has almost been visited again, increasing the cultivation base for more than 500 years, and gaining the Magic Pill medicine. countless.

Taking these gains, Xia Wanan returned to the imperial tomb overnight, replacing sleep with cultivation, and then came to the ancestral hall to refining cultivation base after dawn, keeping a low profile to the greatest extent, and growing up silently.

For the next two days, Xia Wanan has been repeating this pattern of life, day and night, tossing back and forth between the imperial tombs and Yingdu County, seeing the distance she set for herself in the first five days goal. Closer.

Five days later, on the day Xia Wanan decided to sneak into the Imperial Palace to seek revenge for Jananfeng, a major event occurred that shocked the ruling and the opposition.

In the early morning of this day, Yuanfang knocked on Xia Wanan’s door in a hurry, and said anxiously:

"Four Princess! Major event is not good!"

Xia Wanan thoughts Move, get up from the cultivation state and open the door. Yuan Fang is leading a group of generals standing outside the door, looking at him with a very complicated look.

"Don't worry, say slowly what happens."

Xia Wanan calmly said, her temperament was aloof and calm, in sharp contrast with the eager crowd.

After signing in for five consecutive days, she has had a cultivation base for thousands of years. Although Xia Wanan hasn’t played with anyone since she fought against the Imperial Family that night, she doesn’t know what her strength is. She knew she must be strong!

As long as there is a cultivation base by her side, she will not be afraid when the sky falls.

"This is the four Princess." Yuanfang's wording explained.

"This morning, Great Zhou Dynasty suddenly spoke out, enumerating all the guilt of our Xia Dynasty for occupying their land in the past few decades, and finally announced that it would declare war on our Xia Dynasty, and your marriage contract with Zhou Qian's Crown Prince ......Also voided."

Xia Wanan raised her eyebrows slightly. This incident did indeed surprise her.

Xia Wanan fell into silence, Yuanfang and the others looked at her anxiously, wondering what the feelings of the Princess, whose marriage contract was suddenly cancelled, was now.

"Then am I going back to the Imperial Palace now?" Xia Wanan asked suddenly after a while.

Yuanfang startedled. He felt something was wrong. After learning that the marriage contract was annulled, Her Highness the Princess didn't react in the slightest, but asked her if she could return to the Imperial Palace?

"This...This Your Majesty has no will for the time being." Yuanfang replied

"Maybe there will be someone in the palace to convey Your Majesty's will in a while."


"Okay, I see." Xia Wanan was nodded.

"Since the marriage contract is annulled, I don't need to keep this imperial tomb. I will rest in the house. If anything else happens later, you will report to me."


Xia Wan'an closed the door, and a group of people waited outside the door and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How do I feel, the Fourth Princess seems to have known that her marriage date with Zhou Dynasty is invalid?"

An officer scratched the back of his head, surprisedly said.



"What on earth do you want to do this Zhou Dynasty?"

In the room, Xia Wanan paced and pondered, Attempt to analyze the motives of Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Zhou Dynasty first made a request for marriage in the name of her grandfather. Only a few days later, they not only destroyed the marriage, but also declared war on the Xia Dynasty. Various behaviors highlighted the abnormality of the Zhou Dynasty.

"The comprehensive national power of the Zhou Dynasty is not as good as that of the Xia Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty will probably suffer a loss after the war. There must be unknown reasons behind their sudden declaration of war..."

As the analysis deepened, Xia Wanan felt more and more confusing, and felt that she seemed to be involved in a conspiracy struggle, which made her faintly uneasy.

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