At the same time, the Imperial Palace is in the Golden Temple.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

On the throne, Emperor Xia thunder was furious.

"The Zhou Dynasty was bully intolerably, and it was clear that not long ago, an envoy had just sent an envoy to ask for a marriage. In a blink of an eye, he broke my face and declared war with me, even if the soldiers did not do so after the courtesy!"

"Your Majesty calm down your anger."

There are courtiers from the main battle faction who speak out.

"Since the Zhou Dynasty is bully intolerably, we don't need to be polite with him. If he wants to fight, we will fight him happily!"

"That's right. How can you endure this humiliation? It is bound to give the Zhou Dynasty a head-on blow!"

"The Zhou Dynasty's comprehensive national strength is not as good as ours. We have no reason to fear him. Together, they will suffer from the war."


The ministers seconded one, and for a while, the court was full of voices asking for a fight.

Emperor Xia's expression slowed down and said, "We will not only fight this battle, but also win beautifully, Liu Shangshu, you are going to write an article on Zhou Xian, I want to tell the world, Send troops to conquer the Zhou dynasty with the two allies..."

Before the words were finished, an official suddenly ran into the Golden Temple in a hurry, bowed down to Emperor Xia, and shouted anxiously:

"Your Majesty, another incredible major event has occurred!"

"Following Zhou's declaration of war on us, the surrounding three kingdoms of Han, Qin, and Qi also all voiced to declare war on us! They ......They are as if they had colluded in advance!"

As soon as this word came out, the whole court fell silent for an instant.

After a while, Emperor Xia came back to his senses. He couldn't believe it: "How is this possible!?"

"It is still possible for the Korean dynasty to declare war, but the Qin dynasty and Qi Dynasty has always been our loyal ally, how could they declare war?"

"What this small official said is true, how dare you lie to Your Majesty? Once the declaration of war of the three countries was issued, they gathered at the border immediately The army, seeing that it is about to invade soon, it is obviously premeditated!" The official used his words sonically and desperately.

The ministers suddenly lost their color, and everyone was at risk, and none of them could remain calm.

Originally, only the Zhou Dynasty declared war, they were not afraid at all, but now the other three countries also declared war at the same time, so they have to panic. The four-nation coalition forces can be said to be an unprecedented huge crisis in the Xia Dynasty. , The destruction of the country is at hand.

"The four countries are impossible League for no reason. According to this small official's humble opinion, our first priority at present is to find out the reason for their League, and then at all costs to split the coalition forces!" The prime minister put forward his advice.

"Aiqing is right. This is a conspiracy against my Great Xia. We can't wait to die. We must bring back the two major allies, Qin and Qi!"

"Immediately Send envoys to Qin and Qi to tell Emperor Qin and Emperor Qi that no matter what promises the Zhou Dynasty made to them, I am willing to pay them double benefits!"



In just one morning, the news of the Four Nations alliance declaring war on the Xia Dynasty spread throughout the Cangxuan continent, and the government and the public were greatly shaken, especially the monarchs and the people of the Xia Dynasty were people. were alarmed, when the nest is upset no egg is left intact, lest it be affected by the disaster of extinction.

"What kind of power is it that can bring the four countries together and declare war on the Xia Dynasty?"

In the imperial tomb, Xia Wanan looks at the sunset and the sunset on the horizon, two beautiful The eyebrows are tightly locked together.

Like the civil and military officials, she also realized that this war was a terrifying conspiracy against the Xia Dynasty, which would rewrite the situation of Cangxuan continent and the five kingdoms.

The four-nation coalition is very incredible, because the five dynasties have coexisted for hundreds of years. In the past hundreds of years, the five countries have infiltrated each other through marriage and relationship. It can be said that you have I have you in me, and there are multiple Immortal Sects under each dynasty. It is almost impossible for multiple dynasties to jointly attack a certain dynasty. Xia Wanan can't think of anyone with this kind of energy.

"In the past, I only thought that my enemies were the Imperial Father and Jananfeng and the others. I didn't expect the real enemy to be outside."

Xia Wanan secretly thought.

She wants to complete the test of Internet Cafe Boss and become an empress of the Xia Dynasty. Naturally, she can't sit back and watch Xia Dynasty being destroyed by the Four Nations. The Allied Forces of the Four Nations suddenly muddled the pond and made her task more complicated.

"After avenging Janan Feng tonight, I will go to the four dynasties to investigate the situation tomorrow. If the alliance can't be prevented, we can only kill the officials. The officials will fight and kill the officials. , The general fights and kills the general, the emperor fights and kills the emperor!" Xia Wanan makes the next roughest and simplest decision. Anything that hinders her will be eliminated by her. No matter what, there is no Internet Cafe Boss. The task is important.

"Having dormant for these days, it is time to release the thousands of years of cultivation base in my body and shock Cangxuan continent."



Night fell soon.

Because the news heard during the day was too shocking, all the soldiers guarding the imperial tombs could not fall asleep. In groups of three or four, they gathered to discuss the major event of the country. They were worried that once the war broke out, they would Will lose the beauty of guarding the imperial tomb and be sent to the frontline battlefield instead.

Xia Wanan put on a masked costume, bypassed the gathering place of soldiers, and flew towards the direction of the imperial capital.

【Yiheshan sign-in is successful, reward players for 20 years of cultivation base. ]

[Huaihe sign-in is successful, reward players for ten years of cultivation base. 】

【Lao Junyan sign in successfully, reward the player One Qi Becomes Three Purities. 】


Xia Wanan wanted to make a big fuss tonight, so she didn't intend to sign in, but just passed by some places of interest.

As she hurried on the road at full speed, the outline of the Kung Fu Imperial Capital soon appeared before her eyes.

"Something's wrong, there are others!"

Just as she was about to jump over the city wall, she suddenly sensed that there were several powerful forces approaching her quickly, those few strands Qi Ji was only strong or not weaker than the Imperial Family worship that he played against him in the most huanlou that night.

Xia Wanan didn't beat the grass to scare the snake, she used the Breath Restraining Technique to cover her breath, and at the same time she retreated to the darkness beside her to watch the changes.

"sou sou!"

Along with the air-splitting sound, dozens of black shadows shot from a distance like arrows, although they were wearing night clothes. After the veil, the action did not hide and converge, and leap over the city wall with great fanfare.

"Where can I be young!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate roared and immediately summoned the soldiers to stop them with arrows.

"All killed."

A black clothed person said coldly.

Another black clothed person's subordinate immediately left the team and waved a sharp blade to cut out the sword glow of Ling Yu. It took only a little effort to wipe out the entire army of the guards and continue to follow. Go up to the black clothed person line in front.

After the black clothed person walked far away, Xia Wanan jumped onto the city wall, looking at the tragic death of dozens of soldiers, her brows trembling.

"It's so cruel to start!"

This group of cultivation base profound people are coming aggressively, obviously they have big plans.

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