Wu Lun saw Lu Haoran recognize the status of officers and soldiers, the courage returned, and stuttered: "Until...I see my lawyer, I will not return, Answer any of your questions!"


Ministry of Transcendent Affairs everyone hearing this is a bit confused.

You are a serious threat to the security of the world, can you still have a lawyer?

The Ministry of Transcendent Affairs member who slapped Wu Lun on the official car before quickly stepped forward, raised his hand and gave him a big pocket, shouted: "Be honest! "

The Zheng Mu and other attendants next to him were scared green when they saw this, shiver coldly, thinking that the other party could be an officer and soldier! It is a gangster more than a gangster!

Wu Lun was dazed and dizzy, crying and said: "Even if you don't let me see the lawyer, at least let me see my dad, please!"

Up to now, Wu Lun regards Wu Weilin as his only hope. He firmly believes that as long as there is his dad, there will be nothing wrong with him.

The Ministry of Transcendent Affairs member saw that he was still stubborn, and walked up to Lu Haoran and proposed: "Minister, it seems that he won't be able to pry his mouth open for a while, or use Soul Search. ?Although he will become an idiot as soon as the soul search is over."

Lu Haoran groaned a little and shook his head: "Since he wants to see his father, wait a minute, anyway, his father will be there soon. "

Wu Lun first listened to what they said was a soul search and an idiot. He almost knelt on his knees and begged for mercy. Then he heard them saying that his father would be there soon, and he was a little calm right away.

Think about it, too, if you are caught in a major event, the father will definitely receive the news immediately, and then use all relationship channels to rescue yourself.

As soon as he thought that he would be rescued immediately, Wu Lun instantly cheered up, and even began to imagine that after he got out of trouble, there would be each one among so many people present, and he must retaliate back ten times and one hundred times!

"Peng peng."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

A Ministry of Transcendent Affairs member went to open the door, only to see a number of officers and soldiers coming in with a man wearing a balaclava.

"Minister, Wu Weilin has brought you here."

When he heard the words "Wu Weilin", Wu Lun only felt the "hong long" in his mind. Silly.

"en." Lu Haoran nodded: "Take off the headgear."

As the headgear is taken off, the appearance of the man is printed in front of Wu Lun’s eyes. Father Wu Weilin who is a life-saving straw.


Wu Lun was shocked: "Why are you kidnapped too?!"

"What kidnapping, they are all officers and soldiers!" Wu Weilin He wanted to cry without tears and replied, "What on earth did you commit that actually implicated Lao Tzu in!"

Half a quarter of an hour ago, Wu Weilin was playing secretaries in the company, and suddenly a group of officers and soldiers aggressively broke in. In his office, the leader of the team was the head of the Xijiang city government office, and he was arrested on the spot.

At first, Wu Weilin thought that he did the illegal things that he did. The soul flew away and scattered after being reported and scrutinized. Later on the road, the director relaxed and told him that his son was suspected of being together. A terrorist act that endangers the security of the world requires him to cooperate with the investigation.

Wu Weilin was so confused at the time. He admitted that his son was not only an unknown and incompetent, but also a wine skin and rice bag. He was such a wasteful son. You said he endangered the safety of the world?

You might as well say that all the illegal things I have done have been investigated. This is more reliable.

Wu Weilin was very confused about this, so after seeing Wu Lun, he immediately asked him what he had committed.



"What did I do?"

Wu Lun is more confused than his dad, he thinks he I didn't commit anything, just now I was just buying a fox, but I was caught by unfathomable mystery.

Compared with his previous violations of female teachers who were killed by drunk driving, simply is not a good thing!

"Now that your dad has arrived, you can say why you forcibly bought that teenager's pet." Lu Haoran opened the mouth and said, a sentence that awakened Wu Lun.

Until now, he finally understood that the reason why he and his father came here was really because he wanted to buy the fox!

What is the identity of the owner of the fox! !

Why does he have such terrifying energy! ! !

Wu Lun thought about it with extreme fear, his intestines were about to be broken, and he quickly defended: "I didn't force the purchase, I want to give him money, a fox one million, he absolutely did not suffer! "

When Lu Haoran heard "One Million", a flash of chill and anger flashed in Lu Haoran's eyes.

This kind of ignorant hedonistic son of rich parents is the most hateful. He thinks that money is everything, but he doesn't know that the money in his family is all worthless dung in the eyes of Lord of Domain.

Crimson Fox Fairy has been soaring since becoming a pet of Lord of Domain. When I saw her in the Internet Cafe last time, she was able to bring herself a very strong oppression. , These days, she must have grown to be able to stand alongside Gods of Anitquity, and even the Great Minister of War may not be her opponent.

But this is such an idiot who wants to buy Crimson Fox Fairy for one million. Even if you spend one million, you can't buy a single piece of hair on her body!

Fortunately, I and the others shot in time, otherwise in case this idiot really angered Lord of Domain, not to mention that Lord of Domain shot himself, just let the Crimson Fox Fairy make a big fuss. It will cause an unimaginable disaster to Xijiang City.


"I want to know the reason, not to listen to your excuse." Lu Haoran said coldly.

Wu Lun gritted his teeth, and finally brace oneself said: "The reason I bought that fox is because of my Master..."

"Can't say!"

Wu Weilin interrupted him quickly, anxious.

At this time, he finally understands what his son is committing. It is not him who endangers the safety of the world, but Master Bi Fang. The government is only following the line of his son to follow Master Bi Fang.

The government just wants to know the reason for buying foxes. This point can be made up completely. For example, they like foxes, but they can't give Master Bi Fang out. Once they say it, it's all over.

"Shut up."

Lu Haoran glanced horizontally at him, the powerful spiritual power fluctuations swept out, instantly making Wu Weilin sit on the ground and sweaty.

"Go on."

He ordered Wu Lun.

Wu Lun swallowed, remembering the words of searching for the soul and becoming an idiot just now, and he was helpless, so he went out:

"My Master asked me to find him a Spirit Beast As long as I find him, I am willing to accept me as a disciple. I think that fox is very similar to Spirit Beast, so I want to buy it."

As soon as this word came out, Wu Weilin, who was sitting on the ground, looked like ashes. , I feel that the sky is not so terrifying.

"What is your Master's name." Lu Haoran asked.

Wu Lun shook his head: "I don't know, my dad should know that he always wears a grimace mask, which is said to be a very difficult to deal with Transcender."

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