"You confessed yourself, or you want us to search for your soul." Lu Haoran looked towards Wu Weilin and asked him to choose one of the two.

The reason why he did not directly search for Wu Weilin's soul is because once he uses this method, Wu Weilin will become an idiot and completely abolish it. Although Lu Haoran, as the Minister of Transcendent Affairs, has the right to do so, But he felt that Wu Weilin might still be used.

Wu Weilin gnashing teeth glared at his cheating son, feeling very sad and helpless in his heart.

He has dealt with Transcender and is no stranger to soul searching. He knows that he is dead if he confessed, and he is dead if he is searched, but it is the difference between early death and late death.

"His name is Bi Fang."

The survival instinct drives Wu Weilin to confess that he still wants to live longer.

"He has three subordinates, the younger one is Chenlong, the older one is Wu Tianli, and the older one is Lin Fengxiang. They are all Transcender."

Lu Haoran Under the names of the four persons, at the same time gave a Ministry of Transcendent Affairs member a line of sight next to him. The other party immediately understood and immediately went out to investigate the intelligence information of the four Transcenders.

"How did you meet each other." Lu Haoran continued to ask.

"Two years ago, they took the initiative to find me." Wu Weilin answered truthfully, not daring to say anything false.

"They came to Xijiang for a very mysterious purpose. They asked me to arrange a concealed residence for them and provide them with food, clothing, housing and transportation. In return, they would also help me do something... "

"What do they do for you?"

"Destroy several...commercial competitors."

Lu Haoran frowned, his eyes The brilliance of Wu Weilin became colder and colder, and I understood that Wu Weilin had many other nasty things that could be deeply rooted in addition to those things related to the Lord of Domain.

Only, now Lord of Domain is the top priority.

"Go on."

"Bi Fang and the others normally stayed in the residence I arranged for them most of the time. The country announced that it would establish an extraordinary university in an all-round way. I wanted to send my son to an extraordinary university, so I found Bi Fang and asked him to accept my son as a disciple."

"Bi Fang said that they recently needed a personal possession. Spirit Beast of spirit blood, let me find Spirit Beast for them, so that he would accept my son as a disciple, so my son and I will work so hard to collect spirituality animals..."

Hearing this, Lu Haoran roughly knows the whole sequence of events.

At this time, the Ministry of Transcendent Affairs member who went out earlier also came back and said: "Minister, the identity of the four people has been investigated."

"Bi Fang , Chenlong, Wu Tianli, and Lin Fengxiang are all fugitives from China’s S-Rank Transcender. They robbed a bank in Jinzhou two years ago, causing a large number of casualties of innocent people, and finally fled into the Changbai Mountains whereabouts unknown."

"Do you know they are fugitives." Lu Haoran asked.

Wu Weilin is nodded with difficulty: "I know."

At this point in the interrogation, Lu Haoran has already murdered him. It is just such a scum who shelters the four S -Rank The fugitive has been at large for two years!

He took a deep breath and asked the last question.

"Where is their hiding place?"

"They used to live in Xicheng District. They didn’t know what happened last night, so I suddenly asked me to change a place for them. Now I live in Purple Gold County in Dongcheng District."



Purple Gold County is located in the suburbs of Xijiang City and is a villa complex. , Developed and constructed by a company under Wu Weilin.

In the basement of a villa in the community, a grimace man who was in a cultivation state was suddenly awakened by a burst of heart palpitations. He was what Wu Weilin said. At this time, his right eyelid was constantly beating.

"What's the matter?!"

Bi Fang was surprised and took out a soldier talisman from his arms.

Two years ago, Bi Fang and three of his subordinates robbed the bank and fled into the boundless Changbai Mountains. By chance, he obtained the treasure of the Black Emperor and learned from the documents left by the Black Emperor. The matter of the relics of the gods, so they came to Xijiang and waited for two years, otherwise, according to the original plan, they would have fled abroad to spend money.

The soldier amulet in Bi Fang's hand was also obtained from the Black Emperor's treasure, which is the key to controlling the god of the underworld. At this moment, the soldier amulet is flashing The Weird red glow, an ominous hunch enveloped. Bi Fang's whole body.

"Soldier symbol warning is an omen of great evil!"

Bi Fang's eyes are extremely dignified. He once recognized the master with the soldier symbol, knowing the reason why the soldier symbol warned him. There must be a catastrophe imminent.

"Damn it, Lin Fengxiang must have leaked my information before he died last night!"

Bi Fang was so angry that he wanted to chop up Lin Fengxiang's body and feed it to the dog.

"In order to wait for the recovery of Pluto, I have survived for two years. Will I not survive the last two days."

"no! No matter who it is Don’t want to stop me, anyway, I must last until two days later!"

Bi Fang’s eyes are unpredictable. As long as he controls the Underworld, he will be able to fear all enemies in the world. At that time What Xuan Country and Ministry of Transcendent Affairs are all Tuhua chickens and dogs.

Quickly, Bi Fang made a decision. He put away the talisman and walked out of the basement, and said to the two subordinates playing cards in the living room:

"Wu Weilin asked me to help him solve one person, I Go out and come back soon."

The two people are hearing this. In the past two years, Wu Weilin often asked them to help solve business opponents. Before, Lin Fengxiang shot. Ability can kill people invisible, not one drop of water can leak out.

Now that Lin Fengxiang is dead, naturally there is no way to let him take action.

"Boss, anyway, there are only two days left to recover from Li Mingshen, so just ignore the old fellow." The young man named Chenlong said with a smile.

Bi Fang shook his head: "No, just because there are only two days left, so we can't take it lightly. Wu Weilin is very important to us."

Both of them understand what Bi Fang means. Wu Weilin played an indispensable role in hiding himself and the others in Xijiang for so long. His name as the richest man in Xijiang City once solved the problems of large and small for himself and the others.

"Well, boss, be careful, let us know what happens at any time." said the middle-aged man named Wu Tianli.


Bi Fang immediately pushed the door and left, his expression and reaction as normal and calm as usual.

"Xiaochen, Lao Wu, we've all walked that long way, and you will be my surrogate for the last time. I don't blame me for this matter, I can only blame Lin Fengxiang."


Bi Fang meditated in his heart, speeding up his pace to walk out of the gate of the community.



In the villa, Chenlong and Wu Tianli did not know that they had become abandoned children, and continued to play cards to kill time.

"Having been in the West for two years, I am finally about to exhale!" Wu Tianli sighed while touching the cards.

"Yes." Chenlong echoed: "Thanks to the original choice to follow the boss, the boss morality reaching up to the clouds, it is absolutely impossible to treat us badly."

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