I have a magical tree

Chapter 126: The capital city is shaken

Wang Chengan was also worried. Ge Yongyan was in Yanghe County. If a super-grade strange dragon appeared there, wouldn't it be... Hey, that's not right!

Wang Chengan suddenly remembered what Xu Dao had said just now, saying that his master had sent a letter. Since there was a letter, it meant that he was fine. He was not affected by the super-grade strange monster.

But how did Ge Yongyan survive in the face of such a strange disaster? Moreover, why did he send Xu Dao to the city? In order to accomplish this, he even begged him.

You know, although the two are good friends and have communicated a lot about refining medicine in the past, Ge Yongyan has never asked him for help. Even when he wanted Ge Yongyan not to work in Heishan Prefecture, he was rejected by him.

According to Ge Yongyan, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. If there are too many other things mixed in, this friendship will be worthless.

Therefore, based on his understanding of Ge Yongyan, unless he had no choice and had no other way, it would be impossible for him to beg him.

But there is a problem. Ge Yongyan sent his disciples here in advance. Does it mean that he already knew about the super-grade monster? He did this because he was worried that his disciples would be affected by this disaster?

Is there any inside story?

Wang Chengan's mind was racing. Although he had many ideas at the moment, he did not speak out. That was his good friend. If there was any inside story, he would not betray him. Instead, he had to help cover it up.

Let's see what the Lord of the Palace said!

Nangong Nei saw the reaction of the crowd and comforted them, "You don't have to worry, the super-grade monster is dead."

This time, the reaction of the crowd was even greater. Everyone looked at Nangong Nei at the same time, with unbelievable faces.

A super-grade monster appeared so suddenly, and then died so suddenly? This is a rare thing!

"But there happened to be a master passing by the county city and helped solve it?" The chief of the inspection department, Jiang Fu, asked.

This is also what other people think. Those who can kill super-grade monsters are either more powerful monsters or people from the county city. Even if it is their prefecture city, facing such super-grade monsters, the means are extremely scarce, unless they ask for the treasure of the town.

But since it is the treasure of the town, it is naturally used to guard the prefecture city. How can it be moved lightly? How dare it be moved lightly? The prefecture city is not a completely safe place, and it is not afraid of monsters.

Moreover, the cost of activating the treasure of the town is too high, whether it is for people or resources, the cost is too high. Who would be willing to use it if nothing happens!

Once activated, the savings of a prefecture city for several years will be wiped out in an instant, and the user will also lose most of the martial arts blood, and even seriously lose life span. The former is okay, and it will recover after a few years of recuperation, but the latter, whoever sees it is afraid!

Only truly long-lived people like warriors can understand the preciousness of life span and the beauty of longevity. They originally felt that their life span was not enough, so how could they squander it here?

So, after thinking about it, it was not a more powerful monster that made the move. Then it could only be a master from the county city who made the move.

Although Black Mountain is a dangerous place, it is also a strange place. There are countless treasures and spiritual medicines everywhere. Those who are really capable also like to go to the edge to practice and search. As long as the luck is not too bad, there will always be some gains.

Moreover, who can not be curious about Black Mountain? Even Black Mountain Mansion is named after Black Mountain, which shows its weight in the county.

Nangong shook his head, "If it is really a master from the county city who killed the monster, why did I call you here today?"

"Then how is this super monster..."

"Yanghe County hunted this strange dragon by itself!" Nangong had a complicated expression and made this exclamation-like words.

The people below were stunned, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Gong Zuxiu even scratched his ears with his little finger, "Don't joke, Lord Fu, Yanghe County? How is it possible? With all those people, how can they kill super-grade monsters!"

How strong can a county be? Dare to hunt super-grade monsters? And let them succeed! Who would believe this!

At first, they thought they would hear the news of Yanghe's destruction, and they had already thought about how to comfort Lord Fu!

Although Yanghe is an enclave and abandoned land, it is under the jurisdiction of Heishan Prefecture and belongs to the jurisdiction of Nangong. Once it is lost, the higher authorities will still hold it accountable. Of course, it is only accountability. Over the years, this kind of thing has happened in Dali, and it is not uncommon.

A county has been destroyed, and you have dismissed Lord Fu? What a dream!

But they never expected that they would hear such earth-shattering news in the end.

Nangong shook his head, "I'm not kidding. Yanghe County really hunted down that strange dragon and avoided destruction. However, the county lord Yan Chengyun disappeared, the chief of Yanghe Demon Suppression Department Wang Xian died, the chief of the Inspection Department Qin Zhan was seriously injured, the chief of the Military Department Ding Qi died, and the demon suppression department worshiper Huang Ji disappeared... Anyway, the chief officers of the six departments and one bureau were left with only Li Yan of the Household Registration Department and Ge Yongyan of the Medical Bureau."

Wang Cheng'an's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look up at the Lord of the Household Registration, "Is there any other inside story?"

Nangong nodded, "Old Wang has a keen eye. Ge Yongyan of the Medical Bureau of Yanghe County and Li Yan of the Household Registration Department have already submitted a report to explain the whole story. Yan Chengyun deliberately concealed the news of the super-grade demon, intending to hunt down the strange dragon and take its dragon pill, and then teamed up with Huang Ji, the demon suppression department, to set up this game."

"What is the origin of Yan Chengyun? How dare he be so bold? He is a person of several ranks. How dare he plot against a super-rank demon? Who gave him the courage?" Jiang Taiqing, the head of the Demon Suppression Division, who had been silent, spoke up.

"Yan Chengyun is the youngest son of Yan Zhen from the Yan family in the county. According to Li Yan's investigation, Yan Chengyun has been preparing for decades to hunt this dragon. He has treasures that are specifically used to defeat dragons. In order to activate these treasures, he personally killed Wang Xian and others for blood sacrifice, which severely injured the demon dragon. However, he disappeared after being seriously injured and dying. In the end, Huang Ji of the Demon Suppression Division showed his divine power and killed the demon dragon with unknown means, and then disappeared!"

Everyone took a breath of cold air. It turned out that there was such a hidden story. Yan Chengyun was really a ruthless person. In order to hunt the dragon, he actually sacrificed officials for blood and did such a treasonous thing.

But who is Huang Ji? According to what the Lord of the Palace said, the main reason for the death of the super-grade strange dragon this time is actually this person?

But they have never heard of such a strong man! Although they don’t know much about the masters from the sect, how can someone who can solve the super-grade strange dragon be an unknown person?

It shouldn’t be like this. Even if it is intentional to hide it, it should reveal some news.

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