I have a magical tree

Chapter 81 Firm attitude

Xu Dao was confused and wanted to ask, but Mr. Ge directly waved his hand and interrupted, "If you have any questions, ask them later. Listen to me first."

Mr. Ge raised his hand and pointed into the distance, "That's Black Mountain!"

Xu Dao nodded, yes, that was Black Mountain. Although he didn't know much about Black Mountain, he grew up listening to the legend of Black Mountain. It was a terrifying place and a truly weird place.

Even now, he doesn't dare to easily enter the Black Mountain group. No one knows what is in that mountain!

"Back then, the founding emperor of Dali decided to rule the world by dividing it into counties, with a total of thirty-six counties. The county we are in is Xining County, which is almost close to the westernmost part of Dali. The county is divided into prefectures, and there are several prefectures in one county. , or even more than ten prefectures. The state capital where we are located is also called Heishan Prefecture because there is a large black mountain that stretches thousands of miles and occupies almost half of the prefecture. "

"And Yanghe County is one of the thirty-six counties under the jurisdiction of Heishan Prefecture."

Xu Dao suddenly realized that he finally had a rough impression of the world. Although it was still not clear, it was much better than before.

Yanghe County is too isolated, and its knowledge of the outside world is far from enough. Even many people's lifelong vision is limited to this county. I don't know anything about the outside world at all.

They didn't even know the name of the mansion they were in was Heishan Mansion.

"I see, it seems that Dali's territory is very large!" Xu Dao sighed with emotion. This was his first feeling. This world was so big that it was far beyond his imagination.

Originally, in his mind, Dali should be in decay, like a dying man, weak and weak, but now it seems that it is not that simple to be able to occupy such a huge territory.

Even if it is indeed defeated, the tiger will never fall, especially the foundation!

"Yes, the world is huge! It's so big that many people can't leave a county in their lifetime." Elder Ge nodded, even though he himself had never left a county.

The farthest distance he had ever traveled in his life was from Heishan Mansion to the county town. He has not even been to many other state capitals in Xining County.

"Then you know that Yanghe County is an extremely special existence even among the thirty-six counties in Heishan Prefecture."

"Special?" Xu Dao repeated these two words. "What's so special?"

Xu Dao understood that the teacher asked him to come out because he was afraid that he would tell him the truth about Yanghe County.

Sure enough, Mr. Ge continued: "Yanghe County is an abandoned land, just because this county is located at the foothills of Black Mountain."

"Heishan is so big, but Yanghe County is at the foot of Heishan?"

Mr. Ge nodded, "Yes, only Yanghe County is located at the foothills of Heishan Mountain, because other states and counties are forced to stay hundreds of miles away from Heishan Mountain. The entire Heishan Mountain Range and the surrounding land of hundreds of miles away, people are not allowed to live in it. "

"Because of Montenegro?"

"It is precisely because of this Black Mountain Range." Mr. Ge said with a complex expression, "Yanghe County is actually a cage. Everyone born here is a caged bird. Even outsiders who stay here for more than a year, He will also become a caged bird.”

"Everyone born here will be stamped with the mark of Montenegro, and so will outsiders who stay here for more than a year."

Xu Dao fell into silence after hearing this. He finally understood what the red mark was in the spiritual depths of himself, his little sister, A Niang and others.

Before, he thought that the mark looked strange and irregular, and he couldn't figure out why. Now it seems that it may be the microcosm of the Black Mountain.

"So, Mistress will return to Fucheng once a year?"

Mr. Ge nodded, "You are a smart man. I guess you noticed something was wrong at that time, and maybe you checked it yourself, but this kind of thing will not be recorded on paper. This information is just common sense to the outside world. Something, but here, it is not known to ordinary people.”

"But it's still wrong. The teacher is also an outsider, right? Why does the teacher's wife leave every year but the teacher doesn't use it?" Xu Dao noticed a blind spot.

Mr. Ge nodded. His disciple was really quick-thinking. "That's because we have official status and official positions. We are protected by the luck of the dynasty. Even if we live here for more than a year, we will not be imprinted."

Xu Dao suddenly realized, no wonder Teacher and the others don’t have to leave Yanghe every year.

"What is the effect of this Black Mountain Seal?"

"Once the Black Mountain Seal is planted, it means that a life-threatening talisman is planted. As long as you leave the Black Mountain area a hundred miles away, the mark will revive and take away people's souls. Even if you don't leave, the Black Mountain Seal will be reduced. Life is limited, and it absorbs people’s spirituality.”

"Is that why the lifespan of mortals ends at fifty, the ninth grade ends at the age of seventy, and the eighth grade does not expire?" Xu Dao finally connected the things he had seen in the Household Registration Department before.

Mr. Ge was slightly surprised, "It seems that you really found out a lot of things."

"Is this why the teacher didn't want to agree when I proposed running away?" Xu Dao sighed. It was really because of him that the teacher didn't agree to flee Yanghe County.

It's hard to say that the teacher is still staying in Yanghe County because he can't let him go. Otherwise, with the teacher's caution, he would have run away with the bucket long ago. Anyway, he and his wife are not restricted by the Black Mountain Seal.

"However, my master has already thought of a solution to this matter!" Elder Ge changed his previous seriousness, raised his voice twice, and his tone became a little arrogant.

Xu Dao was stunned, "What can we do?"

"I went to see the county lord last night, and he agreed to remove the Black Mountain Seal for your family in a few days. In this way, you can break free and walk freely. Yanghe County is too small after all. You should go out and take a look, go out and see a wider world. In Yanghe County, almost no warriors are willing to come here unless they have no choice."

Xu Dao was not happy, but asked in a low voice: "What did the teacher pay for this?"

He didn't believe that the county lord would be a good person who didn't ask for anything in return. Moreover, Xu Dao still had doubts. What realm was the county lord? He actually had the ability to remove the Black Mountain Seal? That was a mark planted deep in the soul, and ordinary people probably couldn't even find it? He could remove it? What is he?

Martial arts second grade? First grade? Or the Purple Mansion True Lord of Qi Refining?

Why didn't Xu Dao believe it? The teacher was probably deceived!

Old Ge waved his hand, "Don't worry about this. When the time comes, he will remove the mark for you and others, and you will take your master's wife to leave Yanghe County and go to the capital."

"Teacher, you are not leaving?" Xu Dao's voice suddenly rose several degrees, "Is it because of the deal with the county lord?"

Old Ge avoided the question, "I told you not to worry about it. You go first, and I will go to the capital to find you later."

Xu Dao shook his head, "If the teacher doesn't explain clearly, I will not agree to leave. There is no reason for the teacher to bear the danger alone."

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