I have a magical tree

Chapter 82 Liu enters the rank of rank, ceremonies are arranged

Listening to Xu Dao's words and looking at the determination on his face, Ge Lao felt very complicated, distressed and relieved.

He really did not make a mistake in choosing Xu Dao, and it was worth it for him to do so much for Xu Dao.

"Okay! I'll tell you!" Ge Lao had no choice but to tell him the whole story.

Xu Dao was so shocked that he could not help but look towards the direction of the county government in the city.

"Is he crazy?"

"I think he is crazy too!" Ge Lao nodded and looked over there with him. "This person is probably stuck at the peak of the fourth rank. He can't find a way forward and is desperate, so he has this idea!"

"A fourth rank martial artist has a lifespan of 300 years. Why is he so anxious?"

"300 years is the length of several lifetimes for ordinary people, but it is not long for a martial artist. He is probably close to 100 years old now. If he can't break through the third rank before 150 years old, then his chances will be reduced by several levels. If he can't break through before 200 years old, then there is no hope in this life. In fact, there is still a chance after half of the lifespan, but before two-thirds, but the hope is really small."

"In other words, if he really wants to enter the third rank master realm, the golden time is only 50 years. He has been stuck for decades, so what's so strange about being stuck for decades more?"

Xu Dao pondered, could he be stuck for so long? He has never felt the bottleneck of cultivation, so he can't understand the taste of being stuck in a realm for decades.

"The super-grade demon is too dangerous. Even if he is well prepared, it is still dangerous for the teacher to participate."

"The teacher has his own means of escape. You don't have to worry. You are now in the seventh-grade realm, so your main task is to escort your master's wife and others to the capital city, so that I can rest assured."

Xu Dao did not refuse this time. The teacher was right. No matter what he did later, he had to escort the master's wife and others to the capital city safely, and then he would have room to perform.

"Okay, I agree! Leave the master's wife and others to me!"


Xu Dao parted with Ge Lao. Ge Lao still needed to go back to make some preparations. Although he had a super-grade talisman in his hand, it was still not safe. Some other means were needed.

And Xu Dao wanted to return the three treasure pills given by the teacher to the teacher. The remaining seven treasure pills of the teacher have now been given to Yan Chengyun.

The teacher only took two, and the remaining one was for Xu Dao to keep for his life.

If it wasn't for the fact that he might not have enough time to refine another furnace of precious pills, he wouldn't even want these two pills, and would directly refine another furnace. Why would he take back what he gave to his apprentice?

On the contrary, medicinal materials are not a big problem. Since the teacher refined the healing pill last time, there are not a few people who bring medicine to ask for pills, and they are mainly healing pills.

Xu Dao came to the county government treasury again. Many things needed for arranging the rituals could not be bought in the ordinary market, so he could only exchange them at the treasury.

He still has a batch of first-grade pills in his hand, and it is not difficult to exchange them for some small merits.

He did not delay after exchanging things, but went straight back home.

Although he can now remove the Black Mountain Mark on others by transferring those marks to himself, he does not plan to do it now.

Let's wait and see, wait a few days, and see the details of Yan Chengyun, anyway, there is still time.

If Yan Chengyun boasted recklessly and could not remove the Black Mountain Seal, it meant that he had other plans and might have to attack the teacher. Otherwise, when something went wrong with them, the teacher would definitely know. Since he had no such concerns, it meant that Yan Chengyun had never intended to let the teacher come back alive.

But what if Yan Chengyun really had such means? Xu Dao didn't mind trying it. Besides, even if Yan Chengyun couldn't remove it, there was still a possibility that he could sense the mark. If he found that Xiaomei and others had no marks on them, Xu Dao would have a hard time explaining it.

Moreover, he was just worried that he couldn't explain why the marks on Xiaomei, A Niang and others disappeared. Now Yan Chengyun came to him, wouldn't it be just what he wanted?

If others asked about it in the future, he would just push it to Yan Chengyun and say that he did it. Isn't it beautiful? It's simply killing two birds with one stone!

Just after returning home, Xu Dao could not help but feel that everyone in the family was in a different mood. He was curious, "What happened?"

"Dao'er, I have entered the rank?" Liu couldn't hide the smile on her face.

Hearing this, Xu Dao hurried forward, held Liu's wrist, and carefully sensed that she had indeed entered the rank!

He was overjoyed. This was a good thing. In the past few months, his mother had been practicing non-stop, and with the daily supply of top-grade blood-strengthening pills, she finally entered the rank.

This speed was really not slow, and it was worth his daily consumption of mana to refine the bones for A Niang. A Niang's current talent, although not as good as Xu Dao and others, is also better than ordinary people.

When he arrives in the capital city in the future, he will exchange for some more precious natural materials and treasures, change his tendons and marrow, and increase his bones a few more points, so that he can practice faster.

He did not plan to let A Niang practice the method of fighting. He only needed to practice health-preserving exercises continuously to improve his realm. If he couldn't fight, he wouldn't fight. Living long enough was enough.

He looked at A Bao next to him. In a few months, A Bao should start practicing martial arts. This girl has a higher talent, and with his training, she should make rapid progress when she starts practicing.

"Let's celebrate today!" Xu Dao said to Liu.

"Okay, I'll go prepare!" Liu was also very happy. Although she was not very interested in martial arts and did not think about becoming a peerless master and dominating the world, she had worked hard for so long and finally had something to gain, which was naturally worth celebrating.

But in fact, what Xu Dao wanted to celebrate was not the fact that A Niang had broken through, but because he had now found a way to remove the Black Mountain Mark.

Liu took Xu Lu and A Bao to prepare the food for the celebration, while Xu Dao returned to the bedroom to arrange the ritual.

The ritual was somewhat similar to arranging a magic circle, and it was also like placing an altar, and then through special steps, specific Taoist methods, and the power of the dark, he achieved his goal.

A day passed like this, and the heavy rain still showed no sign of stopping. And Xu Dao also had no intention of stopping.

At midnight, Xu Dao went out to hunt monsters as usual. Even though he had now found a way to remove the Black Mountain Mark. He did not give up this good opportunity to enhance his strength.

I don’t know if I can still encounter so many monsters after leaving Yanghe County. For others, monsters are terrible things that eat and harm people, but for him, they represent strength.

That is a better and purer way to improve strength than elixirs.

The martial arts aspect was fine, the key was Qi refining, which was much more difficult than he had imagined. If he didn't rely on the power of the giant bronze tree and focused on Qi refining on his own, it would probably take him several years just to break through to the third level.

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