I have a magical tree

Chapter 83 Feeling Wrong

The number of demons outside the city is increasing, and their strength is also increasing.

Even so, demons still don't like to appear in the daytime, because there is sun in the daytime, and the sky and the earth will be filled with Yang and harmony. This air conflicts with the demon air and restrains each other.

The principle of the county's protective magic circle is actually the same. Using the magic circle, absorb the Yang and harmony of the sky and the earth during the day, and release it at night. Therefore, in the county, at night, although there is no sunlight, there is still Yang and harmony, which is not liked by demons.

But dislike is just dislike, not unbearable. If a demon is extremely hungry, it will also endure this dislike and enter the city.

This is probably the same as humans jumping into a cesspool to find delicious food. It is disgusting, but it is full! That's why demons appear from time to time in the city!

However, this is also related to the low level of the county's magic circle and the lack of Yang and harmony.

In the past few days, it was like this outside the city, but it was not much better inside the city. Although there was a magic circle, the number was much less than outside the city, but it was still far more than usual.

At this time, even those who reacted slowly gradually realized that something was wrong. The frequency of the monsters' appearance was a bit too high.

Therefore, the Demon Suppression Department, the Inspection Department, and even the Military Department in the city were all dispatched to start hunting down the monsters.

That's not all. Even the big clans that had been pretending to be dead in this matter began to mobilize their own forces to assist the government in killing the monsters. This group of people sometimes perceive danger more acutely than the government. Otherwise, they would not have been standing firm and passed down for so many years. These are the survival secrets of those big clans.

And the gangs under the control of those big clans can't escape even more.

A large number of people are spread throughout the county, and the atmosphere in the city seems to have become tense all of a sudden.

And Xu Dao only realized at this time that there were so many warriors in this small Yanghe County, and there were quite a few masters among them.

The government is fine, but there are also masters of the fifth rank among those big clans. Although I don't know if there are higher fourth rank, the fifth rank is not low in Yanghe County.

Come to think of it, after all, this is a family that has been entrenched here for hundreds of years. If they can't even cultivate this little bit of strength, how can they compete with the officials who come to take office?

How can they gradually control the power of half of the government offices in the county? Just relying on money?

In the extraordinary world, money is indeed very useful, but strength is more important, because with strength, there will be money and power, and the strong will take it all!

The things they eat and don't want are the things of the weak.

Because there are too many warriors in the city, Xu Dao gave up the idea of ​​killing monsters in the city in order to avoid unnecessary trouble. With these people, those monsters can't make a big wave.

Anyway, there are a lot of these things outside the city now!


On a street, Liu Jian and Oats led a team of people and walked slowly. The whole process was very cautious. They stopped from time to time and tried to find abnormalities from the huge rain sound.

After searching the area under their jurisdiction and finding nothing unusual, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Even though it was raining so hard, they were sweating all over after just one trip.

The people behind them were more nervous than them, because now Liu Jian and Yan Mai, who didn't know what kind of shit luck they had, actually broke through the eighth rank together and finally became deputy governors from the head of the city.

Although it has the word "deputy", it is also a governor.

And the people behind them are either ordinary people who have practiced martial arts but have not yet entered the rank, or newly promoted to the ninth rank. Weaker in strength, if they really encounter monsters, they will die faster!

"When will this day end!" Yan Mai wiped the rain off his face.

"At least you can still complain here. If you are outside the city, you may not even survive a night." Liu Jian laughed.

But they all heard that the outside of the city is no longer the same as before. Monsters are everywhere, which is many times more terrifying than here.

"Not necessarily. If you are lucky enough to meet that expert outside the city, the chance of survival is still very high." Oats stood under the eaves nearby, ready to avoid the rain.

Liu Jian beside him, and the people behind him, followed suit and took shelter under the eaves. In the past, when there was a severe drought, they looked forward to rain, but now it has been raining for two days and one night, and it still doesn't stop, which is a bit uncomfortable, especially for those who have to patrol at night.

Fortunately, the number of people patrolling the night in the city has increased several times, which has relieved a lot of pressure.

"I heard that the expert killed more than a hundred demons last night!"

"Why did I hear that it was more than two hundred?"

"Ah? Isn't it three hundred? I heard that the corpses of the demons were covered with a layer. When the people from the Demon Suppression Department went out to check, they were so scared that they rolled and crawled back as soon as they pushed the door."

Everyone spoke up, saying the news they had heard from everywhere.

Now, I am afraid that only those who have really seen the corpses of those demons can know the real number. Anyway, there are even rumors that nearly a thousand demons have been killed.

But they can be sure of one thing, that person is really powerful! Anyway, there are probably only a few people in Yanghe County who can do this.

But they can be sure that it was definitely not done by those few people, because if those people killed the demons, they would not have to hide their identities. How much merit is that? How much reward can be exchanged? If all of it is used to exchange for cultivation resources, it is enough for anyone here to break through to the sixth level or even higher.

He doesn't want such a great merit and so many resources, I really don't know what this person wants!

"No one wants to go out and have a look? Maybe this person is killing monsters outside the city now!" Oats muttered.

"Who goes to see it? You go?"

"I'd like to go, but I'm not strong enough! A small eighth-grade person will probably be eaten alive by monsters even if he goes out. But those martial artists, are they okay if they just go out for a look?"

"How do you know they don't have it?" Liu Jian asked.

"That's true!" Oats was stunned, but the next moment he leaned into Liu Jian's ear again, "I always feel that something is wrong this time!"

Seeing that a man was so close to him, Liu was not used to it and subconsciously wanted to avoid it. But after hearing Oats' words, he subconsciously glanced at the door of his colleagues and subordinates who were standing not far away to take shelter from the rain. He nodded and replied. He said: "Actually, I am too. I always feel something is wrong. At first, I thought it was just because the monsters have been making a lot of noise recently and I didn't sleep well. But when you said that, I felt that this matter is not simple."

"Then what should we do? To be honest, when I was sleeping yesterday, I suddenly woke up for no reason. I was covered in a cold sweat, and then I felt that I might be in big trouble this time. Although I may not be reliable at ordinary times, my intuition is deceptive. No one!"

"Go and ask Medical Officer Xu tomorrow? Can you ask him for advice?" Liu Jian said almost subconsciously.

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