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Chapter 1122: Ye Changshu

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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1122

The Yutian clan, which was once the head of the top ten families, originated from this heavenly field.

Even after just experiencing a catastrophe, even if the direct blood of the Yutian clan is almost completely destroyed, even if the Yutian clan has fallen heavily from the altar, the heavens will be unable to keep up, even so, The glory of the Tian clan, even if you see it at this moment, is still vivid and empathetic.

This is a great clan that has been baptized for millions of years, but still flourishing. Numerous heroes and heroes in history have come out from here. Numerous powerful men have been powerful and have studied here for education.

Every inch of land is engraved with an endless story. Although the extraordinary scrolls have been drowned in the long river of history, as long as the Yutian clan has not completely died out, these stories will be eternally passed on.

Inheritance continues, blood is immortal.

But who can guarantee the inheritance forever?

Yutian Yuze died, and the high-ranking clan of the Yutian clan was completely destroyed. Nowadays, except for the dream butterfly, the bloodline of the direct bloodlines is passed down. I don't know how many more can be found. To the extent that they are controlled by foreigners, even after twelve days, the heavens will change to heaven and become a subsidiary of Lingshan.

Su Chen is just an outsider. Even when he saw this situation, he couldn't help feeling so emotional.

He couldn't imagine how complicated Mengdie's mood was at this moment.

Su Chen grasped Mengdie's small hand tightly and gave her a stable look.

Don't be afraid when I'm here.

"Bai Xiaosheng, you ..."

Su Chen just spoke and looked back and found that Bai Xiaosheng had disappeared without a trace.

Obviously just now.

Is this going to mine information?

Su Chen shook her head and didn't care.

"Miss, I can only send you here, I can't help you the next way." Xu Xiang said.

"You go, tell Yu Tianfeng that I'm back and let him roll out to greet."

Xu Xiang opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but still didn't say anything, and took the shadow killers to enter the Mitian Dojo first.

Lu Ying was also taken away, which means Mengdie. If she continued to follow them, there would be danger.

In the blink of an eye, only Su Chen and Mengdie remained.

"Is there a plan?" Su Chen asked.

Mengdie laughed: "Let's go and see. I don't have to be the savior of the Yutian clan, but I must not watch the efforts of countless generations of the Yutian clan."

Su Chen understands that Mengdie is not a woman with great ambitions. Otherwise, she would not have been the young lady of the Royal Celestial Clan at first. Do n’t leave the heavens alone and swim outside. The soul temple settled down and lived an ordinary life relative to her true identity.

Let Mengdie go to save the Yutian clan and put all the pressure on her shoulders. This is definitely not possible, and Su Chen can't bear it.

However, the family suffered such a catastrophe, and Mengdie could not carelessly ignore it. Humans are not cold-blooded animals. Regardless of the reason why Mengdie left the Yutian clan in the past, it has been so many years. It is no longer important. Important The thing is, now she may be the only descendant in the world with the direct blood of the Yutian clan. Then she must do something. She must ensure that the blood of the Yutian clan cannot be cut off in her own generation.

Suddenly Su Mengdie took Su Chen's hand and said jokingly, "I want to have a child for you."

"Birth, all you need is a nest."

How could a woman refuse such a request when a woman said such a request.

However, one thing Su Chen didn't say is that he has a very special physique now. Although his blood is very pure, both at the genetic level and at the energy level, he has far exceeded the upper limit of the normal human race. For example, at the evolution level, it takes a big step ahead of other members of the same race.

So Su Chen didn't know if he and Mengdie could breed offspring normally.

Of course, this kind of thing can be left to explore after a long night, it is not time to rush to argue.

The two holding hands, like a pair of immortal relatives, flew towards the Mitian Dojo.

No one is blocking.

No one greeted.

The Mitian Dojo is very quiet, and there is a messy scene everywhere. There are a lot of subtle sword marks on the building, and there are still scary sword spirits in the sword marks.

The faint **** smell on the floor tiles and in the air did not completely dissipate.

The traces of the war half a year ago have not been completely wiped out.

Looking at everything once familiar, now it seems like a wasteland. Mengdie's heart is not tasteful, but she quickly sorted out her emotions and took Su Chen to the main road, starting all the way to the core of Mitian Taoism.

There is an octagonal tower, which is the core of the Yutian clan, the ‘Mitian Pagoda’.

There are twelve floors of the towering sky, soaring into the clouds, solemn and solemn, the closer it is, the more awesome it is.

And the closer to the tower, the stronger the surrounding fairy.

These immortals are all left when the mighty ascendant to the immortal realm. They did not disperse and could not be absorbed by people, so they have remained here.

These immortals are a great supplement to Su Chen, and it is appropriate to practice the transformation of immortal souls.

However, Su Chen did not absorb these immortals. After all, there are not many of them. Even if all of them are absorbed and refined, they can only be regarded as better than nothing. Although the immortality contained in immortal vines is not good, the amount is large and the tube is full. .

It wasn't until the two walked under the Mitian Tower that someone finally came out to meet them.

"Little butterfly, it's really you. I can't think you're still alive. It's a blessing from heaven. Your father has a spirit in heaven, and he's bound to take aim."

Came face to face, a beautiful-looking, glamorous woman, a black veil full of charm and mystery, a smile, every move, as if all in the world of charm.

Mengdie smiled slightly: "Sanyi, I haven't seen you for years, you are still so beautiful, yes, Xiaodie almost forgot to congratulate Sanyi, when you came to the Yutian clan with my mother, but you were not willing to marry a The children from the next line resigned from my mother and went to the outside world to practice alone, but who can think of it, after all, you have achieved your wish and you have become the main mother of the Yutian clan. It is really gratifying. "

"Eh ... ha, Kocho, you see, our mother and child were forced to helplessness. The owner died, and no one in the clan dared to take the lead. Fortunately, Xiaofeng's academic success in these years, his strength is pretty good, and he can barely convince the public. This has temporarily replaced the position of the head of the family. Otherwise, the Yutian clan is still a loose sand. I am afraid that the children of the next line have fled and scattered. "

"Oh? In that case, I would also like to thank Aunt San and Xiaofeng."

"The words are heavy and the words are heavy. Now that you are back, Kocho, we can breathe a sigh of relief. This owner should be seated by you. I'll take you to see Xiaofeng, oh yes, Lingshan Jianzong Disciple, Ye Changshu, the successor of God King Ye Guihong, is also in the Mi Tian Pagoda. If you come to negotiate with him, you will definitely get more advantages for our Yu Tian clan. "

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