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Chapter 1123: Auntie's trick

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Chapter 1123: Auntie's Trick

If you don't know what just happened, Su Chen would still think how good the relationship between Mengdie and her third aunt is.

As everyone knows, the smell of gunpowder in the air has become stronger.

After a conversation, the woman noticed Su Chen aside.

"Little butterfly, this young man is handsome, but the one you brought back?"

Mengdie generously lifted Su Chen's arm: "My husband is Su Chen."

"Little Butterfly, you are married!"

The third aunt was startled, looking at Su Chen's expression a little more interesting, and asked Su Chen: "Dare to ask Su Gongzi where is the famous door? I also have young people when I am walking around the world, Lingshan Jingzhou's giants Dazu, I basically know one or two. Are you a child of the Su family in Changhe? Or a descendant of the Su family in Dongling Mountain? "

Su Chen smiled and shook her head: "Neither."

"None? Forgive me for ignorance, could you please tell him."

"I come from a practice world in a small thousand world. I have been in Jingzhou, Lingshan for less than 20 years, and have not yet accumulated any family business."

It is really no family business, so it won two two hundred and seventy-two residences. It has a slight status among the dragons. It has been a trivial matter to have seen two great emperors.


His aunt's face immediately became wrong.

Everyone in the world has three, six, nine, etc. In the overhauled immortal realm like Jingzhou, Lingshan, the gap between the gates is quite large. Lingshan is the only one, the three major sects are the second, the Haomen clan, the nine big caves, the seventh. Twelve Houses are regarded as the third gear, and self-contained casual repairs are considered inaccessible. As for the ascension from the small thousand worlds, unless you are in power, even half of the casual repairs are not as good, only in difficult corners. Survival is difficult to reach the elegant hall.

Mengdie actually found such a man to be a husband, and she still had a look of affection, which was really stupid.

However, when thinking of the situation of Mengdie at this moment, the third aunt is unwilling to say anything. Anyway, these two people are difficult to leave the heavens alive today. The rural buns from the lower world can be made with the great lady of the royal clan. A pair of desperate fate, this life is not worthless, it is worth his continued pride in Hades.

"Hehe, Xiao Su struggled to reach the upper world from Xiao Qian World. It must have suffered a lot. Please sit in the Mi Tian Pagoda. The third aunt ordered a dinner party to entertain you and Xiao Die." The third aunt quickly led The two entered the tower.

Entering the Mitian Pagoda, the space inside is huge, like a fairyland cave house, surrounded by more immortality. In the center of the cave house, there is a cobblestone covered with moss, like a millstone. Although it is full of traces of time, there is still a charm in it. Which flows.

It seems ... the texture of this stone plate is similar to the texture of the **** stone that the ancestors of Sanqing descended, and it should be from the same source.

Both Mengdie and Auntie bowed far from the stone plate.

The third aunt seemed to have some feelings in common, saying, "If the prince who soared here in the past knew that, now the Yutian clan has fallen into such a situation, I don't know what to think."

"Everything has its own cause and effect. This is the robbery of the Yutian clan. It is impossible to escape or escape, and since the day the mother died, I have understood it all."

Mengdie said, shook her head again, and said, "Take me to see Ye Changshu."

"Are you sure you want to see him now?"


The third aunt pursed her lips, seeming a bit reluctant, but her expression quickly became indifferent, and she went straight forward.

The teleportation burst of light, and the three appeared on the seventh floor of the tower.

The buildings here are like an isolated indoor town with many people.

"Yu Tianmeng Butterfly! She is still alive!"

"See Miss Mengdie."

"The young lady actually came back. Unfortunately, it was too late."

"Who is that young man, who is so close to the young lady?"

"Unlucky guy, I thought I could climb high branches, but I didn't expect that it wasn't the glory of wealth, but the disaster."

The passers-by talked a lot, but only a few people came to greet them, and most of them hid far away, watching the fire from the other side.

Aunty expressionless, the third aunt led the two across the street to the outside of a splendid palace.

"My dear!"

A man in a broad robe with a slick face and a floating head came out.

It is the current owner of the Yutian clan, Yutianfeng.

Xiuwei was pretty good, barely reaching Hao Tianjing, but the atmosphere was very mixed. At first glance, it was the strength that was forcibly improved with the elixir.

Generally speaking, to break through the sacred realm, you can't help with any external force, but there are loopholes in the rules. Ordinary monks cannot approach, but for these wealthy families with amazing resources, it is not difficult to take shortcuts With a wealthy history, it is easy to forcibly cultivate a waste material to the realm of saints.

But the waste material is waste material after all. Yutian Fengkong has the realm of Haotian Realm, but the actual combat power may not be as good as that of Qingtian Realm, or even some of the talented men in Dengtian.

"Why did you come out, Feng, didn't you let the entertainer be entertained?" Sanyi said reproachfully.

Yu Tianfeng's face was bitter: "Ye Changshu is too difficult to do, oil and salt will not enter the water and fire, and you should be more aware of this than my dear sister. Where can I fight him?"

The third aunt was so angry that she could only sigh in the end, and then turned back to smile, and turned to Mengdie and said, "Little butterfly, remember your cousin Xiaofeng?"

"This is what Xiaoyi said is successful, can Xiaofeng cousin be convinced?"

Mengdie looked at Yu Tianfeng, and the disdain in her eyes was undisguised.

Before, she thought that the person who shot them to kill them at the mass funeral was Yu Tianfeng, but now it seems that this cousin is not so brave at all.

It seems that the owner of this house is nothing more than a puppet, and the real master is the third aunt of the viper.

"Dream ... Cousin Dream Butterfly?"

Yu Tianfeng sighed and walked forward quickly: "It's really you. I just heard that you're back. I thought it was false news. Where have you been these years? I've sent you to find you I have n’t heard from you for a long time. I thought you were dead. "

"What did the child say."

The third aunt grabbed Yu Tianfeng's ears and dragged him away. He did not want Yu Tianfeng to have too much contact with Mengdie, and said with a smile: "Let's go and see the long book son first. Our Yutian clan and Lingshan conflict , You always have to find a way to resolve it, Kocho. Now you are the only direct bloodline descendant of the Yutian clan. Although the burden is so heavy on your body, the third aunt ca n’t bear it, but we are really not qualified and incapable. To deal with this matter, you look at Xiaofeng like this, and you know that he is not a person who can pick a big beam, so Changshu Gongzi, but also troubles Xiaodie, you have to worry about it, but you must convince him, otherwise we must guard The Tian Clan is about to die! "

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