I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 956: It’s better to kill the rules of heaven and earth [big

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Jun Yin heard Ji Xia's rhetoric.

There are no accidents on his face.

There was a slight smile on his fair and feminine face.

"Jixia, what I need is your indomitable will."

Jun Yin said: "Da Duan Luo Jie has been silent for too long.

The glorious and fierce era of the gods is gone forever.

The world rules of Da Duan Luojie have also been..."

That's it for Jun Yin.

He glanced at the sky, and the subject suddenly changed: "And I am a prisoner of the old age.

As a victim after this catastrophe.

Coming to this new born Tai Cang today, I just want to ask you a question. "

Jun Yin's eyes still stared at the sky.

"Do you think this sky curtain covers the dawn of Da Duan Luojie?"

Ji Xia was puzzled for a while.

After he pondered for a long time.

He calmly shook his head and said: "Yin Jun, you are an ancient god, whether it is your right or the mighty power you possess.

For Ji Xia, they are full of mystery and unknown.

The same is true of this sky curtain.

A dynasty in the Tai Cang district did not yet have the power to deal with the gods of the Palace of Life.

If Lord Yin had any plans, Ether Cang's current power would only be able to crush his body if he was rashly involved. "

Ji Xia seemed to be rejecting Yin Jun.

But Jun Yin didn't have any discomfort on his face.

"Jixia, I know your ambitions."

Jun Yin's gaze came to the sky in an instant.

He looked down at the Tai Cang seat and said softly, "All the people of this Tai Cang are living in peace and prosperity.

At the same time, Tai Cang's classics have never forgotten the suffering that Human Race has experienced before and now.

Never let Taizangzimin take it lightly.

I once watched the rise of Tai Cang, and you can't hide the meaning of it from me. "

Ji Xia smiled casually: "Because my heart is too deep, I don't want to let the human race with the same blood flow in my body sink forever into the cruel and wild wilderness.

That's why I have to be cautious.

Otherwise, once Tai Cang collapses, it will be thousands or even tens of thousands of years waiting for the human race, without a glimmer of dawn in the darkness. "


Jun Yin nodded and said, "So, would you like to listen to my plan?"

His eyes are very sincere.

The deep eyes also became very serious.

Ji Xia was very puzzled for a while.

In these few sentences, Jun Yin didn't seem to be facing Ji Xia at all.

He seemed to put Ji Xia in the same position as himself.

Just as Ji Xia is also an ancient **** with a masterpiece.

Possess peerless authority.

Able to talk to him on an equal footing.

Ji Xia thought for a while.

Finally nodded.

Even if Ji Xia bears a lot of responsibilities, a little carelessness will bring extremely heavy consequences.

But Ji Xia was still very curious about Yin Jun's plan.

"Before the time immemorial, the gods used their own way and power to open up a lot of outside worlds.

And integrate these outer heavens into the Da Duan Luo realm.

It was a magnificent age.

Countless gods control supreme authority.

After the devastation, the boundless wilderness of the Primordial Era was full of wars and killings.

In that era.

Even the terrifying forces behind the sky can only sigh with excitement about the chaotic Taikoo.

It can only erode slowly. "

The words of Lord Yin unveiled the mystery of the ancient times.

Scenes of ancient chaos.

Following Lord Yin's words, it just appeared in Ji Xia's mind.

That chaotic and ancient age.

The gods conquered each other.

Powerful gods nurtured the big world.

The weak gods opened up the outer world.

No matter how weak the gods are, they control many big Duan Luo worlds and become fragments after the destruction, entangled in them, and establish the kingdom of God!

On the contrary.

That was the age of ten thousand laws contending again.

Between heaven and earth, four ancient sacred trees stand up, bringing countless roads.

"At that time, the boundless wilderness, the old rules fell after the big ruin, and the new rules were never established.

Therefore, countless gods outside the realm of Da Duan Luo can descend into the boundless wilderness.

Therefore, even the powerful Wuxiantian could not completely suppress the boundless wilderness. "

Jun Yin's eyes seemed to burst out with a kind of bright light.

"The Primordial Age!

Those powerful and ancient rebellious gods have all been imprisoned after the devastation.

But the fragmented boundless wilderness has become a paradise for several other gods of the supreme world.

That's why the age of the ancients is such a chaos..."

Ji Xia could hear her.

Many secrets revealed in these few words of Lord Yin.

It is still very strange to Ji Xia.

For example, "other gods of the supreme world..."

For example, "The old rules have fallen, and the new rules have not been established..."

For example, "The terrible power behind the sky curtain, because of the ancient times, can not completely control the outer space..."

This kind of secret information.

Suddenly, Ji Xia's mind buzzed.

"Later, the new world rules of the boundless wilderness were formulated.

From then on, other gods of the supreme world could not freely descend into the boundless wilderness..."

"So... which world **** is Lord Yin?"

Ji Xia suddenly asked.

As the **** bred by Daduan Luojie, Jun Lei Shiyuan escaped from the star cage.

Being able to enter Da Duan Luo Realm without hindrance, which is now the boundless wilderness, hidden in Yun Yuanze.

But after Yin Jun escaped from the prison, he could only wander outside the boundless wilderness.

Want to enter the boundless wilderness.

It also needs to build a bridge of flesh and blood, plus the unique mighty power possessed by Lord Yin, to be able to descend into the boundless wilderness.

This is enough to prove that Lord Yin is not an infinite savage native ancient god.

Then the origin of Lord Yin made Ji Xia very curious.

Jun Yin glanced at Ji Xia: "Although I was not born in the boundless wilderness, I became enlightened in the boundless wilderness.

In a sense, I am also one of the oldest gods in the boundless wilderness.

When it comes to the degree of antiquity, even the Wutian Great Lord and the anode sage are behind me! "

"Even Lei Shiyuan's personality is far inferior to me!"

Yin Jun whispered.

There was a bit of sorrow in his tone.

"But the new rules are established. As the ancient **** of Daduan Luojie who is in charge of the Yinhe River, I cannot enter my authority.

This is too ironic. "

"So Gale, Heitian, and Xuze these three ancient boundless wild gods..."

Ji Xia became more curious.

Jun Yin heard the names of these three gods, and his expression immediately became gloomy.

"They are indeed the oldest gods in the Da Duan Luo world, but they have compromised with the new rules and become the pioneers of the ancient gods after the sky!"

Jun Yin said: "We used to fight side by side in the era of great destruction.

After the devastation, they were never imprisoned because of their compromise! "

Heitian, Gale, and Xu Ze all compromised?

Become the canopy... the pioneer of ancient heaven?

Ji Xia fell into thought again.

He has never been exposed to gale.

But he is still a bit familiar with Heitian.

"Heitian...really compromised? Then why would he give me advice and let me smash three scorching suns in the boundless wilderness?"

"And Xu Ze... why does his face look the same as that of Yin Jun? The two ancient gods were drawn at each other when they met, and there seemed to be a deep hatred."

"The ancient way behind the sky...what is it?"

A series of questions were so smashed.

Ji Xia was at a loss for a while.

He has not had time to ask.

Jun Yin suddenly shook his head and said, "It's useless to talk about these ancient things.

I came to find you today because I wanted to kill the current rules of heaven and earth, or to break the rules of heaven and earth.

So that the boundless wilderness returns to the ancient times again!

Only in chaos... can you fish in troubled waters. "

Ji Xia opened her mouth...

Yin Jun speaks surprisingly.

He had never thought that Lord Yin's plan was so terrifying.

Kill the rules of heaven and earth, or injure the rules of heaven and earth.

This kind of plan is far more terrifying than the dark sky smashing the sun and releasing many imprisoned gods!

"Now the boundless wilderness seems to be shrouded in order, but in fact it has been suppressed, and its vitality has been forcibly suppressed.

In addition, for a long time, the human race has grown from the ancient supreme race to the most humble race in the boundless wilderness.

under such a circumstance.

If the method is too gentle, when will Tai Cang and the human race have the personality they should have? "

Yin Jun whispered.

Behind him, the great world of Yin Monarch can be faintly seen, and the fierce spirit in the diffuse...

Ji Xia was still silent.

He was a little shaken when he heard Jun Yin's words.

To welcome the coming of the gods beyond the boundless wilderness, for Ji Xia, it was too cruel.

Ji Xia has never been a benevolent woman.


Once the gods of the other supreme world descend.

What brings to the boundless wilderness may be a more terrifying future.

Regardless of other races.

If the gods of other worlds come, can Tai Cang and countless human races in the boundless wilderness stay out of the matter?

This is definitely a big problem.

"Jixia, what are you being kind to?"

Jun Yin's voice became a little quiet.

Since ancient times, why have the many gods of the human race collapsed?

Others are because they are too kind. "

"The way for the Lixuan God Dynasty to get people out of the shackles is to forge a magnificent and unparalleled world and to move all the races."

"The Great Ding Yuanjun God Emperor wants to capture the Great Frost God dynasty, who is gazing at the boundless wilderness, and seize the old abyss, so that the race will have a place to live."

"After the Great Exhalation, God Emperor Gao established the Taoist Temple, hoping to revive the ancient rules of the old era by offering sacrifices to the heavens and the earth, so as to bring people back to orthodoxy.


"They all failed."

"The reason for the failure is their kindness, or because they don't know how to give up."

Jun Yin sat opposite Ji Xia.

His voice is just as it used to be, still with persuasive temptation.

But Ji Xia was meditating from beginning to end.

Jun Yin is not talking either.

Still drinking tea, while turning his head to look at the vast Taidu leisurely.

After a long time.

Ji Xia suddenly raised her head and looked directly at Lord Yin.

"Yin Lord, other gods of the Supreme World, if they descend on the Infinite Wilderness, they may bring huge disasters to the Infinite Wilderness.

Has Jun Yin ever thought about what will happen if this matter is out of control? "

Jun Yin smiled casually, and said: "Naturally I have thought about this.

And you don’t have to underestimate the power beyond the sky.

Only when powerful and evenly matched forces fight each other can we have a chance. "

This time.

Ji Xia shook her head stubbornly.

"If Tai Cang can survive longer, I can survive longer.

I will take action against the rules of the boundless wild world, and will completely erase them.

But the premise of the fall of the new rules is that the gods of other worlds cannot descend into the boundless wilderness. "

Lord Yin's expression immediately changed.

It became more gloomy.

The ancient gods breed anger.

But Ji Xia didn't seem to have any fear.

He said: "Although I don't know the reason, under the new rules of the boundless wilderness, it is true that the human race has not been wiped out and the roots have been eliminated.

This should not be appreciated, but for the current human race, it is indeed a tangible benefit.

But once there are other gods in the supreme world, how the situation will develop, and their attitude towards the human race, no one can guarantee.

Such a plan is definitely not a good thing for Human Race. "

When Ji Xia said this, he had to move his eyes.

Suddenly bowed his head and said to Jun Yin: "I have a more relaxed method here, I hope I can share it with Jun Yin.

Jun Yin nodded slightly unchecked.

Obviously he was not satisfied with Ji Xia's choice.

Ji Xia didn't care, he smiled casually, and suddenly looked up at the three scorching suns that had moved to the center of the sky.

"It is said that in these three scorching suns, there are several extraordinary beings imprisoned."

Ji Xia looked majestic: "If these three scorching suns shatter, the ancient existence among them will descend on the boundless wilderness..."

Yin Jun thoughtfully.

After a few breaths, he shook his head and said: "The strong among the three scorching suns are indeed extremely powerful, but they want to cope with the suppression of the existence of the boundless wilderness.

These three powerhouses are not enough. "

"This requires some planning."

Ji Xia thought of Zhenwu Zao Carved Flag.

"If these three existences disappear after getting out of trouble, more ancient existences will be released.

For example, the anode holy army, the Wutian Grand Lord...

Even let the three stars come to heaven and earth again.

Then the existing order of the boundless wilderness will be instantly smashed to pieces.

The world will be in chaos.

We can also fish in troubled waters, and the situation will not be out of our control. "

Ji Xia's voice was calm, but clearly organized.

Jun Yin still shook his head: "According to the results, this plan is really good.

But in the process, it is definitely not so easy.

Three scorching suns collapsed, and the boundless barrenness returned to pitch black, and your human race could not ask for much benefit.

And how to make the strong in the scorching sun disappear is also a huge problem. "

Ji Xia heard Jun Yin's question.

There was no more smile on his face.

"If Jun Yin can join hands with me, then I will also think of a solution for these processes."

Ji Xia answered Yin Jun like this.

But in his heart, there was a clear suspicion.

"Jun Yin is not the **** born in Da Duan Luo Jie, and now he wants to welcome the coming of other gods from the supreme world. Isn't there any secret among them...?"

Ji Xia was more defensive towards Jun Yin.

Jun Yin is considering.

Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ a divine sense fell into Ji Xia's mind.

A little starlight is mixed in this divine consciousness.

It comes from the ruler of Dikong Galaxy, Yang Ren.

"There is the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, the dark monarch holy court, and the powerhouse of the extinction demon town, who have stepped through the void and came to the sky."

Ji Xia heard the news.

The look suddenly became a little strange.

He couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Yin Jun.

The meditating Lord Yin also seemed to perceive the fluctuations of the distant spirit element.

Look up to the distance beyond the temple.

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