I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 957: The majesty of Lord Yin should make Tai Cang fear [big

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For the Dazhen Emperor Dynasty, the Dark Sovereign Saint Court, and the Devil Land of Extinction.

This is a great trip.

In fact, it is very necessary.

The number of powerhouses from the three forces who came to Tai Cang is actually not too many.

Except for the emperor Shenjue, Princess Luoyu, and Dong Jingxuan.

There are also three great emperors and masters of the ancient forces.

When these six powerhouses are walking in the void.

Behind them, there are different flying spirit instruments, and then slowly follow.

Above these aircraft.

Take control of these extraordinary powerhouses who are among the best in their respective forces.

If other countries perceive the power of these strong men.

I must be surprised at what is it that can make these three ancient and powerful forces so invigorating.

But for the Great Emperor Dynasty and the other two temples.

Go to the matter of Tai Cang.

They really have to pay attention.

The reason is that as early as four hundred years ago, the power that Tai Cang revealed at that big banquet was already extremely strong.

A single imperial dynasty, unless a large army is gathered, it would be somewhat difficult to rely on upper-level forces to contend against Tai Cang.

and so……

After the Emperor Luo Zhao left the pass.

The ruler of the dark monarch holy court, as well as the demon lord of Exterminating Demon Land, came to Tai Cang together with Di Luo Zhao.

Their purpose is also very simple.

"Since the holy body was discovered by the younger generation first, then it was climbed by Tai Cang swiftly, so we have a reason to come and ask Tai Cang to repay it."

Di Luo Zhao looked old.

But the spirit of his body is still very vigorous.

There are rules of heaven and earth lingering constantly on the pale hair.

The terrible power is also permeating in it, glowing with vitality.

The demon master of Exterminating Demon Township, dressed in black robe.

On the black robe, there seemed to be countless times the true spirit of the strong man wailing and roaring.

His face was also covered by the cloak.

It's just the dark breath radiating from his body.

But it is still fresh in the memory.

Only the ruler of Dark Lord Saint Court seems to be in prime of life.

His face is white and needless, but his body is very stalwart, and his face is also conceived with confidence.

Looking at Tai Cang's eyes, there was no solemn expression.

I saw this dark monarch saint with a slight smile on his face, shook his head and said: "Since we have fallen behind, come here to ask Tai Cang for that mysterious body.

We do not prevent another way of saying it. "

The dark monarch saint turned his head to look at the extinction demon lord, and then looked at Di Luo Zhao: "Since Dong Jingxuan, the emperor Shenjue son, and the princess Luo Yu, they are already in the place where the mysterious body is conceived, and they have set up a formation. .

Then we can say that this mysterious body was deliberately cultivated by the three forces of ours who obtained the mysterious ancient method, with the help of the Sanshan ruins where the gods once revived.

It was just a momentary negligence, and a misunderstanding occurred with Tai Cang. "

The Exterminating Demon Lord and Di Luo Zhao fell into contemplation.

After more than ten breaths of time.

These two extraordinary emperors also nodded.

Dong Jingxuan, Emperor Shenjue, and Princess Luoyu who followed them all looked at each other in silence.

They also know.

Tai Cang is no longer what it used to be, and has revealed all his power.

In this situation.

This kind of argument is justified, and it can be more justified and courageous when you ask for it.

The three great emperors and masters decided on this.

They walked towards Tai Cang step by step.

As they moved forward, the power radiating from them became extremely turbulent, very surging.

The entire Zhujiang Plain is not vast to them.

The bridge of the gods spread out in the void, and their speed has reached the extreme.

Tai Cang is already watching.

At this time!

Suddenly, there was a gathering of clouds and mist in the sky.

The pitch-black cloud turned into a storm in a blink of an eye.

Clouds, mists and storms raged in the sky, and their tyrannical power unshirkably showed their might.

Di Luo Zhao frowned slightly.

He stood on the bridge of God and looked up at the sky.

The Exterminating Demon Lord and the Dark Monarch Saint Lord also looked at each other.

Performance varies.

The Dark Lord's brows frowned slightly: "Tai Cang learned that we were here personally, and now this behavior seems a little rude."

And the expression of Exterminating Demon Lord also became more gloomy.

The remnants of the strong men in his black robe seemed to have encountered great fear, and the ghosts were crying and howling for a while, and their voices were extremely harsh.

"What does it mean?"

"Tai Cang is expressing that they don't welcome us?"

Di Luo Zhao's pale hair moved with the wind.

There was also a bit of displeasure on his face.

The expressions on the faces of Emperor Shenjue, Dong Jingxuan, and Princess Luo Jing were quite puzzled and puzzled.

"What is Tai Cang doing?"

Dong Jingxuan, who was wearing a gold armor, said with a cold snort, "The three great masters came together, and Tai Cang unexpectedly greeted him with a storm.

This is too rude. "

With two ponytails behind her, Princess Luo Yu was still wandering thoughtfully.

The emperor Shenjue also stared at the sky intently.


The storm in the sky became more and more terrifying, and the spirit element fluctuations that pervaded it were like a black hole born in the void.

The power and horror reached the extreme.

Immediately afterwards.

The terrible storm suddenly split into two.

The sky that has become extremely dark is revealed.

I saw the dark sky.

There are two ancient strong men who are looking down at them.

From them, black stars rushed high into the sky, filling the heavens and the earth with mystery.

Around their bodies, there are many stars and phantoms constantly entangled.

They were bathed in the same pitch-black starlight, and they became more and more mysterious.

"It's the two close-to-god powerhouses who once appeared at the Great Banquet!"

The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed.

He did not come in person at the time.

But as for the power possessed by the two prying gods, they also knew something from the mouths of other great emperors.

That's why they are so careful that they do not hesitate to come in person.

But today.

When the storm in the sky appeared.

The silhouettes of two ancient powerhouses standing in the sky, but let these three tyrannical existence, all fell into silence.

"Shetig and Shan Yu... the power of these two extremely powerful men seems to have improved again."

The dark monarch saint took a deep breath, they are probably not far away from the realm of gods.

The power they have now.

Maybe even more than the emperor.

When the dark monarch holy lord spoke, he turned his head to look at the pale-haired Di Luo Zhao.

Di Luo Zhao said nothing.

The Exterminating Demon's brows frowned: "Di Luozhao has already opened up the fate of the palace, and now he has escaped from the fate of the old man's death, and his power is unknown.


The power of these two strong men in the storm unexpectedly surpasses that of Di Luo Zhao..."

The words of the Exterminating Demon came to an abrupt end.

The footsteps of the three great emperors, as well as the flying spirit instruments that carried the upper-class powerhouses behind them, were also suspended in the sky and stopped moving forward.

The three young Tianjiao teenagers were also surprised.

Of course they knew why the emperor and the ruler had to stop.

Because of the storm raging in the sky, the meaning revealed is very obvious!

"Tai Cang must already know our intention."

The emperor Shenjue was silent for a moment, and said: "The current Di Ji... seems to have absolute confidence.

His meaning now is also very clear, if he wants to ask for a mysterious body, too Cang will not welcome us! "

More than ten breaths of time passed quietly.

Except for the sound of the raging storm.

Among the many powerhouses, it became extremely silent.

At this moment.

Suddenly a sword light diffused in the distance.

In this way, he hovered over the storm without shy.

I saw this sword light, filled with the sacred and solemn power of the emperor.

The brilliant sword light, just like the stars in the heavens are constantly shining.

On the sword light, there is also a wonderful inscription, shining, bursting out more brilliant golden light.

Look at it at a glance.

All the storms, the sun, the moon, the mountains and the rivers seemed to have become foils, and everything became extremely dim.

The majestic coercion was revealed from the sword light.

There is a mysterious atmosphere.


There was a loud noise.

A fiery light burst out from the mysterious sword light.

Illuminated the earth.

"This sword light... is from Di Ji!"

The dark monarch saint master's breathing became a little quick.

"In this short period of four hundred years, his power has actually advanced to such a level!"

Di Luozhao thought about it carefully, then suddenly shook his head and said: "I have carefully studied the previous Tai Cang intelligence.

Tai Cang was hiding his true strength from beginning to end.

Therefore, Tai Cang has always had enough background to obliterate the great catastrophes that are constantly coming.

Now that the Emperor Taichu showed off his sword light, we thought it was his cultivation base that has improved, maybe... he has always been this strong. "

Di Luozhao said that.

Turning his head to look at the Emperor God Jue behind him.

Emperor Shenjue hesitated for a moment, then solemnly shook his head towards Di Luozhao.

Di Luozhao turned around: "Under the Great Emperor Taichu's command, there are still such tyrannical powerhouses. The emperor's own strength is also so tyrannical, so Tai Cang has the qualifications to be decisive.

Under the attitude of the Great Emperor, even if we insist on going forward, I am afraid that the holy body will not be able to ask for it back.

That being the case... Emperor Dazhen was not ready to move on. "

The expressions of the Exterminating Demon Lord and the Dark Monarch Saint Lord changed immediately.

The dark monarch holy master kept silent.

The Exterminating Demon Lord snorted coldly: "I don't know what mysteriousness is contained in that holy body.

Even if the three of us get this body and study together, we will definitely be able to get a higher level of foundation.

Di Luo Zhao...Don't you be moved? "

Di Luozhao chuckled and shook his head again: "Since your heart is moved, you can't give up the chance.

Then you should just go back like this.

Then assemble the army, all the strength is pouring out, and only in this way may we be able to regain the holy body.


Di Luo Zhao's words were not finished.

The dark monarch saint nodded deeply and continued Di Luozhao's words: "Otherwise, we will rely on our current strength and break into Tai Cang. In the early days of the Great Earthquake, we would be ill-fortuned."

"How bad is it?"

Di Luozhao raised his head and glanced at the forbidden sword aura that dashed mysteriously, then glanced at the third Tai Sui Shetig and the fourth Tai Sui Shan Yu.

"No, you will fall here!"

The eyes of Dong Jingxuan and Princess Luo Yu were completely covered by surprise and shock.

They never thought of it.

The power that Tai Cang possessed was able to make such a terrifying existence like Emperor Luo Zhao and the Dark Lord Sovereign make such an evaluation.

"In this case, the Dark Lord Saint Court will also withdraw."

The dark monarch saint slowly spoke.

His eyes turned to look far away.

This is where the ancient tree of misfortune is located.

"If Tai Cang is offended, with Tai Cang's current power, as a neighbor, the Dark Lord Saint Court, I am afraid that he will not be able to continue to study the Ancient Tree of Misfortune."

The dark monarch saint master calculated in his heart.


Only the Exterminating Demon Lord who was shrouded in the shadows had not yet expressed his position.

The eyes of the Dark Lord and Di Luozhao fell on him.

a long time.

The Exterminating Demon Lord suddenly moved on.

After Princess Luo Yu was slightly startled, she immediately followed behind the Exterminating Demon Lord.

The Dark Lord and Di Luozhao looked at each other: "It seems that the Exterminating Demon Lord wants to alarm the Yin Monarch world."

Di Luozhao nodded and said: "The Extinction Demon Township offers sacrifices to Lord Yin, so that Lord Yin can descend into the boundless wilderness.

They have also gained huge benefits, and don't know how many ancient inheritances they have gained.

But now, the Exterminating Demon Lord wants to deter Tai Cang with the power of Lord Yin, so as to monopolize the mysterious body.

This... is a waste of money. "

The dark monarch saint said calmly: "Since then, the Yin Monarch world will have much less protection for the land of extinction.

The grace of the gods is not infinite. "

Above the many flying spirit instruments behind him.

The many powerhouses in the land of extinction demon, seeing the master of extinction continue to move forward, their faces unanimously showed pride.

After being able to show such terrifying power in Tai Cang.

Keep going.

It is sufficient to prove the foundation possessed by the Exterminating Demon Lord.

And they also believe...

Under the shelter of the great world of Yin Jun.

Even if it is too pale, be afraid.

The Demon Lord of the World Devil moved forward step by step, with his head held high and his chest very strong.

It seems to have really gained the authority of the gods.

But at this moment.

The dark storm in the sky suddenly opened again.

Even the bright light on that taboo sword light was dimmed a lot.

Di Luozhao and the Dark Lord sighed at the same time.

Di Luozhao shook his head and said, "Sure enough, the majesty of Lord Yin can indeed make Tai Cang fear..."

Di Luozhao's words were not finished yet.

As the storm hole opened, the bright sword light became dimmed.

Everything that blocked the sight of many powerful beings has disappeared.

Immediately afterwards.

The eyes of these ancient existences traveled through endless distances.

Falling into court too first.

In between.

The master of Extinction Demon Township, who had been holding his head forward, suddenly stopped.

Even his powerful body became stiff at this moment.

Di Luozhao and the dark monarch saintly swallowed their saliva~www.ltnovel.com~ and saw Taixian go to the court of Taihe Hall to open.

A void filled the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The great emperor Ji Xia of the early days, dressed in a beautiful dress and with a smile on his face, was sitting opposite a figure, drinking each other.

And that figure is no stranger to these ancient beings.

"Yin Jun..." Di Luo Zhao muttered to himself.

The Dark Lord's gaze also became a little confused: "Yin Lord is sitting opposite Di Ji.

It's as if the person between them is the same.

It seems to be reminiscing about the past! "

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