I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 963: If you say something wrong, do something wrong, you will die immediately [big

One after another, like a sacred mountain and a sea, a heavy force flew across the sky, pressing towards Taidu in this way.

The clouds and mist in the sky were also completely gathered by some mysterious power, and turned into dark clouds, covering the great land of Jiuzhou.

In the black cloud and mist, there was also a burst of thunder roaring constantly.

Severe storms followed one after another.

It brought tremendous pressure to the divine gods and messengers who were present.

It is clear.

If these two emperor dynasties, a holy court, just want to send the strong, the mission is too great.

There will never be such a huge battle.

At this moment, the gods outside the world are making eye contact with each other, and their divine consciousness is also flowing silently.

"Before the three great dynasties, because of the advent of that magnificent outer sky, they temporarily gave up on Tai Cang."

"And now, they are making a comeback again, probably because they have been unable to find that magnificent dark outer sky for more than a thousand years.

On the contrary, it was the dark sky that always descended fascinatingly.

How many imperial dynasties have even been destroyed...

Therefore, these three terrifying forces finally remembered the location of Jiezu Mountain and the growing human kingdom like Tai Cang. "

The God of Lombok hesitated and said: "Then now, the three major forces are coming aggressively.

Should we retreat temporarily? "

God Lihuotian also nodded: "This is indeed questionable.

The inheritance of these three forces is extremely long, and even the Great Seal of the Holy Court has a history of millions of years.

When the Great Seal of the Holy Court became the dynasty, the Tianwu dynasty did not exist in the world.

They must have a lot of weird magic and mysterious arts.

If we are targeted by them this time..."

The gods of Lombok and Lihuo fell into silence.

Only the God of Deep Clouds remained silent on his majestic and steady face.

A few breaths of time passed.

The God of Deep Cloud Heaven suddenly shook his head and said: "Over the past many years, Tai Cang has saved countless people of the boundless wild human race.

This human race country is different from countless hidden human race places.

They are under absolute pressure, wanting to return the human race to orthodoxy, and want the human race to rise..."

"For such a long time, we have not done anything for the human race.

And now we finally decided to take action, and even the incarnation descended too far.

But just in the face of the catastrophe that the three major forces may befalling, we have to dissipate the incarnation and hide our whereabouts.

Tai Cang, a country that strives for the human race, will inevitably be chilling to us...and also to countless human beings. "

When Shenyuntian said this, his eyes became much firmer.

He took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "Today, I will be here to witness the imminent disaster of Human Race.

In the future, he may not be able to play any role in this catastrophe, and he is not too ashamed. "

The God of Lihuo and the God of Longmu carefully perceive the information contained in the divine consciousness that the God of Shenyun has turned around.

They did not make a statement and remained silent.

But these two gods phantoms are still suspended in the void of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Did not disperse the incarnation.

Bai Qi and Yuzao next to him looked at each other.

Yuzao nodded insignificantly.

And Ji Xia and Lei Shen Xiao are still concentrating on tasting delicious food.

There is only Da Yuanxian.

There was a look of interest in his eyes.

Looking at the spectacular sight in the distance.

And at the moment!

The flying spirit weapons under the feet of the three extremely powerful men have already arrived.

How to describe the super power of these flying spirits?

One of the great spirit ships.

Even more massive than ordinary stars.

When he came to the sky above Taidu.

The light of the scorching sun has been completely blocked.

Taidu became dark, and many human beings looked at the sky in a dazed but puzzled way!

"If darkness swallows too much, will these weak human beings have a way out?"

A voice came from the sky.

It spread all over the land of Tai Cang Jiuzhou in an instant.

There seemed to be an extremely dark power in the voice.

The ordinary creatures heard this question at the same time.

Many negative emotions emerged involuntarily in my heart.

They began to panic, began to panic, and even some children seemed to be surrounded by infinite darkness, and their eyes were full of despair.

The three outside gods all took a deep breath.

Even with the power they have now, even if they are strong in the realm of the Great Emperor.

When I heard this weird word.

Some extremely cruel scenes emerged involuntarily in front of him.

In the scene they had seen, the outer heavens they ruled had completely fallen into disarray.

Countless human beings died.

The once vast and prosperous outer sky has also become a tomb of the human race.

Tired of bones, endless!

They immediately realized the problem.

Immediately operate the divine consciousness, dispelling the vision that appeared in front of him.

They continued to look up at the void.

Under the operation of the magical power of the gods, they saw the three powerful men with their hands on the huge flying spirit instrument. They did not talk to each other, and even a little disgusted.

The robes on their bodies fluttered.

The extremely powerful power, like the divine sea churning, makes them only able to marvel, only horrified!

The three outside gods hurriedly converged their magical powers.

Almost subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at the too strong person present.

At this time, Ji Xia had already put down the chopsticks in her hand.

He flicked his sleeves.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony instantly became transparent.

And Ji Xia also looked to the sky.

The three outside gods looked at each other.

"Tai Cang faces such a catastrophe, how can this be good?"

"The great emperor in the early days can make a nation rise up, maybe there is an extraordinary background."

"Tai Cang's strength is not weak, and there is also competition among these three forces.

The reason why they came together may be because they didn't want to see Tai Cang surrender to any forces other than themselves.

In this way, Tai Cang may still be able to mediate and protect himself..."

The divine consciousness of the divine gods outside the world continues to flow and communicate with each other.

They are all speculating about how Tai Cang can escape this huge catastrophe.


Ji Xia didn't seem to panic.

Seeing the envoys of the three major forces coming, he didn't even get up, but still sat on the throne of Taixian.

The same goes for other too strong people.

The eyes are also very calm.

Only too many ordinary human beings were caught in panic.

However, this panic did not last long.

Under the gaze of the three gods.

Ji Xia suddenly raised her hand, stretched out another index finger, and clicked on the void.

In between.

Suddenly, all kinds of fluctuations gathered in the void, turning into a stream of light and quickly dissipating.

On the Taicang Jiuzhou land, when Fuxi State was over the sky, a treasure piano was condensed in this way.

This Baoqin is now extremely simple and solemn.

All kinds of indescribable regular fluctuations are emitted throughout the body.

Even around Baoqin, there are many vague visions, dancing lightly.

It is Fu Xiqin.

"This is Guozuo God's Equipment!"

The Lombok God sensed the huge fluctuations in Fuxiqin and muttered to himself.

Ji Xia pointed out again.

The figure of Perxian in Fuxi Prefecture also appeared in the sky.

He dropped his hand on the Fuxi Qin, and then simply plucked the strings!


A sound wave that was visible to the naked eye, but silent, quickly spread towards the Tai Cang Jiuzhou land.

At the same time the sound wave of Fuxi Qin spread.

In the place covered by the sound waves, all the negative emotions in the hearts of the people were instantly expelled.

Their eyes became clearer.

Immediately realize the problem.


The creatures of the Taicang race, who have been very confident for a long time, raised their heads and glared at the terrifying three flying spirit weapons!

The three extraordinary powers on the flying spirit weapon also frowned instantly.

They didn't expect it at all.

The Guozuo artifact that Tai Cang possesses is so powerful!

And the eyes of many Taicang people also made them angry.

How humble is the human race?

But now, the Taicang people dare to look directly at them.

What does this represent?

Therefore, the envoy of Emperor Zhenxuan was immediately angry!

His body is as tall as a mountain, and his muscles are solved.

The scorching breath from the flesh is like a melting pot of scorching sun.

Can burn everything in the world.

I saw him take a step, pointed to Ji Xia in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and shouted sharply: "Ji Xia! Tai Cang people are not respectful of me, what should I do! You see me waiting to come, can't stand to welcome me, rude and rude , What's the crime?"

The envoy of the Great Seal of the Holy Court looked like a young girl, but around her body, there were two ancient secret realms continuously rotating around her.

It is also supplying her with vast spirits.

She had a cold look in her eyes, and looked at Tai Cang condescendingly: "The time has passed for more than one thousand two hundred years.

But many imperial dynasties have sued Tai Cang before the Holy Lord.

It is said that for more than a thousand years, Tai Cang has reaped the treasures of the imperial dynasty, secretly conspired and developed secretly! "

"Today, the Great Seal of the Holy Court sent a strong man to come, just to ask the Emperor...

Are you..."

"Are you questioning me?"

Ji Xia, who was silent from beginning to end, suddenly interrupted the words of the envoy of the Great Seal.

He looked calm, just looking up at the sky.

The three outside gods and the three messengers were frightened and looked at Ji Xia in amazement, a little at a loss.

"The three powerhouses in front of us are all powerhouses who glimpse the peak of the gods, and they are even based on the strength that Tai Cang revealed before.

Able to be dispatched to Tai Cang as messengers, they are likely to be the powerhouses of Fate Palace!

The Great Emperor, why dare to talk to them like this? "

"Even if it is too strong to be afraid of these three powerhouses, there is a giant standing behind them, and you can't offend them."

"I don't understand...I don't understand..."

The moment they communicate with each other.

The envoy of the Great Seal was already furious.

The envoy who looked like a young man from Emperor Mingluo also had murderous intent in his eyes.

"Since Too Cang dared to be disrespectful to the Great Sealed Holy Court, he will certainly disrespect us too!

This Tai Cang Emperor Ji is really ambitious! "

The envoy of Emperor Zhenxuan snorted coldly: "What if the strength is not strong, and what if I have ambition?

Today I will..."

"The three imperial forces of Boundless Wilderness should not send such three weak envoys to come here to be too powerful."

Ji Xia's voice fell leisurely again.

Then he didn't talk nonsense.

Nor did the messengers of the three major forces have the opportunity to say a word.

Ji Xia turned her head and looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi slowly got up and bowed to Ji Xia.

Then raised his head to look at the three emissaries.

"Huh? Bold!"

The envoy of Emperor Zhenxuan just wanted to do it.

I saw the soft white gaze in the hall from beginning to end, and it had disappeared.

But only in an instant!

A sea of ​​blood came over the sky.

In the void, there was also a black giant sword with many mysterious inscriptions on its body.

The sea of ​​blood quickly merged into the pitch black giant sword.

The white figure appeared from the void, holding the pitch-black giant sword!

His face is still extremely gentle.

But the world was empty, and only a terrifying force burst out suddenly.

this moment.

The world is shrouded in blood.

It's as if Sun Luo Hell has come to the boundless wilderness!

The emissary of Emperor Zhenxuan who had just drank, his expression was too late to change.

But the terrible pressure made them stubborn.

Even the secrets in the body can hardly bear such terrible murderous intent!

The three heavenly gods outside the realm were also dumbfounded at this time, a little at a loss.

The white rise in the sky has completely disappeared.

But in the world, there is a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood.

The endless terrifying killing intent turned into a **** light that rushed into the sky.


The pitch-black giant sword turned across the sky.

The boundless sea of ​​blood poured out.

In a short while, there was an unparalleled flying spirit weapon, as well as the three major power messengers who just wanted to take the trouble of Tai Cang.

The world trembles, and the void trembles.

But the weird thing is.

Neither the Tai Cang Jiuzhou land below nor the Dikong Galaxy in the sky were affected at all.

at the same time.

The blood-colored sword light descended, and various terrifying visions emerged one after another as the sea of ​​blood enveloped.

The sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, endless slaughter, the fight between the nations, the outbreak of war, the surging sea of ​​blood, the black mist and countless tombs, stand across the sky.

At last……

Everything seemed to disappear.

Only a huge tomb was left, suspended in the sky.

Bai Qi showed his figure, and his black giant sword was gone.

He stood in front of the huge tomb, his face still very gentle, looking at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia nodded casually.

Bai Qi immediately used his hand as a pen~www.ltnovel.com~ to seal the inscription on the wordless tombstone in front of the huge tomb.

"To disturb the Taicang people, you should die.

In the beginning, the imperial court was disrespectful and should die.

Dare to threaten Emperor Taichu to die! "

Three sentences should die, full of unparalleled killing thoughts.

The three gods finally realized...maybe this boundless wilderness is really going to change.

At this time, Ji Xia walked off the high platform of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the dull eyes of the three gods and three messengers, and then stepped into the void step by step.

He came to the huge tomb and took a close look.

Then he turned his head and said to Xu Kong: "Pass the edict to Zhenxuan, Mingluo, and Dafeng."

"Let them come and collect the corpse."

"By the way, let them bring their jade spy."

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