I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 963: Too Cang is unwilling to ask any more [big

fd recovers after twenty minutes, the land of the great nine states.

For a country of imperial level.

It's not vast.

It even looks a little cramped.

But the land of Taicang Nine Provinces is only the central area of ​​Taicang.

In addition to the land of Kyushu.

There are many vast secret realms, and even an outer sky.

Except for the Secret Realm of Obi Moon Thirteen, the Secret Realm of Nine Stars, and the vast and very vast Qi Mingtian.

Many secret realms controlled by Sunless and Chi Yun have also fallen into Ji Xia's hands.

The two kingdoms of Sunless and Chiyun, although they were also imperial dynasties.

But their hands did not control the outer space.

As for the more than twenty secret realms, Ji Xia was not prepared to send troops to station.

There are two reasons for this.

The first is because these secret realms are too far away.

Although for the current Tai Cang.

The distance is farther, and it is not too difficult.

However, the current situation is too great, and the demand for territory has not reached that level.

The second reason is that Ji Xia now has a different vision.

Even if it is too dark, it needs a larger territory.

I also look down on the mysteries left by Wuri and Chiyun.

"Qi Mingtian has divided 13 states and 130 territories."

Lu Yu reported to Ji Xia: "Qi Ming Tian is already vast and very vast, so every state boundary in Qi Ming Tian is wider than that in Tai Cang Ji Xia.

Even a single state has a larger territory than the entire Taicang Kyushu. "

Ji Xia is holding a jade slip, looking down at it.

The jade slip exudes a ray of light.

These rays of light reflected in the void, two feet above the jade slip, forming a map of the heavens of fate.

The map has divided the 13 states of Qiming in detail.

There are many more lines in it, and the boundaries and cities are divided more and more finely.

"Tai Cang has a large population nowadays, Qi Mingtian has been building a new city for many years.

Coupled with the continuous transfer of many human races in Jiezu Mountain, a preliminary governance system has been established.

But this system is not perfect. "

Ji Xia closed the jade slip, bowed his head and said to the many ministers in the palace: "And now, whether it is the Secret Realm of Taicang Nine Stars or the Secret Realm of Obscure Moon 13.

As well as Qimingtian Thirteen States, they all need the right managers, the right masters of the secret realms, and the actual controllers.

Only in this way can everything be in order. "

Ji Xia's words fell.

Many ministers also immediately understood.

Many lands outside the Taicang native area really need God, the lord of the secret realm.

Those individual stars, individual secret realms, and Qiming Tianzhou realm all need actual managers.

Admiral Ji Qing saluted, and immediately said: "Tai Cang has been painstakingly cultivating the political ability of his younger generations for hundreds of years.

Now, these younger generations should be able to fill the current vacancies in major secret realms and Qi Mingtian. "

Ji Xia nodded slowly.

A minister on the side said: "There are also many bloodlines in the Tai Cang Ji Room. Maybe these Ji Room bloodlines can serve as the master of the secret realm."

Ji Xia thoughtfully.

However, Ji Ze frowned on the side. He stepped forward and said loudly, "Although there are more than ten royal children with enough seniority in the Tai Cang Ji room.

Most of these imperial children are from the ninth and tenth generations of Ji family blood.

However, most of these royal descendants have mediocre abilities, and they are not enough to take on great responsibilities.

As for the Jishi bloodline after the tenth generation, although there are also very outstanding young people.

However, they are still young and have rather shallow resumes, and being the master of the secret realm is not enough to convince the public. "

Admiral Ji Ze is currently the oldest person in the Tai Cang Ji room. Although he is not the patriarch, his words still have a certain weight.

What's more, what Admiral Ji Ze said was actually a fact.

In the era when Ji Shang ruled Tai Cang.

Many of the ninth-generation royal bloodlines like Ji Xia lived very unsatisfactorily.

Most of the capable ones died because of being on the battlefield.

Those who survived are naturally mediocre people.

Let them be the masters of the secret realm, and the stars dominate.

Not being able to convince the public is a small matter.

After all, in Tai Cang, Ji Xia Jinkou said that his orders were above all else, and no one would question Ji Xia's decision.

However, these vast lands have a large population, and things are messy, and then a lot of waste is waiting to be developed.

If it is an incapable person, it will inevitably affect the progress of Tai Cang's development.

For Ji Xia, this is really intolerable.

"The nine stars in the Nine Star Secret Realm will be led by Yang Ren for the time being."

Ji Xia casually said: "Now that Dikongxing is overcrowded, we also need some land to migrate people."

There was a little bit of light falling in the void, turning into a star gate.

Yang Ren walked out of it, saluting and taking orders.

"Oblique Moon Thirteen Secret Realm, I already have a candidate in my heart."

Ji Xia lightly touched the void, and the void immediately gleamed, and an imperial edict flew out to the court.

Wait after time.

Mirror time came hurriedly.

She still wears a moon-colored robe, her long hair casually tied behind her head.

The power surging out of his body also became more and more majestic.

In addition, these many years, the most obvious changes in the mirror time.

It is between her brows that there is no longer the grief of the past.

This is also due to the hobby of mirror time in recent years.

After the mirror came to Tai Cang these years ago.

Once declined Ji Xia's idea of ​​arranging an official position for him.

Instead, he wandered around in Tai Cang and took many mirror images.

Most of these mirror images are based on race and country, and they have grand intentions and are extremely brilliant.

And most of these plots were written by Jing Shi himself.

As the monarch in charge of a dynasty in the past, she has also done everything herself.

I can't understand everything about the world.

Therefore, the mirror image born in her hands can often resonate with the people of Taizang, making her famous too.

Jing Shi stood in the center of the main hall, saluting Ji Xia respectfully.

After many years.

Jing Shi's admiration for Ji Xia has reached a certain extreme.


Mirror Shi's impression of Ji Xia is only the lord of the powerful human kingdom, only the benefactor who saved her from the cage and avenged the many people of the mirror dynasty.

But as she came to Tai Cang, lived in Tai Cang.

The more he invented the white, what kind of feats did Ji Xia have.

Ji Xia, the Taicang monarch, who can make hundreds of billions of people of the human race grateful and regard him as a human master.

It was indeed enough to make her admire and convince her.

Ji Xia gently nodded toward the mirror.

Then a divine sense flashed.

Jing Shi immediately understood why Ji Xia wanted to summon her.

In a blink of an eye.

She had a lot of worries in her heart, but when she looked up, she saw Ji Xia's calm eyes.

Suddenly there was a bit of emotion in my heart.

"As a human... you can't just avoid it."

"The biggest reason I can walk safely in the empty sky is that the emperor is under infinite pressure from all sides.

If the emperor flees like me, wouldn't this sky collapse? "


In the short period of time, Jing Shi thought a lot.

When she saw Ji Xia Wei'an's body again, and the face that exuded some kind of divine light, she saluted Ji Xia respectfully.

Ji Xia slowly nodded, and said lightly to everyone: "Since then, the ruler of Mirror Time has been the ruler of Ozuki, the lord of Ozuki's thirteen secret realm.

All related affairs in the Secret Realm of Ozuki Thirteen are governed by the mirror time. "

The Minister of Korea and China respectfully said yes.

at the same time.

A beam of Huaguang floated out of Ji Xia's hands, fell into Jingshi's hands, and turned into a token.

On the back of the token, write the word "Ozuki".

The front is the appearance of the Tai Cang banner.

As the ruler of the Ozy Moon Thirteen Secret Realm, Ji Xia also considered many candidates.

But thinking about it.

Ji Xia finally turned her gaze to Jing Shi.

And Ji Xia believes that Jingshi should be able to take on this important task.

"Tai Cang's courses for cultivating government abilities should be added as much as possible."

Ji Xia dealt with the problem of dominating the Secret Realm of Oscillating Moon Thirteen and the secret realm of Nine Stars.

Then he continued to order: "Today, the Choking Secret Realm is still expanding.

The number of creatures that can be accommodated is also increasing.

Soon after, the outer sky that Tai Cang can control will also explode at an unprecedented speed.

At that time, the governance positions in these outer heavens will also fall into Tai Cang's hands.

If government talents are scarce and unable to fill these vacancies, it will affect the progress of Tai Cang's development. "

Ji Xia's words fell.

The Lord of Tai Cang Xue Palace immediately took the command.

Many ministers looked at each other.

I don't understand where the "many extraterrestrials" in Ji Xia's mouth come from.

Ji Xia solved the government affairs.

He looked at the foreign policy chief below and asked: "Did the jade slips handed to the Emperor Tianqi have mentioned things like Lord Yin?"

The foreign policy chief replied: "It has been specified in detail, and the Emperor Tianqi has also promised that Ruyin Shangcheng will serve as an envoy to Tai Cang."

Admiral Ji Ze snorted suddenly.

"What kind of system! Ji Ruyin is from the Taicang royal family, but now he wants to serve as an envoy to another country to go to Taicang? What kind of system!"

Most ministers in the palace didn't know about Ruyin's ministers.

I don't understand why Ji Ruyin wants to serve as the messenger of the Tianqi Emperor.

I also think this thing is quite strange.

But Ji Xia smiled casually, shook her head and said: "When the time comes, I will ask Ruyin if he wants to stay in Tianqi.

Then it would be a good choice to hand over the Tianqi Emperor Dynasty to his control, and to make this country a subsidiary of Tai Cang from now on. "

In the hall, suddenly there was no sound.

Emperor Tianqi has a long history, and it is the blood of gods, and the blood is extremely noble.

In the countless country of Jiezu Mountain.

Emperor Tianqi is powerful enough to rank in the top three.

Even compared to the Xixuan Saint Court, it was not much better.

But now Ji Xia casually talked about it, it seemed that he was deciding the ownership of the Tianqi Emperor.

This made the ministers present at a loss for a while.

And the reason why Ji Xia has such words is not because of a whim.

The Emperor Tianqi Dynasty was in a battle for the destruction of the Great Geng Dynasty eight thousand years ago.

Played a very disgraceful role.

There was no holy capital in Emperor Da Geng's dynasty, and it was also owned by the Emperor Tianqi and became the capital of the Emperor Tianqi.

Ji Xia also understood the rise of Tai Cang, the reason why Emperor Tianqi did not respond.

The biggest reason is because of the fall of Emperor Qishou, the entire Tianqi can only rely on the majesty of the goddess of the dancing house.

In addition, the relationship between Ji Ruyin and the goddess of the dance house is unclear.

This made Emperor Tianqi have been silent in recent years, and have been motionless.

If Emperor Qishou was still alive.

I am afraid that Tai Cang's previous situation will be even more difficult.

and so……

In Ji Xia's mind, Emperor Tianqi was bound to be liquidated.

It's just a matter of sooner or later.

Now there is Ji Ruyin in Tianqi.

Many of these things are much simpler.

Chao will disperse.

Many ministers returned to their posts and performed their duties.

In the summer of this year, several emperor pilgrimage courts have also come to Tai Cang.

Some of the emperors even came to congratulate Tai Cang.

Among them, from the hands of Ji Xia, in exchange for the two imperial dynasties and a holy court in the territory of the Omoyue Emperor.

The two great emperor dynasties of Rongyue and Baiwen, a sacred court of virtual pupil...

These two imperial dynasties and a holy court, in fact, do not belong to Jiezu Mountain.

It is located in Tongtian Guhe.

In the whole Jiezu Mountain.

Tai Cang and even the Osmoyue Emperor Dynasty are all on the edge of Jiezu Mountain, not far away from the Tongtian Ancient River.

This is also the reason why Tai Cang was able to travel to the Tongtian Ancient River to attack the Cloud Heaven Dragon in a not-so-long period of time long ago.

The Omoyue Emperor Dynasty was closer to the Tongtian Ancient River than the Zhujiang Plain.

Therefore, the territory of the Omoyue Empire became the target of these forces, and then traded with Ji Xia.

Now the emperors and masters of these three forces have come personally.

After Ji Xia greeted the banquet, he had already moved into the newly-built suspended city.

And according to the information of the mysterious pavilion.

In many dynasties, the great emperor came personally or sent envoys to come.

Already on the way to Tai Cang.

Soon after, the Tai Cang feast will be held, and these great emperors and envoys are also very important guests.

Ji Xia left the meeting and came to the Cry God Valley in the Choking Secret Realm.

With the expansion of the Choking Secret Realm.

Cthulhu Valley has also become more expansive under perilous demands.

There was still a lot of **** mist covering the sky above Cthulhu Valley.

The **** breath condenses into substance.

In the sky, there were many visions.

Ji Xia came personally, even if it was the perils of indulging in research, his mind recovered from his own research and came to welcome Ji Xia.

Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, looked at this weird Cthulhu Valley, and asked Wei Chang: "Which drop of human blood essence, can you figure out the purpose of it?"

The essence of human blood naturally comes from the ruler of Xixuan.

Behind just a drop of blood ~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't know how many murders were created.

His face was very pale, and his eyes were covered with red blood.

But his face was very excited: "The emperor, this method controlled by Xixuan Master will be a huge opportunity for Tai Cang!"


Ji Xia looked at Wei Chang and nodded for him to continue.

Wei Chang raised his hand, and that drop of human blood essence had been suspended on his palm.

Exudes a black light.

"With this drop of human blood essence as a template, with the method governed by Xixuan, I will be able to do so without harming the lives, talents, bodies, etc., of the human people.

Collect the wonderful power in the blood of the people of the human race, and then cooperate with each other, research and bred many extraordinary blood.

Or the infinite heritage contained in the blood of the people, slowly recovering! "

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