I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 981: 4-pole Zhen Shen, unparalleled! 【Big

   The battlefield of the earth beyond the border.

   The surging power of the two armies has been fully exploded!

  The Underworld Army has a total of 180 million troops, and the majesty it exudes has completely covered this space.

   There is an extremely powerful force surging out of them.

   There are countless kinds of terrifying supernatural powers, almost sweeping the wild world.

   The war has begun!

  Emperor Mingdu's general Demon Burning Ming, and more than twenty gods of the Ming Palace, each revealed the Gods of the Ming Palace.

   Many supernatural powers of the Palace of Multi-Life, as well as unimaginable rules of heaven and earth, permeated the void.

   The world is shattered and all five directions move.

   General Demon Fen Ming moved slightly under his divine mind.

   The 180 million army has condensed an extremely powerful war spirit formation.

   This kind of war spirit formation was named after Mingluo Emperor Dynasty, called Mingluo Burning Sky Great Formation!

   this moment.

   The war has come completely.

   The complexion of Emperor Mingluo was very ugly.

   and even General Demon Fenming and the twenty-one strong men in the Palace of Life who all shot, their eyes are also very solemn.

   even stood in the space cracks, watching the gods of the war.

   has also fallen into complete silence.

The two battlefields of    Earth Lang Xinghe and Zi Yaotian are starting, and they still can't make them so surprised!


   This is the battlefield of Tai Cang Kyushu Army.

   is completely different from the other two battlefields.

   On the battlefield of Tai Cang's Kyushu Army... Tai Cang hardly has any tactics at all.

   is not like the Dikong Galaxy Army, first lure the enemy deep, and then suddenly reveal all the strength, in order to catch the enemy by surprise.

   It was like the unconcealed look of contempt in the eyes of Emperor Ji Xia, who was sitting on the throne of Taixian.

   When the army of the underworld completely descended on this land.

  Only 4.8 million Tai Cang army is ready.

  Light is this scene.

   has completely wiped out the impression of Tai Cang in the hearts of all the enemy powerhouses and their contempt for Tai Cang.

Instead of   , it is unimaginable.

  Because the 4.8 million great army is too powerful!

   When an army of 4.8 million came to light.

  Various visions all appeared in the sky.

   A huge divine sword stood in the air, blooming with hundreds of thousands of brilliance, just like a sword-shaped scorching sun.

   There are illusory beasts and phantoms, blooming stars floating in the sky.

  The huge prison that covers the world, but it looks vast and bright, as if it can refine all the great supernatural powers in an instant.

   There are five celestial pillars standing on top of the earth, and the power of the five celestial pillars is connected to each other, turning into a five-square devil, looking down at the world.

   This is the great army of Tai Cang that has been reorganized over the past thousand and four hundred years!

   This army is called [Siji Zhenzhu Army].

   is derived from the unparalleled bloodline of the gods of the gods after studying the immortal catalog.

   Fourteen hundred years have passed hurriedly, and more than twenty thousand years have passed in the Secret Realm of Choking.

   Tai Cang selected Da Geng Dejin Divine Army, Tai Cang Silver Dragon, and many other mansions...

   gave them the method of blood resuscitation, allowing them to resuscitate these blood!

   eventually formed the four-pole town **** army.

   The strong among the four-pole town **** army is already very powerful without awakening the blood of the gods.

   After awakening the blood of the gods, he gained countless resources for practice.

  Almost the power of every soldier in this army has reached an extreme!

   At this moment, the combat power of the Siji Zhentian army is at its peak!

   The bloodlines of the four great warriors that make up the Sijizhengjin army are all of the supreme bloodlines of the human race.

   Jian Wushuang bloodline conceived from the gods of the gods.

   The blood of the stars from the Xuan Dynasty.

   The bloodline of the Great Ding Jujao, and the bloodline of the Tianzhu from the five directions of the Great Breath God!

   Jian Wushuang, Li Xuan Xingling, Great Ding Giant Prison, Great Breathing Five Heavenly Pillars, the four-pole town **** army condensed from the blood of the four great dynasties, possessing power is simply indescribable.

   When the army of 4.8 million four-pole town gods burst out a vast spirit.

   The terrifying power has even completely overshadowed the 180 million imperial army!

   Too bold and bold...

   want to use these 4.8 million elite soldiers to fight against the 180 million imperial army.

   Before this war.

  Emperor Mingdu and General Demon Fenming were almost completely unimaginable.

  The war between the emperors and dynasties will evolve to where it is today.


   The power of the imperial army that was constantly attacking the throne of the emperor in the sky.

   But now it can only flow turbulently, against the army of the four poles.

   When the war broke out.

   This world has changed into nothingness.

   The army has completely turned into nothingness.

   The four-pole town **** army filled with surging and hot light.

   The densely packed Lingyuan inscriptions are magnificent and amazing!

   4.8 million four-pole town **** army, for the first time in the boundless wilderness, showing its unparalleled power!

   Jian Wushuang army formation, 1.2 million sharp soldiers are all holding the Xuanjin long sword.

   Behind them, there is also an illusory sword floating in each other, which is a strange sword shape conceived by their blood.

   1.2 million Jian Wushuang sharp warriors are connected, and a colossal divine sword that covers this battlefield is condensed.

   Every time the divine sword falls, it can easily penetrate everything, the dazzling sword light, and the sword intent bursting from the bloodline almost turned into a sword intent storm.

   In an instant, the army of the emperor was enveloped!

   is not far from the Xuanxingling army.

   The blood of the protoss contains the power that can nurture the protoss.

   They nurtured the Protoss in their own secrets.

   Then he continued to cut down the fierce beasts, feeding the Lixuan Protoss with the blood, true spirits, and flesh of the fierce beasts, making the prosperous more powerful.

   And Li Xuan Xingling can not only feed back on themselves, but can also accompany them for life and fight for them.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the Star Spirit is the lifelong companion of the elites of the Xuanshen Dynasty army, and even closer than the blood of the same race.

   When the 1.2 million four-pole star spirits gather their strength.

   The world has been illuminated by stars.

   The same 1.2 million Protoss, although their appearances are different.

   But they exude the same starlight.

   These protoss are too powerful.

   When they turn into aurora and are imprinted on the body of the four-pole star spirit army.

   These already very powerful warriors have been soaring in combat power.

   The 1.2 million troops are connected by blood, and the power they possess once again rises.

   keeps stacking up.

   The four-pole star spirit army, the cracks in the sky that vibrated with every move, continued to spread.

   There is another big tripod prison.

   The bloodline of the Great Ding Giant Prison alone is actually not that powerful, it can only improve a little spiritual talent.

   But when dozens of millions of great cauldrons are connected by blood.

   can stimulate the strong power possessed in the bloodline.

   Like this moment.

   The world has been completely covered by a huge prison.

  In the huge prison, there was a flame that seemed to burn through everything.

  The giant prisoner passed through these flames.

   turned them into a god-fire giant.

   Wherever they went, the sea of ​​fire spread, and the flame runes appeared in a splendid piece, endless flames filled down, it seemed that there was a divine power that suppressed the vast world, and even countless secret realms, countless outer heavens!

   The last bloodline is the bloodline of the Wufang Tianzhu.

  'S burst of power can also hit the sky.

   The five-party Tianzhu army is connected by blood.

   The five square seals were carved with the Tianzhu inherited from the Great Breath God Dynasty, and they rose from the ground.

   Within the Tianzhu, the sky is turned upside down, and the army of 1.2 million has changed into five Tianzhu Demon Gods!

   These Tianzhu Demon Gods are standing in the sky, and the horror breath spreads at this moment, the darkness of the brilliance floods the world, and the universe is rioted!

   by this kind.

   is enough to see how powerful the Siji Zhentian army is!

   Even the Emperor Mingdu, which is firmly standing on the extremely profound chakra, must be afraid of it.

   is not a fear...

   but fear!

   The four-pole town **** army... the so-called town **** came from this.

  They can suppress the gods, and the so-called gods are not ordinary fate palaces.

   But this does not mean that Emperor Ming will all run away.

  Because Emperor Ming didn't come alone, there were 180 million army behind him, and there were 22 life palaces including General Demon Fen Ming.

   Such a terrible power.

   is enough to annihilate the fear in the heart of Emperor Mingdu.

   "Even if the army of the imperial dynasty can't suppress the army of the four-pole town gods, we still have a lot of fate palace gods, enough to make up for the gap."

   General Demon Fenming’s original horrified eyes have also calmed down!

   There are purple fireworks burning on his body, without hair on his head, but there is also a fireworks burning in the same way.

   He is like a monster of the world, and the coercion that permeates his body is even more prosperous than the Feng Wusui of the Great Seal Saint Court and the Huang Yuan of the Emperor Zhenxuan Dynasty!

   The two armies collided, and in an instant, countless imperial armies fell.

   The power emanating from the four-pole town **** army.

   gave way to the many gods in the sky, looking at each other.

  Even half of the God Chaotianjiao's eyes were filled with cold killing intent.


   These gods are familiar with the past history.

   I know where some of the bloodlines in the bloodlines of the Siji Zhenzhu army came from...

   After they looked at each other, they looked at Ji Xia who was sitting in the void again.

   "Tai Cang... obtained the law enforcement of the blood resuscitation of the gods, and there are even two kinds of human blood, even I don't know the origin."

  "The blood of the stars came from the ancient Lixuan dynasty. The Lixuan dynasty once dominated the world. The Emperor Lixuan Meteoric Sun once picked up many scorching suns and invested them in his own great world.

   Let my own big world burn, and want to create an independent outer space, so that all the human races in the boundless wilderness will migrate to that outer space! "

  "These ancient human bloodlines had already completely dissipated when the human dynasty perished.

   But, why is Di Ji able to go back to the years and obtain the method of blood resuscitation? "

   "Human race wants to revive? Want to rebuild God's dynasty?"


   After a moment of silence.

   A man with a plain face, but standing in front of many gods and arrogances, suddenly said softly: "Maybe our eyes on this battle will change.

   The power possessed by Tai Cang has already crossed the line. "

   The gazes of many gods who looked at this **** son from the sky looked extremely respectful, and even many gazes revealed the meaning of worship.

   They did not answer this sentence of the son of God.

   But the look in Ji Xia's eyes became intriguing.

There was also Tianjiao who was a little puzzled, and while his divine consciousness was circulating, he said for a while: "Although the Sijizhen God army is powerful, it is absolutely not possible to block and block the 22 Life Palace gods while dealing with the 180 million army, and An extremely profound wheel."

   "But, why doesn't Di Ji have the slightest sign of taking action?"

   The gods are still wondering.

   The eyes of that ordinary **** suddenly shined brightly, and he landed on the battlefield of the galaxy army in the distance.

The divine light in   's eyes even penetrated the void and fell into the purple sky.

  At this moment, the majesty of the strong man possessed by the battlefield of Dikong Galaxy and Zi Yaotian, Tai Cang, has been fully revealed.

   The eyes of the **** child flashed violently.

   Then took a deep breath: "Too Cang, it's going to perish."

   Many gods overwhelmingly arrogant, saw what the son of **** saw in an instant.

   Most of the power that existed on his body suddenly burst out, and the Shenyuan fluctuated violently, as if it could destroy everything.

   They looked at Ji Xia one after another.

   The killing thought in his eyes can hardly be contained...

   was also at this moment.

   These gods and arrogances finally knew why Ji Xia hadn't taken any action from beginning to end.

   Because of this battlefield, Tai Cang's might finally fully manifested.

   I saw Bai Qi in black armor, taking a step forward.

   After one step, he traversed the endless distance and stood in front of Emperor Mingdu.

   There was another flash of thunder in the sky, and ten galaxies flowed slowly.

   Amidst the thunder, there is Thunder God Xiao’s body wrapped in a chain of God Xiao, stepping down the void step by step.

   and ten pieces of galaxy ahead.

   Ten more magnificent bodies seem to be comparable to the supreme existence of stars.

   These ten strong men.

   Except for the first Tai Sui and the second Tai Sui who protect Tai Cang native land, the other ten Tai Sui gods!

   this moment.

   In addition to Ji Xia, there are already twelve gods on this battlefield.

   The sea of ​​blood, thunder, and galaxy behind them.

   is magnificent and magnificent, hanging in the sky, flowing with a terrifying spirit!

   What a powerful force is this?

   The vision in the sky is terrifying.

   The scorching sun shattered and the stars sank, it was amazing.

   The divine radiance from the twelve existences, including Bai Qi, has flooded the world.

   There are some gods who are already ready to move.

   After witnessing the stalwart power possessed by Tai Cang~www.readwn.com~ the murderous intent in their eyes has gradually disappeared!

  Because in a short period of time, Tai Cang really showed his power in the three battlefields.

   is already terrifying.

   As many as dozens of gods, as well as the unparalleled army that crushed the imperial army, surprised them.

  Even on the three battlefields, there were many great girls who played the nine-string piano sitting in a palace.

   They played the strings, and there was a tactful and beautiful sound of the piano flowing out.

   In vain, the Tai Cang army on the three battlefields has stronger strength.

   All these.

   makes these gods and arrogances feel jealous!

  Emperor Mingdu didn't even think that Tai Cang Native possesses such terrifying power.

   He even has a hunch...

   Excluding Ji Xia, among the twelve Tai Cang gods.

   There are at least six people, who can completely cut him down on the extremely profound wheel!

  The power possessed by Tai Cang.

  In the imperial dynasty... it can already be called Wushuang!


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