I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 982: The ancient war, the resources are amazing [big

   This is an ancient battle.

   For the entire boundless wilderness, Tai Cang's influence was limited to Jiezu Mountain and the surrounding vast areas from beginning to end.

   But from Tai Cang sacrifice to heaven and earth, I want to plunder all the imperial dynasty's luck.

   So as to achieve a huge imperial dynasty with no one before or after.

   Tai Cang finally collided head-on with all the boundless wild emperors.

   Many very remote imperial dynasties, before this, only through that great banquet to know the boundless wilderness and such a human kingdom.

   also knew that the two imperial dynasties and the Great Sealed Holy Court put great pressure on Tai Cang at that time.

   If it weren't for that dark sky suddenly appeared.

   Tai Cang is likely to surrender like one of the three major forces!

   And when Tai Cang worshipped the heaven and earth, he became the enemy of countless imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness, which triggered the aftermath of this great battle that shook the entire boundless wilderness.

   These imperial dynasties who came to conquer Tai Cang existed supremely.

   finally realized that since that big banquet, Tai Cang was hiding his strength and planning everything today.


   Tai Cang's fangs have all shone a terrifying light.

   wants to swallow them completely.

   Earth Lang Xinghe, Zi Yaotian, and Siji Zhenshen battlefield.

   The war is still going on.

   Ji Xia still sits on the throne in the sky casually, with no joy or sorrow on his face, only endless peace.

   But occasionally there was a cold flash in his eyes.

   Let the gods and arrogances who are watching the battle from a long distance be silent.

   These gods and arrogances have also been tens of thousands of years, even longer.

   They have also witnessed the rise of such human kingdoms as the Great Ding God Dynasty and the Great Breath God Dynasty.

   has also seen the power erupting from the human race gods.

   Those tens of thousands of years ago, those strong human talents, also made them awe.

   But anyway...

   Those old things are gone.

   Those young Tianjiao who once shook the boundless wilderness, have also become bones, and even become dust floating away.

   And now!

   A prosperous human race has risen slowly, like the supreme scorching sun.

   Ji Xia sitting in the sky also gave them an indescribable feeling.

   There is no lack of murderousness, but there is no lack of admiration.

   The human race has become more and more humble. If there is no sudden rise of the Great Ding Divine Empire and the Great Breath Divine Empire, perhaps the inheritance of the human race will be completely wiped out.

   Even the human race will disappear completely and completely cut off with the waves of time.

   Tens of thousands of years ago, Dading and Daxi two great gods died out one after another, which also brought huge suffering to the human race.

The situation of    is unsustainable to describe the human race. Perhaps it is too easy to use the words incorrectly.

   In such a huge ordeal.

   The young king on the throne of the sky, but silently, forged such an unparalleled imperial dynasty.

   Regardless of this battle.

   Tai Cang wins or loses.

   Tai Cang is living or perishing.

The word    Tai Cang, the title of Emperor Tai Chu, and the great reputation of many high-ranking powers in the Tai Cang will inevitably resound through the boundless wilderness.

   can even shake many powerhouses of the gods.

   may become a legend, circulated in the boundless wilderness!

   I don't know when, the goddess wearing a jade crown who was still watching the battle on the battlefield of Dikong Galaxy has already arrived on the battlefield.

   She stands side by side with the seemingly ordinary but extremely noble son of God.

   The divine consciousness of these two **** sons and goddesses circulates away.

   almost covers the three major battlefields.

   insight into the battles of these three battlefields.

   Their expressions are no longer the same as before, and as their eyes flow, they also bring out a surprise look.

   Because of the outbreak of the three wars.

  Tai Cang strong and Tai Cang Rui Shi, the power radiated by them is completely qualified to surprise them and surprise them inexplicably!

   land on the Galaxy battlefield.

   Twenty million Tai Cang Silver Dragon and ten million Earth Kong Galaxy Army.

   is no longer the main force in this battle.

  The perpetual evil **** army has overwhelmed the world.

   In the entire sky, all the clouds and mist were swallowed by these evil gods.

   They are like the tide with no end in sight.

   spread in the sky.

   The appearance of these evil gods is very strange, and also very dark and hideous...

   They may be as small as a palm, or tens of thousands of feet tall.

  Some evil gods are covered with tentacles.

  Some of the evil gods have their eyes full again.

   There are some evil gods, just like a huge ball of meat.

   Some evil gods are connected like several bats.

all in all……

  Countless evil gods, full of distortions, full of weirdness.

   The gloomy and godless eyes seem to carry a power that can make people crazy and shocking.

   Layers of flesh and blood, still sensational!

   And their fighting power is amazing.

  Even if it can't compare to the imperial army of Emperor Zhenhuang Dynasty Huangyuan led one hundred and twenty million.


   There are too many evil gods!

   is unimaginable.

  Danger often turns into death.

   opened his hands and stood proudly in the sky.

   There is a steady stream of separation of evil gods from him.

   Every moment, a huge number of evil gods uttered dark and chaotic whispers, and then joined the battlefield.

   They used their twisted and powerful bodies to carry the imperial army completely.

   The emperor's supernatural powers that filled the sky were completely dissipated by the waving tentacles.

   The dazzling light of magical powers constantly flashing in the sky.

   was also completely blocked by the countless and extremely tall evil gods.

   precisely because of these evil gods.

   The 30 million imperial army has completely become the reaper of this battlefield.

   They advance behind the huge number of evil gods.

   The powerful spirit weapon in his hand is constantly filled with terrible spirit element fluctuations.

   Twenty million Tai Cang Silver Dragon and ten million Earth Kong Galaxy Army.

   also congealed their own battle spirit formations.

   And these two battle spirit formations enveloped the sky.

  Accurately lock many fish that slip through the net.

   Then the powerful war spirits and supernatural powers erupt, and their lives can be wiped out easily!

   and many imperial powers feel powerless.

   is still the war resources possessed by these Taicang soldiers.

   Those in the realm of great emperors, and even the existence of the realm of gods, can often break through the army of evil gods.

   and then entered Tai Cang's 30 million army formation.

   originally thought that their strength and their number added up.

   can easily disintegrate the great army.


   Those who were too strong, who did not show the mountains and dews, have also begun to burst out formidable power.

Ji Chiju, Ji Ruyin, Ling Jian, Shang Qianqian, Milongjun, three twilight hunter wolves, five hundred dragon scale monster wolves, and ninety-nine patriarchs, there are many inexplicable existences shining with divine light on their bodies ...

   each show their deeds.

   They either form a battle formation or fly alone in the sky.

   is blocking the offensive of a tyrannical presence!

   If there is a General Peeping God, he can break through their blockade, enter the depths of the army, and attack the Taicang army.

   Thirty million Taicang army will aim the spearhead at the general-level existence.

   Thirty million Taicang soldiers are no longer what they used to be.

   They operate an extremely powerful war spirit formation, and their power can completely shake the digital life palace gods.

   There are more than ten people, and even twenty or thirty generals.

   is nothing at all!

   The battle of the strong is even more unimaginable.

   The four gods of the Tianmu Ming Palace, their faces are very vague, and the breath on their bodies is completely hidden.

   But their power is beyond doubt.

   Even if they died under Xingtian's random axe, there was no force to fight back.

   can be on the battlefield today.

   They are unquestionable strong men.

   Divine light is permeating, the storm is rolling up, and all kinds of supernatural powers of the palace of life suddenly fall, seeming to shatter the sky!

   The gods of the imperial life palace led by the imperial town.

   is not enough to compare with them at all.

   The four gods of the palace of life have never exhibited in the open air.

   Their bodies are already brilliant!

   They exude stalwart power, and often with a single blow, they can shake the world and distort the universe.

   Countless gods bloomed, let the fate palace gods who were fighting against them sprinkle blood, and the earth turned into an abyss and mist!

   And these heavenly gods are not the strongest existence in the palace of life.

  Yang Ren is still fighting against Dizhenghuang.

   The invincible posture of the two makes the **** Chaotianjiao who is still in the Palace of Life also admired.

   Except for Yang Ren.

   The terrifying power spurted by other too strong people also made the sky shake!

   Bi Tianjun and Marshal Xin each urged the giant axe and thunder hammer and thunder cone in their hands.

   often with a single blow, it can make the sky like an overturning!

   Thunder blooms, one after another mysterious thunder, imprinted in the void.

   The sound of landslides and cracks broke out, deafening!

   The void is broken!

   Tamazomae turned into a real body.

   Huge body, covering the sky and the sun.

   Nine tails waved wantonly.

   There are nine great magical powers of the fate palace, and the hazy illusion comes.

   sleepy locks this world.

   even controls three or five fate palace gods at the same time.

   let them deeply bear the suppression of the supernatural power of the palace of life.

   Shi Yang's fighting spirit was in Ling Ran's eyes, and the long knife in his hand was cut out, often accompanied by his thunderous laughter.

   General Huangyuan rides in a burning chariot.

   is holding a long spear of the Three Tribulations Emperor soldier level.

   The spear is pierced, and it can explode the stars easily!

   However, Shi Yang's combat background is not comparable to Huang Yuan!

  Shi Yang has a **** pill to help. The unparalleled war knife in his hand, the general crown on his head, the armor on his body, and the jewels floating above his head are all the soldiers of the Three Tribulations.

   With such terrifying power, Shi Yang, who was promoted to the **** of the palace not long ago, was promoted.

   has been able to compete with General Huangyuan.

   Besides, I have to faintly beat General Huangyuan!

   Zi Yaotian is the same!

   Zhang Jiao stood high in the sky, constantly using ancient Taiping books to summon unimaginable monsters.

   occasionally also uses throwing beans into soldiers, or paper man and paper horsemanship.

   The number is difficult to calculate, monsters like tides.

   is much weaker than the evil god.

   Their role is often to eliminate the magical powers from the bombardment.

The main force of    is still 30 million Taicang Silver Dragon and 49 million Violet Heavenly Army!

   The power of the 79 million Tai Cang army is actually much weaker than the imperial army.

   But when the big formation really broke out.

   The army of the Emperor Dynasty wanted to cry without tears.

  Because of the maintenance of the great army, it is a bit amazing and a bit exaggerated.

   The magic weapon in the hands of the Tai Cang army, and the armor he wore.

   is at least two ranks higher than the imperial army.

   and it’s even more exaggerated.

   These Taicang soldiers seem to carry a large number of spirit pills to heal injuries, spirit pills to restore spirit essence, and spirit pills to increase strength.

   They are in the war.

   Taking medicine is like taking sugar.

   just suffered a slight injury.

   just swallowed a high-quality spirit pill.

   Suddenly, many imperial armies suspected that Tai Cang had received aid from the Heavenly Wu God Dynasty.

   Even the Great Sealed Holy Court who is good at refining alchemy cannot withstand such terrible consumption.

   But it is too dark, but it does not take these precious elixirs in his eyes!

In this situation.

  Even if the imperial army has very strong power.

   In the face of Tai Cang soldiers, he can only fall under the wind.

   And the casualty rate has also risen sharply.

   Morale took a big hit.

   There is another important reason for the lower morale, and it is also because of the many gods of the Imperial Palace who are fighting in the void.

   These elite soldiers from many imperial dynasties.

   When they first saw so many fate palace gods in their camp.

  Confidence has reached its limit, thinking that so many gods of the palace can easily push too far.

   But the result was not what they expected.

  The war broke out.

   The life palace level power revealed by Tai Cang is even more terrifying than the imperial and dynasty coalition forces!

   At this moment, Zi Yaotian is on the battlefield.

   The thunder three masters, with an unparalleled posture, burst out a grand and unimaginable thunder wave.

   These thunders seem to descend from the sky, and they seem to come from the mysterious avenue.

   The horror reached the extreme thunder force bombarded and brought up the black thunder ocean below.

   A silver lightning sprang out from the sea, and the arc turned across.

   The fate palace **** who fought with them saw this terrible lightning, and he could easily realize that he had no power to resist it at all.

   They can only flicker, or transform into flying beasts, or flying magical powers that operate extremely fast.

   Leap over ten thousand miles in a short while!

   There are also the four major life palaces of the Zi Yao dynasty. The martial art inherited by them has been promoted to the great power of the life palace because of their dignity for tens of thousands of years.

   Wei Neng can be called unparalleled!

   The combat power is even more powerful than the gods of the Imperial Palace...

   can even fight one against two.

   So all kinds of ~www.readwn.com~ While Zi Yao Tian completely revealed its powerful power to the boundless wilderness.

   also made many spectators can only sigh silently...

   Such a terrifying force is only an outer sky that belongs to Tai Cang...

   Holding a blue dragon painted halberd, wearing a purple dragon battle scale, and the indestructible existence entwined by the blue dragon, turned out to be just an alien ruler under the army of the Great Emperor!

   When the war is eager.

   In addition to the many emperor Tianjiao, many ancient existences are finally unable to endure...

  I don't know how much distance they crossed between the movement of their spiritual consciousness.

   One after another, the spiritual consciousness fell on Tongtian Ancient River, Jiezu Mountain, Liangjie Mountain, Zhuxing Ancient Road...

   These divine consciousness turned into a piece of divine consciousness face, as majestic as the stars.

   They stared at the three great battlefields, and perceived the power erupting from the too strong.

   looked at Ji Xia in the sky at the same time.

   I don’t understand why this young king has so many supreme heroes!

   Kika just nodded to them calmly.

   greet them!


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