I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 995: After the achievement of the Godless Dynasty, the sixth God storehouse was opened. [Lar

Although Ji Xia's voice did not appear high.


   But when he spoke, almost everyone in the vast Hall of Supreme Harmony fell silent.


   turned his head and looked at Ji Xia.


   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, and her body was still shining with a faint silver light.


   The imperial crown on his head has turned into bursts of light at this moment, entwining his long hair.


   Let Ji Xia's hair be tied smoothly behind her.


   The many Tai Cang Erlang in the hall carefully thought about Ji Xia's words.




   But after a short while.


  Many Tai Cang soldiers and officials, there was a burst of eager light in their eyes...




   Don't talk about Tai Cang's current Wushuang emperor status, but for the previous Tai Cang emperor.


   Now Tai Cang Jiuzhou land itself does not seem too vast.


   Compared with Tai Cang's near-peak strength.


   and the dignity of the blood of the Taicang race.


  With such a territory, it is indeed impossible to satisfy too much on all levels.


   is the population of Taicang.


   has now broken the ten trillion mark!


   The vast majority of the ten trillion people live in Zi Yaotian and Dikong Galaxy.


   The number of Taicang people on the land of Taicang Kyushu is the smallest.


Before   , the reason why Ji Xia didn't expand his territory was because he had a lot of worries.


   But now, Tai Cang actually did not hesitate to provoke the Tianmu Divine Dynasty, and he wants to become the Emperor Dynasty.


   So for Tai Cang.


   It is no longer necessary to tie one's own territory to a corner.


   So Ji Xia would only make such an order at this moment.


   Yin Luyu stood up immediately, walked to the center of the hall, and bowed to Ji Xia.


   turned his head to face the many great ministers.


   "Since Tai Cang wants to re-cast the territory, then I have the personality of Tai Cang, so I can't perfunctory things.


  Tai Cang has increased the population of the country to the ten trillion mark through multiplying and attracting the blood of other human races in just two thousand years! "


   Yin Luyu said this, with a proud look on his face.


  "And now, Tai Cang has become an emperor.


   That means that in the years to come, more and more people of the human race will come to Tai Cang.


   Tai Cang will slowly but firmly become the only human race in the boundless wilderness.


  Perhaps one day, more than 80% of the people of the human race in the boundless wilderness will gather in Taicang.


and so……


   This time re-casting the Taicang Territory, my Taicang pavilions, as well as many erlangs, will do their best and become popular.


   Let my vast territory be comparable to the vast galaxy! "


   Yin Luyu spoke slowly.


   Many Tai Cang strong men, as well as many Tai Cang Erlang present, also nodded solemnly!


  "Take a look at the countless dynasties in the boundless wilderness, Tai Cang is the most powerful, but Tai Cang's native territory is the smallest!


   My Tiangong Mansion, hundreds of millions of craftsmen, will work together to forge a vast land for Tai Cang. "


"From today onwards, the Heavenly Tool Mansion will forge a large number of city-building spiritual weapons and transport spiritual weapons. If you want to condense the ground in this vast abyss and the dark void of the ancient road of stars, you need to transport a lot of materials. ."


   "There are countless runes in the Tianfu Pavilion, which can make the broken planets move to the abyss and turn into the earth."


  "The casting boundaries still need strict calculations, mountains, rivers, climate...


  All kinds of cycles are indispensable, and the Farmer's Mansion will do its best. "




  Many Palace Master Taicang showed red faces one after another, stood up, respectfully baggage to Ji Xia.


It was the Six Scourges Canglong who had been drinking heroically from the beginning to the end, also said: "The strong under my command will go to the ancient road of the stars, pick off the many stars in the back territory of Tai Cang, and make room. "


   Jixia heard the plans of many powerful men, and slowly nodded.


   then continued to give orders: "The casting of the Taicang Territory will probably require a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, and the land with a radius of millions of miles, or even tens of millions of miles, may not be accomplished overnight.


  Tai Cang Government Office will begin immediately, together with the planning and construction models of the various palaces, we must be perfect, without leaving any hidden dangers. "


   "Furthermore, to re-cast Tai Cang Jiuzhou, it is necessary to mix all kinds of spiritual gold in the earth in order to continue casting Tai Cang Jiuzhou..."


   Ji Xia came out this time.


   Tiangongfu Lu case first brightened his eyes.


   As the leader of Tai Cang craftsman, he naturally knows what Ji Xia's order represents.


   "Too Cang is cast this time, and it is not the end of the land of Nine States of Cang."


   "Since the emperor let us mix spiritual gold in the land, it means that the emperor also intends to cast Tai Cang into a separate world after Tai Cang continues to become stronger!"


   Lu case thought of this, his eyes became more and more excited.


   He can't help but think of the future Tai Cang, think of the supreme world belonging to the human race!


   Many strong people also reflected at this time.


   They looked at the void of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and they only felt that the endless abyss in the distance meant for Tai Cang infinite possibilities.


   Kixia is the same.


   He paused slightly, and the smile on his face suddenly grew brighter.


  "This time, when you cast the great earth, you will make the great earth higher and higher.


   Since Tai Cang has become the supreme imperial dynasty, how can he be at the same height as those ordinary imperial dynasties?


   Tai Cang will surpass all imperial dynasties from then on.


   let them subconsciously identify with the supreme noble blood of the human race from the bottom of their hearts. "


   "Let them only look up at Tai Cang from now on."


   Yuki Natsu has a smile on her face, and she is very calm when she speaks.


   If it is the Lord of an ordinary imperial dynasty, it must be extremely arrogant to say such words.


   But Kixia is different.


   When Tai Cang experienced the great war not long ago.


   Tai Cang's Emperor Taichu is fully qualified to say such words!


   The same is true in fact.


   Only ten years have passed.


   The void beyond the Tai Cang Jiuzhou land.


   There are already many flying psychics floating on it.


   These flying spirit weapons are all bright.


  The many alien beings sitting on it, their bodies are almost comparable to the stars.


   The shoulders of some powerful men, and the outer sky is shining brightly.


   These powerhouses are in the boundless wilderness. They are all gods who control the boundless land and countless creatures.


but now.


  They can only come in pairs, and they don't even dare to step into the sky rashly, and they don't dare to control the Huagui Palace to come here.


   can only stay outside the Tai Cang Jiuzhou land.


   Waiting for the call of Emperor Tai Cang Tai Chu!


   They often bring a huge amount of tribute, hoping to be forgiven by the Emperor Taichu.


   And the reason why these godless existences are so.


   Actually, after Tai Cang made sacrifices to the world before, although for various reasons, they never sent troops to conquer Tai Cang.


   However, after Tai Cang's sacrificial altar was running, he released a gloomy and slaughter power, threatening Tai Cang.


  Because of the previous discipline.


   Many rulers of the imperial dynasties, as well as the upper ones, after witnessing the terrible imperial war.

   can hardly sleep well.


   is the rare treasure, and I can't swallow it.


   They were afraid of the audacious Emperor Taichu, Tai Cang, and liquidated them.


   is also afraid of those who are stronger than one, suddenly descending on their kingdom one day, destroying their kingdom, destroying their race, and ruining their civilization!




   Before the Tianmu God Dynasty issued a ban.


   They can only come to Tai Cang in a hurry, with a huge amount of tribute, and want to pay tribute to Tai Cang.


   I want to exchange it for the great forgiveness.


   Tai Cang Jiuzhou land, except for these strong people.


   There are also many countries that were defeated in the Great War of Emperor Tai Cang Cheng.


   The messengers from these kingdoms who came to Tai Cang either paid the ransom or sought forgiveness from the Tai Cang.


all in all.


   In these short ten years, Tai Cang's reputation has been terrifying to the extreme for all the imperial civilizations and even most of the imperial civilizations in the boundless wilderness.


   The abrupt rise of the human bloodlines made those alien civilizations very surprised, but they could only pass on the vast reputation of Tai Cang to their own country.


   Let the human race of the self-proclaimed kingdom know this good news.


   also has many weak dynasties.


   Compared to the imperial dynasty, they are too weak to be in line with the world.


   The source of the news is very closed again.


  Only such a dynasty does not know the name of Tai Cang.


   This kind of situation, in fact, will not last long.


  Because of many imperial dynasties, messengers have been dispatched.


  The footprints of the emissaries of the emperor have even reached the boundaries of those dynasties.


   The mission of the emperor's messenger is to convey the sudden dignity of the human blood.


  The reason for this.


  Naturally, it is because the rulers and superiors of the imperial dynasties do not want to let the kingdoms within their own sphere of influence.


   Continue to enslave the human race, or tortured or slaughter the human race.


   thus incurred the anger of Tai Cang Shangchao.


   Of course Tai Cang likes to hear all of this.


   By this wind direction.


   Tai Cang Tai Chu Emperor Court also issued an edict.


   Let all the imperial dynasties of Boundless Wilderness pass the Gospel of Tai Cang.


   Let all human races know the existence of Tai Cang!


   Let the people of the human race who have been suffering for a long time know that from then on, the Huanghuang dynasty is no longer the only hope of the people of the human race.


   Tai Cang will create dawn.


   All people of the race can report to the royal family in the area they belong to as long as they are willing.


   will be escorted by the local imperial forces again, come too far!


   And beyond that.


   Xuan Secret Pavilion also began a large-scale operation.


   There are inexhaustible powerhouses, and they all go to the boundless wilderness.


   In addition to discovering the farther places of the boundless wilderness.


   is to take the gospel of the great blue to countless stars, countless galaxies, and countless earth!


   In just two thousand years.


   Ji Xia finally began to contribute to the entire uninhabited human race.


   Many emperors have come to pay tribute to Tai Cang, or hand in ransom, there is another huge advantage.


   There is...


   They brought treasures beyond imagination.


   The sovereign of the emperor, I don’t know how long it has been.


   In some imperial dynasties, Guozuo was even longer than the divine dynasty.


   plus their strong strength.


The wealth accumulated by    is simply unimaginable.


   The treasure brought by the dynasty that paid tribute to Tai Cang is nothing.


   The imperial dynasty who handed in the ransom, and the imperial dynasty who sought Tai Cang’s forgiveness, under Taichu’s order, almost emptied most of the imperial treasury...


   Thousands of treasures of most of the imperial dynasties...


   From this, we can see how much benefit Tai Cang has gained from this battle.


   "With such a huge amount of wealth, Tai Cang's ambition to forge an unparalleled floating territory may be even greater."


   Kixia stood in the sky thinking.


   Now, outside of Tai Cang, the earth in the direction of this ancient road of stars has completely turned into nothingness.


   Even Jiezu Mountain has been wiped out by almost half.


   Of course, there are some extremely strange places, which are still intact.


   For example, Yun Yuanze, who is very close to Tai Cang, seems to be intact, still hazy...


   There is still a lot of mystery in it.


   is farther away, such as the ancient tree that pierced the sky.


   The land under the big tree is completely gone.


   But his dense rhizome seems to be trapped in an undetectable space.


   The towering trunk of the big tree still towers and stretches into the sky, even breaking through the sky, and it is impossible to detect the end of it.


   was also unaffected.


   There is also Fengsu God Forbidden, which was originally located below the great earth.


   Fengsu Shenban is located under Cangqing Mountain.


   But in fact, this great forbidden is also embedded in the void, although the ground has become nothingness.


   However, Fengsu God banned, but it has not yet been revealed in the world.


   Therefore, every time Ji Xia enters the divine forbidden, he needs a special spiritual forbidden to open the channel.


   "Master Fengsu is at ease, Tai Cang is still sleeping soundly after such a major event has happened."


   Ji Xia's eyes flickered with Ling Forbidden light, seeing Fengsu in the forbidden God, she could only shake her head helplessly.


  He returned to the Secret Realm of Choking.


   In the secret realm, hundreds of millions of strong people are still practicing step by step.


   Now, practicing in the Secret Realm of Choking is even more effective.


   After all, the power of Tai Cang Tian Di Guo Zuo is more prosperous than before.


   At this time, Ji Xia has no time to watch this magnificent scene.


   He returned to Shanggan Palace and sat high on the throne.


   sinks with his consciousness.


   A vast and boundless sacred tree that exudes endless spirit all the time ~www.readwn.com~ appeared in front of him.


   Ji Xia carried her hands on her back, her eyes burning.


   Long after the end of the war.


   Ji Xia once came to the sacred tree space.


   Exchange for the gods in the Fifth God Store.


  The battle of Emperor Cheng, the number of gods brought to Tai Cang, was terrifying.


   Even now.


   Jixia looked back, feeling a little surprised in her heart.


   And the last time Ji Xia came to the sacred tree.


   Almost all the divine objects in the fifth divine possession in the sacred tree have been exchanged.


   And today, Ji Xia is coming to the sacred tree space.


   is actually the kind of **** that has made up enough to open up the sixth **** store.


   moved slightly with Ji Xia's thought.


   Massive gods of the sacred tree suddenly turned into stars and poured into the canopy above the sacred tree.


   Jixia had entered the second level of the sacred tree space at this moment.


   In the second level of the sacred tree space, the first five sacred trees and the hidden vortex have become very dim, and there is no magical aura from inside.


   And the sixth vortex in the Nine Gods Treasure greeted countless stars of the gods, exuding a surging breath.


   just started to spin slowly...

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