I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 996: Tai Cang does not want to be judged, nor will he be judged [big

The opening of the sixth sacred treasure means that most of the nine sacred treasures in the second layer of the sacred tree have been completely opened up.


   counted as the sixth **** store.


   In the second layer of space, there are still four gods that have not been opened up.


   And in the fifth God Treasure, there has already begun to be born of the Sky-shielding Banner, the Three-legged Golden Crow, the World Furnace... these extremely high personalities.


   So Ji Xia couldn't help but look forward to what kind of gods could be born in the next four gods.


  "The treasures in the fifth God's Treasure, although they can't make Tai Cang reach the stage of God's dynasty.


   But it can still bring Tai Cang's overall strength to a higher level, allowing Tai Cang to suppress certain ancient demon gods.


   The fetish power in the fifth sacred storehouse is so exaggerated.


   Then what kind of existence will be born after the fifth god? "


   Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes lit up slightly: "Maybe, the ninth gods can give birth to Yuqing, Taiqing, and Shangqing?"


   Ji Xia who is familiar with ancient mythology.


   Naturally, I know the many gods and men who have descended through the sacred tree in the boundless wilderness.


   is in the overall mythological system.


   In fact, personality is far from the highest.


   At present, the most noble status is probably the six waves of emperors.


   Although Xingtian Great God’s combat power is also extremely powerful.


   But Xing Tian's position in the ancient **** system is much worse than that of the extremely ancient and the six waves of emperors blessed by the Supreme Dao.


   Of course, this is just the difference between the two gods.


   Xingtian’s reputation is so loud.


   is entirely because of his incredible combat power.


   After the Xingtian Great God was beheaded off, he was able to fight the Emperor of Heaven undefeated, which is enough to prove that his combat power during his peak period was enough to be at the pinnacle of Heaven.


   Except for these two gods.


   The taller Emperor Leizu of the Nine Heavens, and the God of War Chi You who ruled Jiuli Tian, ​​have not yet recovered and cannot descend into the boundless wilderness.


   But even if you count the nine days of Lei Zu the Great and the God of War Chi You.


   In the true ancient **** system, the status of these two noble existences is still not the pinnacle.


   The Great Emperor Leizu of the Nine Heavens is the incarnation of the Jade Muslim King.


   And the Jade Muslim King is the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, one of the six heavenly courts.


   Above the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng, there are the Jade Emperor, the Gouchen Emperor, and the Ziwei Emperor, and the East Pole Tsinghua Emperor.


   As for the last of the six imperial princes, he is to follow the example of the Houtu Emperor.


   is also commonly known as Pingxin Empress Houtu.


   She opened up the netherworld, stared at the netherworld, palmed the yin and yang, nurtured all things, and had the supreme position in the netherworld.


   Even if he is of infinite nobility, Taishan Fujun, who is almost the same rank as Emperor Haotian, is called "Niang Niang".


   But Taishan Mansion is the existence that dominates Nether, dominate the ten halls of Yama, and the seventy-two divisions of Nether, sitting high above Nether.


   can be seen from this.


   To open up the netherworld, to cast the six reincarnations of the Houtu empress, how noble is the status.


   Other than that, his personality is not as noble as Emperor Vast Sky.


   But the existence of extremely powerful combat power is not rare.


For example, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Demon Emperor Jun, Ancestor Styx, Kong Xuan, the ancestor Zhen Yuanzi of Earth Immortal, Kunpeng, Twelve Ancestor Witches, and even the Great Master of Xuandu... etc. exist, and their combat power can even be comparable. Emperor Haotian.


   "Thinking of it like this...it makes me more and more looking forward to what kind of **** people can be opened up in the gods in the future."


   Jixia smiled.


   Immediately afterwards, he carried his hands on his back and looked forward.


   His eyes crossed the space of the sacred tree and landed on the forbidden sacred tree.


   I only saw the canopy of the sacred tree.


   You can vaguely see three gods, and a scent of breath.


   Among them, that entangled breath is the most amazing.


In the breath of   , you can vaguely see a drop of blood that rises up endlessly, intertwined with ancient veins, and is beating vigorously.


   is like a strong heart.


   And around the heart, you can vaguely see a divine bird, and then keep calling loudly.


   Many sacred birds turned into wisps of brilliant glow.


   These rays of sunshine are full of pure essence, which seems to nourish that drop of blood.


   "The power of this ancient god-man is truly breathtaking."


   Ji Xia looked at this amazing scene and was amazed.


   He can clearly feel that the god-man in front of him is even more powerful than the six waves of emperors who have just descended to Tai Cang.


   Xing Tian, ​​who has absorbed the slaying atmosphere of countless imperial dynasties, cannot be compared with her!


   "Xing Tian and the Six Waves of God Emperors, although their combat power has never reached the peak, but once they make a full shot, they can be called the mighty power of heaven and cannot resist.


   But I didn't expect that this god-man's combat power was even stronger than these two god-people. "


   Ji Xia couldn't hold back the joy in her heart.


   And the most important thing is that this sacred man does not need any conditions at all, he can immediately get out of the sacred tree and kill the enemies for Ji Xia and Tai Cang.


   "No wonder that the god-seed she needs to exchange for has been sublimated into the Dao-seed."


   Jixia's face is rarely filled with a clear smile.


   The fifth God Treasure brought Ji Xia a lot of surprises.


   It's not just this god-man.


   For example, the Zhenwu soap carving flag that can only be used by Ji Xia.


   For example, the three-legged golden crow and the world melting pot of God Flame will bring terrible improvements to Tai Cang.


   Now, the Zhenwu soap carving flag, the world melting pot of the gods, and the three-legged golden crow have all been taken out of the sacred tree by Ji Xia.


   and the remaining two gods.


   was still hung on the sacred tree, and was never taken down by Ji Xia.


   Kixia's gaze fell on one of the two divine objects.


   The eyes suddenly flickered.


   What caught his eyes was also a drop of blood.


   But it is different from the god-man just now.


   This drop of blood is pitch-black, with a strong magical energy, and there is a monstrous magic flame burning.


   even in the sacred tree.


   Ji Xia is across the space of the tree of God.


   can clearly perceive the amount of violent violence contained in this drop of pitch black blood.


   This kind of power, even Ji Xia, who has now witnessed the existence of the Taoist One Finger, is horrified.


  Because this power is really terrifying.


   "The destructive power contained in this drop of pitch-black blood may be comparable to that of the Dao when there is a death blow, and it is even more powerful than the sky-reaching finger that day."


   Ji Xia's eyes burned: "This is a drop of ordinary demon blood from the ancient demon **** Luohuo. Although it is not essence blood, the ruinous meaning in it is already going to skyrocket, and the richness is to the extreme.


   This is Tai Cang's biggest hole card so far, and this drop of blood can cause a Dao Ze exist to be seriously injured. "


   Kika's eyes flickered.


   Dao was seriously injured, so the time required for them to regain their strength and the treasures of heaven and earth are probably unimaginable.


   "It's just... I don't know if this demon god's blood can carry a Taoist god."


   Ji Xia slowly shook his head.


   He thought of the three huge scorching suns in the sky.


  "If the attack on the Tianmu God Dynasty is too urgent.


   Then, maybe Tai Cang really wants to smash three ancient scorching suns and release the ancient demon gods imprisoned in them.


   Three scorching suns imprison extremely terrible existences, and they will passively help this matter.


But... even so, the three scorching suns are too huge. "


   Ji Xia sighed helplessly.


   The boundless wilderness, the reason why it can be called boundless, is because of its boundless space.


   And the light from the three scorching suns can illuminate the entire vast wilderness.


   brings light and heat to all regions of the boundless wilderness.


   Even though most of the reasons are due to the rules of the boundless wild world, the magical rules of power blessing on the three scorching suns.


   But the scorching sun is huge, but there is no doubt about it.


   Ji Xia wants to smash the three scorching sun, I am afraid it is not a simple matter.


   "Unless Lord Yin can be moved by me... by me, with my current strength, I want to smash three rounds of scorching sun, I am afraid it is a dream."


"Well... if the gods in the Fifth God Treasure walk out of Tai Cang, hold an artifact of extremely high rank, and use Rahu Demon Blood, and with all the power of Tai Cang, I will spend a lot of time to build A **** forbidden to impose the body of **** and man.


  So, the gods made a full blow...


   may be able to smash one of the hot sun. "


   Ji Xia Mo did not think.


   After a long time, his eyes gradually became firmer.


  "At present, Tai Cang still has a lot of background, which can stop the attack of the Heavenly Eye God.


  How to implement the plan requires constant consideration. "


   Ji Xia thought about it here.


   looked at the last mysterious artifact in the sacred tree.


   This sacred thing.


   The kind of **** needed is much higher than the world melting pot.


   But compared with the blood of the Devil God and the Fifth God Tibetan God, it is a lot worse.


   Even so.


   The utility of this divine object is still very powerful.


   Ji Xia groped her chin, looking at this god, a sly look suddenly flashed in her eyes.


  "It exchanged all the artifacts and people of the Fifth God Store, and opened up the Sixth God Store of the God Tree Space.


   The **** seeds and Tao seeds obtained from the battle have been completely exhausted. "


   "It will take a very long time to wait until the completion of the development of the Sixth God Treasure...


   The next time I exchange the fetish, I don’t know it’s the year of the monkey. "


   Kixia carried her hands on her back and stepped.


   Consciousness has returned to his body.


   He opened his eyes, and only felt refreshed by looking at the unused gods.


   "It's a pity, even if you have completely exchanged the gods in the Fifth God Store, the gap between the gods and the gods is still not terrifying, and you can't see it at a glance."


   Ji Xia warned herself secretly: "If you oppose the gods, you must be very careful and keep step by step.


   Otherwise, the only thing waiting for it is perish.


   And what is waiting for me may be more terrifying than falling. "


At this moment.


   Xin Ya, the master of the mysterious pavilion, suddenly looked in a hurry, and landed in front of the Shanggan Palace at a very fast speed.


   He didn't even have time to report.


   In the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in front of Ji Xia.


   He saluted to Ji Xia.


   spoke very quickly and said, "The emperor, Tianmu Shenchao has already acted.


   The Heavenly Eye God Dynasty sends strong men to all the imperial dynasties in the boundless wilderness..."


  "Their goal is very simple, to liquidate all those who are too strong in those imperial dynasties.


   Mysterious Secret Pavilion... and Tianyi Chamber of Commerce... heavy losses! "


   Ji Xia's complexion changed slightly, and suddenly stood up.


   He frowned and said, "Since Tai Cang angered the Tianmu God Dynasty, the Imperial Court of Taichu has repeatedly ordered the Mystic Pavilion and the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce to recall the Mystic Pavilion and the caravan as much as possible.


  Tenmu Shenzhao did something more than a day.


   Could it be possible to accurately trace the many Secret Pavilion powerhouses who are good at hiding, and the Tianyi Chamber of Commerce worship..."


   Jixia hasn't finished.


   Suddenly, a light flashed in his eyes.


   looked up at the sky.


   In no time, the two ancient stars in Ji Xia's eyes kept moving.


   his gaze penetrated the Secret Realm of Choking, and he saw the empty sky.


   I only saw the sky above the sky.


   golden streamers, flying at extremely fast speeds.


   then turned into an eye in an instant.


   This eye pupil is golden all over, that is, the pupils are all golden yellow.


   There were bursts of glow in the golden eyes.


   almost completely covered the whole territory of Tai Cang.


   Xia Guang is full of unique powers of the rules of heaven and earth, and there are bursts of amazing artifacts spreading out, which is extremely mysterious.


   "This is the gaze of God's eyes."


   Ji Xia instantly recognized the artifact hanging high in the sky based on the information of the mysterious pavilion.


   "The eyes of the Gods of Peeping are extremely high, and you can see through the relics of many ancient gods and demons at a glance, and can even insight into the true body and background of some reincarnated gods."


   "Tianmu is decisive, but if you don't move, it will be a flood once the action is taken, and it will be too late for people to react."


   Kika's eyes were gloomy.


   Xin Ya on the side has also sensed the heavenly eye artifact in the sky above the sky.


   He gritted his teeth and said, "Tianmu is so directly prying Tai Cang, and the light bursting from the eyes of the God Peeping Heaven is extremely indifferent.


   This is obviously a warning to Tai Cang! "


   "No, it's not a warning."


   Ji Xia sneered: "How high is the heavenly eye? They won't warn Tai Cang at all."


   "This look... is trying to judge too much!"


   "The trial is too dark?"


   Xin Ya was slightly startled, his brows furrowed, and angrily said: "Sure enough, the gods reacted differently, Lei Shiyuan's great world is still high on the side of Taicang.


   How dare they be so presumptuous. "


   Jixia's gaze was also very indifferent. He said in a low voice: "Of course they are afraid of Lei Shiyuan, but the Tianmu Shenchao now carries the boundless wild rules of heaven and earth.


   As long as the rules of the boundless wild world do not die, they will not be afraid of Lord Lei Shiyuan.


   So... even if they dare not attack Lei Shiyuan~www.readwn.com~ they dare not offend Lei Shiyuan.


   But it is not because of Lei Shiyuan Jun, and let him be too arrogant. "


at this time.


   Many great officials and great gods have already descended in front of Shanggan Palace.


   They walked into the hall one after another, their expressions solemn.


   "Do you want to smash that divine eye?"


   Jixia's ears also heard a magnificent sound.


   Ji Xia shook his head and said, "The eyes of the gods shine brightly too... Maybe behind the eyes of the gods, there are other powerful and terrifying existences waiting for the too strong to take action."


  "Since Tianmu Shenchao is only looking at Tai Cang in a judgment posture.


   is so native, there is no need to fight them head-on for the time being. "


   "Moreover, with Lei Shiyuan, this divine eye won't last long."


   Jixia said this, her tone became calmer.


   "And what Tai Cang has to do is very simple."


  "Since they are looking at Tai Cang in a judgment


   Then we will cover this sky. "


   "I am too blue to be judged, nor will I be judged, even with the gaze of the heavenly eyes, I can't fall on the too blue!"

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