I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1002: Ji Su, Taibai? 【Big

A big battle has broken out.

On the battlefield of Tan Sacred Mountain, the light was shining, and the rays of light were like clouds.

The surging fluctuations are extremely alarming.

Let the void be shocked.

The true body of the three evil dragons is so huge.

Those huge stars were easily swallowed by the three evil dragons.

The galaxies in the void were completely dissipated by the arrival of the three sunken dragons.

This level of existence.

Has been strong to the extreme.

There are fierce and terrifying principles in their every move.

The power of Tao is even stronger than the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

Reached the level of "Tao".

It touched the reality of the supreme world.

Their power has even surpassed the level of space.

I saw three evil dragons bite down.

Millions of miles of space are all shattered.

Even the space storm that was constantly blowing out was easily swallowed by a head in the middle of the three heads of the three evil dragons.

His eight pairs of black wings are like two thick layers of sky.

In those sky domes.

It seems that there are countless demons who are building their own civilization.

Kingdoms were established, and then destroyed in an instant.

The horrible Tao spreads in the sky.

It obscures the rules of heaven and earth.

"Sink down!"

The three heads of the three evil dragons spit out a white light almost at the same instant.

Where this divine light passes.

It was so strong that there was a wave of divine essence, which shook out a mysterious wave.

Brilliant and golden flames burst out from the white light.

Turned into a purgatory.

The girl in black was trapped and locked.

In the distance, Dao Ze Rong sound kept playing.

The golden chariot flew at great speed.

Like a scorching sun, countless rainbows were reflected.

And that three-eyed **** was hundreds of thousands of miles behind.

One after another golden light permeated, and the vast and boundless roads were chains, as if they had penetrated the sky and sank into the universe.

I saw this three-eyed **** with a long knife on his waist.

This long knife must be a Taoist artifact.

The fluctuations that emanated were too terrifying.

That kind of fluctuation, even if it is separated by tens of millions of miles, can easily suffocate the gods below Dao Ze.

Even let them give birth to the emotion of worship.

Dao is a divine tool...Every Dao is a divine tool is an extremely magnificent outer space.

In the ordinary outer sky, there are the earth, stars, scorching sun, and all creatures...

However, the outer space opened up in the Tao Ze divine tool is only to accommodate the Dao Ze divine power, it is to accommodate the unimaginable divine essence!


The smoke of the war has skyrocketed.

Many too strong people saw this scene, and their hearts were already full of stormy waves.

They finally realized.

The Tao exists, why can it be in the heyday of God's dynasty.

Such a terrible power.

Easily can wipe out the galaxy, easily can suppress the sky.

If they weren't born in Tai Cang.

I am afraid that even if it survives for tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years, it is impossible to see such a spectacular scene.

The three-eyed **** man standing on the golden chariot.

Just relying on the divine essence fluctuations that emanated from the body, it tore the sky and shattered the space.

This is the terrifying power that only the strongest have!

His figure just appeared.

The third eye on the forehead already has all kinds of light diffused.

These lights blended together, forming a huge golden beam.

The golden light beam rushed straight into the void.

Tan Shengshan, which was larger than Jiezu Mountain, was completely shattered by the golden light in just an instant!

"You are an absolute no-no to the boundless wilderness now.

You can't get out of trouble, nor can you appear in any supreme world. "

The strange voice of the three-eyed **** is not so magnificent or sharp.

He just spoke calmly.

It seems to be making a certain kind of rule.

The world that has turned into an abyss is filled with hurricanes.

Standing in the black hurricane, the three-eyed **** man drew the long knife from his waist.

The long knife came out of its sheath.

It's like the same dim, dark and scorching sun.

The black sword light illuminates the world.

It is different from the vast golden light bursting out from the three-eyed god.

This long knife is as dark as night.

Even the knife light also carries a heavy killing intent.


The blade fell.

It's like the falling of a big star.

The terrifying and mysterious storm is undulating and magnificent.

Even nothingness has been blown to pieces.

The black snake girl stood in place.

Face such a terrible knife light.

Her eyes were murderous.

At this time, the black snake girl seemed to have become a forbidden long sword.

The sword light on his body was surging like a sea wave, rushing in all directions.

"You... these bugs."

The black sword light flew out.

The void has already collapsed.

The Black Snake Girl has now become an existence that can almost destroy the world.

Heaven and earth.

Countless secret realms and outer heavens embedded in the space.

Almost at the same time felt the shock of the sky.

These thousands of sword lights are peerless and extremely sharp.


Whether it is the three-headed dragon or the three-eyed god-man.

In the face of such a surging sword light, they are not afraid.

They are born in Taoism.

As long as their Tao is immortal.

They will not die!

The rolling forces of the three parties are about to collide.

The violent fluctuations have revealed their destructive power.

And this time.

The gazes of Ji Xia and the six waves of the emperor passed through the bright light curtain.

Look far to the place where heaven and earth meet.


A white-robed man with a sword is coming step by step.

His flesh and blood exudes a breath of absolute silence.

It is as if this existence has passed through the eternal darkness and experienced countless rounds of reincarnation.

At this moment, from before eternal.

His bones seem to have turned into mountains and rivers, and they seem to have turned into sun, moon and stars, shining all over the world.

He has long hair, like a chain of avenues one after another, emitting endless brilliance.

Intertwined with each other, gave birth to hundreds of millions of rune brilliance.

The brilliance of these runes seemed to form a universe.

In the universe, big hearts emerged one after another.

Countless kinds of Taoist inscriptions turned into galaxies, bursting out a strange light.

Such a terrible **** man.

Just like this, step by step, coming from a distance.

His steps were silent.

But there are countless road rules...

"Ji Su..."

Ji Xia stared at the indescribable strong man in the light curtain.

Whisper softly.

this moment.

He did not call the strong man in the light curtain in front of him "Uncle Seven."

Because Ji Xia was not sure what Tai Cang was in Ji Su's heart.

Ji Su is a mysterious and supreme powerhouse.

Between heaven and earth, his legend is almost full.

His power is mysterious.

In the age of the ancient Human Race Divine Sword God Dynasty, Ji Su once assassinated God without day.

According to the record of the immortal catalog.

He fell because of this.


More than 100,000 years ago.

He once cut out one piece at will, cut open the void, broke through an outer world, cut off a **** existence, his sword light sank and turned into a Zhu Shenjiang.


The ancient mulberry tree, one of the four sacred trees, also seemed to have been chopped down by Ji Su.

Even more than a thousand years ago.

Ji Su's figure also appeared in Jiezu Mountain.

Emperor Tianqi dynasty Qishou the Great, and thus fell.


Combined with various deeds.

Ji Xia is really a little skeptical, if such a terrifying existence is only reincarnated to be too dark.

Does he have a slight sense of belonging to Tai Cang?

Is there a slight blood friendship for Ji Xia?

These are to be explored.

In this situation.

It may not be appropriate for Ji Xia to call Ji Su the Seventh Uncle.

The six waves of divine emperors also stared at the light curtain.

The power he has now is even stronger than Ji Xia.

And his vision is even more so that Ji Xia can't compare it.

Therefore, when the six waves of emperors saw Ji Su walking towards the battlefield step by step.

The look in his eyes also became extremely solemn.

Jiang Li's speed seemed extremely slow.

But as he moved forward, everything on the battlefield seemed to slow down.

Easily swallowed the magical power of the sky, moving slowly.

The spattered space debris has also become a carrier of starlight.

Let the world in the blink of an eye be filled with thousands of different colors!

"Ji Su!"

The first to react.

It wasn't anyone who was watching this battle, nor was it the three evil dragons or the three-eyed gods.

It's a coincidence, another strong man who is tearing through space and setting foot here.

This strong man has a beard, but his eyes are very clear.

He held a sledgehammer in his hand.

The body of the giant hammer is also inlaid with many big stars.

These stars are huge, enough to prove how heavy the weight of the giant hammer.

He stepped out of the torn space.

It is also at this moment.

The giant holding a giant hammer also saw Ji Su in the distance.


His complexion changed immediately.

The body that had been squeezed out of the cracks suddenly shrank back...

Return to the cracks in space.

Even the extremely destructive space storm in the space crevice was crushed by his body!

"This big evil star has really escaped from the Wutian God Tree."

The strong bearded man seems to have no dignity that exists in any way.

The set that appeared has already begun to flee.

Ji Su, who was moving forward step by step, didn't seem to care about this strong man either.

Even the three evil dragons from Shenxuan's dynasty.

And the golden armor gods of the Tianmu God Dynasty.

It doesn't seem to be in Ji Su's eyes.

Ji Su stared at the black figure in the middle of the storm.

And the galaxy long sword worn on his waist.

At this moment, it has already begun to shine with the bright galaxy light.

These lights are dotted.

Reflected all kinds of different visions!

The many too strong people in the Shangqian shop.

All have seen those visions.

In some visions, they saw a towering tree with many stars that had been completely deserted hanging from the canopy.

In that towering tree, a big world is gestating.

In some visions, they saw a terrifying giant who was stepping on two boundless land and holding two supreme dragons in his hands.

There are also some visions.

They saw a dark space without any light.

There, a large grinding disc that seems to be able to crush the world is being pushed hard by countless terrifying gods.

These gods are powerful, and the power that each **** possesses is at least the extremely profound wheel.

They were topless, the **** hidden behind them was exposed, and the gods in them were squeezed and clean.

All are used to drive the big grinding disc.

And in the millstone, what is constantly being crushed?

Is the remnant soul of countless lives!


This scene gave many too strong people an unimaginable shock.

Even when Ji Xia saw this scene, her eyes became stiff!


He has no time to meditate.

The three evil dragons and the golden armor gods have already detected the appearance of Ji Su.

Their spirits diminished in an instant.

The real body that originally covered the sky and sun also disappeared in an instant.

They want to escape.


Ji Su, who had been approaching constantly, didn't seem to allow them to leave so peacefully.

I saw Ji Su lightly patted the long sword on his waist from a long distance away.

The long sword whispered suddenly.

Then, the black snake girl who had been full of murderous intent in her eyes suddenly became dazed.

The next moment!

The black snake girl, who had no sense at all, seemed to remember something.

The killing thought in her eyes faded in an instant.

Turning his head with a stiff neck, he looked at Ji Su in the distance.

And the galaxy sword on Ji Su's waist.

"Too...too white..."

The girl in black whispered softly.


The black on her body suddenly faded and turned into a holy white.

White light permeated.

The girl disappeared in place and reappeared not far away from Ji Su.

She turned into a real body, and the real body turned into a rune in the void.

Flew out quickly.

And the Galaxy Long Sword on Ji Su's waist also emerged at this moment.

The runes of the forbidden secret sword and snake painting are branded on the bright galaxy long sword.

The galaxy sword shines brightly.

A huge and incomparable star phantom also hung high in the void at this moment.

Hundreds of millions of brilliance fell.

The atmosphere of chaos permeated.

The world's murderous eruption.

The endless brilliance fell, and instantly blocked the retreat of the three evil dragons and the golden armored gods.

The great powers one after another almost turned into a cage, isolating the world and dividing the wasteland.

The three evil dragons and the real body of the three-eyed god-man appeared in the void.

Countless sword lights left them bruised and bruised.

The aura on Ji Su's body also became more chaotic and vague, imperceptible.

He stood in the sky, stretched out his right hand, and shook his palm!



Two dull noises came.

The existence of the two Taoisms began to fade away slowly, and began to go toward destruction!

Although the power of Dao in them is constantly erupting with great power, countless rays of light flicker, and all kinds of Dao light soar.


This destruction is like coming from the avenue.

They can't stop it, they can't stop this destruction~www.readwn.com~God Emperor..."

In the third eye of the God of Three Eyes, there is a flaming symbol slowly rising into the sky.

Constructed a golden light and smooth path into the void.

It is also from this path.

A handsome young man with Zhou Yu looming in his gaze, wearing a high crown, and wearing a gorgeous dress suddenly walked step by step.

There is no third eye on his forehead.

But...above his head, there is a heavenly eye that is as huge as a star... is shining with divine light.

Ji Xia immediately recognized the identity of the person.

This is the God Emperor of Heaven's Eye.

Known as the supreme arrogant...

"God Liao."

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