I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1003: Ji Su, crushing the existence of ancient and modern future 【large

No one remembers.

What is the original name of the Emperor Tianmu Shenchao?

The Tianmu divine dynasty has survived to this day, in fact, it is only a short million years.

But in these million years.

This young country is constantly advancing against the current.

The racial blood is sublimated again and again.

Guozuo civilization has also continued to become noble.

Countless inheritances of various races have also been transformed into the immortal inheritance of the Tianmu God Dynasty by the many sages of the Tianmu God Dynasty, fusing the blood of the Tianmu God Dynasty.

The originally weak Tianmu could rise like a broken bamboo in a short period of time.

Among them, this young **** emperor with the purpose of heaven is playing a key role!

After the Emperor Tianmu ascended to the supreme throne of Tianmu, he changed his name to Shen Liao.

Claiming to be the Great God Liao.

The power of the Tianmu Kingdom Zuo crowned him as the Tianmu Tianxuan God Emperor!

It has been a million years.

Millions of years are for the existence of a Dao, and even the existence of the Dao.

It doesn't actually seem long.

It can even be described as brief.

after all……

Even after the expanse of the boundless wilderness.

The years have quietly passed by more than 86 million years.

The age of the ancients is 80 million years, and the age of the ancients is 6 million.

There are many mysterious powerhouses in the boundless wilderness.

Some have survived for tens of millions of years.

And the Tianmu Tianxuan God Emperor Great God Liao, can achieve a supreme life at such an age, and create a kingdom of God.

This can be seen.

How amazing is the great God Liao.


When the Great God Liao appeared in the distant place where heaven and earth meet.

Everything seemed to stop.

Even the galaxy long sword worn by Ji Su's waist spontaneously burst out of sword light.

There was a momentary pause.

The avenue between the boundless wild world is also singing loudly at this moment.

It seems to be welcoming the arrival of the Great God Liao.

The Great God Liao also wandered in the sky like Ji Su.

There are various breaths lingering in the sky.

When the Great God Liao stepped out, a divine origin star would immediately condense below him to support his body.

On the high sky.

There are also trails of golden light spilling and spreading in the void.

Constructed a golden road.

The Great God Liao stepped on the golden road, his expression was calm, his eyes were very calm.

He stared at Ji Su from a distance.

There doesn't seem to be any mood swings in his eyes, but there seems to be endless turbulent fighting spirit.

Ji Su was originally indifferent.

Turn around slowly at this time.

His eyes collided with that of the Great God Liao.

The tyrannical power began to surging and boiling over him.

Even across a light curtain.

There are many gods and strong men in Tai Cang.

Both can clearly perceive what terrifying power the two supreme beings appearing on the light curtain at this moment.

Yang Ren no longer even looked at the light curtain.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the void.

His eyes were dignified, and the golden core gods eyes were separated from a long distance, and he was able to perceive the terrible Dao from a certain direction fluctuating in the boundless wilderness.

This fluctuation is too strong.

Even if it is extremely far away, the distance is almost impossible to calculate.

Both can be captured by Yang Ren.

The eyes of Ji Xia and the crowd of Tai Cang gods touched.

There was surprise in their eyes.

It is clear.

At this time, whether it was Ji Su or the Great God Liao, the supreme pressure that shook the world and the earth radiated from them, which surprised them very much.

"These two powerhouses are absolutely above the Tao."

"There is almost no doubt that they represent the strongest powerhouses in the boundless wilderness.

Many ancient gods who have survived for an unknown number of years are probably not comparable to them. "

"Such a formidable existence, if you directly attack Tai Cang, I am afraid that the calamity that Tai Cang will face will be many times heavier."


The complexions of these high-ranking people are extremely solemn.

The same is true for Ji Xia.

He more and more realized that if he hadn't planned for a rainy day, he would make arrangements in advance.

Let Lei Shiyuan Jun recover early, and accumulated a lot of background.

I'm afraid the Tianmu Shenchao at this moment.

It has completely crushed Tai Cang with absolute strength.

With the current power of the ethericang, once the heavenly eyes face him, then there is absolutely no way for him to survive.

Everyone's thoughts are full.

The scene on the light curtain changed again.

I saw a long distance away.

The Great God Liao stepped out.

The vast and distant space was almost folded because of his steps.

Millions of distances were crossed in one step.

The Heavenly Emperor God, here comes the sky above the three-eyed god-man and the three evil dragons.

I saw him stick out a palm.

There are worlds in his hand, and there are countless gods in these worlds worshiping him.

at the same time.

Whether it is these worlds or these gods, there is a strong and extremely powerful force, exerting on the body of the great **** Liao!

Let the body of the Great God Liao not be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the heavens and the earth.

Even the constantly fluctuating Taoist principles in the void must be transformed into multiple visions, saluting like this great god.

"come in……"

He whispered softly.

The three evil dragons and the three-eyed god-man are as amnesty.

Turn into a real body in an instant.

The three evil dragons turned into endless monsters, turned into a black lightning, and disappeared into the world.

The third eye of the three-eyed **** man opened, flashing a dazzling light.

The golden chariot that had disappeared under his feet once again appeared.

The three-eyed **** man drove the golden chariot.

Fly towards the endless world of the Great God Liao!

He is extremely fast.

It seems that there is some kind of Taoism blessing.

An extremely long distance has already been crossed in just a few moments.


It is different from the three evil dragons flying into the endless world.

When this three-eyed god-man crossed the space and wanted to fall into the head of the Great God Liao.

Ji Su suddenly shook his head slowly.

"The little dragon may not die, but the God of Heaven will not be able to leave alive."

Ji Su's voice seemed to contain the rules of the Great Dao by nature.

When he whispered softly.

There were waves in the sky suddenly.

These waves seem to appear out of thin air.

But it seemed to carry unimaginable power.

Even the world must obey Ji Su's orders.

So in a blink of an eye.

In this piece of heaven and earth, many chains appeared.

I saw that these chains were full of great power.

There are also various visions surrounding these chains.

Storm, heavy snow, raging fire, thunder, death...

All kinds of terrible visions emerged in the vast space.

As these visions appeared.

The world on this side suddenly became a dead place, a prison!

The three-eyed god-man who had been advancing so fast, crashed into the void with almost no signs.

The aftermath of the terrible impact was almost a big explosion.

The endless chains shine.

The three-eyed **** man who could have easily wiped out Xinghe.

At this moment, he vomited blood and flew out.

In the third eye, there is golden blood flowing down!

His body was also bruised and bruised, and even the gods in his body had many cracks.

Just vomiting blood and flying upside down is not the final outcome of this three-eyed man.

I saw Ji Su with one hand behind him.

The other hand reached into the void.

The long sword that seemed to contain Galaxy flew into Ji Su's hands immediately!


Ji Su gently waved the long sword in his hand...

Did not cut a sword, or cut a sword.

But like swatting a fly, lightly patted at the three-eyed god!

A terrible scene suddenly appeared!

An endless and huge phantom appeared in the sky.

All the light in the sky is dissipating.

The Pang Ran phantom quickly descended, and the wontons seemed to explode.

The trembling stars in the sky also seemed to be pushed by this huge phantom.

Smashed towards the three-eyed god-man.

The three-eye **** man was seriously injured.

Moreover, the speed of Ji Su's attack was really close to the limit.

Even with the power of Tao, it has never reacted.

The phantom fell, from far to near, across the space, terrifying to the extreme.

The Great God Liao, with the endless world running in his palm, frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

He retracted his protruding palm.

The endless world in the palm of his hand also disappeared.

But it is surprising.

After the Great God Liao retracted his palm, but only carried his hands on his back, he didn't seem to have any intention to stop Ji Su's blow.

The result can be imagined.

The huge phantom exudes the aura of destruction.

Covers the body of the three-eyed god.

Outside of the body of the three-eyed god-man, there was immediately a path that spontaneously appeared.

Want to defend, want to protect the body of the three-eyed god.


Even if it was a sword that Ji Su swung casually.

The horror of power is also far beyond these principles.

When the horror phantom came under the pressure, the honest principles that permeated the sky instantly turned into fragments.

Flying in the heavens and the earth and then turned into dust, completely disappeared!


The body of the three-eyed **** was completely shrouded in a terrifying phantom.

After a short while.

The endless shadow disappeared.

Then disappeared, there is also the three-eyed **** man standing on the golden chariot!

A few moments passed!

The many powerhouses in Tai Cang who watched the battle through the light curtain finally reacted.

There are even many too strong people among them.

It is simply impossible to capture what is happening in the light curtain.

Even the six waves of gods and emperors, as well as the existence of Bai Qi and the six evil blue dragons.

They have also fallen into silence.

They finally had a clearer understanding of the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the boundless wilds.

"There are all above the Tao, and the power it possesses is beyond the reach of the Tao."

Bai Qi looked at the light curtain and sighed silently: "Light is the principle of the Tao, and it is already extremely powerful.

If we want to achieve Dao Ze level combat power, we still need to embark on a long journey. "

Just as Bai Qi thought in her heart.

Ji Xia was muttering, a light of excitement suddenly flashed in her eyes!

The fighting spirit on his body became more and more awe-inspiring.

He stared at Ji Su and the Great God Liao.

The Twenty-Nine Heavenly Dome in the body was trembling constantly.

"I don't know if my thirty-third layer of the heavenly Vault of Gods, completely constructed, can have such a terrifying power."

"Shen Dynasty... really deserves to be the vast and untamed orthodoxy, the existence of the **** emperor level has such a desirable power."

Ji Xia's eyes burned.

While the Star God Eyes were moving, they were still analyzing the sword that Ji Su had just swung.

A piece of nothingness.

The Great God Liao and Ji Su looked at each other.

There is a fall from the Tianmu God towards a Tao.

There didn't seem to be a trace of anger on the face of Great God Liao.

There is not even any unpleasant color.

He looked at Ji Su's eyes, even with a little appreciation.

"Whether it was before or after the Great Destruction, you are a taboo."

After a long silence.

The Great God Liao finally spoke first.

"I can't stop you from killing a Taoist rule. On the contrary, if I shot today, you won't be enough to stop me."

The Great God Liao didn't transmit the sound of divine consciousness, but spoke slowly.

In his eyes, each has a universe of Universe, which is constantly rotating.

Let his words seem to have inherent dignity.

But Ji Su remained indifferent.

It was as if he had not heard the words of the Great God Liao.

He just turned his head in silence, and the space in the distance immediately oscillated, turning into a huge gate with golden light.

The door opened towards Ji Sudong.

At the end of the gate court, it seemed to be connected to a dim place.

"You are leaving today, and I won't stop you.

But you revealed your whereabouts today, and heaven and earth have captured your breath.

Outside the sky, there will naturally be immortal existences coming to pursue you. "

The gaze of the Great God Liao also slowly turned.

He also turned around, and his back seemed to have a great majesty, capable of shaking the past, the present and the future.

The courage of these two existences is too great...

An ordinary god.

If you see the back of these two existences, you can feel the aura that they exude.

I'm afraid I will lose my aggressiveness.

There is such an existence, standing in the sky above the sky, looking down at the people below.

What hope does the comer have to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them?

However, Ji Su seemed to have no interest in the words of the Great God Liao.

His expression remained unchanged, and he walked towards the door step by step.

In the end, he walked into the bright door and disappeared.

The Great God Liao stood there, gently brushing his sleeves.

Between the sleeves, the endless world suddenly appeared again.

The three evil dragons that could easily swallow the galaxy appeared in the void like this.

The body that covered the sky and the sun now looked extremely depressed.

His six eyes looked at the place where the three-eyed **** man dissipated...

"The endless years of cultivation, but still can't bear the casual blow that exists on the Taoist rule."

The three evil dragons lowered their heads, saluted loudly, and asked: "We are watching the boundless wild rules, roads, and avenues, occupying such a high position.

In the face of such existence ~www.readwn.com~, there is no room for resistance.

Under such circumstances, our Tao has approximately reached the end of our practice. "

The three evil dragons languish.

The Great God Liao slightly shook his head.

He stared at the sky from a distance.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the sky and look beyond the sky.

"No matter how powerful the Tao is, it is also the principle of Tao.

And the existence that just appeared in front of your eyes, in the endless river of history, is above the Taoist rule. In our eyes, he is an immortal strong man who can crush the past and the present.

Even if you are erased by him with a random blow...you don't have to be discouraged.

Even you should feel proud. "

"After all, you let him shoot."

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