I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1004: Ji Xia, your death is coming [big

Existence above the Tao.

It brought a profound shock to the many too strong people in the Shanggan Palace.

Even the people of Tai Cang God.

When witnessing such a terrible power, his expression became very solemn.

But look carefully.

There was no fear in their eyes.

Some Tai Cang gods were pondering, as if they were analyzing why Ji Su and Great God Liao, the two worldly powerhouses above the Dao, possess such earth-shattering mighty powers.

In the eyes of the Six Scourges Canglong and Bai Qi, this was a fierce fighting spirit.

There is even a lot of divine essence around their bodies, permeating them.

Draw a lot of visions.

In the vision, they are fighting against the strong above the Tao, with unparalleled power.

And such as the six waves of gods and emperors.

The deep whirlpool between his brows is still spinning.

Coupled with his majestic face and the blue crown on the top of his head, the six waves of the emperor of God appear more and more noble.


The noble emperor of the six waves of God closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

Ji Xia also fell silent.

He was not surprised by the terrifying power of the Dao Spirits above the Dao.

After all, the gods of the Huangtian level can easily smash the galaxy.

Tao exists to erase the galaxy, just like erasing dust.

Not to mention the strongest above the Tao.

It really silenced him.

It was Ji Xia's various speculations about Ji Su's identity, and the visions she saw around Ji Su's body.

"It seems that my seventh uncle has played a very important role in the history of Human Race.

The black and white forbidden snake called him Taibai... which also meant... Ji Su might be the reincarnation of the fallen Taibai Star Monarch. "

In the information he knows.

The two stars, Taibai and Yinghuo, have been completely shattered due to some catastrophes.

Among them, Monarch Yin and Monarch Lei Shiyuan, who were imprisoned separately, were relieved from the trap.

According to Da Hei Tian.

Almost all the existences before thought that these two star kings had fallen.

However, once a powerhouse of this level has the slightest vitality, he can avoid death and make a comeback.

Therefore, if Ji Su was the reincarnation of Taibai Xingjun... it would be able to prove why Ji Su was able to obtain such terrifying power in such a short period of time.

"But if you think about it carefully, there is still a lot of fog that can't be removed at all."

"For example... There are many existences and I have told me that Ji Su has been active in many times.

The Great Breath of Divine Reign tens of thousands of years ago, the Great Ding Divine dynasty more than 100,000 years ago, and even millions of years ago, Ji Su appeared in the long history of history. "

"However, after the Great Shattered, Taibai Xingjun has already turned into a star, to atone for the so-called sins of the human race...

Taibai, Yingzhu two stars are shattered, and it is not too long for the two supreme gods to get out of trouble.

Thinking of this, how could Ji Su be Taibai Xingjun?

Could it be that King Taibai Xingjun has not been completely suppressed? That's why it is possible to be active in the world while being suppressed? "

Ji Xia thought for a long time in her heart.

In the end, he still couldn't solve the doubts in his happiness.

But he also heard the black and white forbidden snake, calling Ji Su Taibai.

"It's really suspicious..."

Ji Xia slowly shook her head.

I feel that the long river of history is full of secrets, and there is no way to see the truth behind the fog.

"This is also because my current strength is too weak.

If I also have the power above the Tao, I will be able to face my seventh uncle and directly ask him about his origins. "

Ji Xia thought of this, and remembered the time when Ji Su had just appeared at the junction of heaven and earth.

Around his body, there are constantly haunting visions.

"Densely densely packed, almost endless remnants of souls were all involved in the millstone of that side, and then completely wiped out...

Where is the place that carries such a terrible millstone?

Could it be the Hades that I have heard of before? "

Ji Xia thought.

After a long time, he stood up.

His expression was solemn, and he spoke in front of many too strong men.

"A Tianmu Dao fell, although it was the mysterious existence who shot.

But the reason why the mysterious existence shot was because Tai Cang released the black and white forbidden snake. "

Ji Xia looked around.

There is no complacency on his face, but there is also a bit of relief.

"Tai Cang is now weak, so the day's eyes slaughtered my too strong and cut off my Tai Cang's foreign trade. We can only swallow our anger for the time being."

"However, Tai Cang's gaze is always facing upwards from the beginning to the end.

As long as the Tianmu God reveals the slightest flaw, Tai Cang will make them pay the price. "

Ji Xia's words fell smoothly.

Zhang Jiao on the side sneered and said: "Under Tai Cang's plan, the black and white forbidden snake got out of trouble, causing the Tianmu Shenchao to lose a Taoist existence!

Tao is not a ridiculous heaven, let alone a palace of life or an extremely profound wheel.

The loss of a Taoist god, even for the Guozuo power of the Tianmu God Dynasty, has a lot of shock.

The life of a Taoist **** is enough to comfort the dead Tai Cang Erlang. "

"No, it's not enough."

Ji Xia stood firmly on the high platform of the Shanggan Palace.

With his hands on his back, there were rare killing thoughts in his eyes that were not wavering from beginning to end.

"Every Tai Cang Erlang is very important to Tai Cang.

Now that Tai Cang rises, although many Tai Cang Erlang sacrifices are unavoidable, it is a defeat that Tai Cang will definitely experience.

But... Tianmu always wants blood to pay for it! "

"A Taoist god, although his position is unparalleled and his strength is extremely powerful, for Tai Cang, it is far from enough..."

The minister of the Taicang human race present heard Ji Xia's words.

The look couldn't help becoming very excited.

They stared at Ji Xia with scorching eyes.

Ji Xia's heart moved.

There is a distance that can't be measured at all.

Located under a barren land under the Tianmu God Dynasty.

A spiritual leaf suddenly trembled slightly.

Under that spiritual leaf, there was a hexapod monster exuding black aura, and it was sleeping peacefully.

Take a closer look at the black breath lingering around the monster.

It turned into a black whirlpool.

It's like a black hole that can swallow everything, with a deep and profound spirit.

"Wait for two thousand years, under the unrestrained swallowing, the Spirit Devouring Sky Worm has grown tremendously.

Its unique bloodline power has even connected the heaven, earth, and kingdom Zuo power of the Tianmu God Dynasty.

Slowly, there is still the determination to swallow these heaven, earth, and Guo Zuo forces. "

"With the shelter of the hidden world spirit leaf, for a short time, the six-legged monster will not be discovered by the ignorant gods.

Wait a while, and when the six-legged monster pet grows up, I will deepen the degree of hiding of the monster again.

Day after day, year after year.

One day, the Tianmu Shenchao will find that they have actually fallen into the position of the Shenchao. "

Ji Xia's eyes were cold.

Seems to have seen that day come.


The torrent of years continues to move forward.

Tai Cang's development is still continuing.

The most commendable is the construction of Tai Cang's "inner loop".

Just as Xin Ya and the foreign policy chief had expected.

At first it was because of Tianmu Shenchao's attack on Tai Cang.

There were indeed many imperial dynasties who stopped paying tribute to Tai Cang, and even the human beings who had migrated to half of them were killed.


Just like what Ji Xia said.

For the Tianmu God Dynasty, Tai Cang may be just a weak country sheltering under the great world of Lord Lei Shiyuan.

But for the other imperial dynasties of the boundless wilderness.

Too Cang is a catastrophe, and it is an irresistible disaster of heaven!

When the rebellious Emperor Dynasty's sky suddenly became dark.

A strange and fierce beast in black and white, with fangs that can pierce the outer sky in its mouth, and blood-red eyes.

Appeared in the sky.

These imperial dynasties finally remembered the strength that Tai Cang showed in the imperial battle not long ago.


It's too late.

The rebellious Taicang Emperor's dynasty was completely extinct overnight, and the bones and heads of the strong were formed into a kingdom of white bones.

The Bone Kingdom is on the edge of the border.

A big monument was erected.

Just like the huge monuments superimposed on hundreds of mountains, they are all made of bones.

A few big words are clearly written on it.

"The place where the rebellious Taicang belongs!"

The gap between these words seemed to be filled with endless killing thoughts.

Terrible power lingers in it.

Many imperial dynasties sent strong men to find out.

All were burst out by the power in the inscription and beheaded on the spot.


Countless slack imperial dynasties began to scramble to move closer to Tai Cang, hoping to escape Tai Cang's killing.

There are also imperial dynasties who want to ask for help from the Tianmu God.

The messengers who went to ask for help were often crushed to ashes when they were on the way.

Their ashes were scattered in the imperial capitals of their respective imperial dynasties, just like flying snow in June, which looked very strange.

Some of the upper ranks of the Tianmu God Dynasty naturally also received the news.

In the anger, the imperial dynasties who were unwilling to pay tribute to them all died.

So they also dispatched strong men respectively... but... the strong men who were not dispatched by the gods did not get much better off the game, and they all died.

Although the upper ranks of the gods were frightened and angry, they didn't understand why Tai Cang was so bold.

But when the court sent the strong to pursue the murderer.

But found that the too strong had disappeared without a trace.

As for Tai Cang Native...

Mr. Lei Shiyuan's big world is still hanging high in the sky.

Let those who are in the upper ranks of the gods only be able to jump their feet.

However, what puzzled them was that the Emperor God Clan seemed indifferent.

Maybe it's because they don't put too much in their eyes.

Maybe... is planning a more cruel operation.

All in all... Tai Cang's handling of this matter seemed extremely rigid.

There are even many strong men from the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty who died in the hands of the too strong men.

Tai Cang's casualties were almost negligible.

the reason is……

The shot was Jiulitian.

Jiuli Tianshen appeared and disappeared, coupled with the deliberate concealment of the Tiantian flag.

Even if it is a rule artifact similar to the God Eye of Peeping.

It was impossible to detect the existence of Jiulitian at all.

This is for Tai Cang.

Of course it is a good thing.

It also caused many too strong people to utter a bad breath.

And after all these measures.

Tai Cang benefited greatly.

The most direct change is the rapid increase in Tai Cang's population.

Then in just a few hundred years.

Relying on the rapidly increasing population, Tai Cang invested a huge asset price. After the continuous blood transfusion, Emperor Court took the lead in realizing the "internal circulation" in many industries.

In the new land that is constantly forged.

Countless spiritual fields have been opened up, and many spiritual gold veins have been transported...

The output of various materials has more than doubled in hundreds of years.

This made it impossible for Tai Cang to sit and eat the sky.

These are not mentioned yet.

This day.

Ji Xia is practicing in Shangqian Palace.

A divine thought from Yang Ren entered Ji Xia's mind.

Ji Xia was startled slightly, then smiled a little.

He stood up.

The body disappeared in the Shanggan Palace and appeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Not long.

A **** who wore a gray robe, with an unparalleled spirit and a river of gods around his body, stepped into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Yin Jun."

Ji Xia saluted the visitors.

The visitor also saluted Ji Xia.

They are seated here.

Jun Yin looked cold, staring at Ji Xia, but said nothing.

However, Ji Xia was so good that she poured fine wine for Lord Yin herself.

"Emperor knows what I'm here for?"

After a long time, Jun Yin suddenly asked.

Ji Xia's face was full of smiles, but her tone was very determined: "Naturally know that Lord Yin wants to join hands with me to smash the three scorching suns in the sky together."

Jun Yin was silent again.

He didn't even look at the wine on the table, and asked Ji Xia with his head tilted again: "The three scorching suns in the sky are huge and unparalleled.

There is even a mysterious power to defend.

Since I chose to break these three scorching suns, why should I cooperate with such a weak lord of the imperial dynasty like you? What role can you play in... "

Jun Yin is extremely polite.

He stared at Ji Xia with dignified eyes.

There was a little condescending expression in his eyes.


Although the plan to break the scorching sun was proposed by Yukia.

But even if Ji Xia had swept all the imperial dynasties, in the eyes of Lord Yin, Tai Cang was still not enough to break the scorching sun in the sky.

It is puzzling.

The smile on Ji Xia's face remained unchanged.

Did not answer the question of Jun Yin.

It took a few breaths.

Jun Yin's expression suddenly eased, and he snorted to Ji Xia, "There is no fear."

Ji Xia smiled: "It seems that Jun Yin has figured out the benefits of cooperating with me."

Jun Yin nodded, and said with a little sigh: "Since you are the proposer of the plan, and you take calculations as your best, how can you make hopeless plans? You must still have a back hand, this is one of the reasons."

"We want to smash the scorching sun, we want the boundless wilderness to return to chaos, Tai Cang wants to grow up in respite~www.readwn.com~ wants to bring the race to glory.

And I also have my own purpose.

That being the case, it doesn't matter who we work with, because as long as our goals are the same, we will reach the same goal by different paths. This is the second reason. "

Ji Xia stroked her palm and praised: "Yin Jun really understands me."

"I also know Lord Yin. From the moment your breath appears in Tai Cang, I know Lord Yin has figured it out and will definitely cooperate with me."

Jun Yi looked at Ji Xia's smug look, and Junyi's face was a little sneer.

"Don't be proud, Ji Xia."

"Did you know... you're dying?"

The smile on Ji Xia's face froze, and her face went dark.

Am I dying?

When did this happen?

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