I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1005: The Secret of the Ancient Tree of Misfortune【Large

Ji Xia was indeed confused.

Jun Yin had such a determined tone and said such words.

It must be because of knowing some secrets.

But Ji Xia thought about it, but didn't know why an ancient **** like Jun Yin knew that he had a catastrophe.

of course.

Even after hearing this kind of news.

Ji Xia's mood is still very calm.

He didn't even forget to drink a glass of wine, and then looked up at Jun Yin.

Jun Yin tilted his head and said, "From my perspective, if you say that you are already dead, the catastrophe that is about to come will definitely not be a small catastrophe.

Emperor, aren’t you afraid? "

Ji Xia smiled slightly.

Even now, he already has the power of the gods.

But in the face of death, who can not be afraid?

Now Ji Xia was able to face Lord Yin's reminder calmly.

Probably because of Ji Xia besides the power she possessed.

There are many hidden details that have not been revealed.

These backgrounds are very profound.

Even if Ji Xia can't be left unharmed forever.

But for a short period of time to preserve Ji Xia, there shouldn't be any problems.


Ji Xia actually had her own speculation about the source of the death robbery.

"Now, the catastrophe that can make Lord Yin feel that my death is imminent can only come from the three gods, no day and sky, and those older existences.

For example, Da Hei Tian..."

Ji Xia thought in her heart: "So, which one of these existences did the great calamity in Yin Jun's mouth come from?"

Jun Yin saw that Ji Xia's breath was stable, and he didn't seem to panic at all.

The smile in his eyes gradually faded away.

"I know that the reason why you exposed your strength is definitely because you have a good background.

Ji Xia, you already have the conditions and character of a **** emperor.

The so-called strategizing, planning through the ages is probably you. "

Ji Xia smiled softly.

Regarding Yin Jun's praise, he didn't take it seriously.

The gods like Lord Yin, who are inseparable from righteous and evil, were originally scheming.

If you act according to the words of Lord Yin, I am afraid that one day Tai Cang will face catastrophe.

Although so thinking in my heart.

But Ji Xia still stood up, calmed down towards Lord Yin, and said: "Today, Lord Yin came to find me, and I didn't want to see me die.

Therefore, Ji Xia took the liberty to ask, where does the disaster that should be done to me come from? "

Monarch Yin sat in serious danger, and received Ji Xia's respect for his life.

However, it seems that he still does not intend to give the answer directly.

"I have an agreement with you that I will do it for you once and stop a catastrophe for you.

Why don't you let me take the shot this time and help you eliminate this deadly catastrophe? "

Ji Xia had a sincere face and shook her head and said, "It doesn't have to be this way, why bother Yin Jun with trivial matters?

Just as Mr. Yin said, I still have a lot of background that has never been seen in this world.

It's not a simple thing for an ordinary strong person to take my life. "

Jun Yin was rejected by Ji Xia, without any discomfort on his face.

He continued: "In this case, the life and death of the emperor has nothing to do with me."

After Yin Jun finished speaking, he drank the wine in his glass in one sip, then stood up swayingly.

"I didn't expect Tai Cang's wine to be so strong. After only a few small glasses, I was already incapable of drinking.

The emperor, the yin prince retired. "

Ji Xia's originally smiling face became darker.

This is the so-called ancient god?

Moreover, Lord Yin also claimed that he had been in charge of Yinhe, and many of the people of the ancient gods were inferior to him.

But now Yin Jun's performance is no different from that of a mortal.

Without any choice.

Ji Xia could only stand up, squeezing a smile on her face, and said: "Yin Jun, why bother to leave, the wine you drank today is actually not top-notch.

I still have vintage wine here, why don't you have a drink with me? "

Jun Yin shook his head again and again: "I can't beat the power of wine, I'm not the power of wine."

Seeing Jun Yin's expression, Ji Xia gritted her teeth and suddenly asked, "I don't know what Jun Yin is fancying?"

Jun Yin's body straightened immediately, and his eyes fell on the distant sky.

In the distant sky, a vast world was burning.

Among them, there are countless sacred fires, radiant and extremely hot.

It seems that the sky is thrown into it, and it will be burned to ashes.

"Unexpectedly, Tai Cang still has such a strange treasure." Jun Yin said.

Ji Xia's face remained unchanged, but she snorted coldly in her heart.

This ancient **** has a great appetite.

It turned out to be the idea of ​​a world melting pot.

The value of the world melting pot is simply impossible to guess, and Ji Xia certainly wouldn't give it to Lord Yin.

So he was embarrassed and said: "It turns out that Lord Yin is interested in this world?

To be honest, my world was picked up casually.

Perhaps it was an ancient fetish, but now it recognizes me as the master. No one can urge it except me, and I don't know how to erase the connection between me and the melting pot.

Otherwise, it's okay to give it to Lord Yin. "

Yin Jun laughed and said, "As long as the emperor has this intention, I can take this furnace."

The smile on Ji Xia's face is even worse: "If this is the case, then this world melting pot will be given to Lord Yin."

Yin Jun's calm face showed a bit of surprise.

He stood up and walked out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, his voice echoed: "If this is the case, the deity is not welcome."

Ji Xia was indifferent, drinking and picking up food at random, without taking this matter to heart.

Probably only a few breaths have passed.

Jun Yin looked gloomy and returned to the Hall of Supreme Harmony again.

Ji Xia put down her chopsticks and asked in amazement, "What's wrong with Monarch Yin? It turns out that the dust is so big?"

Jun Yin glanced at Ji Xia: "No wonder you have no fear. It turns out that this mysterious strange thing has already recognized you as its master, and no one can control it except you."

Ji Xia laughed and was silent.

Jun Yin's eyes rolled, he suddenly raised his head to look at the sky, and continued: "I am outside of the sky, so I can't even perceive this terrifying world melting pot.

So this is the effect of the fetish that can cover the eyes of the God of Peeping? "

Without any hesitation, Ji Xia nodded and smiled and said, "Is Lord Yin fancying my Zhatian Banner? If so? This Zhatian Banner will be given to Lord Yin.

Jun Yin was silent for a moment.

Of course he knew that Ji Xia would not be so generous.

Now Ji Xia actually said such a thing, there is only one reason.

That is, this flag that covers the sky is like a melting pot of the world, and it cannot be taken away by him at all.

Yin Jun was silent.

The look in Xiang Jixia's eyes became deeper and deeper.

At this time, Lord Yin was more suspicious of Ji Xia's origins.

"With my current power, there are still things I can't move.

Even if it is a strange thing that has recognized him as its master, it will absolutely not be able to withstand my power.

But now..."

Jun Yin said to himself: "The melting pot of the world is still a treasure like the Zhetianqi. Based on my experience, I should have heard about it, but I am very strange.

In the endless river of years, I have never heard of such a treasure.

Can this prove that the Ji Xia in front of him actually came from another big world. "

When Yin Jun pondered.

Ji Xia was waiting silently.

After a few breaths, Lord Yin suddenly shook his head and his eyes became serious.

"Emperor, the three scorching suns in the sky are guarded by rules.

With my current strength, I can penetrate a scorching sun with a single blow.

But if you want to penetrate three hot suns at the same time, you will inevitably expose your own existence.

This will inevitably lead to the crazy pursuit of Wuxiantian. During the period of my victory, I am not afraid of Wuxiantian.

But now..."

When Yin Jun said this, he paused slightly, then continued to look at Ji Xia and said, "So, I really want to know whether the emperor really has the power to penetrate one of the scorching suns."

Ji Xia did not hesitate when he heard the words of Jun Yin.

I saw Ji Xia stick out a palm.

On Ji Xia's palm, a heavy stream of light suddenly condensed.

In the stream of light, it seemed to be filled with many ancient bloodline powers.

The bloodline power is constantly fluctuating, as if it is a river of gods across the universe, flowing in the waves.

"Lord Yin, please see."

Following Ji Xia's words.

A ray of light flashed in Jun Yin's eyes and looked at Ji Xia's palm.

I saw in Ji Xia's palm, there was a god-man with 108 pairs of wings behind him, which was inspiring a monstrous fighting spirit.

With the wings spread, her long scarlet hair fell on her shoulders, and her hands were holding a real dragon.

The vigorous spirit diffused from her body.

And beside this **** man, there was a drop of red blood shining brightly.

In the blood, the horror and murderous meaning is filled with endless space, which looks extremely thrilling.

Jun Yin's eyes sank, watching the god-man in Ji Xia's palm carefully.

After a long time.

Jun Yin finally looked away.

The light in Ji Xia's hand also dissipated at this time.

"Emperor, you really deserve to be a hero of my human race thousands of years ago."

Jun Yin said sincerely: "The power of this person in your palm is not mentioned for the time being.

But her blood is noble, even with my vision, it can't be seen through.

The drop of blood next to the existence is full of surging power.

No wonder... you have the confidence to break the sun. "

Ji Xia flicked her sleeves slightly and looked at Yin Jun with a smile.

As far as Yin Jun is concerned, a weak being cannot be an opponent at all, let alone a partner.

Therefore, at this moment, Ji Xia chose to show some of his strength.

Sometimes, blindly hiding the inside information can only make other existing underestimation, which will cause a lot of trouble.

"Since the emperor still has such a background, I naturally feel relieved."

Before the look on Jun Yin's face returned, he wore a Ruoyouruwu smile.

"So, we are about to join forces to return the boundless wilderness to the age of the gods.

So... I would naturally not watch Tai Cang and Emperor, just fall, just fall. "

Ji Xia listened carefully.

Jun Yin continued: "The emperor thinks that the catastrophe that should be done to you comes from the Heavenly Eye God Dynasty, or other infinite wild and ancient powerhouses?"

Ji Xia was slightly startled.

I saw that Lord Yin was drinking tea calmly, and then turned to look outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Ji Xia followed Yin Jun's gaze and turned to look.

Their eyes crossed many distances.

Then it landed in a place not far away from Tai Cang.

That place was originally turned into an abyss because of the war between the emperors, and there was nothing but nothingness.

But with the development of these years.

The Foundry Spiritist of Tai Cang Tian Gong Mansion was already in that void, casting the ground.

The strong man of the great Cang also carried a lot of stars to that place.

So at the moment.

Except that there are no creatures living in that side of the world.

It doesn't look desolate.

There are many trees and many wild animals roaming among them.


With just a glance, Ji Xia could see exactly where the so-called catastrophe came from.

Because in this world, there is a very special existence.

That is the ancient tree of misfortune!

The ancient tree of misfortune is the most mysterious place of the Zushan Mountain in the Upper Realm.

Even if it is now Ji Xia, run the stars and gods eyes to watch this **** tree.

You can only see the towering sacred tree, the crown of which is submerged in a mysterious space.

It is impossible to see through this mysterious space.

It is also not clear how wonderful the ancient tree is!

"So, Lord Yin meant that Tai Cang's upcoming catastrophe appeared from this ancient tree of misfortune?"

Jun Yin had decided to tell Ji Xia, then he would naturally not sell Guanzi again.

I saw him stand up, with his hands on his back, staring at the ancient tree of misfortune from a distance.

"Although I am imprisoned in prison, it does not represent the boundless wildness from which my consciousness has escaped.

I have witnessed that many kingdoms of God were destroyed in the hands of strange races that existed in ancient trees.

And now, the ancient tree of misfortune has already shown signs.

Soon, a wonderful race will be born among the ancient trees. "

Ji Xia was stunned again.

Although he was mentally prepared for the upcoming catastrophe.

But Ji Xia hadn't thought about it at all. It turned out that the disaster came from the ancient tree.

"I still remember that mysterious race, they called themselves Devil Cang Yue women, and there were no men in the race.

In the history after the expanse of the boundless wilderness, the Demon Cang Moon Girl walked out of the ancient tree many times.

And their purpose of getting out of the old tree is very simple..."

When Jun Yin said this, his eyes suddenly became a little weird.

He turned around and looked at Ji Xia.

At this moment, Ji Xia is still exuding silver light, magnificent and handsome, she is a rare supreme posture between heaven and earth...

The appearance can be said to be a disaster~www.readwn.com~ Ji Xia shuddered for a moment when she looked at Yin Jun's weird smile.

I don't understand why Yin Jun looks at him like this.

Jun Yin also spoke at this moment.

"There are very few Mo Cangyue women, but they are all very powerful.

However... they want to give birth to younger generations, but they also need the blood of other races. "

"So...every many years, they will step out of the ancient trees and come to the boundless wilderness... to breed."

"And the most important thing is that their vision is extremely high, somehow, they have always liked human bloodlines more, and you are not far from the ancient trees..."

Ji Xia fell silent.

He finally understood why Lord Yin would look at him with that gaze.

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