I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1007: Heavenly Gods (Large

Ji Xia, who was already aging, had a sharp cold light in her eyes.

A surging thought of killing has condensed into an endless **** mist, permeating this palace.

The unrelenting power also diffused from the twenty-nine layer of heaven behind Ji Xia.

Although these twenty-nine layers of heaven, because of the magical and weird curse and killing technique, they have become constantly trembling and seem to be on the verge of collapse.


But there are still all kinds of completely different avenues, which are constantly shuttled.

Although these avenues are a little immature, their personality is supreme.

Just because of their existence.

The sky dome on the twenty-ninth floor stopped trembling in a short period of time and became as stable as Mount Tai.

The skin on Ji Xia's body was loose.

Even on the bones, black mold spots appeared.

The wonderful magical powers that came from the existence of Dao Ze were able to make Ji Xia's body begin to rot.

You must know that Ji Xia is not an ordinary god.

He has established many supreme avenues in his body.

With these avenues, his body is immortal.

But now.

But something so strange happened.

This is enough to prove that the Dao Ze God who shot in a distant place is still powerful to a certain extent.

But Ji Xia was still calm.

"If it's outside the Secret Realm of Choking, I might pay a huge price.

But now I am in the Secret Realm of Choking, and the flow of time has slowed down twenty times.

Even with such a weird supernatural power, I have plenty of time to resist. "

I saw Ji Xia's mind move slightly!

All of a sudden.

Behind him, the twenty-nine layer of heaven, began to have all kinds of complicated runes reflected.

These runes are often mixed with strands of indescribable great power!

"Heavenly Court!"

The next moment.

Ji Xia spoke softly.

But one out of 10,000 will take a while.

The endless mysterious rune originally suspended in the twenty-nine layer of the sky.

Suddenly it turned into a ray of light.

This ray of light began to regroup again.

Constructed a magnificent heaven.

The moment when the magnificent heaven is manifested.

The thirty-six heavenly palaces originally constructed in Ji Xia's body, the seventy-two treasure halls, and the heavenly river that scrolled the galaxy and the world all flowed in.

Completely fall into the center of this heavenly court!

"Killing me by cursing, trying to make the gods in my body collapse from a long distance. This is almost a idiotic dream."

Ji Xia's thoughts fell.

Suddenly, the sky shined brightly.

Thirty-six heavenly palaces, and seventy-two treasure halls were also shining in the blink of an eye.

It is also at this time.

Many avenues of Ji Xia Twenty-Nine Heavenly Dome began to surging constantly.

Crazy influx into that heaven!

An amazing scene happened.

Among the many heavenly treasures, one palace after another reveals visions.

All heavenly gods suddenly manifested.

Their bodies are extremely stalwart.

God's mind is as vast as the sea.

The unimaginable person seems to crush the heavens.

I saw a three-eyed man walking out of the High Hall of the Heavenly Bullfighting Palace.

This three-eyed man was holding a three-pointed two-edged gun, and a third divine eye opened slowly on his forehead.

A divine light fell.

Jiang Ji Xia's entire body was taken transparently!

This deity is the true monarch Yang Jian of Qingyuan Dao Miao Erlang.

Yang Jian's third eye is almost infinite in majesty.

When the divine light in the eyes of God keeps on shed.

A strong black air suddenly appeared in Ji Xia's body!

These black angers formed a face.

This face looks grand and majestic, with great power.

Ji Xia witnessed this face.

Suddenly, his brow furrowed slightly.

The existence of this deity in front of him definitely did not come from the Tianmu Shenchao.

Originally, Ji Xia thought that the strong man who wanted to take his life at this time definitely came from the Tianmu Shenchao.

but now……

Ji Xia was too late to think carefully.

His expression became more and more gloomy.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes: "No wonder this curse killing technique is so tyrannical, I'm afraid it can kill the existence of the first enlightened Dao.

It turns out that this great magical power has been injected with the true spirit of Dao Ze! "

The true spirit that exists in the Tao is not knowing how powerful it is.

I'm afraid that just the body of the true spirit can crush the world heavily.

But now, the Dao that came to kill Ji Xia existed, even injecting his own true spirit into the great supernatural power.

How can the power of this great supernatural power be less powerful?

"There are so many existences in this boundless wilderness. If you don't make a move, you will go all out!

They know that Tai Cang is now protected by Lei Shiyuan, and Dao is coming, and he can't do anything against me.

So I can only kill me with such a curse and supernatural power.

But... even if they thought they had gone all out, they still underestimated me. "

Ji Xia's mood turned.

next moment!

Another heavenly palace is rising.

This palace is like a pavilion in the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, extremely elegant and dusty.

It is the Yunlou Palace among the thirty-six heavenly palaces!

In the Yunlou Palace, two supreme gods with supreme authority walked out of it.

It was King Tota Li and Nezha, the great **** of the Three Altars of the Sea.

The colorful and exquisite pagoda in the hands of Tota Li Tianwang, who was gathered by the Tianting Avenue, flew up and suppressed it.

Santanhaihui Nezha fire-point spear shuttles like a real dragon of extinction!

Amazing power broke out from these two gods.

The horrible fluctuations seemed to be able to strike up to nine days, sway down the netherworld, and the rolling divine light fell, as heavy as the scorching sun.

The face formed by the dense black mist suddenly became gloomy.

He dissipated suddenly.

A thick black mist ran through Ji Xia's body.

In Wu Hao Palace, Shui De Xing Jun, wearing a blue crown, stepped out.

His body seems to be composed of vast rivers of gods.

Shui De Xingjun pointed slightly.

There is an almost infinite river of Shenyuan flowing from his fingertips.

Ji Xia's body was instantly covered...

Those black mists have nowhere to hide, they can only continue to mature in the Shenyuan River...

In Guanghan Palace!

There is a bright moon floating behind Lunar Xingjun's head.

The gleaming light of the bright moon suddenly turned into a white rabbit general.

These white rabbit generals, holding long knives, with red eyes, slashed down towards the Shenyuan River fiercely!

The black mist began to quickly dissipate...

The black mist that hasn't been chopped down flows extremely fast.

In the process of flowing, everything turned into a face.

These faces are all the features of the strong man just now.


The face of this strong man is already full of gloom.

The killing thought in his eyes has turned into substance.

Jets of black flames were ejected, trying to completely burn Ji Xia's twenty-ninth heaven.


This is in Ji Xia's body.

This is where Ji Xia is most tyrannical.

When the twenty-ninth layer of the sky once again circulated a vast divine essence.

Another Palace of Light was revealed.

The Pleiadian official, one of the twenty-eight constellations, walked out of the Palace of Light.

I saw him change.

Turned into a rooster that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the army.

The rooster crowed, bowed its head and pecked!

The scattered flames from the black mist were completely swallowed by the Pleiadian star official in an instant, and disappeared.

The remaining black mist finally began to tremble.

A black breath spread out.

It seems to be connected to the world outside Ji Xia's body.

Want to use this as a channel to escape Ji Xia's body.


How could Ji Xia let him do what he wanted?

Seeing his eyes burning, he slowly muttered to himself in a low voice: "This great supernatural power contains a true spirit that exists in Dao.

Judging from the power of the great supernatural powers, even if the Dao Ze God has not injected all of it, he definitely has more than half of the true spirit! "

"But... these true spirits can't get out of my heavenly palace anymore!"

Ji Xia looked extremely excited.

"The Taoist gods who have lost most of their true spirits may fall into the position of the Taoist gods and return to the status of the gods of the wild days.

In this way, one potential opponent of Taoism is missing. "

Ji Xia's thoughts surged.

But his killing intent has not diminished in any way.

Yang Jian, who was standing directly in front of the Bullfighting Palace, changed his body into an extremely heavy world.

This world is crushed away.

Thousands of black fog disappeared.

Nezha's six arms each preside over a world circle.

There is a mysterious power in the universe.

Easily dropped, the black mist dissipated without a trace.

And the other gods that appeared, also showed their strange powers.

In an instant.

Ji Xia's body has become a battlefield.

However, the twenty-nine layer of God Zang, relying on the power of the Great Dao, firmly protected Ji Xia's body.

Let his body not receive the slightest threat.

Under such an offensive.


On Ji Xia's already bald head, black hair had grown out.

The skin that was full of wrinkles and even started to decay became extremely smooth.

The rickety body stood upright again, once again stalwart!

this moment.

Ji Xia returned to his heyday again.

The great emperor Tai Cang's courage radiated from him again.

Ji Xia at this time.

There was a rare mockery in his eyes.

For Ji Xia, this is an extremely rare expression.

Until now.

Ji Xia is indeed qualified to mock.

The reason was that most of the black mist that had flowed from the great supernatural powers in Ji Xia's body had already disappeared.

A small part is also struggling to support!

Just when Ji Xia sneered.

All the remaining black mist suddenly gathered together and turned into a fuzzy existence with a pair of wings.

This person is vague, and it's not that he deliberately pretended to be a ghost.

It's that the only black mist that remains can't concretize the true face of his own gods!

"Emperor of the early days, you dare not kill me! Above me, there are still ancient powerhouses!"

This existence incarnate came, and a divine thought flowed into Ji Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

But in response to him, he did note down another consciousness full of killing intent!


It's like a judgment from the heavenly court.

Ji Xia's breath rose sharply.

The heaven became more vast.

Among the many palaces in the heavenly court, a **** and man walked out.

Each revealed the supernatural powers containing the power of the Great Dao.

Boom to that road is the incarnation.

There is hardly any suspense.

Those roads are incarnate, and just like this, they are transformed into nothingness.

Together with it turned into nothingness, there is also a true spirit with a very high personality.

A Tao is the true spirit of existence.

So much of it died in Ji Xia's body!

"I don't care who you are. As long as you dare to attack me, you can't just leave."

Ji Xia thinks very clearly.

Since it is Tao, existence is not a price, and I want to kill him.

Then the forces behind Dao will definitely not stop attacking Ji Xia just because Ji Xia is merciful at the moment.

So at this moment, no matter what, the existence of the Tao must be hit hard.

Only in this way can Tai Cang lose one opponent.

"And... I remember your true aura, as long as you show clues, I will be able to find your traces."

Ji Xia's expression was extremely cold.

As the great emperor of Tai Cang, he was murdered by someone, so naturally he couldn't just leave it alone.

"Let a Dao exist in the state of falling, just a prelude."

"You have never killed me this time, and I will make you pay a terrible price when you make the next shot."

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

Soon he turned his head and looked at the sky outside the Choking Secret Realm.

It was noon at this moment.

Three scorching suns form a triangle, hanging high in the sky.

Using the power of rules as a medium, heat and light are transferred to the vast wild wilderness!

"This time, even if it wasn't a powerful person from the Tianmu Shenchao who would kill me, the Tianmu Shenchao would definitely not be involved.

Tianmu...seems to have sensed the threat of being too dark.

As a result, I am afraid that the road that is too blue in the future will become more and more difficult. "

"Then, the plan to return the boundless wilderness to Taikoo must be implemented as soon as possible.

The longer the delay, the more violent the danger for Tai Cang. "

Ji Xia thought of this and no longer hesitated.

His body disappeared into the Secret Realm of Choking.

But just a few breaths away.

He came to an extremely vast plain.

This plain is also a new masterpiece of Tai Cang.

The soil comes from many deserted planets.

After the too strong crushed the planet, the remains of the planet were used to forge the earth.

In addition.

The World Furnace also included many scattered spiritual gold in the new land of Tai Cang.

Then refining the entire Taicang Territory with the method of practicing divine artifacts.

So now this Taicang Plain looks extremely thick and it also looks endlessly vast.

The reason why Ji Xia came to this Taicang Plain.

It is because in the Taicang Plain, there is still a sacred tree standing upright.

This sacred tree has accompanied Tai Cang for more than two thousand years.

It is the sacred tree of stars.

Over the past two thousand years.

Although the existence of the Star God Tree is not strong.

But as Tai Cang Guo Zuo's power continued to increase, as time passed by.

The sacred tree has become luxuriant.

There was a time when Ji Xia also put the sacred tree in the Choking secret realm, allowing the sacred tree to grow faster.

And in the last few hundred years.

The star tree was planted again by Ji Xia in the boundless wilderness~www.readwn.com~The reason is also very simple...

At this moment, Ji Xia strolls through the void.

Came under the sacred tree of stars.

Today's Star God Tree is not what it used to be.

After absorbing the Ling Yuan that can only be described in massive amounts, and the unimaginable power of heaven, earth, and the kingdom of Zuo.

The torso of the Star God Tree became stronger than the stars.

The huge canopy is endless.

I am afraid that even a vast and large outer space is not so mammoth.

Ji Xia looked up at the sacred tree of stars.

Then he whispered softly: "So... those three scorching suns, are you willing to communicate with the sacred tree again?"

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