I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1008: Goddess of the Sun, Crown of the Avenue [Large

As the sacred tree of stars continues to grow,

The current star tree is compared to more than two thousand years ago.

I don't know how many times it has been stronger.

Even with Ji Xia's eyesight.

Looking from below, the line of sight spanned an infinite distance to see the sky above the sky through the vast and boundless canopy.


Even Ji Xia's current strength is already extremely powerful.

But it is impossible to see what the scene is outside of the boundless savage sky.

But as early as more than two thousand years ago.

The newly born sacred tree of stars, unexpectedly allowed Ji Xia to see the scene of the three scorching sun being explored.

Now Ji Xia remembered it carefully.

The scene at the time was probably not created unilaterally by the Star God Tree.

The sacred tree of stars is named "stars".

The reason is that in the celestial sacred tree in its heyday, the canopy is not just ordinary fruits.

They are huge stars that are extremely behemoth.

Even today, the many stars hanging high in the sky are nothing before that huge star.

This can be seen.

How magnificent the personality of the star tree in its heyday was.


What Ji Xia had exchanged at the time was only the seeds of the Star God Tree.

A sacred tree of stars starts from being planted into the soil until it grows into a giant.

I don't know how long it will take.

But anyway...

As long as the sacred tree of stars stands on the ground, it has not been felled.

Then one day, in the boundless barren world, there may be one more miraculous tree of life that resembles a disaster, a deadly sky, a heavenly wu, and a mulberry.

Ji Xia also looked forward to this very much.

Maybe the three scorching suns in the sky.

It is precisely because of perceiving the magical power hidden in the stars and **** trees...

Will choose to actively communicate with them.

And let Ji Xia have a glimpse of the secret behind the sky.

"After the boundless savage sky, it was pitch black, but boundless.

At the same time, the three scorching suns in the sky will be confused every time the sun is dead, and will be pulled into the sky.

It's as if... the sun's silence was created deliberately. "

Ji Xia groaned in her heart with her hands on her back.

His mind moved.

The sacred tree of stars seemed to sense the fluctuation of Ji Xia's spirit.

His torso was trembling slightly, as if responding to Ji Xia.

Ji Xia was slightly startled.

In his eyes, the stars and gods revolved, and he looked carefully.

Now that a dim light band can be seen faintly, it normally wraps around the sacred tree of stars.

A certain unique power is constantly being transmitted.

Let the star tree grow stronger.

Ji Xia raised her brows and suddenly felt a little inexplicable.

"The sacred tree... also got other opportunities?"

Ji Xia whispered in her heart.

The divine light in his eyes also fell on that dim light belt, wanting to explore the origin of the light belt.

But as his eyes shone in the direction of the broadband.

However, I found that this almost transparent band of light extended all the way up.

Soon, it was already submerged in the sky and disappeared.

Ji Xia was confused.

He has another divine sense falling.

Leaped into the sacred tree and disappeared.

The next moment.

In the sacred tree of stars, there were also a line of information and consciousness that flowed into Ji Xia's mind.

Ji Xia understood instantly.

A solemn flash suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, the three scorching suns actually had such plans."

Ji Xia nodded slowly.

The heat from the three scorching suns in the sky seemed to be a bit warmer.

"So... the three scorching sun gods are actually tired of being used as a cage, tired of being used as a prisoner, and tired of being used as a tool."

"So...when the sacred tree of stars was just born, they would take the initiative to communicate with the sacred tree of stars.

Let me see their unwillingness, let me see their grief. "

Ji Xia finally understood.

The message passed by the sacred tree to him contained the will passed down by the three scorching suns.

"So these three scorching suns have already begun to plan ahead.

They understand that with the continuous operation of the power of the boundless wild world.

The powerhouses imprisoned in the scorching sun will one day find the flaws in the power of heaven and earth, thus breaking the prisons.

Coming to the boundless wilderness! "

"This process may be extremely long, and it may take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

However, for such a scorching sun god, tens of millions of years are nothing at all. "

"The reason why they communicated with the sacred tree of stars was that after extinguishing themselves, they wanted to transform into the three suns on the sacred tree by relying on the rules of the sacred tree itself, and rebuild it again, reborn, and completely get rid of the cage. "

Ji Xia understood the plan of the three suns.

But at the same time.

Ji Xia also understood...Now that her plan will be implemented, it means that these three scorching suns will never wait for the day when the Stars and Gods Tree will perfect her own avenue.

after all.

For Tai Cang, today's Tianmu is too powerful.

But Fan Tai Cang was found a slight flaw by the Third Eye.

Aether Cang's current power, even if he was all his talents, could not stop the annihilation of Tai Cang's kingdom.

So now Tai Cang is cautious, walking on thin ice, and fighting for time to continue to develop.

Also ensure that no flaws are exposed.

Let the Tianmu gods take advantage of it.

If Tianmu Shenchao wanted to force a shot, then Ji Xia's buried secrets would be useful.


Tai Cang must create a safer environment.

such as……

Tai Cang returned to the ancient times, and the heroes were fighting for hegemony. The three great dynasties had comparable strength to them, and they were also ambitious opponents of the gods.

Only in this way, they fixedly stared at Tai Cang's eyes, and they might deviate a little.

Tai Cang also had a chance to breathe.

But the premise of all this was that Ji Xia and Yin Jun joined forces to smash these three scorching suns.

"These three scorching suns are also immortal gods. The power they have cultivated through painstaking efforts is used to maintain the prison within the body and suppress those who are not in the world.

But... once Tai Cang and Yin Jun want to attack them, maybe they will also resist. "

When Ji Xia thought of this, she fell into deep thought.

After a few breaths, a golden crow spirit came into his mind.

He was startled slightly, and then nodded, the divine consciousness flowed and fell into the torso of the divine tree.

"Yes, since I have the same purpose as the three scorching sun gods for the time being, then we may need to communicate."

Ji Xia flicked her sleeves slightly.

His body suddenly became more and more majestic.

In just a few breaths, there are already hundreds of thousands of pieces tall.

at the same time.

Behind his head, suddenly there was a three-legged golden crow roaring and appearing.

The whole body of this three-legged golden crow was burning with fiery flames.

Even her eyes were burning with a purple sacred fire.

These sacred fires enveloped the body of the Golden Crow.

Reflected endless bright light.

From a distance, this three-legged golden crow with extraordinary blood is like a scorching sun, hot and brilliant.


The three scorching suns were very silent, without any response... as if they were afraid of some existence discovery.

However, when the three-legged golden crow appeared.

There seems to be no change on the surface of the three scorching suns.

But one after another fierce consciousness fell rapidly.

Almost to cover Ji Xia's huge body completely.

A little smile appeared on Ji Xia's face.

Those scorching sun divine thoughts have also spread all over the world, isolating the space.

Ji Xia also moved.

In just a short while, the artifact of Tai Cang Jiuzhou Guo Zuo jumped out.

The breath of these nine divine artifacts are connected to each other.

In an instant, this world was completely enveloped.

Ji Xia waved at will.

The bans, one after another, were immediately revealed. Tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of bans, were enough to prove that Ji Xia's bans had been further improved.

Another Zhitian flag appeared in Ji Xia's eyes, emitting a strange wave of fluctuations.

Covered the world.

The consciousness burst out from the three scorching suns became more surging.

It's like a raging wave, as if to smash the sky!

The scene around Ji Xia's body also slowly changed.

Turned into an illusory world of flames.

Looking from a distance, Ji Xia could vaguely see the depths of this blazing, supreme world.

The immature suns are constantly being scorched by extremely hot flames.

These flames are full of power that is completely different from that of the boundless savage heaven and earth avenue.

Make those suns more powerful.

Ji Xiazheng could see God, and suddenly seemed to feel it.

He raised his head and looked to the sky.

I saw three scorching suns slowly setting.

The dancing tongue of fire, and the terrible power that seems to be able to melt Taoism, are constantly gushing out.

It made Ji Xia a little bit like a world away.

"Why is such a powerful existence trapped by the mere five elements?"

"It's so difficult because the terrifying powerhouses imprisoned in their bodies can't let them exert their full power at all?"

Ji Xia speculated on this.

In the distant three rounds of illusory scorching sun, there were three more figures condensed.

Three scorching sun goddesses walked out of it.

Of the three scorching sun goddesses, one has long purple hair, one has long hair like fire, and the other has dark blue hair.

Even if they look unparalleled, but to reach such a personal life, appearance is not important to them.

Ji Xia was really amazed.

It's the three-wheeled crown on top of their heads!

"This is... the Great Crown."

Ji Xia was in awe.

Dadao Baoguan is a reward given to some strange gods by Tiandi Dadao.

Only these gods who have made endless contributions to the heaven and the earth, and have great kindness to the heaven and earth creatures, can be awarded this honor.

The crown of the avenue represents the admiration of the world and the protection and protection of the avenue.

How terrible the power bursting out of the complete Dadao Crown Crown, even now Ji Xia, can't imagine.

The only regret is...

The avenue crowns on the heads of these three scorching sun goddesses... looked very hazy.

If you look closely, you can even see that these avenue crowns are broken.

Just barely keeping it intact...

"So, this three-wheeled road crown... comes from the power of heaven and earth in the old age."

Ji Xia understood instantly.

In the distance, the three goddesses walked down from the sky where the flames were rising, with solemn expressions, and saluted Ji Xia.

Ji Xia naturally wouldn't be rude, and he slowly responded.

"We are so weak today that we can't see through the kingdom of the emperor at all."

The red-haired goddess stared at Ji Xia, and said: "The kingdom of the emperor seems to have been shrouded in some strange power in recent years.

But the strange power will occasionally dissipate, and we can also take a look at the great scene. "

The goddess’ pupils are dark red, but her voice is extremely soft: "Over the past thousand years...I have often noticed the eyes of the emperor looking at us."

The other two goddesses were silent.

Ji Xia went slightly startled, her expression a little awkward.

After all... Ji Xia occasionally paid attention to the three rounds of scorching sun in the sky, and An De was not kind.

But Ji Xia did not act too cautiously.

The dazedness and embarrassment on his face also faded in an instant.

"The three goddesses..."

Ji Xia took a deep breath, her eyes were extremely serious, and she asked, "More than two thousand years ago, I saw you locked up and unable to move between heaven and earth.

I still dare to know that at that time you revealed endless grief and self-blame.

You are sorrowing in the silence of the sun, and countless creatures are dying.

You also blame yourself for this. "

"The passing away of the boundless savage avenue of heaven and earth, granting you the crown of avenue, is enough to prove your supreme merit.

But now... every time the world is dark, countless creatures die.

And your name is the Supreme Scorching Sun, but you are actually only three prisons, or even just three prisoners..."

Ji Xia whispered.

The three scorching sun goddesses remained silent.

Their eyes were extremely calm, with a touch of despair in their calmness.

It was as if acquiescing to the words in Ji Xia's mouth.

They are just a set of prisoners...

Ji Xia stared at them.

Suddenly, the three-legged Golden Crow behind him screamed, causing Ji Xia's expression to change suddenly.

There was a touch of joy on his face, and then turned to look at the three goddesses.

The three goddesses still seemed to be immersed in despair.

I saw that the goddess with white face and dark blue hair seemed to be reminiscing about the past.

She whispered: "In ancient times, my father fell.

The vast supreme world on this side was thoroughly burned through.

The abyss that was burned through has turned into another dark, cold world..."

"So, we took over the authority and responsibility of our father.

I want to illuminate this world, and I want to be the foundation of enlightenment once.


Throughout the ages ~www.readwn.com~ Those who want to become enlightened must experience endless cruelty. "

"It's just... what we are experiencing now is a bit too cruel."

Ji Xia heard the words of the goddess of the scorching sun, heard the "big father" "burn through the world", "turned into a dark, cold world" and many other words in their mouths, and her heart moved.

Seems to catch something faintly.

But at this moment, Ji Xia didn't think about it.

There was still the same smile on his face.

At this moment, Ji Xia turned her head slightly and stared at the three goddesses.

Seriously and absurdly said: "Three goddesses, if Ji Xia wants you to die, I wonder if the three are willing?"

The eyes of the three goddesses instantly fell on Ji Xia...

Seems to be waiting for Ji Xia's explanation.

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