I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1009: The big star is coming, and Tan Ye is coming【big

On the vast Tai Cang plain.

On the crown of the sacred tree of stars, there was still a little bit of brilliant light emitting.

In these lights.

It seems that there are a variety of unique and bizarre avenues.

These avenues support the continuous growth of the star tree.

Also let the vast expanse with the star **** tree as the center, full of extremely thick spiritual essence.

The number of spirit elements that the Star God Tree can now emit is extremely exaggerated.

But now Tai Cang has become even more vast.

The vastness is vast, and the territory does not know how huge it is.

And every moment it keeps becoming more expansive.

So even today's sacred tree of stars is already towering high.

However, the power of the Taoist Spiritual Element of the Star God Tree is still not enough to cover the entire Tai Cang.


The location covered by the spirit element power of the stars and gods trees.

The world is also undergoing strange and what kind of changes.

The vast place.

The speed at which Ling Yuan transforms into Shen Yuan has been qualitatively improved.

This is also the power of the Star God Tree.

And at the moment.

Between the star points on the canopy of the sacred tree.

Ji Xia is opening up a closed space with the three scorching sun goddesses.

It seems that something is being discussed.

Time gradually passed.

After about an hour.

The spiritual restraint that enveloped the sky on this side disappeared.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou artifact also disappeared.

The light covering the sky also penetrated into the sky, permeating the entire Taicang.

It is no longer confined to this piece.

Ji Xia slowly walked out of the gap between the star points of the sacred tree of stars.

The silver robe on his body is still fluttering in the wind.

The look became a lot more composed.

And the bodies of the three scorching goddesses had disappeared.


From Ji Xia's calmer eyes, it can also be seen that the communication with the three scorching suns this time should be somewhat rewarding.

Ji Xia strolled in the void and walked towards Taidu.

Approximately walked for a few breaths of time.

He stopped suddenly and turned his head to look.

Two stars rose up in his eyes, and the heat and light that filled the space between the sky and the earth were also sucked into his eyes.

These heat and light seem to represent the goodwill of the three scorching suns.

Let Ji Xia clearly see some extremely hidden things...

For example, when Ji Xia turned around at this moment.

But you can see the canopy of the extremely towering sacred tree of stars, and suddenly there is a lot of light shining down.

These lights are colorful, but the power contained in them is extremely deep.

With countless rays of light, shining on the crown of the sacred tree of stars.

The Star God Tree is also undergoing an amazing change.

Yi Kika's eyesight.

He could easily see the speed at which the Star God Tree grew, and it became even more terrifying.

at the same time.

The stars on the crown of the sacred tree became more and more brilliant.

Ji Xia's eyes became more satisfied.

"The three scorching suns are also recalling the glory of the great day of the world in the past.

So even if they manifest incarnations, come to see me.

On top of his head, there was still a mutilated phantom of the Great Dao Crown, which was looming. "

"And now, the three scorching sun goddesses are actually willing to use the remaining power of the great crown crown to accelerate the growth of the star tree...

It is indeed extremely rare. "

When Ji Xia thought of this, her eyes became deeper and deeper.

"For Tai Cang, this is undoubtedly a very pleasant surprise."

He stood in the void.

Appreciating this spectacle.

After a long time, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"With today's deal with the three scorching sun goddesses, I got a backhand.

Whether it is the **** of the sky, no day, or other races and civilizations that are hostile to the human race.

One day I have to endure the terrifying majesty of Tai Cang like the **** thunder of the great avenue..."

Ji Xia's pace is firm, step by step ahead, walking in the sky.

The closer to the original Tai Cang Jiuzhou land.

You can see that many human races are working hard to build their homes.

The population of Tai Cang human race has skyrocketed.

The pressure on the Supreme Court suddenly became stronger.

Even in the past three hundred years, there have been many omissions in the management of the people.

After all, a behemoth of this size will inevitably not be able to cover everything in a short period of time.

Even after the human races of many other countries have moved there, no one has taken care of their lives for decades, allowing them to fend for themselves.

of course.

Even so, it is extremely lucky for these human races to be able to relocate to Tai Cang.

After all, many of Tai Cang's lands were forged not long ago.

There are no ferocious alien races in these lands, and no ferocious beasts that dare to harass the human race.

He is also born to be a rich land, and the grain production is very rich.

Such a superior environment.

Why are they not happy?

The only thing that embarrassed the Imperial Court in the early days was that in just a few decades.

Some of the people of the human race who live on the great earth have even forgotten the existence of the great earth.

Some teenagers even regarded Tai Cang as a legend like the Shang Kingdom of Huang Huang...

Fortunately, such a thing was quickly resolved.

The solution is not simple at all

That is Tai Cang invested heavily.

In the early days of the Emperor's Court, Tiangong's Mansion, Tianxie Mansion, Tianfu Pavilion, and a lot of Taicang grassroots powers...

Working together, we have refined the "Tianyu" that carries the information of all the people of Tai Cang.

The so-called Tianyu.

In Ji Xia's words, it is a server with a terrifying capacity.

Heavenly jade is made by the melting furnace of the world.

The materials required for refining Heavenly Jade are no less than the materials required for refining an artifact.

There was no need for so much waste.

But to save time.

Tai Cang can only invest a lot of resources, everything can solve this matter as soon as possible.

Today's heavenly jade is floating in an extremely secret place, and Tai Cang has no more than one hundred existences that have direct access to heavenly jade.

For Tai Cang, who has a population of more than 30 trillion, this level of authority is already terribly high.

And that extremely secret place is the Kunlun Realm in the Kunlun Mirror of the Great Nine State Artifact.

The Kunlun world is still just the rudimentary form of the world.

However, there is no problem with placing a heavenly jade the size of an ordinary planet.

After having Tianyu.

The central capacity of the Heavenly Cang Cang Garden increased in a straight line.

In the early days, the Imperial Court also began to recruit a large number of grassroots personnel.

"The Great Development of New Territories" has become a new plan that everyone in Tai Cang Jiuzhou Dadi knows about.

The large-scale development of the new territory was proposed by Taichu Imperial Court, aiming to incorporate the brand-new Taicang land into Taicang's management system.

Tai Cang's commerce, education, urban construction, currency... and a series of government decrees must operate in an orderly manner in these brand-new territories.

This is a huge project.

Almost the entire core of Tai Cang has been mobilized.

"Taicang's three hundred-year new domain development plans."

Officially put on the agenda.

Among the three hundred-year plans, the first one is to recruit people to introduce the glory of Taicang and the sound of heaven to the ears of all the Taicang races, and to build grassroots palaces for the children of all the Taicang races. The engraving of jade order by the people.

All are included in the Yuhu system.

The second plan is that all education, commerce, and other governmental decrees concerning the land of Tai Cang Jiuzhou, all reformed in accordance with local conditions, will be fully operational on the vast vast land.

The third hundred-year plan is to use Tai Cang blood transfusion to develop a new Tai Cang territory.

Yuanding is two thousand six hundred years old.

The three hundred-year plans have been successfully completed.

Tianyu carries all the information of 39 trillion people.

The terrifying role Ji Xia played in building the Court of Heaven finally manifested.

There used to be many ministers who were puzzled by Ji Xia's useless development of the Heavenly Court.

Until later.

When Tai Cang became a whole boundless wilderness from ancient times to the present, the only imperial court's decree could spread throughout Tai Cang's kingdom within a few breaths of time, they finally understood...

The Court of Heaven, how useful it is for grassroots management.

It is a commoner, as long as he has a "Jade Book."

They will be able to receive orders from the Imperial Court of Taichu in an instant.

I also know Tai Cang's current development strategy and various information.

You must know that even the gods.

The control of the grassroots is almost zero, and it can only rely on strong force to deter layer by layer.

Of course, Shenchao does not need to control the grassroots.

The number of protoss in the dynasty is like a drop in the ocean compared to all the creatures controlled by the dynasty.

It's ugly.

The Protoss of the God Dynasty is constantly sucking blood from the countless, mundane creatures like the stars in the sky.

So as to ensure their own strong and unparalleled background and strength.

But too Cang can't do this.

Because he has always been a pure human nation.

From top to bottom, Tai Cang's thirty-nine trillion creatures, almost all of them are humans...

If Tai Cang Emperor Court wants to **** blood from these human race people, to ensure its own strength.

From beginning to end, Na Jixia's idea of ​​bravely moving forward for the rise of the human race may just collapse...

On another level.

So many people of the human race are not just a drag.

It is also the endless foundation for Tai Cang to establish the immortal and immortal dynasty.

Just like this moment.

The perilous man in a gray robe was excitedly telling Ji Xia what he was thinking in his heart.

Ji Xia's expression was a little unnatural.

He looked at Wei Chang's originally pale face, the two unusual blushes.

Some skeptical inquiries said: "What do you mean...you want to release the evil **** Modo, then kill him, and build a sacrificial bloodline sword with his body?"

"It doesn't have to be a magic sword, it can also be a bloodline magic knife or bloodline spear."

Wei Chang said excitedly: "It can even be the kind of magical artillery refined by the Heavenly Tool Mansion."

He talked eloquently, the fierce light in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

"With the influence of the imperial court of Taichu, it is entirely possible for the vast majority of Taicang's people to spontaneously sacrifice.

As long as I have a strong enough container, with my understanding of the human blood, I can collect these sacrificial powers spontaneously.

Then, when necessary, let these sacrificial powers explode with unprecedented terrifying power. "

"Once this artifact of mine is refined, maybe one day, with a single blow from the sacrificial blood artifact, it may be able to destroy the existence of Dao Supremacy."

Ji Xia's expression was even more unnatural.

He felt more and more that now he was more and more courageous.

So he tried to tactfully said: "If you want to carry such a terrifying power, then you can only kill a Cthulhu who is scary enough as you said.

Only the bodies of these terrifying ancient gods can accommodate that majestic bloodline power.


How can we kill an evil **** with his personality and majesty? "

Wei Chang said decisively: "Summon him down, and let my great many powerful people work together, and maybe it will be able to kill him."

Ji Xia was speechless for a while.

The "he" in Wei Chang's mouth is naturally the evil **** Modo.

Ji Xia didn't know much about the evil **** Modo.

But it can be divided into evil gods, and even sealed in a certain place.

It is necessary to develop believers, relying on the power of blood sacrifice to descend into the boundless wild existence, and it will definitely not be too weak.

Even if there is no such thing as Yin Monarch and Lei Shiyuan Monarch, the strength is so vast.

It is definitely the existence of Taoism level.

Aether Cang's current power, going all out to slay a Taoist rule, is actually not afraid to think.


At the risk of possible exposure, he wastes his knowledge on this kind of thing.

It really made Ji Xia, who had always been decisive, hesitate.

"More importantly, the evil **** Modo has always been weird. If we use sacrificial power to let him descend into the boundless wilderness, we don't know how many innocent creatures need to be killed.

Although Tai Cang didn't mind killing, but the killing of innocent creatures and offering sacrifices to the evil gods, I am afraid that many too strong people would still feel a little grudge in their hearts. "

Ji Xia finished.

The excitement on Wei Chang's face still did not diminish in any way.

His eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and said: "Emperor, Tai Cang does not need to meet the evil **** Modo through sacrifices."

While Wei was always speaking, he was seen sticking out the palm of his right hand.

There was a drop of blood floating on the palm of his hand.

This drop of blood, Ji Xia, was very familiar, and it came from the drop of blood that the evil **** Modohui had cast down the multi-eyed **** general.

"I use the blood power contained in this drop of blood.

Perceiving the four directions of heaven and earth, he has sensed the existence of the evil **** Modo.

In the personality of the evil **** Modo, he is still sealed in the boundless wilderness.

We only need to smash his cage to recover him and come! "

Ji Xia's expression brightened, which was good news.

Ji Xia and Wei Chang are discussing.


Ji Xia's heart beating steadily, suddenly felt like beating a drum.

An extremely frightening shadow cast Ji Xia's heart.

Ji Xia, who was about to talk, suddenly changed her expression.

He stood up, the stars and gods in his eyes revolved, looking out of the secret realm through the choking secret realm.

However, there is nothing unusual about Qingming outside the secret realm~www.readwn.com~.

"Before, that Dao existed to curse and kill me with magical powers, and I never felt such a terrible crisis...

What's going on here? "

Ji Xia's expression is extremely gloomy, his mind is turning rapidly, and his mind is frantically exploring the possible crisis.


He seemed to remember something, and looked at the location of Jiezu Mountain in the distance!

It is also with the rotation of his mind.

Tai Cang's various secret methods began to operate.

Ji Xia's eyes stared at the remaining half of Jiezu Mountain...

He remembered the amazing scene that Gong Xingzhao had calculated long ago.

——The big star is coming, and Tan Ye is coming!

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