I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1017: The so-called gods

The goddess walked away on the real dragon.

Ji Xia looked at the direction the goddess was leaving, thoughtfully.

After a long time, his body disappeared in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and appeared in the Secret Realm of Choking.

In the Liuyan Palace next to Shanggan Palace.

With her hands on her back, Ji Xia looked at the Secret Tower of Inkstone and the holy body.

The holy body still exudes a certain strong wave.

This kind of volatility is different from the rules and Taoist rules, but it seems extremely mysterious.

But the Liuyan Secret Building was silent from beginning to end.

Ji Xia is almost certain.

The reason why the holy body exudes such strange fluctuations.

The reason lies in the Liuyan Secret Building, or the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang in it.

"Princess Bai Xiang has obviously died, but Wu Shi Tian is still looking for her body. I don't know what is in his fallen body?"

Ji Xia speculated in her heart.

He thought for a while, and finally bowed slowly to the Liuyan Secret Tower.


I saw a divine light flashing in his eyes.

Two ancient stars slowly floated up, bursting out with a unique light, and fell on the Liuyan Secret Tower.

at the same time.

The power of Dao Miao Dao from the thirty-fold heavenly dome within Ji Xia's body also began to surging continuously, pouring into Ji Xia's eyes.

Rivers flowed by, making Ji Xia's eyes brighter and deeper.

It seems to encompass countless worlds and countless stars.

Ji Xia stared at the Liuyan Secret Building with this mysterious power.

Suddenly, the human blood in his body began to swell continuously.

Tianhe's body and the blood of the ancient stars began to condense fresh blood into Ji Xia's limbs.

The Liuyan Secret Tower also revealed a kind of hanging and hanging aura at this moment.

This kind of breath permeated the Liuyan Palace.

Enclose Ji Xia's body in it.

I saw that Ji Xia's body was surrounded by mists.

This heavy fog seems to hide some extremely secret things.

Even with Ji Xia's supernatural powers, she couldn't see it in real terms at all.

"This is... the inside of the real Liuyan Secret Building?"

Ji Xia thought in her heart.

The dim light in his eyes dimmed, looking around.

It is also at this time.

The dense fog around it also slowly dissipated.

Reveal the true face of this party.

Ji Xia looked up, only to feel that this strange space was full of nothingness.

Nothing exists.

It's just a dark void.

There is no light in the void, no stars, and no world.

There is no existence that contains the breath of life.

A dead silence...

Such a location made Ji Xia frown slightly.

"Princess Bai Xiang's body has also disappeared."

Ji Xia thought to herself.

Soon he thought about it, and walked forward.

Ji Xia didn't worry about the murderous opportunities hidden in this void.

The Liuyan Secret Tower is the legacy of the Great Respite God Dynasty.

The reason why Ji Xia was able to enter it was also because of her own human blood, which caused the sympathy of the Liuyan Secret Tower.

Such all kinds.

Ji Xia simply couldn't think of the possibility of a major crisis in this space.

In Ji Xia's current state, the great supernatural powers do not know how mysterious it is.

When the thirty layers of heaven and sky are in full operation, the extremely strong spiritual essence has spread all over the world.

Against this background, Ji Xia could cross an extremely long distance with just one step.

At this speed.

Even if Ji Xia wants to cross Jiezu Mountain, it may only take a very short time.


As Ji Xia keeps moving forward.

I have a deeper understanding of the emptiness and hugeness of this space.

He walked forward for dozens of days.

Still can't see anything.

It is as if this piece of heaven and earth has not been opened up yet.

Such a strange place made Ji Xia a little surprised.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a peculiar place in the Liuyan Secret Building."

Ji Xia was puzzled.

But he didn't plan to communicate with Liuyan Secret Tower on this, and withdraw from this world.

Instead, move on.

"Since the Liuyan Secret Building put me here, it must be because there is a secret here."

Under such consideration, Ji Xia continued to move forward.

Hundreds of days passed in a flash.

For Ji Xia now, hundreds of days are actually nothing.

In terms of his current Shouyuan, as long as he is not seriously injured, as long as his gods are still alive, then he is immortal.

In theory, it can almost live the same life as heaven and earth.

For him, just a few hundred days is no different from a flash of a finger.

However, what really surprised Ji Xia was.

With his current strength for hundreds of days to advance at full speed, he is still in this void.

"Maybe... I shouldn't move forward anymore."

"Fortunately... when I first entered here, the message from the Secret Tower of Liuyan defines the direction of this nihility."

"Since I can't get to the end, then I change direction and fly upwards."

"When I reach a certain height, with the help of the stars and gods, I may be able to see the clues of this world."

Thinking of this, Ji Xia immediately adjusted her direction and flew towards the sky.

Hundreds of days have passed.

Ji Xia moved his eyes, and the time reflected, finally found a strange place.

I saw a deep emptiness behind.

A piece of white earth appeared at one end of the void world, and the other end was mainly where a huge sky pillar grew.

These Tianzhu are very dark and extremely strong.

As for the length of the Tianzhu, Ji Xia's current height cannot be ascertained at all.

"What a strange place."

Ji Xia shook her head and continued to fly upward.

I don't know how long it has been flying, maybe hundreds of days have passed again, maybe thousands of days and moons have passed.

In Ji Xia's eyes, a different scene appeared.

The vast expanse of white land is actually wrapped in a deep and dark void.

Most of the nothingness was surrounded by pitch-black Tianzhu.

Outside of Tianzhu, there is a bumpy yellow earth...

There are countless deep pits on these grounds.

It's like a deep pit that stars smashed down the earth.

What surprised Ji Xia even more.

These deep pits are full of endless gullies.

In the depths of the ravine, there are many weird things...similar to flesh and blood.

This made Ji Xia a little stunned.

So Ji Xia continued to fly.

Another time passed...

Ji Xia looked down, her eyes suddenly stiff.

"this is……"

Ji Xia's heartbeat speeded up suddenly.

Even the gods in his body are constantly shaking.

In the thirty-fold sky, countless avenues are trembling.

It seemed that he was also surprised by the sight of Ji Xia's eyes.

"This... is clearly the eyes of a giant!"

Ji Xia looked down.

The fluctuations of the main road inside the body turned into bursts of roaring sound, which caused a huge wave in Ji Xia's ears!

From his current perspective, he can already see the full picture of this eye!

The white eyes of normal creatures have become pitch black and nothingness.

The giant's eyes are pale.

Those sturdy and extremely long Tianzhu...

They are actually eyelashes!

As for the endless yellow world, this is the skin of a giant.

Countless pits are the pores of giants.

And the ravines that crisscross the four parts, and the seemingly flesh and blood...

It is a component of giant skin.


Even with Ji Xia's current cultivation base, seeing this scene, my heart has been shaken to the extreme.

"At least I have been flying upwards for decades."

"With my current strength, within a few decades, it may be possible to traverse a small part of the kingdom of God!"

"But... now, when I look down, I can only see the whole picture of this giant's eye with one eye."

Ji Xia thought of this and took a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, there is such a terrible secret in the Liuyan Secret Building!

"Perhaps I guessed wrong from start to finish. Princess Bai Xiang's body was placed in the Liuyan Secret Building, and the real peculiarity of the Liuyan Secret Building is actually this giant who has fallen into dead silence and may have died."

"The Liuyan Secret Tower was not a legacy from the Great Breath God Dynasty at all, and its origins are even more terrifying.

And if I'm not wrong, what Wu Shi Tian is really looking for is the corpse of this giant, not the corpse of Princess Bai Xiang. "

Ji Xia swallowed involuntarily.

"What kind of existence is such a huge giant?

Why is it left in the treasures left by the Great Breath God Dynasty? "

"At the beginning...Princess Bai Xiang asked me to hand over the Liuyan Secret Tower to the Prince of Daxi Shenchao, Bai Yun, perhaps Bai Yun knew the secrets."

Various speculations emerged from Ji Xia's heart.

It was a long time before Ji Xia woke up from a different shock.

Even with his current power...

No, Ji Xia believed that even the existence above the Taoist rule, even the **** emperor, could not manifest such a huge body.

The hugeness of this giant has surpassed Ji Xia's knowledge of hugeness.

And... actually lying on this side of the world, there are no other fluctuations on his body, and some are just endless silence.

This can be proved.

Such a huge body is not manifested by supernatural powers, but the real body of this giant!

"The real body is so huge, and an eye is even wider than that of the gods. How mammoth is the complete body of the giant?"

"Where is the avenue of heaven and earth, it is possible to create such a terrifying race, such a terrifying existence."

Ji Xia couldn't help but shook her head.

Immediately he thought for a while, and did not continue to march towards the sky.

"If you want to see the full picture of this giant, at least you have to fly for hundreds of thousands of years.

With the progress of my current cultivation, I cannot waste hundreds of thousands of years of time here.

When my strength has improved and my flying speed has become faster, I will explore the secrets of such giants. "

Thinking of this, Ji Xia immediately mobilized the power of her own human blood to communicate with the Liuyan Secret Tower.

Following this, the void was twisted strangely.

In a short while, Ji Xia has returned to the Liuyan Palace.

Decades have passed, the holy body is still suspended in the sky, exuding peculiar waves.

"Perhaps with the help of the secrets in the Liuyan Secret Building, Princess Bai Xiang still has the possibility of recovery."

The secrets hidden in the Luyan Secret Tower are too wonderful.

Ji Xia, who witnessed such a terrible life, was even willing to believe that the dead still had a chance of resurrection.

Perhaps this is the fact that after the birth of Princess Bai Xiang, such a weak true spirit was separated and attached to the Liuyan Secret Tower.

Even after he fell, he had to put his body in the Liuyan Secret Building.

"Among them, there must be astonishing secrets hidden deep."

Ji Xia's eyes flickered.

I became more curious about the profound secrets contained in this world.


Time goes by every minute and every second.

Hundreds of years have passed away.

Two broken stars are hidden in the void.

These two stars do not know how huge they are.

Even if it has become incomplete because of some vast calamity.

The broken stars are all at a loss.

From a distance, it is like a huge sky, with no end in sight.

These two stars touch each other gently.

There are also extremely faint fluctuations circulating among them.

If there is Tao, there is above.

At a glance, you can see through the two **** figures sitting opposite each other above the two stars.

One of these two figures is like a teenager, and the other is a girl.

The waves of the gods surging on his body are unparalleled, but they are restricted to extremely small places.

It is not revealed in the void, and there is no gap between others.

These two figures are precisely from the two rulers of the stars from the sky.

How powerful these two stars dominate.

However, when Ji Su's incomparable sword light broke through the air, even in their realm, they were already seriously injured.

Even their foundation of enlightenment, that is, the two stars, have become dilapidated!

Tan Ye.


They each operate extremely extraordinary exercises.

The two avenues continuously revolved around their stars, bursting out with strong power to heal them.

Do not……

In fact, he is healing for Tan Ye.

Tan Ye still looks like a teenager.

The indifference in his eyes has faded away.

It was replaced by deep sorrow and deep loneliness.

His face was pale, and rules were born in his eyes, and rules died.

His celestial body is also constantly collapsing, as if he has received a huge trauma.

But even so.

It seems that what Tan Ye suffered was not because of his severe injuries.

But because of other reasons.

The behemoth Tan Ye Xuying lowered his head and looked at his star body.

On the body of Xingchen Zhen, there was an extremely old woman who was curled up, crying constantly.

Tan Ye also shed tears with the old woman.

Simao's look was also extremely ugly.

She stared at Tan Ye's face, her original indifferent expression had disappeared.

Only deep worries are left~www.readwn.com~ Simang's star body is constantly falling apart.

His face was still pale.

But Simao seemed completely unwilling to care about himself.

The avenue she had pinned on was also flying around the stars of Tan Ye.

Healing for Tan Ye.

The reason is very simple in the end.

In this world.

Even if it is as powerful as the existence above the Tao.

It is also impossible to completely abandon all of your emotions.

and so……

Long ago, Ji Xia had given the character of the gods in this world.

"The so-called gods are nothing more than creatures who have mastered incomparably powerful power and free themselves from lifespan and death."

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