I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1018: Tai Cang goddess, piercing Zhou Yu [big

Although the real bodies of these two star masters have been broken.

Although all kinds of great powers are surrounding Kan Ye's body, it seems to make Kan Ye return to the peak.


The breath emanating from the two star masters is as vast as ever, and as surging as ever.

Existence above the Tao.

I don't know how powerful it is.

Even if they were severely injured, the power radiated from them could still extinguish the galaxy at will.

Even when they appeared in the abyss of the boundless wilderness.

In the abyss of heaven and earth, there are bursts of marvelous powers.

Let the place where there was no life, show a burst of strange visions.

These wonderful visions seem to have the same wonderful abilities.

All of a sudden.

In the abyss, there are flowers in full bloom, and countless rare treasures have grown out.

Even the air is full of a strong fragrance.

This can be seen.

These two stars dominate the true power, how wonderful it is.

"Now, Yuan Nielong and Wutian Great Venerable want to escape the prison without day.

God and other star masters are suppressing these two beings, and they have no time to take care of us for a while. "

"So... this time we were seriously injured and no one came to help. We can no longer reveal our whereabouts.

Otherwise, once we are known by that existence, our celestial bodies will inevitably be destroyed. "

Simao's expression is very serious.

There was also a look of jealousy in his eyes.

"It is rumored that he went deep into the Wutian Divine Tree and was trapped in the Divine Tree and could not escape. Unexpectedly, this existence not only escaped from the Wutian Divine Tree, but his strength became even stronger."

Simao's tone seemed weak.

The sword that Ji Su just broke through the space brought a huge shock to Simang who was also a strong man.

At this moment, the depression in Tan Ye's eyes still did not abate at all.

His gaze still fell firmly on the goddess of dreaming.

At this time, the goddess of dreaming seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

But the tears on her face were not yet dry, and the expression in her eyebrows seemed very nervous from time to time.

Seems to be afraid of something.

"She is afraid that you will disappear from her sight again."

Simang looked up and down with Tan Ye's gaze, and whispered softly: "Human emotions are really strange.

You now have an incomparably mysterious power, and you are in a high position, even if you are on top of many Taoist principles, your personality is not as good as you.

But... she was still very worried, and even willing to attack Tai Cang, who is also a human nation, for you. "

Simang seemed a little puzzled at this moment, she turned her head for a moment, and finally continued: "It's a pity...even if she takes action against Tai Cang, Wu Shi Tian does not have a place for her."

Tan Ye's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

He glanced coldly at Simao beside him, his eyes flashed with clear murderous intent.

Simao was not surprised, not even displeased.

"The existence of Wuxiantian was originally to maintain the boundless and wild rules of heaven and earth.

Now that you have become the ruler of the stars, you should forget your blood and all your emotions. "

When Simao said this, his eyes suddenly flashed fiercely.

"I didn't expect that too blue Ji Xia would dare to take advantage of such omissions to attack you and me...

This kind of existence is not inferior to the human **** emperor before you.

It is not a good thing to let such a country grow up without day or day. "

Simao talked to himself from beginning to end.

Tan Ye doesn't seem to have any interest in these topics.

Simao muttered to himself for a while, probably feeling boring, and shook his head, with a self-deprecating smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's okay, the power of Wutiantian is not what these human nations can imagine, as long as there is no day. Heaven exists for a day.

Then the boundless wild road rules will suppress the human race for a day.

Terran... There is never a chance to look up. "

When Simang thought of this, the green light on his body was even brighter.

The murderous intent in his eyes was even more turbulent: "No matter what, if you dare to shoot at me and want to shatter my star body, then you have forged a big enmity with me.

Until the day when Tai Cang is harvested, I will take the initiative to invite..."

The avenue is still circulating.

The murderous intent in Simang's eyes actually caused the world to tremble constantly.

Even if the Tao exists, seeing this scene is shocked.


His thoughts have not fallen yet.

In between.

Suddenly, strange waves appeared in the distance.

At the same time, bursts of crimson ripples continued to flow.

Inside these ripples, they seemed to be filled with divine fire that could extinguish everything.

The flames released terrible divine power and turned into bursts of light.

In every light cluster, there is a supreme world of flames...

No... not just the flame world.

There are also extremely mysterious worlds of vitality and blood.

The fiery and vigorous energy and blood even built a road, which was extremely heavy.


Simao frowned slightly!

Green mist immediately filled out.

Completely covered this abyss world.

The stars of Tan Ye were also shrouded in green mist.

The young man's eyes became stiff again, and again became extremely indifferent.


A powerful air machine emerged, and the two avenues flowed with immortal mysteries.

All kinds of supreme supernatural powers began to appear in the surroundings!

When Simong raised his hand, the green sun appeared above his head again, looking very sacred.

And Tan Ye...This miraculous celestial arrogant of the human race, black mist spread from all around his body.

Then these black mists turned into a vicious demon god, densely packed, covering the sun and the moon, and crowding the world.

Every fierce demon **** has constructed extremely powerful supernatural powers.

Countless great supernatural powers flooded the abyss world.

The heavy and extremely heavy power has caused the galaxy in the abyss of heaven and earth to roll back, the atmosphere is surging and amazing!

"Who... dare to bring hostility to Wu Shi Tian?"

Simang frowned slightly: "Could it be that the existence found our trace?"

"No... if that person exists, he will definitely not come in person.

He only needs to wave a sword light once again, and we will undoubtedly die. "

"So... is it the strong man in Jiuyuan..."

The long chirps of the phoenix divine bird invaded this space!

next moment.

Simang immediately saw nine divine birds with various rays of light on their bodies, flying through the space.

These sacred birds do not know how honorable they are.

When these sacred birds flew into this place.

Countless rules and principles all collapsed at the same time.

As if unable to bear their personality.

Even Simang and Tan Ye's avenue of sustenance have already trembles.

"Huh? Could it be that the strong before Taikoo got out of trouble?"

Simao was still guessing.

The space that had been completely shattered suddenly cracked again.

The huge gap stretches for tens of thousands of miles from top to bottom!

A huge figure.

Also at this time, appeared in this crack.

Intrepid and terrifying power, scattered from these cracks.

Every strand of power that spreads out can break into the void, causing the avenue of heaven and earth to roar constantly.

"What kind of person is this?"

"What kind of race is it? Can this cause such fear in Fang Tiandi?"

Time seems to be a long time in the past.

In fact, it came from the fierce life fluctuations, but only one ten thousandth of a moment has passed.

It is this one ten thousandth of the moment.

Both gave Simang a great shock.

Her brows were frowned, and the constant thoughts in her heart seemed to be probing the origins of those who came!

"Such noble... Maybe this existence does not belong to this era, it comes from an era where the rules of the boundless wilds have not yet been established!"

Simao just had this idea.

But seeing the figure in the gap, suddenly stepped out!

In the sky, golden ripples suddenly exploded.

The amount of light that is simply unimaginable, like a piece of squashed world, impacts.

There are endless divine light everywhere, gorgeous to the extreme.

Simang hasn't shot yet.

Tan Ye on the broken star suddenly blasted out a palm.

Accompanied by his punch is a big hand that covers the sky and the sun!

What kind of power is in it?

The terrifying spirit blasted all around.

The galaxy in the abyss of heaven and earth tore apart, and the world collapsed.

Pieces of dead and silent secret realms in the void were all affected, and they turned into powder in an instant!

This kind of force, tyrannical and terrifying to the limit for no reason.

Instantly washed away the endless golden ripples in the sky.

Simao also made a sudden move at this time.

I saw the green sun above her head shining brightly.

The brilliance condensed down and turned into a sharp gun.

The sharp spear was held in Simang's hand and shot out!


A stunned divine light, like a torn world, a shattered Universe.

The former Simang and Tan Ye once faced Tai Cang.

They felt that Tai Cang was too weak, and they had never made a full shot.

Later, I faced Ji Su again.

Ji Su's power is too strong, even with their power, even if they use their full strength, they can't compete with that sword light.

And now, when these two stars dominate, they are seriously injured.

Facing the existence of extraordinary origin, they finally broke out their full combat power.

The existence above the Tao, even if it has been severely injured, is truly disabled.

Strength is not ordinary, the existence of Tao can be compared!

Big hands tearing through space.

And the spear that smashed Zhouyu.

A dazzling divine splendor broke out, completely covering the mysterious existence that had emerged from the crack.

"Although your personality is extremely high, your power only stays in Dao Ze!"

"Under such circumstances, even if your personality is high to the limit, you can only fall today."

The shock in Simang's heart has completely receded.

Instead, the will to kill.

As the ruler of the sky and stars, she has lived many times longer than Tan Ye.

In these years, she once killed the Tianzhu race!

Once participated in the great battle that fell to the world.

Also once personally shot, strangling the human **** emperor.

A worldly existence like her.

Don't feel fear because of the mysterious person above the comer.

"Since it's here, let's fall..."

The abyss world has become extremely splendid.

The infinitely vast area is shrouded by this battle that has detached itself from the law.

And that mysterious being, facing the eternal shot and the big hand that covered the sky, there was no color of fear.

When the light from the eternal sharp spear shines on this figure.

A world-famous goddess appeared in this world!

This goddess has firm eyes and a very tall body.

She wore a short brown armor.

The slender legs were exposed to nothingness, looking vigorous and beautiful.

The extremely strong qi and blood roared.

It seems to be a furnace of blood and energy, capable of refining everything in the world.

There are two real dragons under her feet!

These two real dragons are full of vast aura, as if extremely old and extremely mysterious.

Even the ancient dragon species of the boundless wilds cannot be compared with them.

The nine screaming Phoenix divine birds exuded an incomparably peculiar power of rules.

Let this world be filled with Nirvana.

The goddess stood in the sacred fire, bare-handed, but her body was extremely stalwart!


The incomparable Dao power is surging, and the unparalleled energy and blood power is enveloped in the right fist of the goddess.

The goddess blasted out with a punch.

Just like the original **** thunder exploded!

This world-famous punch not only smashed into nothingness, but also destroyed everything.

Even the powder of the secret realm that had been extinguished completely disappeared.

It's like being completely erased!


Unparalleled courage soared from the goddess.

The two real dragons kept roaring.

Their roar was full of violent cracks, full of unimaginable murderous intent.

This kind of murder was imposed on the punch of the goddess.

Then it collided with Tan Ye's big hand covering the sky and Simang's golden sharp gun.

There was a harsh sound, endless.

The vast world seemed to have suffered a catastrophe from the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and it was instantly shattered.

The violent explosion caused the space to expand fiercely and then shrink again fiercely.

It's like a big explosion of destruction in a small universe!

Simao changed color instantly.

Tan Ye's indifferent eyes also became suspicious and inexplicable.

"This kind of power... is clearly only the realm of Taoism, and has not transcended the Taoism, why can it have power close to the Taoism?"

Simang was also puzzled!

They are the existence above the Tao.

Understand the huge gap between Taoism and Taoism.

Even the only Tianjiao could not wipe out this gap.

But the goddess in front of them gave them such a shock.

"Where are you from?"

Everything in the original was nothing but Simong's mind-shifting heart, and only this sentence was the flow of divine consciousness!

She was questioning the goddess: "What avenue is this?"

The person who responded to Simang was a blazing divine light!

I saw nine phoenixes shouting constantly, and then suddenly flew to a place, changing in a flash and doing... another spear.

This spear was held in the hands of the goddess, showing a five-color light~www.readwn.com~ and then there was a huge shock!

The phoenix sharp spear pierced out and slammed all the way through the universe.

It is the endless distant stars, all being affected by terrible power, falling one after another, turning into shattered pieces.

The chaotic aura churned, and a corner of Zhou Yu was hit and exploded.

Bring incomparably shocking power.

Then, a string of blood splashed...

Then came the peaceful voice of the goddess.

"Tai Cang, Jiufeng."

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