I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1025: Hou Gao Shenhuang Unprovoked Wealth【Large

The instant the fuzzy face of the true spirit appeared in front of Ji Xia.

A stream of flickering Ambilight appeared in the sky of Taidu.

Surrounding this extremely weak true spirit, it seems that all the world is applauding for the appearance of the true spirit.

This true spirit must be an eternal king.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless galaxies no longer gleamed with brilliance because of this weak true spirit.

Even the position of the sky moved down slightly, seeming to express surrender!

Everyone present had no doubts about the power possessed by this incomplete true spirit.

Because they know what existence is enshrined in Xiantian temples.

Slowly opened his eyes at this moment, watching the existence of the supreme statue in the light curtain. He was the creator of the Great Breath God Dynasty and one of the pinnacle existences of the boundless wild human race.

God Emperor Hou Gao!

God Emperor Hou Gao's eyes were mysterious and unpredictable, and there were flashes of imprints in his eyes.

Only for an instant.

The true spirit of God Emperor Hou Gao, enshrined in the Xiantian Temple, has turned into strands of invisible ripples.

As soon as these ripples appeared, they penetrated into the space and disappeared.

But across the Heavenly Temple of Sacrifice with an unknown amount of space, an inexplicable breath suddenly spread.

It's like a supreme being above the nine heavens has awakened.

It is like the return of the supreme divine emperor!

This kind of breath is too powerful.

Let the space in the Taoist Temple continue to be twisted, and countless storms are born from this.

But the strange thing is...

Even with such a powerful force, it has never hurt the countless palaces in the Taoist Temple.

"This is the power of the emperor?"

"This breath is too strong, it's like a big wave in the spell, violent turbulence, even us, under such power, it looks incomparable."


Bai Qi and Six Disasters Canglong glanced at each other, and sighed.

This is a helpless fact.

Even Bai Qi and the Six Sorrows Canglong had already possessed extremely powerful powers.

Even the heavenly kings of the gods are no longer their opponents.


At this moment, the power bursting out from the Taoist Temple is enough to make them feel their own insignificance.

Except for them.

Ji Xia's eyes also flickered a bit of curiosity and a bit of excitement.

He stared at the dark sky giant in the light curtain, and just wanted to take advantage of Ji Xia's unpreparedness to kill him in the empty space of the endless distance.

The murder in his eyes was not hidden at all.

"Today is different from the past, now the Tianmu will attack Taicang no matter what.

That being the case, why does Tai Cang pretend to be in awe of the Third Eye? "

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Xia's mouth.

His eyes moved slightly, and he landed on the huge statue of God Emperor Hou Gao in the Temple of Heaven!

In the boundless sky above the Taoist Temple, the will that has grown infinitely seems to have recovered.

Exudes endless roar, as if to sweep everything.

The sky was gray and foggy, and suddenly there were dozens of avenue laws in the original immature avenue power, suddenly becoming extremely powerful.

It is like the falling of stars, passing through the rays of light.

These great laws all descended from the sky, the dazzling light, like a series of noble imperial edicts, fell into the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao.


A long and thick voice resounded through the world, sonorously.

There was no change in the eyes of the empty ancient shadows sitting in the void.

However, the spirit that exudes from the body directly communicates with the space, and even divides the divine sea into two, drawing a space channel.

"Empty ancient...I want to truly descend on that piece of Shenhai."

A rune appeared in Yang Ren Jindan's eyes, and he whispered softly.

The smile on Ji Xia's face grew brighter, and he waved gently.

There were a lot of luxurious table cases growing up immediately above Tai Xian's court.

There are also many fine wines and many delicacies delivered by the servants of the Imperial Food Division.

"Everyone, since the Tianmu Shenzhao wants us to see this wonderful scene, then we have to look more carefully and be more comfortable."

Ji Xia took the seat.

Many too strong people behind Ji Xia also took the seat.

The scene in the light curtain has undergone tremendous changes.

The statue of God Emperor Hou Gao blended all kinds of avenue powers, bursting into a monstrous brilliance.

The chaotic rays of light spilled, and the supreme will scattered in this area, exuding a vast and terrifying spirit.


In full view.

The huge statue of God Emperor Hou Gao just stood up like this.

The mighty power of will in the sky is like a tsunami, instantly rushing away the terrifying power from the Dark Sky Giant.

The Dark Sky Giant's expression was stiff, and thousands of divine wings kept lining the sky behind him.

And in the space channel opened up in Shenhai.

Another powerful man with a stalwart breath stepped forward and merged with the phantom sitting cross-legged in the sky.

It is empty!

Kong Guzhen is dressed in white, and the perseverance of the eyebrows is still turning.

A continuous burst of unimaginable rich spiritual essence!

Whether it is the Dark Sky Giant God, or it is empty and ancient.

The spirit that exudes is really too amazing, and the endless growing power has manifested all kinds of visions.

Look carefully.

You can even see the sight of these two giants slaying the ancient gods!

The sky-shaking magical skills have also been circulating one after another, manifesting into the sun, the moon and the stars, rumbling.

When Shen re-sacrifices the empty space outside the Taoist Temple, revealing his power above the Tao!

The vast divine sea below has dried up in an instant!

The countless stars floating in Shenhai also disappeared in an instant.

On any level...

The existence above the Tao is the peak combat power of the boundless wilds.

When they burst out with all their strength, it is enough to destroy the world.


Even if the dark sky giant and the power of the ancients are so tyrannical.

The power is so turbulent.

But they are still not the protagonists of this battle.

The statue of God Emperor Hou Gao has shed the brilliance of the metal and turned into a flesh.

The face of the Emperor Hou Gao was still blurred.

Around his body, the most powerful runes formed a galaxy after another, forming a galaxy array, entwined around his body.

Look carefully, the stars in the galaxy are often condensed by runes one after another.

Nearly endless runes also exude almost endless power.

The majesty of the emperor was vividly manifested at this moment.

The terrifying power of the Great Dao has also revealed its truly destructive power!

The Dark Sky Giant God and the tyrannical and unprovoked Dao magical powers have also burst out.

I saw the wings behind the Dark Sky Giant constantly flapping.

The five colors of Rui Cai are like the rays of light hanging down thousands of avenues, reflecting each other, and suppressing the statue of Emperor Gao Gao!

The empty figure disappeared at this moment.

In the next moment, he had already stepped into the Temple of Heaven.

There was a big seal on top of his head, and a vast and mysterious aura emerged from the big seal.

The instant change became a mountain as huge as a galaxy.

Such a huge mountain is luminous and brilliant.

Wherever he went, even the incomparably hard Taoist secret realm was constantly trembling!

Behind him, the breath was surging, countless runes were densely covered, and various visions appeared, which was astonishing to the extreme.

"Such a terrifying power... If Tai Cang is suppressed, and Tai Cang is around 33 million miles, it will immediately turn into powder."

Thunder God Xiao coughed lightly, and his consciousness flashed.

What greeted his words was the finger of God Emperor Hou Gao!

Murderous and overwhelming!

The Emperor Hou Gao pressed a finger, and the strong sky breeze seemed to dance the world.

This behavior is simply unimaginable.

The space was reversed, and the scene was terrifying.

The multicolored divine light of the Dark Sky Giant God and the empty and ancient seals all turned upside down in a blink of an eye.

The Taoist Secret Realm gate opened to its limit.

The Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Guzhen stepped on the sky breeze, accompanied by their great powers, all rolled out.

Falling into the divine sea that is still dry and turned into a dead silence!

"They... were driven out by the Emperor Hou Gao."

Lord Milong smiled and said: "They went to the Tiangong to go wild while the master was away. Now the master is back, but they can't stay for a moment!

Uncle Chaolong was wearing a sacred robe. He looked directly at the scene on the light curtain and shook his head and said: "The master did not come back, but because of the incomplete true spirit in the Xiantian Temple, the statue in the Taoist Temple was revived.

If God Emperor Hou Gao really returns..."

Uncle Chao Long did not continue.

However, all the strong men present knew what Uncle Chao Long wanted to express.

The existence of the **** emperor level is extremely powerful.

Although the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao can carry power, it is still far worse than the power of God Emperor Hou Gao at the peak!

"Huh? Look... the statue... seems to be coming out."

Mr. Milong opened his mouth wide, revealing a bit of broken teeth.

Everyone looked at it.

But after seeing the Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Guyu flying out, the door of the secret realm was not closed.

The statue of Emperor Hou Gao walked out of it step by step.

Lightning is blazing in the sky, like a silver snake across the sky.

After God Emperor Hou Gao reached out his palm, that flash of lightning instantly condensed and turned into a sea of ​​thunder, covering the sea of ​​dryness.

The Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Guyu did not retreat.

Their bodies also stand upright.

The gods behind him are like a long river, rolling in.

Condensed an extremely tyrannical great power!

It even penetrates the sky and the ground.

Looking from a distance, the three groups of brilliant light shine bright in the darkness!

However, the light of the Dark Sky Giant and Konggu's lingering light still had a huge gap compared with the light emitted by the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao.

The sea of ​​thunder surged behind the God Emperor Hou Gao... In addition to the pure thunder, it was filled with all kinds of mysterious and unparalleled power.



There was an explosion.

Behind the Emperor Hou Gao, a giant of the Great Dao appeared.

He stepped on the Thunder Sea, presided over the Flame Gun, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

The next moment, it has already appeared behind the Dark Sky Giant.

It is hard to imagine Tianwei, a shot that surpassed the limit has evolved into a cloud and rain between heaven and earth.

It was like a robbery from the avenue, with an invincible posture, suppressing the giant dark sky!

A crisis flashed across the stiff face of the Dark Sky Giant.

The terrifying and tyrannical unprovoked force manifested a sky, and then turned into a world.

The Dark Sky Giant was in the world, and put out his right hand again, and shook it in the air.

The space shattered into countless pieces.

Want to crush the avenue giant, together with the space!


How could the power of the great power on the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao, condensed into giants, be so easily broken?

The thunder sea at the feet of the avenue giant kept flashing.

The unparalleled strength on the body became stronger.

Kong Guzhen also shot at this moment, the star of his brow flashed with a glow, and the rich and powerful man was rising.

The area of ​​30 million miles glowed, and then burned.

The rune monstrous swept across the entire sky in an instant, as if to tear the sky apart!

The endless flames cover behind the Emperor Gao and the giants of the avenue.

The inexplicable breath is still spreading.

Even the secret realm hidden in the space and the outer sky were burned into ashes one after another.

However, the God Emperor Hou Gao stood quietly in place from beginning to end.

His face was vague, and he couldn't see any slightest mood swings.


The flame gun in the hands of the avenue giant looked even sharper.

He pointed at the sky with a shot, the space was weirdly shattered, and then fell on the Dark Sky Giant.

The vast world that enveloped the Dark Sky Titan instantly dissipated like smoke.

The Dark Sky Giant, who was originally surging in spirit, was hit by this shot, and a gray haze began to flow out of his body!

Lifeless, the breath of life still began to flow away.

After the God Emperor Hou Gao, another chaotic energy appeared, which set off him beyond the ordinary and peerless.

The chaotic breath rose above his head and turned into an ancient lamp.

The ancient lamp was suspended in the air, reflecting the bright sun, but the cold light like the old Yuan.

The light flashed.

Turning into countless great breaths of calamity light, surging towards the sky, permeating the dry sea of ​​God!

It is overwhelming, but there is a strong and unparalleled atmosphere.

Thousands of runes continued to rise into the sky, blooming brightly, as if hundreds of millions of stars were slamming into the sky below.

There was finally a shock and fright in the eyes of the ancient and handsome and handsome.

Because even the existence on top of Taoism is afraid of falling.

They know the deeper secrets, and they also know that falling does not mean the end, but the deeper catastrophe!


The amount of land of the Emperor Hou Gao was really too powerful.

The void collapsed for it, making a violent roar.

I am afraid that there is no such terrible power in the encounter between heaven and earth.

The light was brilliant, but the beauty was palpitating, and the entire space above the Shenhai became nothingness.

Extraordinary power crushes Kong Guzhen.

The empty body was torn apart in an instant.

Even if it is the real body of Dao Ze who has been refined for a long time, it can't stop the power of the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao.

In the sky, there are also great powers emerging in bursts.

Among them are the seals of the Dark Sky Giant God and the empty and ancient road.

The statue of Emperor Hou Gao slowly raised his head to look at the marks of the two avenues!


After the dull sound ~www.readwn.com~ the marks of the two avenues, cracks began to bloom.

The existence on top of the two Taoists is about to fall.



It's like a drum, and the distant space is shattered.

The Great God Liao carried his hands on his back, the third third eye on his forehead radiated divine light, and he stepped out.

The cracks marked by the two avenues in the sky stopped spreading instantly.

Great God Liao also turned his head at this moment...

He did not look at the Emperor Gao Gao.

But across a light curtain, his eyes collided with Ji Xia.

"Yes... if I don't come today.

The strong above the two avenues of Tianmu will fall into Tai Cang's hands. "

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