I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1026: Yin Jun, the ancient innate god【large

The Great God Liao's figure appeared in the sky, covering all the rays of light between heaven and earth.

And he himself, as if turned into the source of countless rays of light.

The many too strong men who were watching the light curtain couldn't open their eyes.

Ji Xia looked directly at the Great God Liao.

There are a few too strong behind him, and they are a little worried about Ji Xia.

A strong man like Great God Liao wanted to take action on Ji Xia, who had more powerful lethality than Kong Gu's talent just now.

If Ji Xia does not evade, Ji Xia may suffer even more unstoppable murder.

But Ji Xia didn't seem to notice the crisis at all.

There is a black light in his eyes, and there is no respect for him on his face.

The Great God Liao took a closer look at Ji Xia, the power on her body was even more surging, and even the sky was shaken by this vast power!

"In more than 80 million years, there are only a handful of gods born from the Human Race, but there are not a few Tianjiao who possess the supreme talent like you."

There was a unique light in the eyes of the Great God Liao. This light was not high above, nor contemptuous.

What was contained in it turned out to be curiosity, it turned out to be anticipation.

"The Tianmu was born only more than one million years ago, and the history of the Tianmu tribe is extremely short compared with the vast and wild history.

But... the Tianmu tribe is not inferior to any ancient race. Ji Xia, you have not much time left. I hope you can become stronger as soon as possible. Let me take a look at the Tianjiao in this era of human race. Which number. "

Great God Liao's face still had a clearly visible smile.

As many ancient powerhouses have said before, the Great God Liao is a young God Emperor, with a temperament like a teenager, but possesses the terrifying talent to overwhelm the world.

In the past.

An imperial dynasty like Mingluo was already the pinnacle of an imperial dynasty, possessing an unknowable amount of Guozuo power compared to other imperial dynasties.

However, in the years when the Tianmu had not yet become a sacred dynasty.

The Tianmu tribe possesses the power to approach the gods infinitely.

It's like Tai Cang now.

The power of the Tianmu Emperor at that time surpassed countless empires in the boundless wilderness.

Only in the imperial era of the human race, can it keep pace with the Tianmu.

But later, Dading suddenly collapsed after only 8,900 years after the establishment of the sacred dynasty.

Da Xi inherited the legacy of the Great Ding God Dynasty, coupled with the supreme heritage accumulated by the God Emperor Hou Gao, and finally achieved the God Dynasty before the Tianmu Clan.

In that era, there were all kinds of secrets that caused Great Breath and the Third Eye, which were never perished in the hands of other gods.

Later, the Great Relief God Dynasty became more and more powerful, but the Tianmu clan appeared to be in decline.

But... the Tianmu clan has an emperor like Great God Liao.

In the end, many strong people of the Taicang clan already knew about it.

There was the destruction of the Great Breath God Dynasty, and the Tianmu Emperor allowed the flow to gain the legacy of the Great Breath God Dynasty, and finally achieved the God Dynasty tens of thousands of years ago.

The Great God of Tianmu God Liao has also become one of the youngest emperors in history.

So... in the eyes of many ancient gods, the great gods have a youth-like disposition even today.

Maybe he was at the top for too long and too lonely.

So he looked at Ji Xia's eyes, filled with some kind of expectation.

Perhaps it is the hope that Human Race, a rising star, can bring him some kind of surprise.

Ji Xia said nothing from beginning to end.

But in his look, there was no trace of humbleness in his eyes, nor any fear.

Looking at the Great God Liao's gaze, it also seemed to be gazing at an enemy who was equal to him.

The black light that flashed in his eyes from time to time was the reason why he didn't fear the scorching eyes of the great god.

Even if Jiulitian... couldn't stop the Great God Liao's gaze, he still had sufficient background and had enough confidence to survive under the Great God Liao's hand.

Ji Xia and Great God Liao looked at each other.

The divine emperor Hou Gao in the distance also glanced at the Great God Liao from a distance, and the reflected gaze was covered by the dense fog, and other people could not see clearly.

However, the Emperor Hou Gao did not make another move.

His stalwart body then turned into heavy rays of light, ascending into the void, and finally merged into the huge gate of the Taoist Secret Realm.

The golden light on the doorway suddenly appeared, and the doorway, which was already wide open, was slowly closed.

The Great God Liao looked away from Ji Xia, and turned to look at the secret door courtyard that was gradually closing.

There was a look of sincere admiration on his face.

"When I became the **** emperor, the two emperors and masters of the God Emperor Hou Gao and the Da Shi Dynasty had fallen.

Otherwise, I will be able to see how powerful the supreme bloodline of the human race is. "

The Great God Liao did not make a move, and the power of the avenue rules that permeated the sky had gradually dissipated.

The three scorching suns hanging high in the sky once again reflected the rays of light, falling in this divine sea that was already full of nothingness.


When the light shines on the body of the Great God Liao, under the body of the Great God Liao, there is no shadow, and it is still full of infinite light.

This kind of personality, even if there are many too strong people, can't help feeling a little sigh.

The sky on the light curtain was still flickering.

The power of the two avenues hardly covered in the void has begun to slowly recover.

The cracks above continue to recover.

Until there are two rays of light spilling from it, falling into the void.

Eventually turned into two real bodies.

It is the Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Gu Yu.

The two Heavenly Eyes were the strongest, and their expressions were withered at the moment.

The strength on their bodies was also strong and weak, they stared at the closed secret door from a distance, and then slowly saluted towards the secret door.

This is the respect for the Emperor Hou Gao.

Even if the God Emperor Hou Gao has fallen, the era of the Great Breath God Dynasty is gone forever.

However... the power possessed by the Emperor Hou Gao can still reflect the heavens and the earth.

Even a trace of true spirit falling into his statue can burst out such terrible power.

Can easily hit them with serious injuries, and even wipe them away.

After that, the remaining power of the Emperor Hou Gao could also reinforce the secret realm gate, so that the Taoist secret realm gate can no longer be opened with the Xianglong key...

At this moment.

Ji Xia's eyes flashed suddenly.

The original Xianglong has long been embedded in the void, opening the door.

However, when the gate began to close, the bone dragon of ten thousand feet had also flew out of the secret realm.

His eyes were stiff, and there was a deep grief on his body...

"My Xianglong clan... It turned out to be nothing more than a key..."

"As the ruler of the Xianglong clan, Xiangchang thinks that he is an eternal arrogant, so that the bloodline of the Jiaolong has transformed into the dragon genus.

Can benefit from countless opportunities, and even get the opportunity to go to the mulberry tree. "

"The key...but it's just a key..."

The normal eyes were dead silent, and the body was suspended in the sky, as if already dead.

Tianmu Shenchao grabbed his body and used his body to open the secret door.

Let the Taoist heart turbulence after knowing the truth.

In just tens of thousands of years, he has become a **** from a flood dragon.

Originally such a qualification, even for Shenchao, could be described with the word extraordinary.

But in the end, Xiang Chang knew his own origins, and also knew what terrifying power these ancient existences possess.

The evil old **** of nest that once suppressed him in the past has become an unreachable existence...

This is more and more lonely.

At this moment, the gaze of the Great God Liao shifted to Xiang Chang.

There was golden light in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his vague face.

The next moment.

On the body of the Great God Liaozhen, there was a horrible aura suddenly coming like a monstrous flood.

In an instant, the world where the power of Taoism was roaring changed from noisy to stillness.

The world was quiet, leaving only the power of the Great God Liao, which was almost terrifying, boiling.

This power spread into the void, but in a blink of an eye it has turned into an infinitely huge furnace.

The furnace is almost all the flames emitted from the Great God Liao, condensed.

It seems that it contains extremely hot power, which can almost burn a world to ashes in an instant.

The monstrous majesty caused the scorching sun in the sky to hide into the void again.

Suddenly reacting to the silence, he raised the dragon's head and was about to use his magical powers.

The sacred fire furnace from the Great God Liao has completely enveloped him.

At the same time, the secret realm dooryard that was about to be completely closed in the distance was also penetrated by the power of the Great God Liao, from which there was a wave of avenues and rules, which continued to spread.

And it is introduced into the Sacred Fire Furnace, and then the Sacred Fire Furnace will resonate with these Dao rules from the Temple of Heaven.

Ji Xia's eyes changed slightly.

Numerous people of the Great Gods also understood what the Great God Liao wanted to do at this moment.

"The Great God Liao's avenue attainments have reached a level of mystery. He wants to use the volatility of the Dao Tiangong Dao to re-refine the Xianglong key to open the Dao Dao Tiangong after being reinforced by the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao!"

"The Xianglong key has begun to resonate with the Secret Realm Dao. It only takes a few moments before the Dao Sacrifice Secret Realm, which has been out of danger, will be opened by the Great God Liao again."

The six waves of gods and emperors collided with the first Tai Sui Shetige, and then they all turned to look at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia stood up suddenly!

The expression in his eyes suddenly changed to determination, and the divine thoughts began to spread out, seeming to have made some determination.

"There must be no loss in worshipping the Taoist Temple, otherwise once the Tianmu God Dynasty has digested those powerful statues in the Temple, the catastrophe that Tai Cang will face will inevitably become even more terrifying."

Ji Xia's eyes flickered and her spiritual thoughts flew.

At the same time, there was already a dark sky hanging high in his eyes, and the fierce power was constantly flowing out like the tide!

In Ji Xia's eyes, Jiulitian had already begun to see the black mist.

Among them, eighty-one demon gods continue to show their traces.

There are also the blood of the extraordinary human demon gods revealed by the Nine Li Heavenly Army!

"These are not enough... The Great God Liao is too powerful, and only the same powerful existence can stop the Great God Liao."

Ji Xia's eyes were determined.

He turned his head to look at the distant sky, and said softly: "Yin Jun!"


A loud noise came from far away.

A big world exuding tyrannical and noble spirit, appeared in the far east.

The big world is full of mist, and countless flesh and blood creatures appear.

In this millennium, it is not only Tai Cang who has continuously become stronger!

The great world of Lord Yin was originally imprisoned for more than 80 million years because of Lord Yin.

But now, after thousands of years of self-cultivation and nourishment, the powerhouses in the big world that had been silent have recovered, and some have even returned to their peaks.

The big world of Lord Yin is vast in itself.

But in this thousand years, the Great World of Yin Monarch has not appeared in the boundless wilderness from beginning to end!

The sudden appearance now makes the entire boundless wilderness tremble.

Tai Cang with a radius of 33 million miles was completely shrouded.

And Ji Xia sat in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, looking up at this gloomy big world.

The gates of the Yinjun Great World are open, and there is a Yin River flowing slowly.

Above the Yin River, another layer of sky was revealed, and the vast sky carried the body of an ancient innate god.

The Yin River branched and flowed around his body.

It is Yin Jun!

Jun Yin's eyes were a bit cold and harsh.

There is even a little helpless...

"A mere three thousand years ago, you just let go of one of my remnant spirits, but now you want me to take action against the Lord of the Tianmu God Dynasty?"

Jun Yin's voice flowed into Ji Xia's mind.

Ji Xia's expression remained unchanged, and she shook her head and said: "At that time, Lord Yin had promised me personally that he would be too pale for me, and would make a shot for me Ji Xia."

"Father Lu as proof."

Jun Yin's expression flickered when he heard Father Lu's name.

Immediately he shook his head and said: "At that time... even I never thought that the weak and too weak in the past would grow to where it is today.

Never thought that Tai Cang's enemy would be Tianmu Shenchao. "

That's it for Jun Yin...

He originally sat on the sky, and slowly stood up.

The handsome and vast Yin Jun's true body took a step forward.

Suddenly, countless runes rose up in the sky. These runes were connected to each other, piled on each other, and then turned into a dark bridge.

One end of the bridge is connected to the Great World of Yin Monarch, while the other section is directly connected to the dried up Shenhai, directly above the Taoist secret realm!

The dark light shines, and the Yinjun body around www.readwn.com is constantly evolving extremely powerful.

One after another yin rivers flew out, connected together, horizontally and horizontally forever, resonating constantly with the avenue of heaven and earth in the void.

"The ancient innate gods have been silent for more than 80 million years."

Lord Yin walked on the dark bridge, and in the heavens and the earth, there were roaring Taoist sounds, leisurely and ear-splitting.

"These younger generations... have forgotten the glory of our innate gods, they think they are the masters of the boundless wilderness."

"The dark sky is silent, the strong wind turns into a slaughter world, Father Lu looks down high, the nest is dormant in the dark, Xu Ze has become a running dog with new rules, Lei Shiyuan has never returned to its peak..."

"Then, let me Mr. Yin... to let these younger generations take a look at the majesty of the ancient innate gods."

"Even if it is not orthodox, even if it is not favored by the boundless savage heaven and earth avenue, even if it is not blessed by the power of heaven, earth and the country."

"The ancient innate gods are still at the peak, and we walked out of our own way, far more perfect than you **** emperors who depend on heaven and earth!"

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