I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1027: 9 Li Tian descends [large

Jun Yin walked on the **** bridge step by step.

It seems slow.

But in fact, his speed has gone beyond the rules and the rules of the Tao.

Even the obstructive force of space could not stop him.

So just one ten-thousandth of an instant.

It seems that Yin Jun, who is slow, has already come above Shenhai.

And the big world behind him is floating on the shoulders of Lord Yin.

The powerful and terrifying power is still permeating in it.

A certain gloomy breath is like coming from the oldest abyss, bursting with coldness to the bones anytime and anywhere.

The sky over the sea of ​​God, which has completely dried up, is covered with ice mist!

In the distance, the huge furnace is still sintering.

Xiangchang doesn't seem to be painful, but the eyes are getting lonely.

Because he was once incomparable, but now he is regarded as a tool, forged at will, burned at will...

The Great God Liao carried his hands on his back, and the third heavenly eye on his forehead reflected slices of strange scenes.

These scenes seem to be engraved with the lines of the avenue, which is very magical.

Jun Yin stepped across the dark bridge and walked towards him step by step.

The Great God Liao's expression was as calm as ever, and even an extremely strong fighting spirit rose in his eyes!

Just as Yin Jun said.

The age of the Great God Liao, but a mere over one million years old.

More than one million years is not worth mentioning for a strong man of such a realm.

Such a strong person may have spent an extremely long time with his eyes closed and opened in peace times.

And the reason why the Great God Liao was able to achieve the realm of the **** emperor level in a short period of time was because he received the infinite favor of the new world rules.

This kind of blessing is different from the old rules of heaven and earth for the blessing of innate gods.

The rules of heaven and earth directly lower the power of the Mysterious Dao, enhance their personality, make their talents more powerful, and make their cultivation speed extremely fierce!

In this situation.

The boundless wilderness has a history of more than 86 million years, and there are not a few emperors born.


Jun Yin looked directly at the Great God Liao, his eyes calm and yin bird of prey.

The spirit in him is still constantly rising.

The tyrannical power almost turned into a heavy sky, as if to cover the big world behind him.

In the great world of Yin Monarch, there are constantly being passed on by unique and incomparably pure and unique avenues, flowing into Yin Monarch's body, making Yin Monarch stronger and stronger.

"The heavens and the earth are long...More than 80 million years have passed, and many gods have been born in the boundless wilderness, but you know why there are still very few strong gods in the boundless wilderness today?"

Jun Yin stood at the bridge head, also carrying his hands on his back.

A Yinhe avenue, winding from his neck to his ankle.

In this river, there are so many yin river creatures bred, and there are even many dark worlds floating in it.

This kind of person can only be seen above these innate gods.

Other acquired powerhouses, even if they are above the Dao, cannot possess such a magnificent power.

"Jun Yin wants to discuss the Tao with me?" The Great God Liao stood in the void, and suddenly there was a golden light bursting from his feet.

These golden lights instantly turned into a flame flower, supporting the true body of the Great God Liao.

Jun Yin shook his head and chuckled, his eyes seemed extremely confident: "For more than 86 million years, there are many gods and emperors.

However... the longest divine dynasty Guozuo is no more than the ancient Wu divine dynasty today, but a mere nine hundred and twenty thousand years.

The divine emperors who once ruled the boundless wild dynasty also fell sadly after the divine dynasty collapsed.

This is the difference between you and me. "

Yin Jun whispered.

The Great God Liao also agreed with the general nod, and he chuckles and said: "It is true, the unintentional wild rule of heaven and earth has increased the number of Dao's existence by many times.

At the same time, the strong above these Taoists, although they have unmatched combat power equivalent to the innate gods.

But... once the Guozuo they depend on collapses, once the rules of heaven and earth no longer favor them, once the path they practice changes...

Their strength will drop sharply, and even fall easily. "

There was some emotion in the words of the Great God Liao: "So... once the national fortunes flourish and Guozuo rises, and the originally weak races will become the gods, the gods of the gods will become the emperors of Mingwu Dao at a very fast speed.

The same is true for other powerhouses in the gods, even if they can't achieve the **** emperor, they can still reach their limits with their own talents. "

Lord Yin heard the words of the Great God Liao, and the spirit that permeated his body became more and more prosperous.

"So this is the reason why the eighty-six million years, the divine dynasty alternates with each other, and the divine emperor, who should have been immortal, is so rare."

"Because... those myths that rely on the rules of the boundless wild world to achieve Taoism... have never obtained a personality that matches their own strength."

The Great God sighed, and then suddenly raised his head to look directly at Jun Yin: "This is the case with today's boundless wilderness. If you don't rely on the main road, the heroes of your time will step on your body to reach a more powerful realm.

Lord Yin, the age that belonged to you is long gone, you haven't actually discovered it.

Even if I was restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, the power I possessed was the peak at that time..."

"When I go further, I will be able to escape from the cage of the rules of the wild world and achieve a true supremacy, so that I will live forever!"

? Great God Liao's eyes are burning, and his eyes are infinitely confident.

He is the arrogant of the Tianmu clan, and one of the most talented and powerful people in the long and wild wilderness.

Now he is in his prime of life, and his Tianmu is also in his prime.

So now the great **** is scorched, and he has the qualifications to make such a ambition.

His words fell clankly.

In the originally dim sky, there were many dazzling light clusters suddenly appeared.

If you look closely, these light clusters are actually the third eye.

Countless eyes floating in the sky are like shining galaxies, bursting out with the same shining light.

I don't know how many miles of light shrouded the world.

To completely isolate this world from the earth, it is as if a world has suddenly been opened up.

The Great God Liao stood in the center of this brand new world, as if he was in charge of everything, looking down at Lord Yin.

However... he was facing the Yin Lord, not a weak existence.

The Yinhe Avenue that entangled Lord Yin's body suddenly became extremely surging.

The big world that had originally hovered over his shoulders also became immensely vast in an instant.

How huge is the big world?

The world isolated by the Great God Liao was shrouded in the big world in an instant.

Lord Yin stood on the Yin River and kept rising until he met the Great God Liao.

Countless runes circulated a heart-pounding turbulent aura, turned into immortal killing arrays, permeating the sky.

Confront those celestial eyes in the sky.

The collision of two completely different forces made this space chaotic, and also turned the broader void into nothingness.

Countless lives were wiped out in an instant because of the confrontation between these two powerhouses!

The cruelty of the boundless wilds to the weak and small lives is vividly manifested at this moment.

It is also at this time.

Behind Jun Yin, a long river of phantoms that had buried countless gods and demons emerged, from which a supreme **** crawled out.

With a sorrowful will, and the killing thought that seemed to swallow the world, he swept towards the Great God Liao.

The Great God Liao stood still.

A kingdom of God emerged behind him, vast and vast.

The creatures in it are almost infinite, and there is no way to count them.

Guo Zuo's strength has reached the extreme...Even an ordinary strong man can rise to the next level as long as he surrenders to this kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God burst into light, the Great God Liao stretched out his palm, and the Great Seal of the kingdom appeared in his palm, constantly floating.


A violent sound was born in the sky.

The vast void has been completely shattered, and unimaginable power is constantly emerging.

The space was shattered, and the storm that broke out in the space completely dissipated.

Even the land of nothingness has been completely covered by the power of apostasy to the extreme, and then refined.

Jun Yin's fingers moved slightly, the scorching sun above his head and the corpse of the demon **** who stepped on Zhou Yu urged countless great supernatural powers to envelope the world.

Lord Yin himself has disappeared in the sky, it seems that it has become an extremely dark rule, wanting to completely suppress the Great God Liao.

The power of the Great God Liao couldn't be guessed at all.

He stood in the void, and his unparalleled power made the heavenly eyes in the sky constantly shine bright.

The dazzling light turned into all kinds of great supernatural powers, colliding with the gods and demons of Yin Jun.

In the great world of Yin Monarch, the eyes of countless great world powers emerged, watching this battle.

There are also in the Tianmu God Realm, and many Daoist rules and powerhouses above the Daoist rules also operate the Third Eye to watch the battle.

Both of them were full of fanatical reverence!

Because even with their strength, it is impossible to see the battle between these two powerhouses at all.

This is the supreme duel between the emperor and the ancient gods!

And Ji Xia, who was born in Tai Cang, had divine light flowing in his eyes, watching the fluctuations in the light curtain from a distance.

It is no longer possible to see the battle between the Great God Liao and the Yin Lord in the light curtain.

However, the honor and disgrace of Forging Xianglong, floating high outside the secret realm gate, is very mysterious.

Ji Xia took a deep breath.

Behind him, various fluctuations continued to emerge, and the gloomy and weird power continued to spread.

At the same time, there is a fierce atmosphere in it.

It is as if there are countless demon gods who have come out of the nest.

The fact is also true.

An extremely powerful divine consciousness rose into the sky, completely covering the divine eye artifact from the heavens.

The huge celestial eye artifact was completely locked by the six waves of divine emperors in an instant.

The deep vortex of the six waves of God Emperor's eyebrows flickered with thunder.

From this, the light of thunder was transmitted to the endless distance, and in a short moment, it locked the position of the Shenhai.

It is extremely far away from Tai Cang.

A dark sky emerged from the void.

All kinds of killing aura and countless scenes of murder, pervading the top of the dark sky, looming.

It is Jiulitian!

Today's Jiulitian is vaster and heavier than when it just came to Tai Cang.

The moment Jiulitian appeared, this empty space was instantly shattered.

A violent space storm swept over, trying to blow away Jiuli Tian.

But above the sky of Jiuli, there was a burst of black mist, which instantly suppressed the space storm!

The space storm dissipated as a result.

Jiulitian also flew into the space crack and disappeared completely.

And in that sea of ​​gods.

Xiangchang looks lonely and feels his own changes.

The vast Taoist Secret Realm gate has almost completely closed.

Above the furnace, there are also two existences above the Dao, who are looking down at the furnace.

It is the Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Gu Yu.

These two Heavenly Eye Gods, except for the Great God Liao, the strongest, at this moment have become sluggish.

Their original tyrannical bodies have been completely shattered by the statue of God Emperor Hou Gao.

But now the true body has just been condensed by them, and the power they possess is not worth mentioning.

At the same time, they placed the real spirit on the Dao rules, the original cracks have disappeared, but they are extremely fragile...

But even so, the aura that exudes from them is still vast.

It was as if countless galaxies condensed, and the light reflected by it also appeared extremely dazzling.

They looked down at the furnace, still waiting for the furnace to finish forging the Xianglong key.

"When the Xianglong key is forged, the heritage left by the Human Race's Great Respite God Dynasty will be completely swallowed by the Third Eye.

Tianmu can also go to the next level. "

Kong Guyu whispered softly, but the Dark Sky Giant's complexion was still stiff, and he did not respond to Kong Guyu.

Kong Gu thought for a while, then turned his head to look in Tai Cang's direction: "Unexpectedly, Tai Cang would actually enshrine a trace of the true spirit of the Emperor Hou Gao, which made us suffer a lot.

I have to say that Emperor Tai Cang Taichu is indeed a young Tianjiao. "

"But... he still can't stop Tai Cang's demise, let alone let the people rise."

Empty old and whispered in his heart.

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly flickered: "I have to say that Tai Cang and Ji Xia have already aroused my emotions and made my Dao heart fulfilled.

Therefore, when the Tianmu strikes Tai Cang, I must personally destroy Tai Cang..."

There are thousands of thoughts in my heart.

At this moment, there was a flash of thunder in the distance.

This thunder light just opened a certain gate, and seemed to locate a certain void.

From the place where the thunder light spread, a space crack suddenly opened ~ www.readwn.com~ a diffuse blood has completely enveloped the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the dark and fierce sky appeared above the furnace!

This sky is too mysterious.

Even the Dark Sky Giant God and Kong Guzhen raised their heads together, and they could not see their origins while moving their third eyes.

Even... the power of the Great Dao running in the sky is terrifyingly high in personality.

Let the dark sky giant and Kong Gu's look suddenly change!

"Which power is this?"

The thoughts of existence above the two Dao Ze flashed.

The true body that they once again condensed has exploded with endless and powerful power.

The thunder surging in the sky, the flames are overwhelming!

And above the dark sky, a headless **** man is standing high and looking down at them!

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