I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1063: kill! Make a smooth road! 【Large

The Great God Liao wears a luxurious robe that moves with the wind.

He just sat in the sunset glow of the illusory world, still holding a great sword in his hand.

The light of the world shone on his body.

Make him black hair like ink, shiny and shiny.

The deep eyes are also very godlike.

Looks heroic and young.

A very strange flame was still burning on his body.

This kind of flame itself is a kind of avenue.

Condensed outside of his body, he seems to be able to burn the world and see if he can scroll the universe.

For the boundless wilderness.

The Great God Liao is indeed an extremely young existence.

He was born no more than a million years ago.

Over a million years.

He has been breaking through the limits of heaven and earth and the limits of the Tianmu clan from beginning to end.

The strength of the Great God Liao is like the miracle of a supreme god, and the increase in strength is almost unimaginable.

Moreover, what the Great God Liao possesses is not the unparalleled cultivation talent.

The reason why Tianmu was able to seize the opportunity to become a Protoss from a weak race was also inseparable from the long-standing plan of the Great God Liao.

Perhaps, in the period when the Great Ding Shen Dynasty was still in its heyday.

The Great God Liao was able to predict the rise of the Great Breath God Dynasty and even the collapse of the Great Breath God Dynasty.

And I have been planning for a long time, and I have made enough preparations to obtain the background of this human divine dynasty naturally, and raise the heavenly target person from the imperial dynasty to the divine dynasty in one fell swoop.

These ancient histories all show how terrible the Great God Liao is.

In today's boundless wild world.

The Great God Liao is a complete and supreme existence.

Even those innate gods who survived before the Great Destruction cannot be compared with the Great Gods under the new world rules!

And when the Great God Liao's eyes are shining brightly, revealing an unparalleled charm.

The surrounding roads will resonate with him, and the universe will be close to him.

His young body is shining brightly, clear and martial.

The present posture of the Great God Liao.

Even those who are too strong against him can't help but marvel.

"One of the boundless wild geniuses.

Within a million years, the realm of immortality will be achieved! "

The illusory Liutian Emperor Dongyuan turned his head, and the Ziwei Taiyi Emperor said: "The foundation of the boundless wilderness is more profound than we thought.

Even if the Great God Liao was in that world, he was a very tall existence. "

Emperor Ziwei Taiyi did not respond, but his eyes were extremely solemn.

Not long after they descended into the boundless wilderness.

But he is no stranger to the endless wild history and many details.

Because the six waves of gods and emperors descended on Tai Cang.

Many times the divine consciousness has been transferred and fell into the mansion of Shenxiao Yuqing.

The moment the Great God Liao appeared.

The sound of Fuxi Qin stroked by Rao Yin's men became more intense.

Behind her, there are many rhythmic experts in white clothes playing the strings together.

A burst of breathtaking piano sounds continued to be played.

Let all Tai Cang Rui Shi maintain the spirit of perseverance.

He was not shocked by the great aura that the Great God Liao involuntarily revealed.

have to say.

Fuxiqin, Rao Yin, and many powerhouses of Yinlv Tianfu played an extremely important role.

Even Tai Cang Erlang are extremely determined.

Has the determination to die for Tai Cang.

However, the grandeur and grandeur that pervaded the immortal realm was a kind of crush on their personality.

This feeling.

It is as if the humble lower creatures have seen the supreme god.

No matter how firm the mind is, it will be affected.

It's just because of the Fuxi Qin and the many strong temperaments under Rao Yin's command!


Even the great **** Liaofeng Shen Wushuang, Dao Yin sounded.

Tai Cang Rui Shi, headed by the God Army of Tai Cang Siji Town, was still full of fighting spirit.

There seemed to be a raging fire in their eyes.

The fire is about to start a prairie fire!

The Great God Liao appeared at the end of countless heavy spaces.

He just appeared, hardly any hesitation.

His gaze has fallen to the nine-li sky, the terrifying body of the great demon god.

At this moment, the big devil was sitting in the middle of Jiuli Tian seemingly casually.

But there were dense flashes of symbols around his body, covering everything.

The dark power that can almost reverse the universe, just like the universe of the universe, bursts out infinitely domineering.

The yin wind screams and the gods and ghosts cry together can no longer describe the majesty displayed by the great demon **** Chi You.

When Chi You and Great God Liao appeared.

With heavy gazes, he has already crossed the universe and revealed itself in the heavens and the earth.

These gazes are often enveloped by hidden powers and cannot be traced to the source.

But the indifference revealed in these gazes, as well as the high above, can prove how powerful the owner of these gazes is.

It's true... the weaker don't dare to peep into this level of war!

"The Great Demon God..."

The voice of the Great God Liao came slowly.

His body also stood up from the throne of the Void God.

The great sword in his hand also revealed a golden luster.

The personality of this great sword is still unknown.

But the majesty of the avenue that permeated the sword was wider than the clouds, covering the sky.

The Great God Liao looked calm.

He just stood in the emptiness in the distance.

Zhou Yu spread from his body.

The Eternal Immortal Realm... the most terrifying sign.

It has already begun to nurture the gods of the universe.

Different from the world! Different from the sky! It is different from the outer world and the secret realm!

Universe means all possibilities.

Even when a certain universe of Gods swells, it may manifest into the supreme world.

Become another big Duan Luojie.

The great world bred by those ancient innate gods and spirits was the original form of the universe of Gods.

But the big world of the innate gods is a finite universe in itself, but it has unlimited possibilities.

There are also some powerful Taoist gods who can also use their powerful power to build the so-called world.

It's just that their world is often incomplete and limited.

Unless their strength improves again.

Otherwise, this kind of world will often become a burden to them.


The powerhouses of Shangyu Realm and even Shangyu Dao realm will not give birth to the big world at will.

Not enough strength.

But delusional to gain the authority of those terrible existence.

The heaviest result was being crushed by the heavy world, and the gods were shattered and died.


The Great God Liao is a complete Eternal Immortal Realm powerhouse!

Among the universe he conceived, there was only a blazing purple flame.

The Great God Liao never even nurtured his own Universe into a big world.

Because he has a Heavenly Eye God Dynasty, has extremely terrifying power of Guozuo, does not need to nurture the great world, can also obtain infinite divine essence!

This is why these emperors can be in a short period of millions of years, millions of years, or at most tens of millions of years.

The reason for being able to compete with those innate gods.

Once you get the blessing of the mammoth heaven, earth, and the power of Zuo...all the impossible will become possible!


At the moment when the Great God Liao stood up.

The Great Demon God Chi You also stood up.


There is no communication between these two terrible existences.

Chi You stretched out his palm and shook it towards the void.

A big sword that can be used as a Tianzhu from top to bottom appeared in his hand.

This magic knife exuding turbulent devilish energy has almost innate authority to kill!

Vaguely visible.

Amidst the devilish energy, a demon tiger with sky-reaching fangs was breathing in a low voice, filled with the desire to kill.

God Demon Tiger Soul Knife!

Another black and white iron eater turned into infinity.

The battle armor on the iron-eating beast also revealed a sky.

Chi You took a step and stood on that sky...


There was a horrible crackling sound.

All the cosmic immortal realms that watched the battle existed, with thoughts in the silence...

Because at the moment.

Chi You, the great demon god, holds the **** devil tiger soul knife, and uses the iron-eating **** beast as his mount, and has exploded with infinite divine power.

On Chi You's immensely huge battle armor, on the four big horns of gods and demons, haunted the quadruple world.

This time, from the world, either the God Realm or the Demon Realm, it provided Chi You with unimaginable power.

Mr. Lei Shiyuan and Xu Ze had never fought each other, and they were talking about each other.

But at this time.

Chi You hardly hesitated.

When the **** and devil tiger soul knife in his hand is waving!

The sound of the world is rumbling, and the heavens and the earth are constantly rumbling.

The chaos is surging, and the sky and the earth seem to be in ruins!

The big devil finally made a move.

Shot this time.

At this moment, Chi You has also burst out of heyday power.

The terrible gods and demons slashed down!

The extremely distant sky dome shattered like glass.

The long distance was confined within a ten thousandth of an instant.

A blink of an eye.

Neither Ji Xia nor the many gods and generals in Jiulitian could capture the figure of the Great Demon God!

And the Great God Liao did not hesitate.

The great sword in his hand pierced forward!

The nine-colored sacred fire shone, and the sky cracked.

The world contained in pieces of space collapsed, mountains and rivers collapsed, and instantly turned into nothingness.

Endless divine power permeated out.

The corners of Universe could no longer bear it.

It became the Universe Canyon, the Universe Abyss, and it was still spreading outward.

The two supreme beings fought each other.

There is hardly any trace left behind.

The sky is broken and the earth is broken, not enough to describe this war.

When the Great Demon God Chi You made an all-out effort.

Countless ancient existences, and even Shenxuan God Dynasty and Guwu God Dynasty, had to face Tai Cang once again!

"Where did the supreme demon **** that the human kingdom Tai Cang surrendered come from?"

"With such a terrible Demon God's help... Maybe it's really possible to achieve God's dynasty..."

"No, Too Cang can't achieve God's dynasty."

"In the boundless wild world, there cannot be a dynasty stronger than the Tianmu!"


Every old existence is constantly planning in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Ji Xia, who had been standing on top of the Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon's head, had her eyes directly on the ancient altar.

On the ancient altar.

He was extremely thin, but gave birth to many avenue lines, and seemed extremely tyrannical.

Also separated by a long distance, staring at Ji Xia.

The fierce slaughter in his eyes almost swallowed Ji Xia.

Such a rich murderous intent.

It doesn’t mean that the God of Exile cannot control one's own mood...

The bigger reason is that the avenue practiced by abandoning the gods is itself a kind of killing avenue.

Shangyu Daojing Existence is watching Ji Xia.

In his eyes, the two dead stars started to flicker and disappear!

The **** of exile stands in the boundless world, as if it will last forever.

The breath of terror came to the sky.

He stretched out his palm and turned into a sword finger.

Gently pointed towards the great army in the distance!

"Too daring to fight the Sky Legion! There will never be only this ridiculous soldier of hundreds of millions!"

"Then... I am under the command of the Shuangtian General and the Eight Generals of God Abandoned!"

A divine sense flashed by the abandoned god!

Immediately there were ten terrifying existences holding Shangyu artifacts and running surging spiritual essence leaped out.

Among them are eight gods.

They each commanded this one million army.

Millions of Legions are all on the dome!

Among them, there are even a hundred thousand people, but they are tribulation.

A total of eight million troops on the sky.

This is the reason why the God of Tianmu Goddess of Exile is so confident.

This is also the terrible aspect of Shenchao!

If it is an ordinary imperial dynasty, see this terrible sight.

There may be a sense of unreality, a sense of extreme insignificance spontaneously arises.

For the existence of those emperors.

The imperial dynasty is already extremely vast.

The imperial dynasty controlled the Galaxy and commanded tens of trillions of living beings.

When the emperor fell, countless creatures were annihilated, and countless stars shattered...

But...Compared with the gods, all these so-called powers seem incredibly ridiculous.

It was as if Bai Qi was before the war.

Once laughed at Ji Xia: "Since Tai Cang's strength has jumped, many Tai Cang strong people have walked through the four realms.

Only then finally understood why those strong gods would think that only the gods were the real stage of the boundless wilderness. "

"Just as we thought before.

Under the gods, the so-called imperial dynasties, dynasties, dynasties... and countless kingdoms are actually just unintentionally wild rules of heaven and earth, and a tool for perfecting the Guozuo system! "

"That's why the vast and infinite wilderness, there are only tens of thousands of imperial dynasties.

The volumes of tens of thousands of imperial dynasties are superimposed, and they cannot even be compared with the corners of the gods..."

The result of this inference ~www.readwn.com~ actually did not surprise Ji Xia and the too strong people too much.

Because the power displayed by the gods is not abrupt.

Long ago.

Ji Xia and the Supreme Beings have already realized the gap between the imperial dynasty and the divine dynasty!

So when the army of these eight million go up to the sky, the battle spirit array has already been gathered.

Turned into a piece of sky.

When there is another Tianmu on the sky, looking high at the sky and the earth.

Ji Xia did not hesitate.

He raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and pointed at the rushing Shangqiong Legion.

Pieces of Tai Cang Jiuzhou artifacts suddenly appeared from around Ji Xia's body!

Kyushu artifacts shine in the void.

Different Guozuo artifacts burst out with completely different powers!

Let the great army have unprecedented strength.

Above Ji Xia's head, there was another golden light flashing, which turned into a scroll.

When the scroll is opened.

From the scroll.

Several strange and familiar figures walked out slowly.

Their eyes are clear and not numb, but the power that blooms from their bodies rushes straight into the sky!

From the nine-li sky, there are also a few eyes shining out.

Kuafu stood upright and took one step forward.

Xing Tian is holding Qian Qi in his hand, and his power shakes the world!

And the people of the Great Blue Gods... also condensed all their strength, and the gods swept across!


"Make a smooth journey!"

Bai Qi held the heavy sword and spoke softly to the army behind him!

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