I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1064: Tai Cang's Choice【Large

On the white black armor, blood-colored mist was lingering.

As these mists rose.

Seven hundred and seventy thousand black murderers appeared around his body.

These black murderers were all wearing dark armor, and even their eyes were completely covered by the armor.

They also held pitch-black sabers in their hands.

These sabers are not of high quality, but they are only semi-divine soldiers.

But when they run the battle spirit array together.

The mysterious and explosive war spirit formation made up for all the shortcomings.

Heavy fog kept rising.

Behind Bai Qi, the sea of ​​blood that had accompanied him for many years suddenly surged.

A wave of blood soared into the sky, completely submerging the seven hundred and seventy thousand black murderers.

None of the black murderers panicked.

The war spirits they condensed showed a tombstone war pattern.

On this tombstone.

No inscriptions have ever been sealed.

But if you are seen by others, you can't help but feel scared, afraid that you will sleep under the tombstone.

Ji Xia raises the sword!

Order from Bai!

The soldiers of the hundreds of millions of Taicang people all stood on the Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon together, building a battle spirit formation.

The star-swallowing heavenly dragons were also speeding up at this moment.

The runes appeared, and there were channels opening in the space.

Star-swallowing Tianlong twisted and twisted and flew into it.

far away.

The Celestial Eye Celestial Vault Legion has also crashed into the space and flew into this heavy space!

This piece of space is extremely vast...

There are even many galaxies hovering.

There is another huge stellar scorching sun, hanging high.


It is a continent.

When the too strong are shuttled through the space, enter this world.

His brows frowned immediately.

Because they found...

There are so many creatures in this world!

And what angered the strong people present even more...

The race that dominates this world that has been closed for an unknown period of time is actually a human race!

"It's no wonder that the Celestial Corps speeds up and down. They surveyed the outer space of the human race and saw Tai Cang all over the country going to war.

So deliberately led us to this place..."

"In this outer space, there are at least trillions of human races, and there are only a handful of human races of this size."

The six evils Canglong and Yang Ren's eyes collided.

But behind Bai Qi, there were many Tai Cang sharp men.

Seeing the many living human beings on the continent below.

For a while, you are all in a daze.

"Once there is a war here, so many human lives will be completely gone."

Tai Cang soldiers, already knew this level of war.

What terrifying destructive power is there.

So at this moment, their original intent to fight bravely in their hearts suddenly reduced a lot.

And far away.

The eight Celestial Corps, under the leadership of the eight generals of God Abandoned, went out to battle!

There are endless fluctuations in the sky.

There is no superfluous word for abandoning God.

There was no time for the too strong to dispatch the army in an instant.

The terrifying battle force burst out.

Above the eight vast expanse of the sky, each has a third eye.

Each celestial eye is shining with a lot of light, and the light is a great magical power that can smash the world.

"God abandoned the sky giant **** formation!"

Eight million-level Celestial Corps, all shot.

Two more Heavenly Eyes and Heavenly Generals of the Upper Universe Realm each rode on a terrifying monster and rushed forward.

Behind them is a clear road pattern.

The stars revolve in it, the world revolves in it, and even countless Taoists are born and die in it!

And this moment.

Ji Xia was looking down at the huge land below.

Above the land, there is also a majestic suspended city.

The city is suspended, with a magnificent hall in the center, and inside the main hall.

A human minister is guarding this crowned young man.

The young man was pale, already looking up at the sky.

Unbelievable in my eyes, it is still clearly visible!

no doubt.

This battle between Tianmu and Taicang.

For this world that was chosen as the battlefield, it was an irresistible catastrophe.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The moment when the too strong and the Tianmu strong collided.

In the continent suspended in the void, a huge number of human beings and other alien races will all turn into fly ashes in an instant.

And the king below who wears a crown and has a face like a teenager.

I have probably realized this.

His expression was too late to change, but the despair in his eyes was already clearly visible!

"A king of robbery."

"But he has already sensed how terrifying this war that has not yet collided.

Even the eternal natural disasters cannot be compared with the destruction caused by this war! "

Those who are too strong, their minds flashed in their hearts.

The gods in the body have also begun to operate.

Six calamities! The Vision of the Sea of ​​Blood! Thunder Palace! The Yunxia Beast that has completely turned into an entity...

Such tyrannical methods are already gaining momentum.

But they still have concerns in their hearts.

"Once the supernatural powers collide, this outer world of the human race will collapse!"

"The war did not start, but the family was wiped out."

"Abandoning the gods, this is a way to flatten the morale of the human race!"


They all saw what they wanted to renounce God.

The ancient altar in the distance was staring at Ji Xia's exile god.

The unnamed corpse behind him also began to flash red, brewing layers of deadly avenues!

"I was born in extinction..."

The emaciated figure of the Exile God stepped out.

The gloomy cold light floods the world!

The space is distorted, and the silver symbol shines.

Once this Shangyu Daojing's existence is shot, it is full.

"Tai Cang must have its roots in meeting the Tianmu with such power.

Then my Celestial Legion, as well as the existence of ten Upper Universe Realms, completely wiped out the appearance of this heaven.

His background, naturally also appeared! "

this moment.

The war has broken out.

Once the Abandoned God took action, it was aimed at Tai Cang.

There are also the Eight Generals of God Abandonment, and the Two Heavenly Generals of God Biao, a total of ten superiors in the Upper Universe Realm have murderous auras.

Hundreds of Dao are generals, becoming the core of the celestial battle spirit formations.

The divine light on the center of their eyebrows is shining, and they are great magical powers.

At this time, Bai Qi passed by Ji Xia not far away.

Then there is no hesitation.


Bai Qi is the general of Taicang.

When faced with such a choice, without any hesitation, ordered the charge!

Because he knows.

If the time is short at night.

Then the Tai Cang Rui Shi here will suffer heavy losses because of the human beings on the land below.

The end result is.

Tai Cang may lose in this battle.

The human race in this world is not immune to disaster.

In this situation.

Bai Qi knows how to choose.


His divine sense just passed Ji Xia's face.

He clearly saw the calm expression on Ji Xia's face.

So he ordered the charge without hesitation.

The eyes of many ancient beings have fallen on this world.

They also want to take a look.

How would this great Emperor Tai Cang who claimed to be the orthodox human race choose?

Without hesitation, without mercy, and without hesitation, he was involved in the war, regardless of the lives and deaths of these trillions of creatures.

It will still do its best to rescue these trillions of human beings.

There are also the existence of several major gods in the upper universe, and they have transformed themselves.

They stand in a gap in space.

Watching this battle.

"Abandoning God's plan is indeed very tricky for Tai Cang."

"If Ji Xia is ruthless, then even if the soldiers under his command will understand him, there will be a haze left in their hearts. After this battle, no matter what the outcome is, the Tianmu Shenchao will definitely preach.

Let Tai Cang's choice be known to countless human races in the boundless wilderness. "

"Even if most of the boundless wilderness is a humble and weak human race, but it can make Tai Cang renounce it!"


These powerhouses of Shangyu Daojing communicate with each other.

Divine consciousness completely enveloped the distant battlefield!

In an instant.

The **** of exile has come through space.

The altar at his feet became extremely large.

The bursts of light soaring into the sky turned into incarnations, extremely powerful!

"Today, no matter what kind of background Tai Cang has... it cannot continue to exist!"

This is not only to cast away the will of God.

It is also the will of the Tianmu Shenchao!

"Ten superiors in the Upper Universe Realm, Tai Cang can't reach them at all."

"Furthermore, there is the Exile God who is Shangyu Dao realm, and the Shangyu Dao implement in his hand..."

"With such a powerful force, Tianmu has made up his mind..."

The Shangyu Taoist realm who wore dark red armor and long red hair was constantly flying from the ancient Wu Shen Dynasty, and his divine consciousness was circulating.

Immediately afterwards.

All beings have seen an amazing scene.

I saw the sky above this big world.

Suddenly there were stars floating high.

These stars are extremely huge.

It seems to be hidden by some kind of extremely wonderful sky.

Can't see it thoroughly.

But there is no doubt that when these stars appear in the sky.

The vast space was suddenly locked.

Then, above the extremely mysterious stars, eternal auras flowed out.

Can't describe the mystery of this breath.

In the hazy sky.

Vaguely visible on the stars, there are images of the body.

These figures are very vague and hazy.

Even those ancient existences can't see through the true power of these figures.

In this situation.

Sudden change!

The huge stars are connected to each other in an instant.


Turned into a vast star screen!

"Three hundred and sixty-five mysterious stars...

Where do these stars... come from? What kind of treasure is it? "

"It should be a treasure of defense.

Tai Cang actually possessed such an artifact. "

"Sure enough, Ji Xia is too young and too kind.

The curtain revealed by the three hundred and sixty-five stars enveloped the land below.

So he wants to protect the weak human race in that side of the earth! "

"How stupid, such a treasure is enough to decide the battle, but it is used so easily."


Just a moment.

Many mysterious and powerful thoughts are circulating.

But they also reacted in an instant...

Tai Cang used this terrible treasure so easily.

That may mean that Tai Cang has the confidence to win this battle!

This mind was just born.

The radiance of three hundred and sixty-five stars, with an unimaginable power, completely enveloped the huge land...

Even the galaxy above the land and the huge scorching sun never set.

Just a moment that is difficult to measure.

The huge land carrying trillions of human beings began to move rapidly.

While moving.

The Upper Universe Realm of the Celestial Eye Celestial Vault Legion was finally discovered, when the mists dissipated...

A huge space crack has appeared behind the too strong.

The vast land flew into the cracks in space, and then disappeared completely!

"It seems that Ji Xia has seen through this space from the very beginning that it is the outer space of the human race.

His move is not to make a choice in a hurry, but to have such a plan long ago! "

"Look, the two legions have collided!"

"Among the golden lights flying out of the scrolls, is the existence of contracts? Why is it so overbearing and so terrifying?"


Just as these strong men said.

The Celestial Eye God Corps has already collided with the strong men of the sky.

The **** of exile is flying in the sky.

Unparalleled power, wantonly take off.

The corpse behind him kept singing songs.

It seems to be telling the life of the abandoned god, and it seems to be just telling the deeds of the corpse before it died.

And correspondingly.

Constant riots in space.

Layers of deep emptiness began to shatter!

The **** of exile has walked off the altar.

I saw him stick out his palm.

He grabbed the huge altar in his hands.

On the altar, you can vaguely see an image of a **** whose history is no longer verifiable.

He holds such a heavy treasure in his hand.

Staring at Ji Xia, she put out a finger.

Shen Yuan surged on his fingers.

Turned into a terrifying ray.

This ray is as strong as the scorching sun and as hot as a sacred fire just a short time from ~www.readwn.com~.

Under such circumstances...

Ji Xia stood still.

He held the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and there was no fear on his face.

A Shangyu Daojing existence shot at him... Don't scare your heart!

Because he is the king of the sky!


Under his command, there are countless strong people!


A terrible thunder sound came.

A stalwart Thunder Palace appeared in the sky.

The Thunder Palace opens up and turns into a sea of ​​thunder gods.

The sea of ​​Shenhai boiled, and the body of the abandoned God was completely submerged in an instant.

There is also Xing Tian holding his arms in his hand, with a domineering courage, who wants to overturn the entire sky.

The giant axe in his hand awarded it.

The fierce killing inscription turned into a thick gully, devouring everything.

There is also Kuafu, the figure standing upright and muscular.

A whole body of blood, as if it was burning by countless scorching sun.

When he clenched his right fist, he headed away into the distance.

The original Thunder God Sea rolled up a monstrous wave.

Revealing the figure of abandoning god!

This punch blasted fiercely on the body of the abandoned god.

The God of Exile, who was full of fierceness in his eyes, was already blown away by Kuafu's terrible punch.

The rays that were about to burst out also returned to silence.


However, this is not Tai Cang's entire offensive.

I saw Jiufeng holding a phoenix spear, and suddenly came!

The ancient, mysterious, and heavy power comes from this!

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