I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1069: God’s side enters the fierce world, the world is in chaos [large

Countless stars shattered.

The huge palm, as well as the unimaginable supreme supernatural power of heaven, shattered like this.

Such a bright scene.

Not only does it surprise all the existence of the scene in the light curtain to be surprised and inexplicable.

At the same time.

Those mysterious gods of the Eternal Immortal Realm who perceive everything happening in the direction of the Great Blue couldn't help but divert their attention.

Let their eyes traverse the long distance and fall in the space where Tai Cang is.

At this moment.

The body of the boundless stars of the admiral of God's side trembled slightly.

When Tian Fang grasped this indescribable magical power, it was completely shattered.

The shining light faded away.

Everything that appeared on the light curtain became clearer and simpler.

I saw it on the light curtain.

Tai Cang Jiuzhou land is safe and sound.

Dikong Galaxy is still running in an orderly manner.

And Zi Yaotian, as well as many other secret realms and outer heavens, are also following some wonderful rules, emitting a faint light.

Many Tai Cangzi people still raised their heads and stared at the sky.

They just saw the huge palm that suddenly fell and burst out with shocking waves.

Of course I saw Pang Ran's palm breaking in an instant!

But only a few breaths of time.

Many Taicang people are not looking up to the sky.

Instead, he looked down at the earth, or at the void.

Because they saw a unique scene.

Whether it's the mountains and rivers on the vast earth, or even other uplifted landforms, or it's too empty.

Whether it is Zi Yaotian and other secret realms, the outer space of the sky seems to be nothing, but there are real space barriers.

Or everything around the countless stars in the Earth Kong Galaxy.

They all began to emit a white light that was not dazzling but on the contrary appeared very soft.

The white light seems to be born for protection.

When these rays of light cover everything that is too blue.

Tai Cang seemed to become extremely strong.

Even if it was a powerful blow from the terrifying Shangyu Dao realm like the admiral of God's side, it couldn't penetrate the white light at all and fell on the sky.

In this case.

Tai Cang's homeland, countless guards and restrictions, after facing the great supernatural powers just now, still intact, without a trace of broken.

This strange white light...

It's as if Tai Cang Da Earth, Tai Cang Void, and Tai Cang's space were completely covered with a layer of armor and a layer of Taoist clothing.

Let Tai Cang possess unimaginable defensive power!

"How many secret treasures does Tai Cang have?"

"Just now, the mysterious treasure of stars that carried a whole of trillions of creatures in the heavens outside the human race, and the strange treasure of life that can revive the existence of the upper universe...

Coupled with such a precious defensive treasure that can fight the Shangyu Dao realm with a full blow, where did Tai Cang's unthinkable background come from? "

Many powerhouses outside of Tai Cang couldn't help thinking like this in their hearts.

Just over a thousand years.

Tai Cang leapt into the main stage of the boundless wilderness in one fell swoop from a small country that was not well-known.

And then confronted the Tianmu Shenchao, disturbing the original calm water of the boundless wilderness.

In the process.

Whether it is those ancient existences, or a strong person in the universe and the upper universe, almost all of them are surprised by the constant emergence of strong players in Tai Cang.

Just like this moment.

They finally knew why Ji Xia, as the great emperor of Tai Cang Taichu, looked so ordinary when he saw Tai Cang suffering such a catastrophe.

"It's because... Di Ji knows that even if it is an admiral of God's side, it is impossible to destroy Tai Cang at all!"

Jiu Xiangyuan, Chi Tong God General, waiting for the powerhouse of Shangyu Dao Realm, whispered in their hearts.

The divine court ministers floating in the sky above the sky are more aware of the current situation than these Shangyu Dao realms who are watching the battle.

The ruthless indifference in his eyes has disappeared.

His brows even frowned tightly.

A part of the divine consciousness circulates, and it is firmly enveloping the Tai Cang native.

But his eyes were still looking at Ji Xia.

Ji Xia's original expression didn't have any waves.

But at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The smile is full of confidence.

It was also full of... an unspeakable meaning.

It seems to be laughing that the superiors of God's side are overpowered, and they seem to be saying to the superiors of God's side: "This is the end? No, you are not qualified to let Tai Cang end!"

Ji Xia was originally a peerless elegance.

When his confident smile fell into the eyes of many Tai Cang soldiers.

Suddenly, the morale of the Tai Cang strong and Tai Cang Rui who had not fully reacted to the reaction immediately skyrocketed.

They just thought that Tai Cang had collapsed and lost morale, all restored, and even stronger several times.

Because of the unprecedentedly concentrated morale, the several battle spirit formations are more coordinated, and the power that bursts out has become more powerful.

The corners of God's mouth moved slightly.

He was also extremely surprised by what happened in the light curtain.

However, the experience brought to him by the long years keeps him as stable as a mountain!

"After a blow from the admiral of the gods, Tai Cang was safe and sound.

After this, the superiors of the gods did not continue to gather strength, which means that the superiors of the gods perceive that the defensive power of Tai Cang is not temporary.

So in the next step... the minister of the gods should immediately shuttle through the space and come to this battlefield!

In this way, even if the sky is full of vigor, the Tianmu can still win, but the price paid, the death of the Tianmu Tianqiang soldiers will be more! "

A silver river seemed to flow through the God of Abandonment.

Various runes emerge in the river, constructing many avenue lines and evolving countless avenue magical powers.

It can withstand the terrible offensive of Tai Cang's six strongest men.

Among them, Jiufeng's offensive is the strongest, even if it is as strong as the **** of exile, he can only be cautious in this battle!

But the scene on the light curtain had a counterproductive effect on the other Heavenly Eye God Generals, Great Heavenly Kings, and Heavenly Armed Soldiers...

"Tai Cang's background...compared to what we perceive beforehand, it is much stronger."

The female generals in charge of the Celestial Corps burst out countless divine consciousnesses, lined up and greeted the rising morale of the Tai Cang warriors like a wave.

"But... once the minister of the gods comes to this space, then..."

The Tianmu female general's thoughts have not fallen.

The figure of the Shen Fang courtier reflected in the light curtain in the distance also began to circulate a series of inscriptions, causing the space to be distorted.

The huge star body began to rise in the blink of an eye, as if to leave this space.

Not far away.

A burst of space shattered.

A sacred bridge of space is still erected.

Starlight shed, paved a golden avenue in the void universe.

It's like abandoning what God thinks.

Seeing that Tai Cang was already indestructible, the superiors of the gods wanted to turn their guns and descend on the battlefield of the battle between Tian Mu and Tai Cang...


There was a burst of noise.

Suddenly attracted the attention of many strong people.

"Is it the emperor of the early days?"

Many powerhouses circulated their spiritual consciousness and fell on Ji Xia's body.

Even the envoy of the gods who was about to embark on the golden light, turned his head subconsciously, and once again collided with Ji Xia's eyes.


He saw that Ji Xia, who was still standing on top of the Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon's head, had not taken any action to join the battle, suddenly shook her head.

His eyes were hollow and became extremely indifferent.

The look in the eyes of the admiral of the gods was also full of Sen Han's murderous intent!

"My lord, since you have chosen to come to Tai Cang, take action against Tai Cang.

So... why bother to leave? "

His voice just fell off.

In the central Xuanyuanzhou and Taidu of Taicang Jiuzhou, a heavy sky suddenly stood out.

Many strong men are stunned and look away!

But seeing this heavy sky, it seems to be an extremely heavy god.

In the sky in the eyebrows, there are unspeakable principles.

One weight is more subtle and stronger than the other.

At the same time, these sky domes combined with each other, bursting out even more powerful power...

For a time, the sky and the earth tremble.

Only one in ten thousand moments.

The clouds above Taidu were separated layer by layer, exposing Taixian's court below.

Tai Xian went to the Supreme Harmony Hall, and the gate opened!

I saw an unparalleled emperor wearing a luxurious mysterious robes and an emperor's crown, his eyes were calm, staring far away at the gods' superiors in the sky.

"Ji Xia?"

Many strong people were stunned.

Even those who are too strong can not help being surprised.

Several Shangyu Dao realm beings immediately turned their heads, and bursts of divine light burst into their eyes, directly falling on the body of Ji Xia who was holding the Xuanyuan sword on the top of the battlefield Star-Swallowing Heavenly Dragon's head.

However, the body of this Ji Xia was hazy, and it seemed to be hidden by some kind of grandeur.

It is impossible to see it in real terms at all.

They were wondering, but they didn't know that there was a flag covering the sky above Ji Xia's head, which concealed this incarnation of Ji Xia on the battlefield!

So this moment.

Even the most powerful people in the Shangyu Dao realm can't help but wonder.

"Does Ji Xia have two bodies?"

"What avenue is this?"

"The Emperor Ji on the top of the dragon's head that day, even I couldn't see through it. Maybe... the Ji Xia who was in Tai Cang Tai Du at this moment was an incarnation!"

"Incarnation? What does Di Ji want to do when he reveals his incarnation?"

Just when they guessed.

Ji Xia, who was sitting on the emperor's seat of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, stood up.

I saw him step out.

It's already here too empty.

Also at this moment.

The three-sided peculiar mirror that had trapped Tai Cang Void, preventing Tai Cang from leaving the boundless wilderness and entering the living space, suddenly dimmed.

I saw in the sky.

Waves that can turn the universe upside down continuously generate waves.

The dark mist spread out.

The minister of the gods looked from a distance, but saw that in the black mist, there were eighty-one world-famous demon gods, which had already locked the space.

The three-sided strange mirror that had lost its power supply fell and fell into the dark mist.

"Those are Jiuli Heavenly Demon Gods?"

"What do they want to do when they lock the void beyond Tai Cang?"

There may already be an answer in the hearts of the strong Tianmu.


They don't seem to want to believe it.

Or, they don't think Tai Cang has that ability.

In addition to these strong celestial eyes, those who watched the battle also fell into contemplation.

"Does Jixia want to..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A dull voice sounded.

The space channels that had been opened, the space bridges were erected, and the various visions of the Golden Avenue were paved, and they shattered in an instant.

Turned into countless pieces, and then dissipated!

And Ji Xia carried her hands on her back.

Behind him is the Tiangong Palace, and Tianhe stars appear.

There is also a complete Three Realm Secret Vault that slammed into operation.

Many heavenly gods, who were imaged by Ji Xia's divine element, were sitting in their dojo, staring at the superiors of the gods.

There are also two quadrupole heavens, which are almost complete, Changrong Tian and Yulong Teng Shengtian, each shining brightly!

The shock in Jiu Xiangyuan's eyes finally couldn't be suppressed.

"Yes, Ji Xia deliberately revealed the flaws in Tai Cang's native place, in order to introduce the emperor into the urn."

"Now... he has locked up the space and wants to harvest this... the existence of the Universe Realm on the Tianmu!"

Many strong people are stunned.

Great courage!

Not long ago, Ji Xia also showed her own strength.

Although this human race great emperor has a majestic posture and a godly demeanor, but not long ago, the power he possessed may not have reached the upper universe!

Even with the help of these eighty-one mysterious heavenly demon gods, Ji Xia would definitely not be able to compete with the superiors of the gods.

What's more, the person who is in the sky at this moment may just be Ji Xia's incarnation...

Shen Fang's admiral also looked down at Ji Xia.

Compared with Ji Xia's body, his mammoth body did not know how many times it had grown.

However, in the eyes of the superiors of the gods, there was no contempt.

Because he felt it deeply.

When Ji Xia stood in the void opposite him.

The void that was constantly trembling, shattered, and born because of the infinite power of the admiral of the gods, but completely calmed down.

"Devil God Fierce World!"

Eighty-one nine-li gods trapped in the void ~www.readwn.com~ stepped out of the dark fog.

This is the first time that the Demon God's real body has appeared since Jiuli Tian descended on Tai Cang.

These Nine Li Heavenly Demon Gods have the same bloodline as the Great Demon God Chi You.

When the fierce power collected by the slaughter finally poured into the bodies of these eighty-one demon gods.

The fierce light in the eyes of these various demon gods seemed to be able to swallow the world.

They either held the world with their hands, or created a desperate place, or stood among the bones of countless creatures...

All sorts of peculiar sights made these demon gods extremely cruel.

Eighty-one bizarre demon gods and gods have built a terrifying world of demon gods.

It completely shrouded the gods' courtiers in it, and locked his heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ji Xia reached out her finger and tapped the vast ground below, and a certain peculiar restriction was activated.

Suddenly, a trace of spiritual essence and a little bloodline power flew out of the bodies of many Taicang people.

Hundreds of billions of human races, tens of billions of spiritual essences, and bloodline forces flew high into the sky, and then gathered.

Turned into a divine bow!

The **** Xia Xuan stele in the distance shed a golden light and flew into this giant bow!

Another golden crow dormant in an unknown place screamed loudly. The golden crow sacred fire descended on Tai Cang and turned into a feather arrow!

The three scorching suns hanging high in the sky communicated extremely secretly with the sacred tree of stars.

The sacred tree of stars shines on the stars, blessing on the sacred bow.

Ji Xia bends her bow and shoots like this.

Admiring him from far away, he shot an arrow.

The world moves.

The void becomes chaotic!

This terrible arrow shot through the heavens and the earth, through the lines of the avenue, and through the starlight diffused from the real body of the gods' ministers.

Shot into the eyebrows of the admiral of God's side!

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