I Have a Mythical Tree

: Let's talk in the middle of the night

Let me just say a few words. Recently, the author has been able to see some readers who sprayed me and threatened me to abandon the book. The author actually knows that these readers are for my own good, so I only offer comments. The author would like to thank you in advance.

Then talk about the issue of "water".

Several readers thought that I shouldn’t write about other people’s reactions, shouldn’t write about the process of war, or make the enemy’s behavior logical through the psychological description of the characters, so I should just write something cool.

But those familiar readers who started supporting Nantai a long time ago actually know it.

I wrote the text in this style.

I need words to write about the strength of the enemy, to write details in words, to perfect the logic of the characters in words, to be cool and at the same time not so brainless, and to write contrast to enhance the sense of coolness.

Isn't it fragrant to go straight to the text? Incense! It should be easier to write, and it doesn't take a lot of brains, but I can write simple, but I can't write cool.

For example, when I write about the psychology of the abandonment of the gods, I want to complete the Tianmu, why send the ministers of the gods to destroy Taicang's native place, instead of directly coming over and pushing.

I wrote those conversations about Shangyu Daojing, just to pretend to be forced to slap my face and enhance my sense of coolness.

I wrote that Ji Xia sat in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, so awesome, just to enhance the sense of sight.

Some readers like to summarize a chapter in one sentence.

But almost all the texts at the starting point can be summarized in one sentence. You ask me to summarize the 30,000-character chapter of the Eagle, and I can also summarize it in one sentence. Can I really summarize it?

I can even summarize my book in one sentence.

"Jixia opened up, and Terran rose."

For example, when I wrote about this battle, I wrote about what skills he used, how many people he died, and how many upper universes he died. Tai Cang won, is it cool?

Maybe some big guys are really cool to write like that.

But I really don't have the ability to write cool feelings while abandoning my style.

In addition, the author is a part-timer. He comes back to write for three hours a day and writes a chapter to upload. Sometimes I am too tired to write, but the main reason is to make money, and the second is to try my best to make me the first This book is complete.

Under such circumstances, there are still people who don't want me to write in a way I am good at. I really can't do it.

The mentality is indeed a bit collapsed.

But there is nothing to say about my own dishes, I apologize to everyone.

But ah, I still have to declare that I feel that I have tried my best to write the article. I have no water at all. Those book friends feel that the water part is much more difficult to write than the outline.

This style has continued for millions of words, and I can't change it even if I change it, there is nothing to say.

Also, don’t threaten the author with abandoned books. The author is not threatened. I also hope that those who read pirated copies will not chase the original to scold the author. The author is very grateful.

Of course, the root cause of everything is my lack of ability, and I can't write cool feelings in a simple way.

But I can't give up on myself, change my style, and force a simple route, which will cause this book to collapse, right?

Although there are not many chapters in this book, there are actually a lot of additional subscriptions, and because of being on the list this month, they are still increasing. The author is still very grateful to these brothers who support.

But in the past few days, I saw someone scolding me when I tried my best. I really don’t know what to do.

So be it, complain.

Tomorrow will be forced to go to work, social animals helpless.

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