I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1070: Purple Sun God King, Long Bow Warriors [Four K]

The arrow radiated light.

The light fell, turned into bursts of light and rain, and bursts of colorful clouds filled the sky, causing the chaotic energy that suddenly appeared in the sky and the earth to bring out a bit of color.


A brilliant light exploded.

In an extremely short time.

That divine arrow has almost become transparent, with a heavy flame and a heavy thunder light entwined on it, as well as the amazing avenue power exerted by the illusory image of the heavenly righteous **** on it.

Mysterious and terrifying!

With an arrow shot, time seemed to have stalled.

With the same power that opened up the heavens and the earth, Sheng Xia evaporates, piercing the void, and then it seems like a star is lit and then exploded.

In this way, the third eye of the admiral of the gods was pierced and shot through by the arrow of the gods.

Killing aura, solidified countless true spirits of existence.

All this happened too suddenly.

Even the strong ones who are too Cang Cang did not react.


The envoy of the gods shook the sky with a loud roar.

His celestial eyes made of stars exude a black mist.

The many stars that formed his true body seemed to burn.

The surging firelight swallowed his entire body of stars in an instant.

The true spirit, divine consciousness, and body of the ministers of the gods have become constantly turbulent.

Everything about the admiral of the gods is struggling, boiling and burning!


As if a death knell sounded.

The breath of chaos, and the endless thunder and flames burst out completely.

The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the boundless wilderness.

A sense of trembling appeared in the minds of those with strong eyes.

"Surely the admiral of the gods would want to..."

"Fell, right?"

Zhou Yu roared, and the eyebrows of the admiral of the gods were completely split.

Countless stars are burning.

At this moment, he didn't seem to be an infinite and wild supreme being at all.

At the moment of gasping for breath, a certain terrifying force has fully exploded, bringing up billions of thunder and billions of flames!

Swallowing his body, but also swallowing everything about him.


The world beyond Tai Cang was boiling.

A burst of visions appeared, ghosts were crying and howling, heaven and earth screamed!

The next moment.

All those who watched the battle saw an amazing scene.

They saw...

The colossal real body of the admiral of the gods, just like that without suspense... exploded!

The light is suppressed.

The space becomes nothingness.

The billowing murderous aura burst out from that arrow and swallowed everything.

Countless stars are full of cracks.

A true spirit of Shangyu Daojing fell into the void.

Then the extreme compression, and then the big explosion.

It's like heaven and earth reopened!

A powerful Shangyu Dao realm fell in the explosion.

The dazed divine essence was released, forming a terrifying vision of heaven and earth, just like heaven and earth angered, like the extinction of universe.

However, Ji Xia standing in the sky above the sky.

The divine bow in his hand slowly dissipated.

Ji Xia's eyes were cold at this time, and there was no arrogance in her eyes.

It was as if killing a Shangyu Daojing existence, for him, it was not worth arrogance.

Many Shangyu Dao scenes who watched the battle existed, but in silence, suppressing their own mood.

Tai Cang Ji Xia actually possesses the strength to kill the upper universe...

This is by no means good news for these boundless wild and powerful people.

So at this time, even the ancient Wu Shenchao who had friendship with Tai Cang on the bright side was far away from him, and he fell into silence.

I don't know what I'm thinking.


Maybe... they are waiting for some supreme existence's order to completely obliterate the new threat of Tai Cang!

A Shangyu Daojing has fallen!

What does it mean to the boundless wilderness?

The three realms of gods!

Dao Ze, Shang Yu Realm, Shang Yu Dao Realm!

If the gods of the Dao Ze level are the middle and lower combat power for the Shen Dynasty, the upper universe is the upper combat power.

And Shangyu Daojing is the supreme combat power properly...

In addition to the existence of the **** emperor level.

The power possessed by a Shangyu Daojing is truly extraordinary.

When they are walking in the boundless wild universe, even the rules of heaven and earth will cast a vision for them to welcome their arrival!

When they fall!

The power of Guozuo at the gods level has been reduced a lot.

The moment when the admiral of the gods fell.

Above the heavenly eyes, there were thunderclouds brewing, snowflakes flying, thunder falling, and various natural disasters coming!

This is enough to prove...

When Ji Xia Town destroyed an upper universe realm, what did it mean to the Tianmu?

Ji Xia still carried her hands on her back.

The stars and gods in his eyes bloomed with brilliance, crossing the vast space and falling on the battlefield.

The thirty heavens behind him have long since disappeared.

He was as calm as ever, as calm as ever.

Even he had just killed an Shangyu Dao Realm, it seemed to him, it was not a laborious task.

In the sky.

Another group of eyes fell on Ji Xia, seeming to want to see Ji Xia through, but they returned in vain.

"Could it be that Di Ji... has been hiding his strength before?"

Many spectators have such thoughts in their minds.

This is naturally not the case.

Ji Xia's current strength is indeed extremely powerful.

But compared to the Shangyu Dao Realm, it was still one fold behind the sky.

It is almost impossible for Ji Xia to condense a divine bow to obliterate a Shangyu Dao realm.


It's too dark here!

This is a place where hundreds of billions of people live!

There are the power of Tai Cang Kingdom Zuo, the **** Xia Xuan monument, the golden crow, the reflection of three scorching suns, and the eighty-one demon gods of Jiuli Tian.

Long ago.

Ji Xia once wanted to use Tai Cang Guo Zuo to condense the power possessed by millions of alien creatures.

Time has passed by for more than a thousand years.

Ji Xia has been comprehending the forbidden road from beginning to end.

Under the Secret Realm of Choking, Ji Xia is not just comprehending the defensive divine forbidden...

Tens of thousands of years in the Secret Realm of Choking.

In addition to various defensive restrictions, Ji Xia also wanted to condense the power of the Taicang race.

Until now, Ji Xia has made a breakthrough.

He was forbidden by the gods scattered in every place of the great earth and empty sky, and could draw on the power of the blood of the great clan.

Using the power of Tai Cang Huang Tianguo Zuo to communicate with the traces of spiritual essence in the body of the tens of billions of people in Tai Cang, they are converging, and they have that divine bow.

There are also eighty-one demon gods, locking the void and the superiors of the gods.

The dark mist makes Ji Xia's divine bow infinitely powerful.

The God Xia Xuan Stele, Golden Crow, and the three scorching suns each provide extraordinary power...

Just like this, Ji Xia can bend the bow and shoot the arrow.

With one arrow, a Shangyu Daojing existence fell.

"This is why the Great Emperor wanted to expose his flaws and lead a Shangyu Dao realm to come to Tai Cang."

Bai got up in a battle spirit formation of the Celestial Corps.

Behind him, the sea of ​​blood was floating and sinking, and all kinds of supernatural powers continued to erupt.

Even so, he still separated a trace of divine knowledge, watching everything reflected on the light curtain.

When on the light curtain, the high above, extremely noble, and extremely powerful minister of the gods fell like this.

Even if it is as calm as white, a bright smile will inevitably appear on his face!

"The forbidden powers gathered by the emperor have been used once, and I don't know when they will be able to use them again next time.

So! The emperor lined up troops to greet the Tianmu army outside Taicang, and then revealed the weakness of Taicang's native place.

The Tianmu Divine Power has been strong for too long, even if they knew that Ji Xia would have left behind Tai Cang.

However, they absolutely couldn't think that... the back hand left by the emperor could actually obliterate the existence of Shangyu Dao realm. "

"And based on my understanding of the emperor, maybe the emperor simply wants to use this taboo power to weaken the strength of the heavens!"


The six evils Canglong, Yuzaoqian, and the four great righteous gods of Taicang, as well as the six strongest men of Taicang who are still fighting against the abandoned gods, are all in the tide.

The morale of the Taicang soldiers was monstrous.

The killing aura in their eyes is endless, and the more they fight, the more courageous they are.

However, to the surprise of the Tai Cang strong, the Heavenly Eye God turned to the sky and the army witnessed the fall of the admiral of God's side.

The atmosphere that they had just become sluggish, unexpectedly rebounded.

There is no longer the bravery of being aloof in his eyes.


When the admiral of the gods fell.

Eighty-one demon gods have been out of trouble.

They shuttled through the space, and when they arrived, they had become nothingness, on the battlefield where there was no ordinary life!

The blood brothers of these eighty-one great demon **** Chi You burst out with flaming light and spread bright red blood!

The vision of life and death enveloped the ten upper universe.

The pressure on the eight generals of Shenqi and Shenzhu Shuangtian suddenly increased.

Wei often holds bloodline sacrifices to the gods sickle, and his body stands upright in the sky.

His huge body of death was strange and amazing.

The aura of destruction ignited his death sickle, and the surging power of the evil **** flows around him like a waterfall.

This is an invincible dark posture.

In this posture, danger is often swept away!

A deep black light bloomed.

A **** of heavenly eyes will be killed by the death god's sickle into two parts, and then explode.

An upper universe fell like this.

In the battle that was originally evenly matched.

Once there is a flaw in one side, once there is a breakthrough in one side.

Then... it was like Mount Tai collapsed and collapsed to the end.

The power of eighty-one demon gods is boundless.

They have different shapes, but they seem to be swallowing mountains and rivers to compete in the Central Plains.

Thus, a scene of horror happened.

In a short moment.

Except for the gods of the Shangyu Realm who was always beheaded.

Three more gods will burst into pieces at almost the same time.

Other superiors in the Upper Universe Realm of the Tianmu, the gods are running crazily, wanting to preserve the Heaven and Earth Avenue where the imprinted lines of the gods of the Tianmu divine dynasty, so as to revive these upper universe gods.


The two rounds of galaxies behind the first Tai Sui and the second Tai Sui rose up, locking the void, and obliterating the lines within the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

The four upper universe **** generals died in such a desperate manner!

All this happened so quickly that it was dizzying.

But the ancient existence of spectators is thoughtful.

Only those strong in Shangyu Dao realm looked far away.

There was a sudden flash of light in their eyes.

"The Tianmu Divine Dynasty has infinite background, but if this battle continues, the Celestial Corps will inevitably be defeated."

"So... is the Tianmu Shencha going to make a bold move to extinguish Tai Cang, or should he continue to let Tai Cang grow?"

Jiu Xiangyuan, Qi Yuan Demon God and Human Face Demon Spider glanced at each other.

In their eyes, their thoughts were clearly revealed.

That is... pleasure!

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, now a vicious tiger is about to be bitten by a young tiger that has just been born.

How can this make them unhappy?

More importantly...

"Although the Tianmu is extremely powerful, the power contained in it is unimaginable."

"However, even in a country like the Tianmu, there are still some fearful existences... Once the Tianmu Divine Chao splits up more power to deal with too much power, then the Tianmu is equivalent to being defeated!"

God Chitong looked indifferent, but there was a crimson flame burning in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Just when the spirits of these strong men collided.

An unexpected scene has happened.

Far away!

Heaven and earth collide.

Wearing a gray robe and pinching the seal, his old face appeared at the end of the void with a breathtaking and majestic supreme being.

He was angry and majestic.

The strength does not seem to be in the Upper Universe Realm, but it is not like the Upper Universe Realm, which is surprising.

"Tianmu Shenchao, Yuanzhou Tianyin!"

Jiu Xiangyuan raised his head, his handsome face, like a peerless girl, revealed a bit of surprise.

"Yuan Zhou Tian Yin Xuying is here, do you want to shoot it yourself?"

"In the long and ancient years, Yuan Zhou Tianyin has never made a move. It is rumored that he has never achieved the Shangyu Dao realm, but he is the most lofty existence of the Daxi God Dynasty except the God Emperor!

Where is Ye Xian, the **** of Tiance? Why does Yuan Zhou Tianyin appear here? "

The voice of the Qi Yuan demon **** rumbling.

These Shangyu Daojing's eyes became more and more curious.

Even Ji Xia on the Star Swallowing Heavenly Dragon turned her head to look at Yuan Zhou Tian Yin!



Yuan Zhou Tianyin did not look at Ji Xia, but fell in love with the gods who were watching the battle~www.readwn.com~ His beard was fluttering, and the light in his eyes was majestic and dazzling.

Even if it is an illusory image, the void around him is dying out and blasting!

"Guwu God Dynasty, Shen Xuan God Dynasty, want to use Tai Cang to contain the third eye, in order to weaken the power of the third eye... this is understandable!"

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's voice was filled with a certain kind of unparalleled power.

"Originally, Tianmu didn't care.

But now...presumably Gu Wu and Shen Xuan have all seen the power that Tai Cang possesses.

Until now, God Sovereign Ziri and Wushuang Longgong, do you still want to be profitable fishermen? "

Yuan Zhou Tian Yin divine consciousness circulation.

The powerhouses of the gods and the realm of Taoism suddenly became solemn.

For a time, countless thoughts flowed, and the void fell into silence.

Yuan Zhou Tianyin saw this scene, a quiet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Tianmu doesn't want people to sit big, do Gu Wu and Shen Xuan want to see another great breath, another great cauldron standing in the boundless wilderness, and you and I can't breathe?"

"It used to be too weak and weak, but now, Tai Cang Emperor Ji is very ambitious. If the two gods Shen Xuan and Gu Wu still want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, then..."

Yuan Zhou Tianyin's eyes are sharp and deep, as if there is endless wisdom hidden!

I saw him gently pointing to the void.

In the void, a compass appeared, and there was a burst of light on the compass, as if it contained the world.

"Tianmu is never a tool."

"Zi Sun God Sovereign, Long Gong Wushuang, if you don't make a move, then today, the Tianmu Tianqi army will also retreat!"

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