I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1086: God Void God Lord, Tombs in the Underworld [Four K]

  Chapter 1086 Tomb of God Void God Lord Underworld [4K]

  The past fifty years have passed since spring and autumn.

  Tai Cang's everything is the same as before, the people still live and work in peace and contentment, and Guozuo's strength is still thriving.

  In just a few thousand years, Tai Cang seems to have become an orderly, rigorous and precise machine.

  Those weak and small people worked hard to produce, and became parts of Tai Cang Guo Zuo's machine.

  While they are living their lives steadily, they also use their own strength to build the sky.

  The people are diligent in planting various spiritual rice, spiritual plants, and breeding many spiritual beasts.

  At the same time, these weak people of the human race continued to practice following Tai Cang's footsteps to make themselves stronger.

  Taicang’s various industries have been systematized and scaled up.

  For example, it has been delegated to the private pill refining system.

  To refine a Shangluo-level pill.

  First of all, many people need to work together to plant elixir.

  The elixir is mature, and another batch of people will be roughed and transported.

  After being transported to the elixir factory, it will be refined, and the processing procedures will be improved and then distributed to the major alchemy factories, where it will be refined by the alchemist.

  Pharmacists purchase, put on shelves, sell, or export as a whole.

  This series of industrial chains has fed an unknown number of people.

  Tai Cang seems to be overwhelmingly populous.

  In fact, because of the reflection of the power of Guozuo and the action of many gods.

  Tai Cang is rich in domestic resources, fertile land, and powerful.

  Even if it is rain, it can bring a good harvest.

  Tai Cang has effectively planned these resources, cooperated with the grassroots management system, and the education system as a national policy of Tai Cang finally exerted its power, all of which made Tai Cang unprecedented wealth.

   Long ago.

  Taicang no longer needs to rely on plunder to feed the people of the country.

  The country can already produce and sell on its own, and is self-sufficient.

  The reason why he keeps exporting elixirs and spiritual weapons is just for the accumulation of wealth.

  This can be seen.

  Tai Cang’s early plans are foresight.

  The Heavenly Court network and the extremely developed transportation system allow such a vast Taicang to be fully connected.

  The vast market has also been completely opened up.

   With demand, Tai Cang people can produce, and they can continuously accumulate wealth for Tai Cang.

  At the same time, I also make my life richer.

  In the early days, the imperial court did not need to plunder wealth through a large number of wars in order to maintain the operation of Guozuo.

more importantly……

  For the people of the human race, a happy life has become the norm.


  Tai Cang Xue Palace and Sheng Wen Mansion believed that the Tai Cang Zi people could not be immersed in comfort from beginning to end.

   is like what the great emperor of the early days said: born in sorrow, dying in happiness, not forgetting danger, prosperity must worry about decline.

  " Take more mirror images about human history. When many mysterious people in the mysterious pavilion travel to many outer heavens and three dynasties, they will also bring back many images of human subjects.

  Let the Taizangzi people know.

  In a distant place, there are still racial compatriots who are living that miserable life.

  Once my people are too careless, then maybe one day, we will also return to the sad situation of our ancestors.

  Remember! Don't forget. "

   Tai Cang Xue Palace Pleiades has been dedicated to correcting the thinking of Tai Cang people for many years, so that they will not fall into depravity.

  The better point is.

  The battle between many forces in the boundless wilderness, most of which are races.

   Even if there are peacemakers and surrender factions, there are very few traitors.

  After all, there is a huge gap between race and race.

  Even if they are the same god-shaped race, there are very obvious differences.

  The difference in appearance, blood, body, true spirit... and so on, makes almost all lives understand... betraying the race, in fact, there will be no benefit.

  When other races see your appearance, they will not accept you from the bottom of their hearts.

because of this.

  Tai Cang hasn't seen any traitors in the past many years.

   More than fifty years have passed.

  Taicang still has obvious changes.

  For example, the sky in the sky has been embedded in the nine outer heavens.

   is called the Nine Realms of God Void.

   Each of the nine outer heavens has 16 passages to connect with a gate, arranged in the sky of the sky, and used to connect the mainland of Kyushu.

  These extraterrestrial heavens are much bigger than ordinary extraterrestrial heavens.

  In every outer sky, there are tens of millions of human race cities, and there are trillions, even more than ten trillion human race creatures living in them.

  Most of these human beings migrated and were placed in these outer heavens by the imperial court of the early days.

  Nine Realms of God Void is just a preliminary plan.

  In the plan of the Imperial Court in the early days, the Eighteenth Realm of God Void will be established.

  "General Ji Qianqing has led a million Great Silver Dragons to the outer space of four alien realms."

  In a special secret realm, in a magnificent palace...

  Nine gods are sitting on their thrones.

  After many years, they have become a lot more mature.

  It was Ling Jian, the former prince of a small country who spoke just now.

  Ling Jian is wearing a Chinese dress and a high crown, making him extremely stable.

  The ones that confronted him are Yuewu and Yuhuang.

  The two teenagers were sitting side by side, and a trail of gods appeared behind them.

  Island is no longer the old star spirit body.

  His current bloodline has been sublimated again.

  He sits in the hall, and there is a steady flow of spirits around him, pouring into his body, making Yu Huang no longer stronger all the time.

   "The four alien races in the outer heavens have been enslaving the weaker races in the distant ages, and some of the strong men's actions are even more cruel."

  Yuhuang’s eyes were calm, as if he was thinking of some past events: “There is an outer space in which the whole people refine puppets. The puppets are like walking corpses, but they can help them with homework and labor.

  The human race is the cheapest puppet. "

   "Some strong human puppets often need special techniques to refine them, and most of them die in pain."

  Shang Qianqian's two horsetails are suspended in the sky, matching her large and gorgeous robes, it looks graceful and solemn.

  Shang Qianqian today is no longer the stubborn girl when she first arrived in Tai Cang.

  I saw Shang Qianqian's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes overflowing with murderous intent: "General Ji Qianqing led the army forward.

  Those who do evil in the outer heavens will inevitably pay the corresponding price.

  The weak lower level doesn’t have to be killed, they will be banished to the boundless wild and empty place, giving them a chance to live.

  In this way, it can be regarded as a fairness for the people of the human race who died in pain. "

  Qiyin is the leader of Jiuqiyin, and he has always been radical.

   shook his head at the moment: "Why is it so troublesome, but it is some alien beings who will completely obliterate them, and it will be easier to come."

  , Ji Chijun, who has been listening attentively, does not seem to agree with the words of the Lord Abandoned.

  I saw her stand up, looked around at the crowd, and said, "The reason Tai Cang chose the four outer heavens is because the dominant races of these outer heavens have a deep hatred with the human race.

  Even if Tai Cang Erlang kills countless lives, it will not go against Tai Cang civilization. "

   "And those weak creatures in the outer world, in fact, do not have the right to choose, and we don't need to kill them all."

   "Otherwise, what is the difference between us and those demonic kingdoms?"

   Ji Chiyan spoke, everyone nodded one after another, the Lord Abandoned thoughtfully.

   "Seventeen heavenly gods outside the realm are waiting outside the Shenxu Palace."

  Outside the magnificent palace, the palace guards announced loudly.

  A smile appeared at the corner of Nan Huai's mouth.

  He raised his head and said with a chuckle: "Tai Cang Chuan Ling, these gods from the outer world of the human race do not dare to neglect, they have already come too long to wait."

  In addition to the four outer heavens of the alien world, the mysterious pavilion has discovered the 17 outer heavens of the human race hidden in the depths of the void.

  At this moment, these extraterrestrial gods come to the Shenxu Palace to discuss whether to submit to Taicang and dedicate the extraterrestrial under their control.

  Lian Nian and Lian Si glance at each other.

  Lian Nian said: "Guess how many of the seventeen outer heavens are willing to belong to the Taicang? Now that they are too strong and strong, maybe these outside heavens are willing to merge into the Taicang.

  In this way, they no longer need to hide. "

  Lian Si, as a younger sister, looks more mature than Lian Nian as an older brother. Her eyes are calm and she said, “Now the whole boundless wilderness, knows the three great evil dynasties.

  Almost all powerful forces believe that after the Tianmu has dealt with the disaster in the country, Tai Cang will definitely not be able to continue to exist.

  These extraterrestrial news are not blocked.

   At this time, Tai Cang Chuan made them have to come, but if they knew Tai Cang would let them choose spontaneously.

  I even suspect that... among the seventeen outer heavens, there are no more than seven of them who are willing to merge into the sky. "

  Ling Jian's eyes were deep: "Seven? Still overestimated.

  I heard that these outside gods are waiting for the emperor to be summoned. They must have heard the name of the emperor’s benevolence and want to sit down and beg for the emperor. "

  Several gods are silent all the time.

  Exterior Heavenly Ruler is no longer a noble character to Tai Cang now.

  The size of Ether Cang may not be as lofty as the master of a domain.

   Ji Xia is busy with government affairs and has to practice on weekdays, so there is really no time to meet in person.

   "In any case, Tai Cang will not force them."

   Ji Chiyin's voice is far-reaching: "If you are willing to join Tai Cang, you will be able to enjoy Tai Cang's resources, and you will be safe and secure from then on.

  The strong in the outer world can also go further on the road to pursue the avenue, and step into the divine realm is no problem. "

  "Unwilling to join Tai Cang, Tai Cang will not force it.

  These outer worlds have been stable for too long, and they may think that they can stay alone for a long time.

  In the current situation, we don’t have to expect them to choose too much, everything just happens. "

  Everyone agrees and nods one after another.

   Just when everyone is discussing.

  A divine light shines from a distance.

  Shen Guang envelops a divine beast car.

  Eighteen beasts drove an extremely magnificent jade car.

  Nine gods and gods all stood up and greeted them.

  The existence on the jade cart is a stalwart body, with the powerful existence of Galaxy in his eyes.

  This existence wears a high crown, with extraordinary bearing.

  The person who came was Shi Yang.

   is also the current **** of the Nine Realms of God Void.

  Shi Yang is in Tai Cang, enough to be regarded as a veteran.

  And along this path, because the power of Tai Cang Guo Zuo continued to grow stronger, Shi Yang's talent was also constantly changing.

  The current Shi Yang, although his strength is not too strong, he is already at the pinnacle of Dao Ze. After assuming a high position, more Guo Zuo power poured in.

  He will be able to reach the upper universe soon.

  Allowing him to serve as the God Void God Lord was also the result of Ji Xia's deliberation.

  Shi Yang, whether it is qualifications, ability, or cultivation base, is sufficient to take on this great task.

  The frame of the beast flies into the hall.

  The throne under Shiyang's body flew up and flew up to the high platform. He raised his hand slightly and said, "Proclaim seventeen human alien rulers!"


  From the immemorial times, and even before the destruction, the unjust souls are constantly roaring and crying.

  The universe, the stars, and the ocean all look extremely bleak.

  On the dark altar, there are ancient strong men singing taboo ballads.

  Countless bones of gods, scattered in this deep place, exuding almost endless spirit.

  This is a cemetery!

  I don’t know how many strong men between heaven and earth have been buried.

  The monstrous devilish qi obscured the sky, causing the dead stars to tremble constantly.

   There was a faint light revealed.

  Green, like the pupil of a ghost, very quiet.

  This is the cemetery and tomb of the Hades.

  In the boundless and mysterious underworld, such a place is unknown.

  Here is the darkest and deepest place between heaven and earth.

  There is a breath of death here, and no life can exist here.


  At this moment.

  In this weird tomb, there is a hazy figure in white clothes.

  The figure in white clothes walks in the endless bones of the gods.

  Her steps are heavy, her eyes seem very dim, the spiritual essence on her body has almost been extinguished, and the flame of heaven and human in her heart is burning to the extreme.

   is like an extremely beautiful dancer, walking in the world.

  The only pity is that her performance may be about to end.

   "The seventy-two six thousand four hundred tombs."

   "It's still not here. The Emperor Yuan Yan was never buried here."

  She whispered silently.

  Dense beads of sweat condensed on the forehead.

  It's hard to imagine, there will be sweat left in this kind of existence.

  The white-clothed girl walked towards the void, towards another dark world.

  At her heart~www.readwn.com~ there are many primitive runes soaring, covering her body and face.

   "If I still can't find it... Maybe I should go back sooner."

   "Otherwise... I might have to sleep in these tombs."

   "There is no way to go back to Monan, and no way to go back...too Cang."

  The girl in white gave a rare wry smile.

   "It seems to be a little brave."

at this time.

  In a tomb in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared.

  This figure wears a ghost mask on its face, and there are twenty-four real dragons flying and roaring behind him.

  It's just different from ordinary real dragons.

  The twenty-four true dragons have no flesh and blood, and they are all ferocious bone dragons.

  He was standing in that tomb, watching the girl in white from a distance.

   Silent and indifferent.

   Then turn around.

  (End of this chapter)

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