I Have a Mythical Tree

Chapter 1087: Nest Evil, Yuan Xuan God Burial【Four K】

  Chapter 1087 Chao Evil Yuanyao God Burial【4K】


  Among the seventeen human secret realms, only three secret realms are willing to merge into Tai Cang, and the original ruler of the outer heavens will become the minister of Tai Cang.

  Many powerful people in the outer world will also become Tai Cang’s subjects.

   And among the other fourteen outer heavens, three other outer heavens are willing to merge into Tai Cang, but they all have corresponding conditions.

  For example, there is Outer Heaven among them, who want to join Taicang in name, but are unwilling to migrate to Taicang Void.

  There are also outer heavens who want to move to Tai Cang. While enjoying Tai Cang’s resources, they want to govern by themselves. If Tai Cang wants to move his people, he must open up other land and stars in the outer heavens.

   What's more, after Shen Xu Shen's Master Shi Yang made it clear that he would not force these human races outside the world, they immediately resigned.

  It’s like being afraid of staying too far, the next moment there will be an army of gods.

  They, who were originally supreme in the heavens outside their respective realms, would die unclearly.


  There are also impassioned people.

  They are willing to send strong men to join Tai Cang to defend Tai Cang against incoming enemies, and they are also willing to put down the supreme status of glory in the outer sky, and come to Tai Cang to serve as the generals of the human race.

   But he was unwilling to let the people under the rule come too far.

  The reason is still that they are not optimistic about Tai Cang's future.

  The three great dynasties are too powerful, and they are the rulers of the boundless wilderness.

  The power is stronger than the kingdoms other than the gods.

The majesty of the sacred dynasty has penetrated into the hearts of these outer heavenly masters.

  They are willing to dedicate themselves to the human race, and they are willing to join Tai Cang, perhaps with the will of death.

  Naturally, he is unwilling to let the people under the rule send along with them.

  Willing to join Tai Cang, and believe that Tai Cang can open up a smooth path for the human race, there are only three outer heavens.

  A lot less than Ji Chiyan expected.

  Shi Yang didn't feel a pity, and even his expression remained unchanged.

  He just ordered the three masters to return to their outer space for the time being, and Tai Cang would naturally send the strong to move the outer space.

  As for the other fourteen masters, Shi Yang didn't criticize them, and let them go back.

  Before leaving, Shi Yang also exhorted: "You must be cautious and careful not to expose the place of the outer world."

  Shi Yang is certainly not worried about these high-ranking people.

  It’s just that these a dozen human worlds are so populous, once they are discovered by other nations, they will inevitably usher in great disasters.

   may cause a large number of human subjects to die.

  Seventeen outer rulers of the heavens left.

In   Shenxu Palace, several gods and gods looked at each other.

  "Among these heavenly superiors from outside the world, there are many who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their race, and there are also those who are greedy for life and fear of death.

  This is not surprising, after all, it is also very important to assess the situation. "

  "Tai Cang is now in the eyes of many forces, and may soon be reduced to ruins, and too many strong will also fall. Hundreds of billions of people and people may be transformed into nutrients for the heaven and the earth.

  Under such circumstances, it is actually no wonder that these outer heavens dominate. "

   Ji Chiyan whispered softly.

The Lord Ziyin frowned and said: "It's just that even if you don't join Tai Cang, these outer worlds are closed for a long time, and they don't have any help for the boundless wild human race.

  Inherited the legacy of the ancestors of the human race, but took it for granted that he was unwilling to contribute the slightest, which was really annoying. "

  ... Several gods fell silent.

  Finally, Shi Yang stood up, his burly body, majestic and majestic.

   "It's okay, the powerful human races in the secret realm and the outer sky are only a few after all.

  Most of the human races are weak, they are willing to throw their heads and blood in order to no longer be enslaved, and they are willing to give their lives in order to give their descendants a stable world.

  So... these secret realms and outer heavens are no longer important to Tai Cang. "

  Shi Yang said this, the confidence in his eyes also bloomed.

   "The current Tai Cang is not what it used to be. Even without the help of these people from outside the human world, the Tai Cang personnel can rise.

  For example, today, Tai Cang needs five outer heavens to be able to fully establish the eighteen days of God's Void, but today only three outer heavens merge into Tai Cang.

  However...this is not a big problem for Tai Cang. "

  I saw Shi Yang spread his hands and wiped away the clouds and mist.

  After seeing the clouds and mist, there are millions of great silver dragons with a mighty aura, and the spirit essence is surging like a stormy sea.

   "Since these human race outer worlds are unwilling, then we will look for a few foreign race outer worlds!"

  Upper dry palace.

   Jixia, Jiufeng, and Bai Qi are looking at a black crock in front of them.

  There are many runes on the black crock.

  These runes look unremarkable.

  But in the eyes of Ji Xia and others, it seemed extremely mysterious and mysterious.

  Look carefully, this black earthen jar seems to be carved with an epic.

  "From these runes, I seem to have seen the birth and collapse of an unsurpassed world. I have seen the emergence from nothing, and the emergence of nothing but destruction."

  The phantom of the phoenix loomed in Jiufeng’s eyes.

   Jiufeng, who has always been calm, looked quite surprised to see this black crock.

  Even Ji Xia sighed and said, “When I got this altar of treacherousness, I didn’t have enough eyesight. I didn’t expect...this altar of treacherousness was sealed with such terrible things."

  Jixia said this, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Moreover, the aura permeated by the contents...seems to be somewhat similar to the nest evil ancient god."



  The girl in white is returning home in clothes.

  In this long time, Chengyigui has been wandering in this mysterious and seemingly boundless place.

  In the vast nothingness, tombs are suspended in the air.

  These tombs are often turned into the corpses of the supremely powerful, and the corpses are condensed into continents, stars, and even galaxies.

   and then continue to carry other existing corpses.

  The bones of the gods turned into lofty mountains, and the **** breath of death condensed into **** clouds.

  The eyes of the ancient powerhouse also turned into stars. Although there was no light shining out, it filled with a strange and gloomy atmosphere.

  Here is the tomb community of Hades.

   Chengyi returned thousands of years ago, and said goodbye to Ji Xia, through some special ways, incarnate the dead, and walked into this place of death!

  In her heart, that strange divine treasure concealed all her body and breath, that divine hidden and true spirit.

   Let Chengyigui be able to wander and walk in this enclosed universe.

  Several tombs and cemeteries flowed from under her feet.

   Chengyigui was disappointed again and again.


  Just like what he said when Chengyigui said goodbye to Ji Xia.

  The reason why she came to the Hades was to find the Emperor Yuanyan.

   Chengyi knows some deep secrets.

  She knew that the Emperor Yuanyan had died, but she still had extremely powerful power.

  If you can find the corpse of the Emperor Yuanyan.

  Perhaps the mission of the Celestial Blood descended on Chengyigui's body, and it may be completed faster.

  She can also return to Monan to see those relatives and people who miss her.

  This is also the reason why Chengyigui walked into the underworld without hesitation.

  Underworld is extremely mysterious, although there is no trace of the boundless wilderness.

  However, the Return of Chengyi clearly knew that there must be a great danger in the underworld.

In this situation.

  She will solemnly bid farewell to Ji Xia, and tell Ji Xia that maybe she will return in a hundred or thousand years.

  There is also a possibility that she will never return.

  Maybe it is because of this farewell.

  In these many years, Chengyigui can always remember that not many moments of intersection.

   Ji Xia's calm face and calm voice always appeared in Cheng Yigui's mind.

   Chengyigui is not in conflict with all of this.

  I just think that because of these pictures, the passage of time is getting slower and slower.

   "But there are always benefits."

   "For example, because of these images, my motivation to search for tombs and complete my mission has become more vigorous."

  Even if I saw that mysterious powerhouse.

Ji Xia also appeared in the mind of Cheng Yi Gui.

  Perhaps it was because Chengyigui could clearly perceive that this mysterious powerhouse with 24 true dragons circling behind him is not hostile to her.

  The strange ghost-faced strong man turned around and walked in the void.

Cheng Yigui hesitated for a short moment.

   stepped forward, following the figure of the ghost-faced strong man, walking towards the depths of Zhou Yu.

  Those tombs passed by Chengyigui.

  The speed of the strong ghost face is extremely fast, even the return of the clothes, who has revived the heart of the heavenly man, is just barely following.

Cheng Yigui felt a little surprised.

  This period of time in the underworld allowed her to fully resuscitate the hearts of heaven and human beings.

  Acquired generations of celestial beings, almost unimaginable power and inheritance.

  Despite such a short time, Chengyigui could not fully digest these powers and inheritance.

  But there is no doubt that the strength of Chengyi's return is already extremely strong.

  Especially Chengyigui’s talent and savvy, it has been elevated to an unimaginable level.

In this situation.

  Cheng Yi Gui was surprised to find that the various supernatural powers exuded by the mysterious powerhouse in front of her turned out to be mysterious and unparalleled in her eyes.

   Even today’s Chengyigui can not see through.

   "The twenty-four real dragons, each real dragon seems to be an ancestor of the dragon clan, and everything circulating in their aura looks extremely noble...

  Perhaps, these real dragons came from the Primordial Era, or even before the Great Shattered. "

  Chengyi thought so in her heart.

   "In any case, this mysterious strong man is not hostile to me, and seems to be leading me."

  Cheng Yi Gui, holding this idea in his heart, marched all the way.

   Decades have passed.

  I don’t know how many underworld tombs have been crossed.

  Finally, the ghost-faced powerhouse who kept moving forward suddenly stopped in front of a dark canyon.

  This dark canyon is very strange.

   originally seemed very ordinary, but when Chengyigui and the ghost face strong, walked into a specific area.

  They saw the anomaly of Dark Canyon.

  Looking from afar, there are many fires in the dark canyon, which are constantly drifting.

  In these fires, there are many wonderful inscriptions, which continue to rise, as if they are guarding something.

  The strong ghost face stayed outside the canyon, turned his head and looked at Chengyigui.

   Then...in the surprised eyes of Chengyi Guigui.

  In the center of the twenty-four real dragons, a real dragon entangled itself.

  A vortex emerged in the center of the real dragon body that was huge enough to penetrate several worlds.

  The ghost face powerhouse seemed to have no hesitation, stepped into the vortex and disappeared.

   Chengyigui's complexion is as usual, but he still feels very puzzled.

  "Why should this mysterious strong man help me?"

   "Looking at the grimace mask on his face, it looks like the Soul Swallowing General in the Underworld, but...Can the Soul Swallowing General in the Underworld also be so powerful?"

Chengyigui was a little puzzled.

  She doesn't know much about the underworld, but she also knows that the soul swallowing general is just a peripheral member of the underworld, and can't even enter the core.

  The mission of the Soul Swallowing General is to wander in the boundless wild universe and devour the lost souls that have lost their way but never dissipated.

  As for why it should be swallowed, there should be a deeper secret.

  Chengyigui can be sure that a soul-swallowing general, even the strongest of the soul-swallowing generals, cannot have such a powerful strength at all.

   "I can travel through the tombs of the underworld so freely, but brought me to the dark tombs. Who is this mysterious strong man... on earth?"

   Chengyi returned to ponder for a long time, but there was no clue.

   Simply threw the incomprehension in his mind behind his head, staring far at the dark canyon in front of him.

at the same time.

  The heart of the heavenly being returned by clothing is beating violently.

  There are messages coming from among them.

  These information convinced Chengyigui that the Dark Canyon is what she was looking for

   also let Cheng Yigui feel relieved, at least the ghost-faced powerhouse is indeed helping her, and there is no conspiracy in it.

   Perceiving a lot of information in the hearts of heaven and humans, Chengyigui took a deep breath and stepped out.

  In just one step, he crossed a long distance and stepped into the canyon.

  The moment he walked back into the gorge with his clothes, the countless fires rang out loudly.

  The fiery flames vigorously emerged from between the sky and the earth, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a flame giant.

  There are so many mysterious runes beating on these flame giants, and terrifying power surging out from them.

   Chengyi returned to stand in the middle of these giants, with a calm expression.

  I saw her stick out her long jade hand, and a bronze token ~www.readwn.com~ appeared in his hand.

   On the back of this bronze token, there is a scarlet flame engraved with it, and there seems to be countless inheritance flowing in it, and many years have passed.

  On the front of the bronze token, there are two dragons and phoenixes written on it.

   "Same fire!"

  Just these two words, it is the reason why a race can survive in a long history, and it has never been cut off.

  The moment the bronze token appeared in Dark Canyon.

  The violent aura of many flame giants suddenly converged.

   Immediately afterwards, the flame giant's body completely dissipated, and once again turned into flames.

  Tinder takes off, paving the way for the inheritance of the fire.

  At the end of the road, a dark, gorgeous and magnificent sky dome stands.

  In the middle of the sky, there is a tombstone with the same bronze color.

There are only four characters on the tombstone.

  Yuanyan God Burial!

  (End of this chapter)

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